My daughter
#49037 - 03/09/04 02:01 PM
I think my daughter has IBS-C. I have IBS-D. She has been to many doctors and GI specialists and has every test imaginable. A couple of the docs "think" she may have IBS. The rest say there is nothing wrong with her - all in her head. I am trying to get her to try the Eating for IBS Diet, but she is so discouraged she doesn't want to try anything any more. Does anyone have any words of wisdom that I can share with her and help her?
-------------------- Heather
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Oooo those bad doctors! They make me sooo mad. Some tried doing that to me when I developed IBS - my Dad ended up ringing the doctor's and bollocking them, getting me an appointment that day with the best doc there (a lovely, lovely man!).
If you're daughter's had all the tests (blood work/colonoscopy, etc) then it's probably IBS. Why not make some of your favourites (ADBrownies spring to mind) for her WITHOUT telling her they're for the "diet"? Soy milkshakes are also good for this - kids love them whatever. And oven cooked potato wedges instead of chips.... You get the idea! Also, you could add some Acacia to a morning drink (just make sure you stir it properly to dissolve it throughly!). Then she'd hopefully get some relief which would put her in a more positive mood about it all.
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I like Linz' idea about the ADBs. Your daughter would never know they're IBS-safe. Another idea is my Chocolate Banana Frostie. It looks like a chocolate shake (well, it actually IS) and is IBS-safe. YUM!
Now Linz, what is "bollocking"?
-------------------- <img src="">Bevvy
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I like these suggestions!
If your daughter likes herbal tea, see if you can get her to start drinking peppermint tea first thing in the morning and after meals. Give her some Altoids to chew on without mentioning that they're for IBS.
There are a lot of kid-friendly recipes in the IBS Newsletters here Newsletters that you could just make without saying a word about them. And see if you can just get your daughter to have a piece of fresh white bread before her meals or whenever her stomach is empty. Just hand her a piece a couple of times a day as a snack - you don't have to even mention why.
Not sure how old she is, but she might identify with the First Year IBS intro which is here web page as it has my story starting at age nine, and I went through a lot of discouragement and hearing "there's nothing wrong with you" just like she has.
- H
-------------------- Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!
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Thank you for the suggestions. I'll try what you say. She is rather headstrong so being sneaky would probably work. I have suggested she try my Accacia but she has not done so. She's at the age where "mothers don't know anything"!
-------------------- Heather
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My daughter is 23. She was an abused child whom I adopted when she was 16. She has had tummy problems all her life(imagine that) but it took her a long time to tell me or a doctor all the details. She's had all the GI tests, including the one for gastroparesis. She told the doctors that she can't eat eggs but they gave them to her anyway (my research showed that they could have used oatmeal instead). She learned long before I did that eggs are bad for IBS.
-------------------- Heather
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Heather F
#50804 - 03/15/04 11:26 AM
Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA
Wow. I feel for your daughter. She's had a rough time of it, so far, and to have to mess with diets and so forth is a bother she probably doesn't want to add to the mix.
Unfortunately, she'll need to address it at some point if she wants to see improvement.
Naturally, it doesn't help when medicine fails. Eat eggs. PLEASE! I always say "listen to your body." If it tells you something is "wrong," then it usually is! And she was right, wasn't she?!
Advice.... Words of wisdom....
Would she talk to just one of us, instead of checking out the whole board? She could always write to me... I'm not wise, but I have experience with C! (I'm IBS-A) I can at least talk to her about trying the tea or cutting out one or two triggers as a test...
You're on the diet? Has it given you any relief? 'Cause leading by example is always a way to go... Of course, since you have D and she has C, she may remain unconvinced, but it may catch her attention enough to broach the subject again...
I'm going to keep mulling this over. I feel badly for her 'cause I know what it's like to be sick and frustrated and fed-up enough to want to ignore the whole shebang!
Keep me posted...
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