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Re: Gerikat, Sand, Syl new
      #365391 - 07/02/11 01:42 PM

Reged: 05/02/03
Posts: 1372

OK folks - I am going to cut to the chase, and be as kind and yet candid as I can - and my caveat here is that I am tyring to be helpful within my area of remit and my experience of working with IBS patients for over several years, and that I am still here - on a HOLIDAY weekend, as I always check to see if folks need me - thank you Gerikat for your graciousness and help - you are truly a GEM.... xx

So, I am not here to debate anything, just to state what I feel will be helpful to you - I have repeatedly put the FREE support line up - and no one from this BB has called it; because of pre-conceived ideas in helping people to have a 'fresh' view when coming to their hypno program, it isnt advisable to discuss back and forth and give folks undue expectations of what they may or may not experience - sometimes mindsets are developed when reading posts like these, that, had an individual gone into it 'clean' would give them a better and quicker result - not always - but it does color things.

Regarding this:


"... (for)Marilyn if it was 10 years ago, FODMAP is a more recent phenomenon I think, so her saying that diet never worked for her, maybe it would have, had she tried the FODMAP. But how could she, if it was not available/ in widespread use? "

Oh dear... are you actually saying, that it would have been better for me to be on the FODMAP diet (had it been available) for the rest of my life, and never ever have even tried the hypnotherapy - which DID help my IBS - and without being on a diet???????

With all due respect, that is ABSURD!!!

At one point, I was in the hospital after being on crackers and water for days - and had NPO - nothing by mouth - except ice chips - and still had symptoms with the barium!!!

I am NOT here to debate hypnotherapy and its benefits vs. diet.

I am here to state what has worked for me, and for many of the folks I speak with all over the nation : never ever have I said that hypno works for 100% - just as the data suggests - however - I 'love' the wording how hypno 'only' works for about 70% - YET - diet, supplements and meds work for only 50% - And no, I am not going to use my time to go look up the reference - and itsnt it interesting to note that in England, the NICE guidelines suggest hypno as ONE of the psychological treatments that are suggested after 12 months of conventional treatments not working - and then this is the treatment that usually works!

So, take meds, do diets, etc. first and put meds into your body first, and after a year of suffering, then do this as a last resort.

Michael has found that the folks he treats upon INITIAL diagnosis - before any other treatment for IBS is given - that these folks improve more quickly. Wonder why?

Because they have not had months or even years of "I have IBS and nothing works" thinking! IBS is not in the mind, but there are differences in the brain - there is a physical way the IBS sufferer perceives pain, visceral hypersensivity, eneteric nerve pathways that 'ingrain' symptoms/motility patterns, etc. so something is 'going on' in the body. It is not woo woo - as we all know that the mind and thinking creates bodily reaction - just think simply of an unexpected very loud noise or bang and how the body responds automatically (heart races, you jump, etc.)

Now I am NOT saying that if diets, etc work for you, then you should abandon the diet, etc - NOT saying that.

But what I AM saying, in just with the nature of the post content, is that it just may be that any hypno program may just not totally be of the benefit you seek ~

This is most likely either:

as mentioned in the stats - there are definitely some folks who do not respond to the 'method' of hypnotherapy - that is, they cannot get into that state in order for it to work properly (this is about 20% of the population in general.)

~ or because the individual is constantly reinforcing that they have IBS by reading about it, actively thinking about it, writing about it, doing the diets, micromanaging every aspect of their diet, and even lives (and yes, I did this too - and believe me, I know where you are now, but without even a diet working!!!)

~ they have other things going on besides IBS. It is my opinion - dont shoot me - (and as mentioned above) that if your symptoms of IBS are abated via diet, etc. you either have another condition such as lactose intolerance or sensitivity, etc. that isnt necessarily IBS in and of itself, but has been labeled so - and many people without IBS have difficulties with fat - we shouldnt be eating some of the things we eat anyway - eating crap and having D later is not IBS, but could develop into it!

You can have IBS in addition to other conditions that also causes IBS symptoms, and so the symptoms linger on even if the condition is addressed.

Michael and I have both met in person, (both in the US and the UK), the good doctor and grandfather of hypnosis for IBS and have listened to his lectures on hynosis. I can only say that all of Mike's very first IBS patients back in 1991 were desparate and had tried everything to help and their Gastros and GPs referred them to Michael at the medical centre he works at - as a very very last resort... Dr. W first published his findings in 1984 - this is where Michael turned for information about his research - but they do not have the same protocol - Michael developed his on his own over the course of a few years with patients he worked with for free. (You can read about this on this site.)

His results are very encouraging - but here is the thing....

Back then, the internet wasnt the same as now, of course, and BBs like this one werent around -

His patients came to him after other stuff was ruled out and nothing else helped.

These patients did not read or write or post about their symptoms (and again, I am here to state that I did... over and over again on another BB, so I am not being a pain here, I am just sharing with you the benefits of my OWN mistakes and findings!!!)

If the diet is working for you, then what are the symptoms you are trying to abate with hypno? While most people are able to 'go off' IBS diets after hypno, this does not mean everyone will, there are a number of folks who are on the EFI or other diet with great success, but used the hypno to take away those last remaining symptoms -especially the anxiety component - but there are those like myself, who no longer need the diet - so yes, as mentioned above - there are combinations and everyone is different.

The bottom line is this -

For MOST people, if you keep discussing, reading, researching, dissecting your diet and trying to figure out what works at the same time you are doing the hypno, and you will either be delaying or sabatoging your progress. Period.

After having IBS since 1983, speaking with others who have IBS since 2000, I have seen these patterns repeat over and over - and I KNOW hypnotherapy works for MOST of those people who, like I was, were at the end of their rope.

These are my experiences with myself and others, my thoughts, my opiniosn, and some facts thrown in - ONLY sharing to help if I can. I am not dissing diets or any other things you may do to help yourself feel better, and if you need to do it and it helps you - then go for it - I am only sharing what I know to be true for those folks I have worked with before, and what I am observing here.

Hypno should be used as a holistic approach alongside other treatments - however - it has been my finding that it is done after all else has failed, and becomes a stand alone treatment because of that fact.

And with 80 - 92% of Michael's patients showing good efficacy, that is pretty good - with close to 100% at least getting the benefit of better sleep, coping and calm at a minimum - and NO bad side effects - free support if needed.

So, unless something really different is asked or needed, I will leave it to your good selves to decide what is best for you - and if you are on the BBs reading and posting while doing the hypno, the process may still work and be helpful to you, but be aware of the other side to this as well.

And yes, most hypnotherapists will say that after a given number of sessions, if you have not seen any improvement, then to give it up. But thank the good Lord above, that I did not follow that - it may be true for some - but we have seen time and again, that NOT giving up can make all the difference. After all, you most likely have had IBS longer than the 100 days it takes - each of the sessions addresses a new thing and are interlinked in a way that progresses you along - if you stop early, you never get that initial benefit. Again, not everyone is helped, some to a small degree, and so forth - but MOST are helped, and MOST are able to walk away from IBS and their other past treatments.

Good wishes to you all in finding YOUR own way forward... I wish you all well! xx (((HUGS)))

My Journey and Success with the IBS Audio Program Hypnotherapy Program:

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Re: Hypno Questions new
      #365392 - 07/02/11 02:17 PM

Reged: 12/28/10
Posts: 108
Loc: The Netherlands

I am allergic to soy too.. :? (I'm very allergic to peanuts and in lighter grade to nuts and beans-also soy beans)

Indeed, I cannot eat pudding, although I think I can have small amounts of cornstarch. I've been trying it lately. But pudding (custard or plain cornstarch) makes me nauseous.
Xanthan gum? I could try that, thanx!! (I already tried potatoe-starch instead of cornstarch, but it tasts like crap for desserts !!)

I'm also not sure about the sugar anymore... I was tested (about a year ago now) by an electro-acupunturist, and sugar&honey came out to be 'intolerances'. So that's when I started avoiding sugar..
During the beginning of the EFI-diet I added sugar back. When I wasn't stable yet, I kept getting nauseous and I thought it was from sugar. If I look back at my food-dairy it might be possible I was confusing sugar with cornstarch. So I'm trying very small amounts of sugar for a few weeks now (as additives), and that seems to go ok.
Although I tried a handfull of baked crisps yesterday, which contains about 6g/100g sugar, and this morning I had quite some stomach pain.
But it could also be the orange juice from wednesday, too much peaches last week or perhaps the combination with my ovulation. I'm trying too much at once again

I think I've read someting about stevia, that it could be a FODMAP too..?? Not sure though.

Actually I use rice syrup for sweetening. I can use it as much as I want!!
So that's my sugar-alternative, although it might be much easier to be able to eat some 'normal/processed' food if sugar was no problem.

Something else: I tried yeast-flakes (as cheese-replacement!) and quorn (as meat replacement) buth both gave me nausea (same IBS-reaction as meat)!! Anyone knows what that might be??

PI-IBS-C/A nausea & very bad gastric pain
meds: lansoprazol+macrogol
started EFI +FODMAPs 1/2011. 'Relapse' for 8 months. Now partly back on track again with the diet..

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Re: Gerikat, Sand, Syl new
      #365393 - 07/02/11 02:30 PM

Reged: 05/04/11
Posts: 211

in response to this:
'Oh dear... are you actually saying, that it would have been better for me to be on the FODMAP diet (had it been available) for the rest of my life, and never ever have even tried the hypnotherapy - which DID help my IBS - and without being on a diet???????'

All I said and I am now stating facts, that FODMAP was not really recommended to anyone with IBS 10 years ago, it was not available was it. You said that for you no diet never worked. Maybe it would have. When did I say that I wish dieting worked for you instead of now being symptom-free after hypnosis? On the contrary, if you searched back, I think I stated in one or two past posts that I am actually glad that you turned to hypno which got rid of your IBS and you can now lead a full life without being on a diet and I never referred to myself or anyone else that is on any sort of diet as leading a full life.. Please next time do not misinterpret my words and also, just because I advocate dieting does not mean that I don't fully support hypnosis even if it's not worked for me (yet).

And for your information the trouble I have with fat is certainly indicative of not everything being OK in the fat and subsequent digestion arena. Does not mean that I don't have IBS, cos 'many people without IBS have difficulties with fat'. Don't think any medically qualified doctor would agree with you that if you have no nut allergy yet have digestive problems after a handful of nuts/almonds then you do not have any problems cos 'many people without IBS have difficulties with fat'. If you'd read any of my posts closely on here you'd have realised that I eat extremely healthily and restrict fat to the absolute minimum (so as not to have problems). Hardly think I am just one of those people 'without IBS, who have difficulties with fat'. anyway I am doing what you are doing, reading something into your post which you did not mean probably (read first part).

As for whether you should be on a diet while on the hypno, read Syl's post please.

Anyway, let's not argue, no point, can I please ask how it was for you, when you did start seeing improvement after the hypno, was it all at once, like from one moment/day your symptoms were gone completely? Or how did that happen? Gradually? Did you have relapses afterwards? Did you ever feel your faith wavering? Same questions for Gerikat.


now: stable through EFI+FODMAP dieting (no lactose/no fructose/some fructans and some polyols)

before: IBS-D(pseudo-diarrhoea), bloating, often unbearable pain esp from too much fat: Apr 2007- Dec 2010


[I've tried VSL#3 -> I could tolerate v good amounts of IF (even with less SF), it worked great (but overall I find it too expensive)]

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Re: Gerikat, Sand, Syl new
      #365394 - 07/02/11 02:45 PM

Reged: 12/28/10
Posts: 108
Loc: The Netherlands

Thanx Marilyn

I'm sure no one thinks you should've suffered through the FODMAP-diet! But it might be possible FODMAPs could have worked for you back then.
But, ofcourse, getting free of symptoms with hypno is a much better way!! I'm very happy for you that it worked so well for you.

I think other issues can stand in my way for IBS-hypno to really work (yet).
I understand that focussing too much on my diet/reading about IBS etc can undermine the effectiveness of hypnotherapy.

But at the moment, I cannot live without my diet and it's my first concern to make my diet less restricting. Because I think it's very unhealthy now (too little variety).

It's good to read your post, that for some it does take more than a few sessions/rounds to get to the point where hypno starts working.
I do feel/felt benefit from some aspects, mostly relaxation.

I'll first start focussing on my diet, make it less restricting. Keep doing hypnotherapy, but not expecting too much of it yet.
When I get my diet to a point that feels better for me, I am going to try focussing less about the IBS. Just stick to the diet and stop reading about it.

PI-IBS-C/A nausea & very bad gastric pain
meds: lansoprazol+macrogol
started EFI +FODMAPs 1/2011. 'Relapse' for 8 months. Now partly back on track again with the diet..

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Reply new
      #365395 - 07/02/11 03:05 PM

Reged: 05/02/03
Posts: 1372

Firstly - written words cannot convey voice tone or intention - if you knew me, you would find me a gradmotherly sort - so sorry if my post seemed otherwise.

Nope, not here to debate. I respect your thoughts and your journey - you have to do what you feel is best for your good self.

In reply - just to say, you can read my journey link below for most of what I went through - and what happened for me may not be what happens for you or others. I am one of the WORST cases in terms of my IBS symptoms and my results - took longer for me than many of the people I speak with!

So in reply to your questions - my experience may not be the same as everyone, of course - but I get why you need to ask!

>> can I please ask how it was for you, when you did start seeing improvement after the hypno, was it all at once, like from one moment/day your symptoms were gone completely? Or how did that happen? Gradually? <<

It took forever for ME to see results. (again, others have been faster - we have some folks who see improvement after one session, some within two weeks, etc.) Why set yourself up to compare - but - for me - it was a slow go. Nothing on the first round, nothing on the second round - but -I was going through other health issues and the sessions helped me through those... but the IBS was just as bad as ever...

On the third round, after completion, I just noticed - yes gradually - that I did not have attacks as often, and when I did, they did not last as long - and - at one point when I felt a horrific attack impending - I had the 'immediate' automatic thought - I do not want this - and it went away within seconds! So yes, the progress was gradual - less severity, less frequency, then tapering off to less and less altogether.

Did you have relapses afterwards?

Yes - Mike explains this as shadow fears and can happen for some people and for various reasons - sometimes your body needs to find balance. And from time to time, I did get attacks again - but - they were not as often and I had a different perception in that 'this wont last and I will be OK in a little while."

Did you ever feel your faith wavering?

Yes, all the time. In fact, I was VERY obnoxious about hypno working for me. I thought it was bogus, unscientific (at the time, and having been trained via Mayo Clinic affiliated college)and would not work for me. I only did it at the urging of another who insisted as it worked well for him. I emailed Michael constantly with every little symptom and turn of event and was a right pain in the posterior every step of the way!!!!

Just for your info, I have not only read Syl's post, but I have, in bulk, duplicated copies of EVERY hypnotherapy study done by all researchers in the field - I have read all of Dr. W's research as well as others and have it listed as some of the scientific research verification we do that backs up Michael's studies for various projects we do.

We know that diet can be helpful. But we also know that continuing on a diet after hypno is sometimes no longer needed. Take a look at the video we recently did, and you will see where two of the patients we interviewed no longer follow diets. So if your diet helps and you want to be on it while doing hypno, there is no problem with that - I never said not to be on a diet - I would be curious to know if all of those who have done another hypno protocol still need to be on diets as well, in order to maintain results. It just isnt a straight line - some do, some dont. If you need to still be one it, then do! I only know that many are not on any diets any more - doesnt mean that all arent.

If the FODMAP is working for you, I say HURRAY!!! That is great - and for anyone who does this diet - go for it if that is your way to feeling better and healing.

But for those of us who are free of needing specific diets, I say hurray for us too! There IS hope either way.

I can almost predict the outcome of this, to be honest, having seeing it over and over - no worries though! All the best to you.

I will now leave it to your good selves - I dont think I can make myself any more clearer, at the end of the day, you will find your way.

For others reading this silently and taking it all in, if you have any questions, please feel free to call for private support if you need it. There IS hope, I have talked to so many folks - some of whom have actually cried once they got their lives back - that's why I continue to do what I do...

Be well - Peace!

My Journey and Success with the IBS Audio Program Hypnotherapy Program:

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Re: Gerikat, Sand, Syl new
      #365396 - 07/02/11 03:13 PM

Reged: 12/28/10
Posts: 108
Loc: The Netherlands

I also don't think it's weird only 50% (or whatever) of IBS sufferers says diet doesn't work for them.

Most IBS sufferers never tried or even heard about a diet like EFI or FODMAP.

My sister also has IBS, since she was little (not as bad as I have, and hers is not post-infectious).
She did try lots of things in her diet, kept food-diaries etc in the past. E.g. no milk for a few weeks, than no chocolate, no wheat etc.
She now says diet doesn't work for her. But she never tried it like we do here.
I think this is how it goes for a lot.

PI-IBS-C/A nausea & very bad gastric pain
meds: lansoprazol+macrogol
started EFI +FODMAPs 1/2011. 'Relapse' for 8 months. Now partly back on track again with the diet..

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Re: Gerikat, Sand, Syl new
      #365397 - 07/02/11 03:20 PM

Reged: 06/21/09
Posts: 1285

Susie/Cell, you seem to have found your answer in FODMAP and everything Syl preaches, so I say wonderful for you. You have found your way! My answers to your questions, I doubt will matter much.

But here goes: Improvement was subtle, symptoms gradually subsided, no relapses, and my faith wavered quite frequently. So, there you have it.

Now, I am done here, and off to the beach for a happy 4th. And yes, I will eat everything in site, (but the animal products). teehee bye-bye

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Re: Gerikat, Sand, Syl new
      #365398 - 07/02/11 03:27 PM

Reged: 05/02/03
Posts: 1372

Yep, done here too!

And I am now off to dinner at a friend's and will do likewise as Gerikat! Yum!

Happy 4th everyone!!! Get off the computer and go outside!

LOL (I should take my own advice!)

My Journey and Success with the IBS Audio Program Hypnotherapy Program:

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Re: Gerikat, Sand, Syl new
      #365403 - 07/02/11 05:56 PM

Reged: 10/04/09
Posts: 104

I have been following this thread in it's entirety and have so wanted to stop in and comment but refrained from doing so til now.
I will keep this short, sweet and to the point.

Marilyn.....what a wonderfully written dissertation and long over do I might add. Thank you for all you do for us, the people in need.

Susie...if I understand what I have read, you are currently in hypnosis? If so why in the world are you on here several times a day? The first thing they tell you about this treatment is to "stay away form the boards". You practically live on here. You first came on telling everyone in no uncertain terms that cell salts were the be all and the end all to IBS woes and if everyone would just listen to you we would all be so much better. You have found another cause and as your sig says, you are now not convinced that they (cell salts) were the magic bullet you made them out to be.
Please just state what you believe to be working for you, offer it up for everyone to make their own decision and MOVE ON!!! The more you bombard everyone with your opinion the more you alienate everyone and possibly discourage them from trying something that very well may have been a help to them. is times like this that I really wonder why I come here...but then I think about it and realize that the people like Heather, Marilyn, Gerikat and Syl are the reason that I am as well as I am today compared to 2 years ago.

And now I am off to celebrate my country's birthday.


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Re: Marylin, Gerikat new
      #365406 - 07/02/11 11:22 PM

Reged: 05/04/11
Posts: 211

Thanks to Gerikat and especially Marylin for that, I was merely interested. If one does the recorded version I fail to see how it would do any harm, so seems a bit strange for anyone to be advised to abandon hypno after a couple of sessions if there's no noticeable improvement. I am certainly sticking with it.

And my goal of course is to be off any diet!! Whilst it's not hugely interfering with my life, things would be wonderful if I too could eat like a normal person.

now: stable through EFI+FODMAP dieting (no lactose/no fructose/some fructans and some polyols)

before: IBS-D(pseudo-diarrhoea), bloating, often unbearable pain esp from too much fat: Apr 2007- Dec 2010


[I've tried VSL#3 -> I could tolerate v good amounts of IF (even with less SF), it worked great (but overall I find it too expensive)]

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