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1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #308660 - 06/06/07 11:08 AM
arctic masticator

Reged: 09/14/06
Posts: 21
Loc: Alaska/Cali

I have now been strictly on Heather's diet for just under a year, have a seen slight improvement (mainly in elimination of severe cramping), but still have diarrhea most days of the week. I'm almost completely limited to soluble fiber foods, and I've kept a very detailed food log that has given me little help in identifying any problematic foods. I am dying for any insight into the causes, so if anybody can find problems in the foods below, please let me know!!! My daily food and med regime is as follows:

25g (10 tsp) of Heather's Acacia Fiber, split between breakfast and dinner
4 Lomotil (Antidiarrheal) in morning
3 Peppermint Capsules, 1 with each meal
1 Centrum Multivitamin with dinner
1200g of Calcium, 600g with Breakfast and Dinner
3000mg L-Glutamine, 1,000mg with each meal
3g Spirulina, 1.5g with Breakfast and Dinner

Breakfast - White Rice or Cream of White Rice, 1 Banana (w/Cinnamon, Sugar, Honey, or Ginger)
Lunch - Chicken (w/Honey and Lemon Pepper), White Rice, Potatoes (w/Salt)
Dinner - Chicken (w/Honey and Lemon Pepper), White Rice, Potatoes (w/Salt)
Snacks (many times between meals) - Sourdough Bread (yeast not listed on ingredients list), Rice Cakes, Rice Chex, Applesauce w/Carob Powder

That is the basis of my diet every day. I've tried putting in boiled carrots and boiled peas (with Beano) on and off, then retracting them when the diarrhea worsens, unsure if they are the cause. I'll sometimes eat salmon in place of the chicken, which seems to work sometimes, and at other times I am unsure whether it causes trouble. I also eat yams in place of potatoes sometimes, and turkey in place of chicken, both of which seem ok. Soy seems to be ok sometimes, and definitely NOT at other times, even when taken with Beano. I've tried Instant Oatmeal with mixed results. Even Rice Milk seems to cause diarrhea, and I suspect it is the fat from the Safflower Oil! Basically, the diet seems to work at times and not at others. One thing is for sure: fats are NO GOOD for my stomach.

I have had most tests out there relevant to my diarrhea: blood tests, stool tests, food allergy tests, colonoscopy, endoscopy, small bowel follow through, and even had the camera endoscopy just recently, all showing nothing except a slight inflammation of the stomach (which nobody provided an answer for, could this mean anything?). I tried a Gluten-Free diet for about 2 weeks that didn't seem to improve anything (is that long enough to see a difference?).

Except for the chronic diarrhea, I seem to be damn healthy. I eat A LOT of food every day, all day, constantly snacking, and have wondered if that makes things worse or if it helps. I oftentimes feel weak and somewhat spaced out if I don't eat soon after I start feeling hungry, but eating usually ends that quickly. I've also tried the Hypnotherapy tapes to completion with no improvement whatsoever.

Any advice would be MUCH appreciated! I am starting to believe that this diet is not the answer, although it does seem to be headed in the right direction for me. Thanks for reading my super long post!

IBS-D(Tenacious D)

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #308667 - 06/06/07 11:40 AM

Reged: 04/06/06
Posts: 1299
Loc: A small city, Northwestern Ontario, Canada

A year on the diet with limited success must be very frustrating for you! I'm getting stable (3 time around) and it has taken the last 16 months.

Question - you said you tried the hypno - just once? Or more than one time? I found I had some success the first time through, then I sort of relapsed. I did it a second time and I'm 100% better than before, but still not 100%. I still have days.... If you haven't tried the hypno more than once, I recommend you try it again, speaking from experience.

As for your diet, that's a hard one... You seem very limited with what you are eating. I would be BORED! Check the board for other recipes to add some variety to your safe diet. When I'm having a bad spell I stick with rice pudding - Heather's recipes are great - sour dough bread or Italian bread, roasted turkey or chicken, crabs legs, white rice, pasta noodles, potatoes, yams, bananas, banana bread - again Heather's recipe - and I snack on pretzels, graham crackers, saltines, baked Lays or fat free Pringles. I drink lots of peppermint tea, water and juice. (I'm okay with HFCS)

I don't know what else I can suggest to help you, but I wish you the best!!


Live like there's no tomorrow. Love like you've never loved before.

IBS A 20+ years, Chronic Migraines, Chiari Malformation (decompressed June 22, 2010), Brachial Neuritis, and ??? the list just keeps growing, but I'm still shiny side up!

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You might try .... new
      #308680 - 06/06/07 01:09 PM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

You eat honey with each of your meals. Try removing it and the applesauce for a week and see what happens.

STABLE: ♂, IBS-D 50+ years - Science of IBS

The FODMAP Approach to Managing IBS Symptoms
Evidence-based Dietary Management of Functional GI Symptoms: The FODMAP Approach
FODMAP Chart & Cheatsheet
The Role of Food & Dietary Intervention in IBS

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #308690 - 06/06/07 03:14 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

It took me over a year to stabilize, so I wouldn't say it's unusual, but even so. I think at this point you should start looking at non-diet triggers (and solutions). I know that, personally, I'd be a complete wreck IBS-wise without my antidepressants... they're just as important to my stability, if not even a little more important, than the diet itself. If you have any kind of stress or anxiety, especially, this might be something to consider.

Also, why are you taking glutamine? And I know spirulina is one of those generally beneficial things, but could that be bothering you? I'd try cutting those 2 things out, unless you've tried that already.

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Re: You might try .... new
      #308693 - 06/06/07 03:52 PM
arctic masticator

Reged: 09/14/06
Posts: 21
Loc: Alaska/Cali

I will try eliminating Applesauce and Honey. Does that mean I should also cut out bananas and all other fruits? And what else, is table sugar ok? Could you explain how fructose sensitivity ties in with IBS? Do people who have it generally have diarrhea instead of constipation? Thanks.

Somewhere on this site I came across a post that suggested L-Glutamine for repairing intestinal lining I think, and it's also an amino acid for muscle building, which is bonus enough for me to use it just for that purpose!

IBS-D(Tenacious D)

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Re: You might try .... new
      #308697 - 06/06/07 04:37 PM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

For one week try removing all fruits, except banana, and continue to use white and brown sugar. Of course you want to stay away from store made sauces, confectionaries, etc.

Excess fructose acts like an osmotic laxative. It draws water into the bowel producing D. In addition when the fructose reaches the large bowel it is food for colonic bacteria. They convert it to energy, gas and other products. Some gases and the other products can act as GI stimulants or depressants producing C or D.

The amount of excess fructose than an individual can tolerate varies from person to person. Some people can handle more than 50 grams while others cannot handle 1 gram (about 1/5 of a tsp). I cannot handle 1 gram. You may be different. If you find removing high fructose foods works then you can experiment to determine how much you can handle. If it does not make a difference you move on and try something else

Here are two message ( message 1 and message 2) that I posted in a thread about l-glutamine

STABLE: ♂, IBS-D 50+ years - Science of IBS

The FODMAP Approach to Managing IBS Symptoms
Evidence-based Dietary Management of Functional GI Symptoms: The FODMAP Approach
FODMAP Chart & Cheatsheet
The Role of Food & Dietary Intervention in IBS

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #308700 - 06/06/07 05:14 PM

Reged: 05/28/03
Posts: 2263
Loc: SacTown, CA

I'm one of those who use L-Glutamine with success. People generally don't need it because our bodies produce it naturally. Did you talk to your doc before you started using it? I only take 500mg once per day.

I agree that you may want to try the hypno a second or, or even a third time, if you haven't already.

As for the stomach inflammation, that could very well be something. It could be a reaction to all the D and other symptoms you're having, or it could be a symptom itself. Inflammation (anywhere) is not a symptom of IBS. I'd find a doc who will go over this with you.

Have you tried good old Imodium for the diarrhea?

You're multivitamin may be causing problems for you. You can try switching to something more gentle.

Banana is generally a safe food. Though I have heard from some people that they aren't able to eat them because they cause symptoms.

Whatever you try adding/eliminating/substituting, do it one at a time and allow enough time to see results. If you cut several things, or add several things at once, you won't know how each effected you.

Have you tried any other alternative therapies like acupuncture, acupressure, etc?

If you're not dead, you've still got time.

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food allergies new
      #308702 - 06/06/07 05:27 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

You mention food allergy tests. Can you be more specific? Because if you have been tested for GI was it negative and then you tried being GF? Well I would try gluten free again and also doing tests. Definitely get all the food allergy tests, especially fructose. It is a definite suspicion to your continued symptoms. Otherwise my very first thought was stool test but you said you have done that. I know I would suspect something along that line with such continuous D. I am firmly convinced that Heather's diet works wonders for IBS-D folks that do not have some other condition.

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #308709 - 06/06/07 08:09 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

This is a tough one. It does sound like maybe something else is going on besides IBS but then again you had the tests and they were normal. At first maybe I thought Chrohn's but it wasn't detected so??? Have you lost a lot of weight from this? I was diagnosed with microscopic colitis after about 12 years of IBS. My current GI says that when I had a colonoscopy about 7 years ago, they did not look at the cells through a microscope, just the naked eye during the procedure, so it's possible I had the colitis back then too. Did your doc biopsy anything from your large intestine? (They need to do that to diagnose microscopic colitis.)

On the other hand, my symptoms are more typical of IBS so my doc thinks (and I agree wholeheartedly) that the IBS is my real problem and it just so happens that I have the m. colitis too. In my personal opinion which has no medical basis whatsoever, I think my insides were so messed up at the time of my colonoscopy, that the inflammation may have been a result of all the d and IBS. I often wonder if I took the test now would it be gone (I am stable).

I also had the endoscopy b/c I was having nausea (not really heartburn) frequently and he found that I too had inflammation in my stomach which he characterized as "gastritis." I was put on Nexium which did help a bit but not with my d. Funny, since I have found this site, I stopped all meds...Nexium, Librax (maybe you should ask your doc about a search), Asacol (for colitis), and even immodium....HOWEVER,

That brings me to my next paragraph. Like Atomic Rose, I feel as if the AD I am taking has made a huge positive impact on my IBS (Lexapro 10mg). When I started it, I was definitely on the road to stability though (unlike you, my d had subsided quite a bit and I was more IBS-A). The lexapro made me more on the C side. I'm sure some of it is physical but I do know that even when C, I could usually spin myself into oblivion when anxious and get d out of the blue. Perhaps you want to go the avenue of some meds. Do you notice a difference in frequency of d based on stress, etc.? (No, certainly not saying that your stress causes it!!!! God knows we hate to hear people suggest that ...just meaning that maybe you are prone to the d and anxiety may exacerbate it.)

Well, that's all I can think of. I don't know much about the fructose and gluten that others have suggested you check. I would say go through the list of suggestions and keep plugging along until you find some relief. I commend you for your tenacious efforts and patience for so long without much improvement. Good luck.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #308805 - 06/08/07 11:02 AM

Reged: 05/30/07
Posts: 20

Your diet seems decent enough. Although gluten free for 2weeks wouldnt be long enough, You'd need to go 6 weeks to clear your system out. You must be very frustrated at this stage and you have my sympathy for that. I know the eating for IBS diet has worked for a lot of other people but it obvioulsy isnt working for you. And I know as a result of this you probably spend a lot of time and energy trying to come up with a solution. I mean anybody in your position would do the same. But im wondering if its become such a big deal in your life that all you do is worry about food, stomach cramps or whatever???
Look your diet seems very tightly controlled, and i beleive you when you say youre damn healthy, but maybe you have things too tightly under control and that maybe you spend too much time looking for answers? Can I ask you a question, do you have somebody to talk to? What I mean by that is do you have somebody who you trust completely who you can be yourself with and who you could tell anything to and all they'll do is just listen?
I maybe off with this but im not sure your problem is a diet related one and maybe youre looking for answers in the wrong places. Im sorry if what im saying is completely off base.
On the physical side of things, I know youre probably sick of reading books or articles or whatever, and i understand that, but my suggestion would be to read "improve your digestion" by patrick holford. Its very short(about 160pages)and his recommendations dont involve ridiculous food combinations or require you to have a degree in the cullinary arts. Its basic common sense stuff. I'd knock the white rice on the head aswell and maybe eat quinoa or brown basmati rice instead.
Hope thats some help
Good luck

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #308816 - 06/08/07 04:48 PM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967

Can't help but notice you keep recommending this guy's book to people and telling them to basically drop Heather's diet. Was that your main purpose of registering on this board?

As other people on here noted, it took some over a year to stablize and yes diet isn't the only thing that contributes to IBS but it is a key factor. Heather has covered medications and stress factors here on the website, and in her book.

If your intent was not to stir things up around here then I apologize for this post.

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #308966 - 06/12/07 07:59 PM

Reged: 02/16/06
Posts: 856

Atmoic Rose, just how have medications helped you?
I thought based on Heather's book medication and western medicine in general are not much more than placebo for IBS recovery.

IBS-C and Bloating

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #308969 - 06/12/07 08:10 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

I'm not Atomic Rose, but I can vouch that lexapro has helped me tremendously too. I was on my road to stabalizing when I started it so I had a head start, but I was still having d attacks, just much milder versions than pre-Heather and much less often (maybe 3 times/month versus 3 times/week). When I started the meds, I would say I was IBS-A instead of IBS-D. After about 5 weeks on the lexapro, I started to become more C and I wound up cutting back on my acacia dosage, stopping my Calcim Carbonate vitamins (helped me with the d before), and was able to/needed to eat much more IF than I had been. I still follow the diet but I can be much more liberal about having a bite or two of the "real things" every so often and I can definitely tolerate whole grains much better.

That's the physical side of it. Mentally, I am so much more relaxed and less anxious, as I had been a wreck previously about the IBS. I should mention that I was about 2/3 through with the hypno when I started the meds too so I'm sure that added to my success. In any case, I feel that the combo of the EFI diet, SF supplements, hypno, yoga, and meds have helped me to literally start living my life again. I also can verify that for me it could not have been a placebo effect b/c I had taken only 5mg of lexapro last year for about 9 months with no real improvement. This time I am taking double that and it is working. Hope that helps. Are you considering meds?

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #309116 - 06/15/07 10:46 AM

Reged: 05/30/07
Posts: 20

No my intention was not to stir things up but I can see how you would think that. Youre right, I have recommended that book a few times, and I know it looks like I have my own agenda i.e. to sell some dudes book. But thats not the case. It all comes down to personal experience and opinion I think. I mean you and a lot of other people and this site have gotten good results from following the diet recommended in heather's book. And thats great, and I understand that if something works so well for you that you'd wanna spread the word so that others can be helped too. I read that guy's book and I got results and so now I wanna let other people know about it so that they might find it helpful aswell. Because whats also clear from reading posts on this site is that the diet recommended by heather isnt working for everybody. People seem to be frustrated because something that works so well for a lot of others isnt working for them and all im doing is giving them another angle.
I think a big problem aswell is that people dont listen to themselves. They blindly go by what other people tell them. I read that guys book and it was very good, a lot of common sense basic stuff........but having said that, the main reason why ive been able to sort out my stomach and digestive problems is because I listen to myself and make my own decisions about whats good for me and whats not.
So I'll stop recommending that guy's book because maybe it worked out for me but that dont mean it'll work for someone else.
By the way, I think you give very good advice to people on this site. Good job.

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #309191 - 06/16/07 08:08 AM

Reged: 08/20/06
Posts: 581
Loc: Uppsala, Sweden

Have you been checked for bilesaltmalabsorption? I think that if you have problems with that you can get more problems with fat in the food. Not sure though. But I have IBS-D and that was one of the tests they tried on me. It was normal for me though. For me I follow the EFI diet, I try to keep my stress level under control since my IBS is highly influenced by stress, and I take loperamide (like Imodium) daily and that is really what makes it possible for me to have some sort of normal life.

Hope you'll feel better soon.

/Ulrika, IBS-D

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #309209 - 06/16/07 02:55 PM

Reged: 02/22/07
Posts: 37
Loc: Florida

For one thing stop the calcium. It's notorious for causing bloating, gas and diarrhea. I would stop the multi-vitamin as well.
I had serious diarrhea and debilitating spasms and cramps but with sticking to what works for only me and the acacia powder and tea, I have improved at least 75%. I consider stress the culprit in not having achieved 100% but I am happy with the things the way they are.
I would stop the calcium and also anything that might have dairy. You could be lactose intolerant wishes..Viragga

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution/ honey a culprit new
      #309241 - 06/17/07 04:23 PM

Reged: 12/17/03
Posts: 588
Loc: Ohio

I have read on here that honey is a no no.....did anyone suggest cutting that out as well?

IBS-D, extreme pain and cramping - GERD - lactose/dairy intolerant, OCD, Fibromyalgia
DX: w/ Multiple Sclerosis 3/10
I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me. Phil 4:13

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution/ honey a culprit new
      #309272 - 06/18/07 06:43 AM

Reged: 12/02/06
Posts: 173
Loc: Chicago

If you are fructose sensitive, then I wouldn't eat it. Just use regular sugar.

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #328412 - 04/17/08 07:16 PM

Reged: 03/22/08
Posts: 27
Loc: CT

I may be wrong but, isn't oil a trigger food?

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Artic Masticator... new
      #328495 - 04/19/08 02:22 PM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095 are you? What's going on?

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #349330 - 08/23/09 07:59 AM

Reged: 08/21/09
Posts: 83

I'm taking Zoloft and I really think it helped me too? Is this not true? It seems like it makes sense since it acts on the serotonin in the gut and IBS people have issues with the neurotransmitters in our guts.

IBS-C, GERD, Lactose Intolerant, "Allergic" to Legumes (Soy!), Tree Nuts.

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whats wrong with white rice? new
      #349428 - 08/25/09 11:21 AM


I thought white rice was very ibs safe??

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Nothing - it is safe -nt- new
      #349429 - 08/25/09 11:25 AM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

STABLE: ♂, IBS-D 50+ years - Science of IBS

The FODMAP Approach to Managing IBS Symptoms
Evidence-based Dietary Management of Functional GI Symptoms: The FODMAP Approach
FODMAP Chart & Cheatsheet
The Role of Food & Dietary Intervention in IBS

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In defence of calcium new
      #349459 - 08/25/09 07:03 PM

Reged: 09/01/08
Posts: 413
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

I take half a caltrate a day and it really helps my D. Just remember to take it with food.

Stable IBS D

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #349531 - 08/27/09 11:59 AM

Reged: 02/05/09
Posts: 481
Loc: California

I take 2 lomotil in the morning for the urgency along with 1 librium for axiety. I see you take 4, do you take them all at once? I also take 1tsp of Konsyl fiber at night but need to throw in my probiotic and calcium but not sure when to take those two. Iknow the fiber and calcium can affect other meds so they need to be spread out about and hr or so from other meds but does the probiotic affect other medications? How do you take all that without one interfering with the other? How long have you been on lomotil and did you have to work up to 4 or you started out at 4?

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Re: In defence of calcium new
      #349532 - 08/27/09 02:01 PM


I tookd caltrate with food and my stomach started feeling really bad like 5 minutes later and I got sick.

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #349533 - 08/27/09 03:16 PM

Reged: 03/22/09
Posts: 60

Same with me. It seems there is no rhyme or reason to my symptoms no matter what diet im on or how many pro-biotic's and natural supplements i take along with eating healthy. I guess for some of us we are just screwed. If its not working then continuing it probably won't help. I would say its probably time to try another route, maybe eliminating certain foods to see if your alergic to anything that is causing your problems.


I have now been strictly on Heather's diet for just under a year, have a seen slight improvement (mainly in elimination of severe cramping), but still have diarrhea most days of the week. I'm almost completely limited to soluble fiber foods, and I've kept a very detailed food log that has given me little help in identifying any problematic foods. I am dying for any insight into the causes, so if anybody can find problems in the foods below, please let me know!!! My daily food and med regime is as follows:

25g (10 tsp) of Heather's Acacia Fiber, split between breakfast and dinner
4 Lomotil (Antidiarrheal) in morning
3 Peppermint Capsules, 1 with each meal
1 Centrum Multivitamin with dinner
1200g of Calcium, 600g with Breakfast and Dinner
3000mg L-Glutamine, 1,000mg with each meal
3g Spirulina, 1.5g with Breakfast and Dinner

Breakfast - White Rice or Cream of White Rice, 1 Banana (w/Cinnamon, Sugar, Honey, or Ginger)
Lunch - Chicken (w/Honey and Lemon Pepper), White Rice, Potatoes (w/Salt)
Dinner - Chicken (w/Honey and Lemon Pepper), White Rice, Potatoes (w/Salt)
Snacks (many times between meals) - Sourdough Bread (yeast not listed on ingredients list), Rice Cakes, Rice Chex, Applesauce w/Carob Powder

That is the basis of my diet every day. I've tried putting in boiled carrots and boiled peas (with Beano) on and off, then retracting them when the diarrhea worsens, unsure if they are the cause. I'll sometimes eat salmon in place of the chicken, which seems to work sometimes, and at other times I am unsure whether it causes trouble. I also eat yams in place of potatoes sometimes, and turkey in place of chicken, both of which seem ok. Soy seems to be ok sometimes, and definitely NOT at other times, even when taken with Beano. I've tried Instant Oatmeal with mixed results. Even Rice Milk seems to cause diarrhea, and I suspect it is the fat from the Safflower Oil! Basically, the diet seems to work at times and not at others. One thing is for sure: fats are NO GOOD for my stomach.

I have had most tests out there relevant to my diarrhea: blood tests, stool tests, food allergy tests, colonoscopy, endoscopy, small bowel follow through, and even had the camera endoscopy just recently, all showing nothing except a slight inflammation of the stomach (which nobody provided an answer for, could this mean anything?). I tried a Gluten-Free diet for about 2 weeks that didn't seem to improve anything (is that long enough to see a difference?).

Except for the chronic diarrhea, I seem to be damn healthy. I eat A LOT of food every day, all day, constantly snacking, and have wondered if that makes things worse or if it helps. I oftentimes feel weak and somewhat spaced out if I don't eat soon after I start feeling hungry, but eating usually ends that quickly. I've also tried the Hypnotherapy tapes to completion with no improvement whatsoever.

Any advice would be MUCH appreciated! I am starting to believe that this diet is not the answer, although it does seem to be headed in the right direction for me. Thanks for reading my super long post!

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution/Artic new
      #349574 - 08/29/09 03:42 PM

Reged: 02/05/09
Posts: 481
Loc: California

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Re: 1 year on the diet and no solution new
      #349634 - 09/01/09 11:03 AM

Reged: 05/12/08
Posts: 1088
Loc: canada

Just my two cents but rice is a trigger for D with me and I see you eat a fair amount try switching to potatoes

IBS-D since 1999...mostly stable..i do cheat too.Bad me.

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Re: whats wrong with white rice? new
      #349635 - 09/01/09 11:05 AM

Reged: 05/12/08
Posts: 1088
Loc: canada

For me rice can trigger an attack.I cut it out almost completely and then only have it one in a while

IBS-D since 1999...mostly stable..i do cheat too.Bad me.

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Re: whats wrong with white rice? new
      #349636 - 09/01/09 11:10 AM


I thought white rice was a good sf base? any ideas why it can cause problems? are potatoes in general alot more tolerable?

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Re: whats wrong with white rice? new
      #349637 - 09/01/09 11:18 AM

Reged: 05/12/08
Posts: 1088
Loc: canada

Rice is supposed to be good but again not everyone is the same.

Do you eat alot of white rice?Are your symptoms bad?
Try eliminating rice for a while and instead eat white bread or potatoes.
I would eat chicken,carrots and rice and I noticed my ibs wasn't any better so I stopped rice and subbed in potatoes and i noticed within a few days the D was better.

I haven't been following the EFI diet but I do sometimes come back to it It's always in the back of my mind and i always think about what i am going to eat..whats in it will effect me ...and if i am OK with those results.

I would say i am 95% stable.
I go a few days with nothing and then one day with d but only in the morning and then I'm good.

I also take Lorazepam once in a while and just knowing i have it usually keeps away my IBS.


IBS-D since 1999...mostly stable..i do cheat too.Bad me.

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Re: whats wrong with white rice? new
      #349639 - 09/01/09 11:32 AM


yes my ibs is bad. I have bm's everyday,not d but lots of bms. my sympstoms are lots of incomplete evacuation,trapped gas,spasms,but hardly every any pain,sometimes I get some cramping before a bm,harldy every really painful,but sometimes I just can't move for like a minute and then go to the bathroom and have a large bm or something. It would take a while to see what's causing my symptoms as I haven't been eating ibs safe. But I am so determined right now to put all my time and energy into getting better. A co-worker who will be quiting in a couple days asked me to take a trip,and I said I had to work,but the real reason is I'm so bad I have to be around my fennel tea,and be at home because of my severe ibs then I work 5-11pm.

One thing is I get extremly loud crazzy nasty noises when I push in places,I've even noticed when I push sometimes that I feel I'm going to throw up acid or I burp..I don't feel like I have a heartburn..maybe the acid problem is just there..sometimes I feel a little nasous though.

I'm going to wal mart,since this town is really small and my parents aren't going to drive me to wal mart then another grocery store in one day,I buy my stuff at wal mart. I'll be putting potatoes on my list..anything else I should add?

oh so far today I ate 2 bananas with 1 peach and some light vanilla soymilk as a smoothie and a couple fat free lightly salted saltines.

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Re: whats wrong with white rice?
      #349648 - 09/02/09 05:55 AM

Reged: 05/12/08
Posts: 1088
Loc: canada

Well i also could tell you that soy is a trigger for me.
I can not tolerate it at all.

You could also try colonic massage.It might help I know when I start having cramping I know its only a matter of a few minutes for me to get to a bathroom but once there it sometimes feels like I still have to go so I rub with my fist in a circle gently from th ebottom right side of my abdomen up to ribs across body and down left side

You can feel where the blockage is and concentrate rubbing there gently until it moves.It always works for me and I finish up and am good for a few days again.

I used to be a D'er but tend to alternate now.I am never C but I can go for five days with no urge to go.So I will sit down and make myself go and the I am good again.

IBS-D since 1999...mostly stable..i do cheat too.Bad me.

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