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I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #349656 - 09/02/09 09:46 AM


I want to try florastore! I've currently been taking align for a year or 2..I can't even tell if it's helping at Florastor sounds so good..How do I stop align and take florastor?

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #349675 - 09/03/09 11:53 AM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

Stop taking Align for a couple of weeks before you start the new probiotic and see how you feel.

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #349676 - 09/03/09 11:54 AM


oh no,I don't want to stop align for a few weeks i've been taking it so long I'd probably feel crappier..can't I just stop align for a day then try the florastore?

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #349678 - 09/03/09 12:06 PM

Reged: 03/13/05
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There is no way to tell if the Align is helping unless you stop taking for 7-10 days. Sorry!

If you feel stopping Align will make you feel crappy then it must be working for you. If it isn't working for you then stopping taking it shouldn't have any effect.

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #349681 - 09/03/09 01:39 PM


but would it still be ok to stop align for just 1 day then go right to the florastore?

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #349684 - 09/03/09 01:45 PM

Reged: 03/13/05
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Sure - you can take them both at the same if you don't care about knowing which one is working for you.

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #349685 - 09/03/09 02:56 PM


no I mean I wouldn't take them at the same time.. well I would go 1 day without align..then take florastore for a few monthes and see how it does. I was reading about florastore and perhaps I would notice more of a change and wanted to give it a try.

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FLORASTOR/SYL plz help,. new
      #355230 - 02/04/10 09:17 AM


is it possible align could be making things worse? it has milk protein,magnesium stearate(is that the one that can cause d?) sodium cittrate? whats that can it cause more watery or loose stool? it says there is no lactose,soy or gluten in this though..but isn't milk protein still hard on ibs? ANyway,can you tell me which florastor is looking the best? there was so many choices

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Re: FLORASTOR/SYL plz help,.
      #355232 - 02/04/10 10:06 AM

Reged: 03/13/05
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Align has been tested on all types of IBS with no known adverse problems other than a bit of bloating and gas when initially taken.

I have no idea about the efficacy of Florastor.

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Re: FLORASTOR/SYL plz help,. new
      #355233 - 02/04/10 10:11 AM


is it possiblealign could make things worse and another probiotic can make it better? is there any benefit trying florastor instead of align? I really don't think I've felt any diffrent or seen any results with align..

by the way do u think anise,caraway botanical powdered capsules would be any benefit? I don't have time to make 3 diffrent kinds of teas a day..I just wish to try capsules for conveinience,something I can take to work with me and during the day drink the fennel tea. plz take a look Perhaps I will find success with anise and caraway?

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355235 - 02/04/10 10:30 AM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

I don't see why you could start a new probiotic on the day you stop the old one OR take them both at the same time

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355237 - 02/04/10 10:48 AM


did you mean couldn't? or did you mean I should wait to start a new one? "why you could start" sorry that confused me. take them both at the same time? what would that do? take 1 align and one florastor daily?

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355239 - 02/04/10 11:01 AM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

You could stop Align today and start Florstor today if you wish. Or you could stop Align today and start Florastor tomorrow. Or you could take both today if you wanted to.

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355240 - 02/04/10 11:04 AM


well the thing is I dont have money to buy florastore so will probly start in march or when I get my tax return money...I'm stopped align today. what benefits or what can happen with takeing 2 probiotics at once?

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355241 - 02/04/10 11:10 AM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

I don't know if there would be any benefits They are both considered foods supplements so there is no reason why you cannot eat (take) them both at the same time

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355244 - 02/04/10 11:51 AM


thank u I was looking through heather's newsletters and clicked Chocolate Cheesecake Brownies and noticed the Equalactin ad..have you tried this? I think I'm buying it. SYL,do you cook recipes? just wondering if you were good at cooking and new alot.

Edited by aperson (02/04/10 11:55 AM)

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syl,is this true about probiotics? new
      #355245 - 02/04/10 12:28 PM


"For the product to work it must be alive when you swallow it. For a product to be live it must have been refrigerated for its entire life until it is swallowed. Many of the products tested by consumer labs, the probiotics are killed in storage, shipping, and on the shelf. Therefore the best appears to be the Stonyfield yogurt products, since even a teaspoon before each meal and at bedtime works better than all the products out there that are not live when you take them."

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355247 - 02/04/10 12:45 PM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

I do the cooking in our house. I use relatively few recipes. I like to invent my own

Equalactin, Fiber Lax, FiberCon, Fiberlax, Fibernorm, Konsyl Fiber and Perdiem Fiber contain the same ingredient - polycarbophil. It is a synthetic soluble fiber that isn't degraded by bacteria and therefore no gas should be produced because it isn't easily fermented by colonic bacteria. Polycarbophil has been shown to give relief of global IBS symptoms and ease of stool passage. It does not seem to significantly improve abdominal pain or bloating.

Bijkerk, C. J., Muris, J. W. M., Knottnerus, J. A., Hoes, A. W., & De Wit, N. J. (2004). Systematic review: the role of different types of fibre in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome . Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics

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Re: syl,is this true about probiotics? new
      #355249 - 02/04/10 01:04 PM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

Well - it is sort of true - but rather misleading.

In order for a probiotic to work it is true that it must be alive and capable of pass through strong acid and digestive enzymes in the stomach and small intestine.

The following statement is incorrect "For a product to be live it must have been refrigerated for its entire life until it is swallowed."

Probiotics can be freeze dried and packaged in special ways so that they do not need to be refridgerated. Align is a perfect example.

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355251 - 02/04/10 01:23 PM


would you say crushed pineaple is ibs d safe? well not actual d but lots of incomplete evacuation. definently no hard or dry stool,sometimes good consistency and mushy or too soft sometimes almost d stuck inside..allin one day.. I have 3 pieces of chicken out there is a crock pot recipe I was going to try but I am leaving out potatoes and onions so I would have to add just celery as the vegtable then some spices. If pineeaple is safe..what can I do with that and chicken that does not contain onions,garlic,potoatos? Celery seems fine to me. Peas,spinach,green beans,corn,beans do not..not sure about green belle peper..might be fine do have celery,some turkey bacon,chicken and vegtable broth lots of seasonings,rice,pasta to cook with,am going shoping tonight for fat free saltines,strawberries,and maybe 1 or 2 other things. any suggestions what to add to my list? oh I have some milled flax for smoothies,what do u think of that? do u think one banana,a kiwi and like 3 strawberries would be safe in a smoothie?

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355252 - 02/04/10 01:38 PM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

Oh my so many question. I wouldn't think crushed pineapple was safe. It is on Heather's insoluble fiber list.

What is wrong with potatoes? They contain protein and soluble fiber.

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355253 - 02/04/10 01:44 PM


I thought maybe I should cut out fructose foods and see if it helps,don't potatoes have that? anyway I thought with sf pineapple was safe? " I wouldn't think crushed pineapple was safe. It is on Heather's insoluble fiber list." we all need IF though..what is wrong with pineapple or what could be a prob. with it? yes I ask tons of questions everyday

how about if I cook a can of crushed pineaple in its juice on the stove with celery and chicken and serve over rice?

how are u with kiwi?

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355256 - 02/04/10 02:33 PM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

Potatoes are a great IBS food with no excess fructose.

I am IBS-D and I know pineapple would give great difficulty.

We all need 'some insoluble fiber'. The question is how much? Generally speaking IBS-D handles less insoluble fiber than IBS-C. If you are IBS-D then I think you need to be very careful about the amount insoluble fiber you eat.

Celery chicken with slices of warm kiwi on the chicken served on a bed of rice sounds great --- notice I left out the pineapple Can you handle soy sauce?

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hope your still online,SYL about to shop... new
      #355260 - 02/04/10 02:48 PM


not sure about the soy sauce...Can I make that a crock pot recipe? how long would the chicken celery and kiwi cook for? also would I need chicken broth,vegtable broth or water in the pot also? is pineapple just too high in IF? is it ok in a smothie? I would just the kiwi small.. or could puree in blener? and add in crock pot?

Edited by aperson (02/04/10 02:49 PM)

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Re: hope your still online,SYL about to shop... new
      #355261 - 02/04/10 03:03 PM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

I won't cook the kiwi. I would let it warm to room temperature, slice it into thin slices and lay them over the chicken when you server it. The warm chicken will warm the slice of kiwi.

And I would put carrots, celery, a bay leaf and chicken in water with salt and pepper (if you can handle it). Let them simmer in the crockpot for an hour or so. About 1/2 way through I would add large pieces of diced potato. I would throw away the celery and bay leaf. Server on a plate with slices of kiwi. Eat and enjoy

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hurry SYL,lol about to go out to shop.. new
      #355262 - 02/04/10 03:08 PM


I wonder if I should leave out carrots? I want to eat the celery..I think it likes me..simmer is that medium heat? What if I puree the kiwi in the blender when the hot rice and chicken is on my plate it would be like a sauce. like jasmine rice with chicken celery and pureed kiwi so it's like a sauce? the kiwi is already at room temp.

btw,would u look at my other question

Edited by aperson (02/04/10 03:10 PM)

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355281 - 02/05/10 07:11 AM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

There are studies to show that align is helpful. Are their studies that say Florastor is recommended? I saw it in CVS yesterday and it is 10 dollars cheaper than align, but I have never read anything supporting the research that it actually helps.

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355282 - 02/05/10 07:52 AM

Reged: 03/13/05
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Florastor contains the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii - a yeast. This probiotic has been shown to be effective for antibiotic induced D, inflammatory bowel disease and C. difficile infections. There have been a couple of small clinical trials on IBS. At doses of 250 mg per day showed improvement in pain and stool formation but not on bloating.

Guslandi, M. (2007). Probiotic agents in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome . Journal of International Medical Research, 35(5), 583-589

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355283 - 02/05/10 07:59 AM


ok well not c but not actual d. Align hasn't done anything for my bloating. DO you think florastor is right for me to try? My stools could be well formed?

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355284 - 02/05/10 08:09 AM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

It might work. There is no way to know until you try. However, you might find more success if you dramatic reduced the amount of insoluble fiber you are eating including celery which is high insoluble fiber. Celery contains twice as much insoluble fiber compared to soluble fiber. You should give it a try for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. I am IBS-D. One of the greatest improvements came when I removed most of the insoluble fiber from my diet and significantly increased the soluble fiber. This alone made my stools better formed.

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355285 - 02/05/10 08:16 AM

Reged: 03/05/05
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so, it sounds like this would be better for D's and not C's?

What is C. difficile infections?

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355286 - 02/05/10 08:28 AM

Reged: 03/13/05
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It seems to be the case that it is better for D than C but I believe there may have been some benefit to C also.

Clostridium difficile is a bacteria that causes diarrhea and other intestinal disease.

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355287 - 02/05/10 08:39 AM


do you guys know which florastor I should purchase.

syl I cooked carrots,celery in water with cut up chicken,mix that over rice and serve with kiwi on top?

Edited by aperson (02/05/10 08:39 AM)

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Re: I'm taking align how do I switch to florastore? new
      #355288 - 02/05/10 08:59 AM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

All the Florastor products contain the same thing. I believe only the number of tablets/capsule is different. It looks like an expensive probiotic.

Your meal sound fine. Just don't eat the celery but you sure need it for the flavor. Enjoy!

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Shawneric,SYL Digestive Advantage? new
      #355312 - 02/05/10 02:21 PM


do you think it works? I just orderd some off amazon. oh no just read Erythritol that was bad..they changed the formula and that ingredient causes did they every go back to not having that,tried to cancel my order but said it can't now because its prepared for shipment

Edited by aperson (02/05/10 02:41 PM)

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Re: Shawneric,SYL Digestive Advantage? new
      #355332 - 02/06/10 10:05 AM

Reged: 03/13/05
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There has been a small clinical trial that show the probiotic in Digestive Advantage, Bacillus coagulans, provided some relief from abdominal pain and bloating for patients with IBS. Others on the board have reported they found it somewhat effective. The ingredients listed on the website look okay.

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Re: Shawneric,SYL Digestive Advantage? new
      #355334 - 02/06/10 11:43 AM


yes it looks like they didn't update t heir ingredients because when you click on the links to buy it and look at the ingredients it is in there. I heard many ppl on sites complaining the old formula was good and the new one causes problems and doesn't help.. oh and I cut up carrots really small and cooked in crockpot with chicken..I am finding the carrot pieces in my stool,what does this say about me?

Edited by aperson (02/06/10 11:44 AM)

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Re: Shawneric,SYL Digestive Advantage? new
      #355335 - 02/06/10 12:12 PM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

If the pieces are large then it likely means that you did not chew well enough. If they are small then it is normal.

The description for Digestive Advantage for IBS on Amazon may be wrong. The correct information is on the DA website where it says it contains Bacillus coagulans. This is the same probiotic it has contained for the past few years.

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Re: Shawneric,SYL Digestive Advantage? new
      #355336 - 02/06/10 12:15 PM


they are small pieces I cut up the carrots tiny...and chewed my food..I hate seeing the carrots make the stools lumpy and not well formed.

btw,syl have you ever heard of anyone having an intolerance to clams/clam juice? I've made heather's clam chowder recipe and both times I eat it I feel the worst with my ibs that i've felt in my life! as soon as I start eating it I get gas attatacks I just feel sick to my stomach until its out of me. its just a violent reaction,I know its not allergic reaction,fits intolerance symptoms.

Edited by aperson (02/06/10 01:40 PM)

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Re: Shawneric,SYL Digestive Advantage? new
      #355354 - 02/07/10 10:37 AM

Reged: 01/30/03
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Interview with Y. Ringel, MD on Probiotics

Am J Gastroenterol. 2009 Apr;104(4):1033-49; quiz 1050. Epub 2009 Mar 10.

The utility of probiotics in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review.

Bacillus coagulans significantly improved abdominal pain and bloating in patients with IBS.

My website on IBS is

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