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No Rhyme or Reason-- Several Questions-- Doesn't seem like food is trigger! new
      #349279 - 08/21/09 07:12 PM

Reged: 08/21/09
Posts: 83


I have been suffering with terrible symptoms since September 2008 daily. It has been a tortuous year. Around May of 2009 is when I was diagnosed with IBS. I have not had a normal bowel movement since September 08 (I get extremely constipated, or even if I can have a bowel movement feels as though my intestines and colon are dead and I have to strain with my abdominal muscles to get any results). I also have a lot of gas or sometimes the feeling of "trapped gas" that I feel like I can't even pass--which leads to bloating. The bloating in turn makes me extremely nauseous and I almost feel as though the bubbles of gas are coming up through my throat. Also, I have developed a really bad case of acid reflux from all of this which has left me with burning pain in my throat at all times and a burning/tingling sensation on the roof of my mouth. I have been on a proton pump inhibiter for the reflux since March (but still have had extreme burning/chest pain which has sent me to the ER a couple of times) and I'm also on zoloft which seems to have helped a bit with the bloating/gas/constipation. I feel like no matter what I do, I can't figure this out. Like many of you, my doctors are of no help and can actually be very offensive. I feel that everytime I come into the doctor's office they look at me like "oh no, she's here again? these symptoms are all in her head" ... They've even said to me things like "sometimes these things just go away on their own" --- which has clearly not been the case as i have been suffering daily for a year. I don't even remember what it feels like to be a "normal" person anymore.

That being said--- as far as diet goes I do not recognize any patterns with eating and my symptoms! Before I had the diagnosis and before I knew better...I would eat a huge spicy meal filled with fat, dairy, and just about anything you might consider a trigger and I would sometimes feel better for weeks. Then... I would randomly get worsening symptoms and eat nothing but white bread for days and feel worse!

The only thing that I notice any kind of pattern in is that I get the bloating/gas in the afternoon. I generally feel pretty good in the morning (except sometimes I wake up with bad nausea and the feeling of gas in my throat/mouth). Also, I definitely see a pattern of feeling much worse during the 1-2 weeks before my menstrual period.

I am in the process of weaning myself off of Miralax and onto the fiber supplements (citrucel). I also ordered Eating for IBS, Fennel Tea, and the Acacia fiber. I am trying really hard to follow the diet but I am confused and also encounter difficulties!

I am especially confused about oatmeal and brown rice. I eat oatmeal all the time because I figure it is safe, but I have heard mixed things since it has a lot of insoluble fiber too. Same with brown rice. I don't want to be eating a ton of this if it isn't even good to do! Also, I was tested for celiac disease but it was negative... but I heard many things about having false negatives, etc. so I have been trying to eat gluten free. The thing with that is that many gluten free items, breads, etc that I find usually are based on brown rice. So... if brown rice is questionable, then even though I am eating gluten free foods I might still be causing issues with the brown rice. Furthermore, a lot of these gluten free products also contain a lot of concentrated fruit juices, raisins, etc. Then that brings me to the question of possible fructose intolerance!

So how can you eat the IBS safe diet, gluten free, fructose free, with limited brown rice and oatmeal.. and still eat!?

Sorry-- I just have so many questions and I am NOT getting help from any of the professionals I've seen all year!! I know there is no "cure" for IBS but that you can become "stable"... but what does "stable" really mean? Does it mean you don't have symptoms but you still have to strictly follow the diet, remain on supplements, etc? In that case, aren't you "curing" the IBS with diet, treatments, etc.? Or will this be the reality of my life forever? Was I destined to get this (like I would have gotten it no matter what-- it is just a physiological thing) or did I cause it by something--like taking BC... I am suspicious because I see a connection with my menstrual cycle I am concerned that caused this. Also, right before my symptoms began I had recently changed my diet from a pretty unhealthy one to one consisting mostly of whole wheat bread, yogurt, fruit, vegetables, salad, chicken... trying to be healthy but instead I feel like it just gave me IBS! So I am thinking-- if something like that triggered this, since I have since stopped taking BC pills and stopped eating that "healthy" way and switched to the IBS diet, can't I make it go away (if those in fact were contributing causes to the development of IBS)?

Thank you so much for reading my extremely long post! I would be so grateful to anyone who would be able to help me! I feel so alone in this (which makes it harder to try to combat the symptoms especially because I'm in college and having to watch what you eat, drink, and conduct your life everyday doesn't exactly help you fit in...) But knowing that you are out there and this actually isn't "all in my head" helps a lot.


IBS-C, GERD, Lactose Intolerant, "Allergic" to Legumes (Soy!), Tree Nuts.

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maybe less menstrual cycles would help? new
      #349294 - 08/22/09 11:51 AM

Reged: 08/18/09
Posts: 332

I'm sorry this past year has been so hard on you! I'm still trying to figure out a lot of things myself, but I do have one suggestion for you.

I noticed too that my IBS symptoms seemed to really get worse around my menstrual cycle - not to mention my moods! I've been on BC pills for many years now. My GYNO proposed that I switch to 4 periods a year, instead of one every month. That way, I am at least experiencing my menstrual cycle less often. To do this, I just had to keep taking my active pills (instead of the inert ones on the 4th week) for 12 weeks straight, then stop for a week. That's when your period comes.

First of all, it's awesome being free of my cycle, regardless of my IBS symptoms. But it's even more fantastic because my moods and my symptoms are more stable in general. I don't have that 10 days or so before my cycle where I feel so sick and crazy that I'm jumping out of my skin. (not to say that my IBS is necessarily stable, but it really did feel worse that time of the month)

I will tell you there was an adjustment to this new way of doing things. The first time my cycle was suppose to come but I kept taking the pills, I had about a week or so where I was pretty crazed. My body was doing it's usual thing in preparation, so I had the normal symptoms. In fact, it felt amplified. I cried over everything, I was depressed, my gut felt bad. But now, after nine weeks, it's like a huge relief to escape that impending time every single month.

I'm not sure if this would work for you, but it may be something to consider. If so, I recommend talking to your doctor about it.

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Re: No Rhyme or Reason-- Several Questions-- Doesn't seem like food is trigger! new
      #349305 - 08/22/09 05:10 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

Sounds like you have been scared by the posters who have problems with foods that are not unsafe. You, in particular, need to eat oatmeal and brown rice. You can stay GF if you want- it isn't a problem. But you need to eat a slightly different version of EFI than people prone to D. People prone to D can have problems with some of the 'safe' things on the list because of their increased spasms. But people with C need to make sure to not cut out those same foods. Your C will not get better unless you eat enough fiber- always based in SF and always in forms that won't cause spasms.
C is the hardest to deal with and takes a long time. SFS, lots of fennel/water, lots of fiber, and exercise help C (also pureed fruits and veggies high in water will help).
So when it comes to your identifying triggers it is a little different for chronic C. You won't get sudden C from triggers like D people get sudden D. So you have to stick to the diet until your spasms stop and your bowels move again. Then you may be able to sense what foods are ok/bad for you.
Remember everything with a SF base but don't eat white bread all day long.

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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Re: No Rhyme or Reason-- Several Questions-- Doesn't seem like food is trigger! new
      #349310 - 08/22/09 05:51 PM

Reged: 08/21/09
Posts: 83

Thank you so much. Especially for clearing up the oatmeal/brown rice confusion. Yes-- I completely agree it seems like a lot of people on here are talking about "attacks" of D. I don't get attacks-- I just have constant pain, bloating, and constipation. I have not gone to the bathroom without straining my abdominal muscles for the entire year (even on miralax everyday!)

How can I ever figure out "trigger foods" with that kind of scenario. I am following the diet, but I'm worried because I don't know how to detect if some of the things even "safe" on the diet might not be safe for me. It is so weird to me how I can think back over this year and random times when I felt better would be right after having huge meals full of the so called "trigger" foods.

Thank you

IBS-C, GERD, Lactose Intolerant, "Allergic" to Legumes (Soy!), Tree Nuts.

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Re: No Rhyme or Reason-- Several Questions-- Doesn't seem like food is trigger!
      #349311 - 08/22/09 06:07 PM

Reged: 06/21/09
Posts: 1285


Listen to your body, regardless of so-called triggers or non-triggers. Only you know you. It takes time and experimentation and possibly a detailed food journal to find out what is causing your issues. You are right...there is no rhyme nor reason to it. There may be some so-called triggers foods that you may be able to eat, and on the other hand, there may be safe foods that give you issues. Not everyone is the same, so there is no one size fits all.

I hope you have been totally and completely checked out by a physician to rule out everything but IBS.

I have had IBS since I was a child and it has taken me years to get on track. Although I am not perfect, I feel in control of my health.

Many on these boards will offer suggestions or even tell you exactly what to eat, but when it comes down to it, only you will be able to decide that for yourself.

Start with a very simple basic (boring) diet and go from there. Add foods slowly and allow time for symptoms to show up. They may not show up until 3 or 4 days later. So, it is slow and time consuming but you will get your answers, and then you will feel so much better.

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Re: No Rhyme or Reason-- Several Questions-- Doesn't seem like food is trigger! new
      #349315 - 08/22/09 06:28 PM

Reged: 08/21/09
Posts: 83

Thank you for the support. I have had an upper endoscopy, colonoscopy, gallbladder ultrasound, esophagram, small bowel series, lactose tolerance test, celiac panel. All negative.. except I am lactose intolerant.

IBS-C, GERD, Lactose Intolerant, "Allergic" to Legumes (Soy!), Tree Nuts.

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Re: No Rhyme or Reason-- Several Questions-- Doesn't seem like food is trigger! new
      #349316 - 08/22/09 06:29 PM

Reged: 06/21/09
Posts: 1285

Well, you certainly have been checked out.

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Re: No Rhyme or Reason-- Several Questions-- Doesn't seem like food is trigger! new
      #349357 - 08/23/09 07:16 PM

Reged: 08/21/09
Posts: 83

I just want to give an example of what I mean...

On the night of my birthday I had a 7 course Moroccan feast filled with trigger foods and countless glasses of red wine. While I was stuffed afterwards... for the entire next week I felt the best I had in a long time! I even thought I was "cured"! (this was before I was diagnosed with IBS but during the time that my symptoms had already been around for quite a few months) Doesn't this make no sense? The only thing is-- that week when I was feeling good I was on vacation. Also it was after my period had ended (the 2 weeks after my period are typically my best time for the IBS symptoms).

So-- the whole food thing just seems really weird to me. It makes me question if this is actually IBS or a menstrual thing, etc.

I believe that I developed GERD from the IBS as I never had anything like GERD until months after I had been experiencing the IBS symptoms. GERD was really one of the biggest continual problems for me over the past few months-- whereas the IBS kind of comes and goes. I generally always have to strain to have a bowel movement-- but for the bloating and gas, it comes and goes (like I said bad before my period, good after).

Does anyone have thoughts on this?

IBS-C, GERD, Lactose Intolerant, "Allergic" to Legumes (Soy!), Tree Nuts.

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Not just foods but stress is a trigger too new
      #349360 - 08/23/09 07:26 PM

Reged: 09/01/08
Posts: 413
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

You mentioned that you felt better when you were on holiday. That makes me wonder if stress and negative emotions are playing a part on worsening your IBS.

Stable IBS D

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Re: Not just foods but stress is a trigger too
      #349361 - 08/23/09 07:29 PM

Reged: 08/21/09
Posts: 83

Yes- I definitely think it is. So what I am saying is- why can't I just work on reducing stress (I bought the hypno cds, I am doing yoga almost daily, I exercise almost daily, I have made several changes to my academic schedule to decrease the pressure I was experiencing from school work, I have noticed that my symptoms are better now and its summer so that is another correlation, and I have even started seeing a psychologist!)

So-- my question is- why do I have to control what I eat so carefully if that doesn't seem to be the trigger? Why can't I just focus on controlling the stress, etc?

IBS-C, GERD, Lactose Intolerant, "Allergic" to Legumes (Soy!), Tree Nuts.

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