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Link between IBS, chronic fatigue syndromes, and sinusitis
      #47637 - 03/02/04 06:33 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I've read there's a potential link between chronic fatigue (fibromyalgia...that is a CFS, right?) and IBS. Now some are saying CFS may actually be a result of sinusitis. A few of us on the board with IBS have also had chronic sinusitis. I wonder if these things are realted...

Here is an article I found linking CFS and sinusitis. What do you guys think? (Btw, I have ANOTHER sinus infection, fever, and bronchitus...started Saturday is the 1st time I've had energy to sit up at the computer!!)

Thanks for your thoughts everyone!


Formerly known as Ruchie

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Question for Ruchie new
      #47640 - 03/02/04 06:43 PM

Reged: 02/11/04
Posts: 837

Hi Ruchie!
I'm really interested because I've been fighting a sinus infection for months now. I just finished another round of antibiotics, but I feel like giving up! It's with me all the time! I'm very interested in this! Are you on antibiotics a lot, too? And decongestants, antihistimines and all that? In the past I've had bronchitis and pneumonia, too, as a result of sinusitis. Have you ever found any home remedies for sinus problems? I've had a sore throat from it for weeks, and nothing is helping me. My daughter has a lot of problems like this, too. She has a cold, ear infections, and sinus problems constantly. (She's 23 and has fought this stuff her whole life, just like me.) I'm new to the boards and this is the first I've heard of a possible connection. I know how draining these infections can be! When I had pneumonia, I became so depleted nutritionally; I had to drink Boost (which is like Ensure), for two months just to build myself back up. But, you probably already know how horribly draining these things are. Do you have to do things to build yourself up, too? I just wanted to tell you that I really feel for you. I hope you get to feeling well very, very soon!! btw, I just finished a round of Omnicef and I'm wondering what antibiotic you are on! I felt better after taking it, but it didn't kick it completely. When I had pneumonia, I was on three rounds before I finally overcame it. I'm just really sorry to hear you're ill. Sorry for rambling on and on. (It's just so frustrating!)

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Oop,s I forgot to post the it is! new
      #47641 - 03/02/04 06:45 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Link between IBS, chronic fatigue syndromes, and sinusitis new
      #47648 - 03/02/04 07:33 PM

Reged: 02/23/04
Posts: 514

I find it interesting that several of you have had sinusitis. I had it for over a year, got weaker and weaker and into emergency ward 2-3 x with rapid heartbeat, horrible headaches, dizziness, off and on feverishness and just exhaustion and of course, they didn't know what was wrong. Told them I had had 3-4 colds during the year which isn't at all normal for me. Finally while laying on my stomach sleeping one night everything broke loose and I brought in the evidence for the doctor to see I was right. My iron was down to only 8 or 9 which is normally over 100. I was on iron tabs 3x a day for months and off work to get my strength up along with antibiotics. I keep running into doctors that don't have a clue.

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Re: Oop,s I forgot to post the it is! new
      #47655 - 03/03/04 12:42 AM

Reged: 02/24/04
Posts: 1955
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Wow, this is really interesting. I've had chronic sinusitis since I was nine...I've had my head x-rayed at least 25 times! (not that that is necessarily a good thing). I too have been on antibiotics a lot, to the point now where my doc is really hesistant to prescribe anything, only if the sinusues are really bad, otherwise it's up to me and the decongestants. I take an antihistamine everyday and frequently have to take decongests and Buckley's on top of that. I wonder...if the sinusitis came first, since so many people have to be on antibiotics for so long with that and antiobiotics mess with your gut...maybe that's what contributes to the IBS link? Just a thought. I too get a lot of colds and bronchitis so I'm finding this very interesting. It's terrible, because my work is very unsympathetic about me missing a lot of days. They said they did a survey and the average person is only sick 2.4/days a year, and I'm sick so much more than that Anyone else with the sinus/gut connection out there?

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Re: Link between IBS, chronic fatigue syndromes, and sinusitis new
      #47656 - 03/03/04 01:48 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Hey Ruchie, hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself.

This sounds like really interesting research. I had sinusitus lots growing up and now I have IBS and fibro (I think). Makes some sort of sense. The IBS and fibro are def linked - the fibro only got really bad after I developed IBS.

Get better soon girlfriend!

Love Linz

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Re: sinusitis! new
      #47662 - 03/03/04 05:13 AM

Reged: 01/26/04
Posts: 75

Thanks for that post Ruchie! I have had TERRIBLE sinus problems for almost three years, and IBS for longer (10). Did you guys notice the sidebar of that article that Ruchie posted, a link to a Moyo clinic study showing that sinusitis is linked to a fungus (candida etc)? This might be an important clue for us to get better- I'm going to check it out with my naturopathic doc. For two years I've been trying to figure out which allergies are causing my problems, but have sinus flare-ups that don't make sense (no pollen, no forbidden foods). I was on antibiotics constantly when I was a kid, and I think this can make one more succeptible to fungus overgrowth since it wipes out good flora.
Anyone tried an anti-fungal treatment? Any results?

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fibro, CFS, IBS, sinuses... what a party! new
      #47665 - 03/03/04 05:54 AM

Reged: 08/11/03
Posts: 3252
Loc: Richmond, VA

Hi, Ruchie. Glad you're feeling a little better!

This is really interesting. I'm glad you pointed it out. I don't have sinus problems, but I see many people with IBS do!

Just to point out, though: CFS and fibro aren't clinically the same thing (as of studies right now), but they are linked somehow. And both co-exist with IBS frequently! Argh! Lotsa people with CFS have fibro, lots of fibro patients have CFS, lots of CFSers have IBS... you get the idea. I've been diagnosed with CFS and as you know, I've sure got the IBS!

Anyway, keep positive. Hope your sinus stuff gets much better, quickly!


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Re: Link between IBS, chronic fatigue syndromes, and sinusitis new
      #47669 - 03/03/04 06:46 AM
Heather Fraser

Reged: 01/08/04
Posts: 18
Loc: Ohio

I think you are right. I too have read articles about this link and believe it's definitely correct in my case. IBS all my life and sinus problems all my life. Chronic fatigue the last few years. But when I started the Eating for IBS Diet and have my IBS under control the chronic fatigue is a thing of the past and my sinus problems are getting better also. I feel like the "Poster Child" for the Eating for IBS Diet. The difference in my life is like night and day. I actually went somewhere new last week and did not even think about finding the location of the bathroom - something that was always the first thing I did.


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Re: Question for Ruchie new
      #47675 - 03/03/04 07:12 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA


Thakns for responding!!!

I have also been on antibiotic after antibiotic. I am onomnicef right now! Actually, I just got back from the ENT. He's putting me on PREDNISONE! I HATE it!

I feel for you and your daughter too...

Sorry...I was gonna reposnd o everyone...I'm feeling dizzy...I'll write more soon...


Formerly known as Ruchie

Edited by Ruchie (03/03/04 10:39 AM)

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