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Could too much water be the culprit?
      #346420 - 05/27/09 11:36 AM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

I drink a lot of water everyday. I have a water bottle that holds a quart (33oz or so) I drink about 5 quarts a day . Could drinking too much water with lunch be my problem?

EVERYDAY after lunch I am miserable. The following is what I had for lunch:
Cup of rice (Minute brown rice bowl)
Homeade Creole Cabbage (cabbage, canned tomatoes, onion, green peppers, a little turkey bacon, vinegar, salt/pepper, cooked to a pulp!)

Should I stop eating the brown rice? It doesn't always do me in like this. Am I having too much IF and not enough SF?

Oatmeal (1 serving w/2T Acacia fiber)
1 Cup Blueberries
V8 (5oz cans)
1 C Hemp milk

Activia (trying it to see if it works)

Can someone please give me some advice/help/words/hugs something?

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: Could too much water be the culprit? new
      #346428 - 05/27/09 12:26 PM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

Eight glasses of water per day is plenty. I suspect cabbage and onion - gas producing vegetables - might be causing you problems. If that doesn't work that you might out the brown rice.

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Re: Could too much water be the culprit? new
      #346430 - 05/27/09 12:36 PM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

Thanks Syl! I make these dishes (like the cabbage) that are HUGE!! Then I have a bunch of left overs, so I try to eat them up. DH won't eat left-overs very often, and I don't want to let it go to waste. I also have a bunch of the rice bowls, so I'll just have to find someone who wants them so they don't go to waste!

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: Could too much water be the culprit? new
      #346447 - 05/27/09 08:47 PM


I think the activia would make things worse as it is dairy...even though it would work,the fact that we have ibs,and dairy is a no wouldn't be beneficial anyway.

I've read some people have a bad time with brown rice,u said "it doesn't always do me in like this." so its a trigger u should stop eating...switch to minute maid whtie rice...then eat it with those vegtables..maybe use less vegtables too? the brown rice with all those sounds like alot of IF.

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Re: Could too much water be the culprit? new
      #346454 - 05/28/09 06:40 AM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

That is a lot of IF. I am starting over today. I am going to try all SF today and tomorrow and see if I can get straightened out.

The Activia doesn't seem to bother me too badly. I'm just trying to see if it actually works for IBS (especially irregularity) like they say it does! I'm not saying to try it, but if Heather talks about it on this board, I think it's worth a shot!

I went to the DR. yesterday just for a check up. We talked about all my meds, and I got some bad news. It seems that I will have to come off all of my meds (except Miralax) when we start talking about having a baby. That made me sad. I feel like the meds are the only thing helping me! I can't live without the protonix, I get horrible GERD without it! I think after a few months though, I'm going to try to get off the Amitiza and see if I can go to some more natural remedies. The amitiza is too durn expensive every month! The only other prescribed meds I take are birth control and Elavil, and I will definitely have to get off of those as well!

Sorry, just venting a little.

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: Could too much water be the culprit? new
      #346458 - 05/28/09 07:14 AM

Reged: 03/01/08
Posts: 574
Loc: Central NY

How long have you been on the Elavil? Constipation is a side effect....


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Re: Could too much water be the culprit? new
      #346461 - 05/28/09 07:46 AM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

I've been on it since February. No problems in a while with constipation, just the usual pain/bloating/spasms/flatulence. I'm on a very low dose as well! I don't know how much it works for the pain. That is what it's supposed to help with, but haven't seen a big difference yet!

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: Could too much water be the culprit? new
      #346462 - 05/28/09 08:26 AM


when u say the activia "doesn't bother you too badly." its contributing to your have your ibs under control means,U don't have spasms,pain, mens your ibs is undercontrol..heather mentioned that even though activia may help ibs,it should be avoided because its dairy..but if the stuff that was in activia was in a capsule form..that would be diffrent.

would you try going without it for a while?

I think u should become stable before getting prego..because I heard pregancy can make ibs alot worse...yea amitiza is really expensive..without insurance its like $130..I can't take only causes me waterystool and once I nearly had an accident at work.

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Re: Could too much water be the culprit? new
      #346465 - 05/28/09 09:16 AM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

If I didn't have insurance, the Amitiza would be $218/month for my script !

I will try not eating the activia.

Now I will get onto you! You don't need to eat klondike bars (dairy too and bar chocolate, no no)

We are not trying to get prego right now. I just got upset about it because I know I will one day. And the Dr. said that some people can get much better during pregnancy and some people get much worse. So it differs with each person!

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Thanks for "getting on me" new
      #346467 - 05/28/09 10:28 AM


yes I agree..Im paying for alot right now..I drank almost 3 beers yesterday. I hate being 21 and not being able to enjoy's nice once in a while to get messed up and relaxed..but no I have not,not evn on my 21st birthday..I had like 1 or 2 drinks since then,I've had 1 smirnoff ice and the beers birthday was october 21st.

Im really determined to have control of my own life..I dream about it being out and about and being able to pay for my own cell phone,work enough hours,pay rent at an apartment,drive myself to the gym...go to work early.I fantasise about it alot lately..right now I'm trying to not eat any triggers until the 3rd becaue I have a haircut appointment,I want to see if I can make it..and I hope to continue with progress after and forever.

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Re: Thanks for "getting on me" new
      #346468 - 05/28/09 11:28 AM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be mean! I promise! It just sucks not being able to eat what I want to, and a klondike bar sounds amazing right now *drool*.

I know what you mean with the alcohol. I bet the beers don't feel too good now, huh? I will say that I don't have many problems with wine, but I only take a sip every-once-in-a-while. I (used to) enjoy drinking a good glass of wine to relax before I realized that an overabundance of alcohol was contributing to my IBS! DH and I made some homemade wine a while back, and it's really good, but I don't take but a sip when he has a glass.

I'm glad you are determined and motivated to take control. I feel the same way, but I just can't stay motivated when my husband says "do you want me to cook steaks tonight?" ugh. He knows that I can't eat alot of thing's and he really understands my problems, but he just doesn't remember all the time that I can't eat red meat! and I won't eat red meat! I make him grill me a portobello mushroom on the grill with his steak! God love him, he is a blessing to me! He is the only one that really comforts me and understands and lets me vent to him! Isn't he great! Don't get me wrong, everyone on here is great as well, but I can't get real hugs from a computer

Hang in there! You should go get your haircut and do something good for yourself! Treat yourself to a manicure or massage if possible.


IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: Thanks for "getting on me" new
      #346469 - 05/28/09 12:00 PM


I know you weren't trying to be mean or sound mean. I'd know if a person wanted to be mean about it they'd say something defensive becaue I told them what they were doing wrong and they pointed out I was doing something wrong and giving advice while I ate triggers..I'm happy you said that stuff to me

There is a ibs cheat sheet u can post on your fridge..ther's like a stop sign with triggers listed..I think red meat is under there.

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Re: Thanks for "getting on me" new
      #346470 - 05/28/09 12:49 PM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

Thanks! I will have to print a cheat sheet so he will know without having to ask!

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: Could too much water be the culprit? new
      #346483 - 05/28/09 05:53 PM

Reged: 05/22/09
Posts: 25
Loc: CA, USA

I'm kinda new here so not sure this is accurate but the thing that pops out at me is the "V8" juice - is this the juice in a can? I think that's pretty acidic, it would make my huband run for the toilet - but he's IBS - D, and you and I are IBS - C. I made speghetti with turkey meatballs last night with plenty of sourdough toast - it still affected him.

Here is a sample menu that I've been eating daily (with lots of adjustments) for me that seems to work really well:

Breakfast: Oatmeal w/soy milk (1/2 caff weak coffee with soy AFTER I eat the oatmeal)

Snack: Soy yogurt with a few raspberries

Lunch: Turkey burger with rice cheese, mustard, a little lettuce, and veganaise (veg/soy based mayo), baked chips.

Snack: Banana strawberry soy smoothie.

Dinner: Turkey & avacado sandwich on sourdough bread, smooth, organic broccoli soup.

Snack: Lowfat grahm crackers, peppermint tea.

(plus about 3 quarts of water a day)

I hope I'm getting enough fruits and veggies - I worry about that with all the carbs I've been eating. But, this diet REALLY WORKS

IBS-C, gas & bloating

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Re: Could too much water be the culprit? new
      #346500 - 05/29/09 06:36 AM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

Oooh! Poor guy! I'm sorry to hear that, but your spaghetti sounds delish!

Your menu looks great, but I can't do soy and turkey is hard for me to digest as well. Most meats are hard for me to digest. I don't know why that is, but it's just my body! I love V8 and I drink it after my oatmeal/acacia breakfast and rice milk so that it doesn't bother me. I can eat tomatoes all day long (well after a SF base of course), and I love berries as well! They are my go to food for bad constipation! I wouldn't worry about how many fruits/veggies you eat a day right now, just get your IBS under control and then worry about that!

I tend to get at least 7 fruits/veggies per day, but sometimes, I pay for it! Tremendously! The fruits don't seem to bother me as bad as high sulfur veggies! I have cut back on my fruits/veggies for a couple of days to get straightened out, then I will start adding more when I feel better again!

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: Could too much water be the culprit? new
      #346671 - 06/01/09 05:08 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

Being miserable after lunch is very common. I can suggest some things that help- a little. Switch some of that water (that does sound like a lot but shouldn't be causing a problem) for fennel tea (mix with peppermint). Make sure to walk around as much as possible- especially right after lunch! Try not to sit too much. Eat slowly and even standing up if you can- that helps a lot. Don't eat cabbage or anything like that which causes gas. Also stay away from the acidy stuff. My body wants to poo a little after I eat and my not letting it at work is a big factor in after lunch bloating, pain and gas. Walking is my best bet.

Your actual IF/SF ratio seems ok to me for what you wrote.

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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Re: Could too much water be the culprit? new
      #346709 - 06/02/09 08:59 AM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

Thanks, LM! I do sit a lot. Sometimes, after lunch, I have to go to Wal-Mart for a few things, and as soon as I walk in and start looking around, bam, it hits like a ton of bricks, and I have to run to the restroom! Walking after lunch definitely helps!

Thanks again, and to everyone who helped!

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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Re: Could too much water be the culprit? new
      #346748 - 06/02/09 08:59 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

I sit at work quite a bit and try to manuever my day to get some walking in right after lunch. I also go to conventions a few days a year. Last year when I ate a little at a time while standing one day of the convention I noticed I didn't get bloated and gassy.
I have switched around my work as much as possible to be able to sit less. When I sit and can't pass gas, it hurts so bad and feels like a balloon is filling in my gut. I'll get up and let super long farts that are just tons of air. That is why farming is so agreeable to my gut!

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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Re: Could too much water be the culprit? new
      #346761 - 06/03/09 06:38 AM

Reged: 10/09/08
Posts: 852
Loc: Mississippi

Oh I know how you feel! Sitting is definitely not a good idea for IBS. We have a Gazelle at work, and everyday, after eating, I try to get on there for a little while at an eazy pace, so I don't over do it, ya know? That usually helps, and any activity usually helps! When I get home in the evenings, I am on my feet until I go to bed, and I hardly ever have any problems. Weekends are like that too. I guess it's just the immobility that makes my colon immobile. lol

IBS-C, Gas, Bloating, HURTING!

I'm married and it's so wonderful!

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