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To Rebecca1013 new
      #344899 - 04/23/09 01:09 PM

Reged: 04/03/09
Posts: 16

Hello !
Thank you for answering some of my posts. It seems that we are alike in certain ways of eating - very clean due to working out and avoiding a lot of the same things.

Would you mind if I ask you more about what you eat and do not in regards to an eating clean diet and IBS ? Also, do you eat more to fuel a cardio workout or lifting? I am trying to balance life with IBS with my athletic life and finding the right mix of fuel has been a challenge.

Thanks !

43 years old - IBS C with major pain and bloating if I eat the wrong thing.

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Janice2523 new
      #344921 - 04/23/09 07:30 PM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

Nope that would be just fine! I love figuring out new "clean recipes" and would enjoy talking to someone who is also interested or needs help....i do personal training and nutritional counseling ---so i love talking about healthy foods and exercising! Since i am fairly new to this site we may learn a few things off each other! How much cardio are you doing? I do not eat more to fuel workouts, i have a consistant calorie set that is roughly 1700 cals a day with my cheat day on saturday which i usually end up eating about 2700 cals. Try to not overly consume carbs because they will actually have a counteractive effect and make you tired if you consume too many. Let me know how much exercising you are doing daily and what your average day of eating looks like and maybe I can give you some ideas on how to make your choices "cleaner", or maybe give you some alternate food choices if you are getting bored with rice and bread (i hate always makes me hungrier! Then again I think when you are so used to eating clean diets, you are a little more in tune to how your blood sugar is affected, then people who consume the standard american diet )

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Re: To Rebecca1013 new
      #344935 - 04/24/09 03:44 AM

Reged: 04/03/09
Posts: 16

Thanks Rebecca !
I run 6 miles a day 7 days a week and lift also. I am 43 and have worked out since I was 15 so this is not new to me.

I have a pretty narrow IBS diet - brown/wild rice, veggies, Kashi and GNU high fiber/protein bars and tiny amounts of the foods I make for my family (believe it or not - we own a produce market so I have access to everything fresh !).

I wear a Bodybugg (google it if you aren't familiar) and burn about 2700 cals a day. I take in about 1700-2000 so I am always under a bit (not good but hard to master with the IBS). Like you I will splurge a bit and have a high day but my body compensates with increased metabolism so the calories seem to 'get wasted' and burn off.

I would love to be able to eat like a more 'normal' person but that is hard with the IBS C. I can tell immediately if I eat something and it doesn't agree with me. It is like my system gets 'backed up' from even small amounts of the wrong thing !

Like you, I have avoided bread like the plague but know I need to add more calories/nutrients. I have tried every style of eating and diet under the sun and have found that I must cater to my GI tract above all else or have no sense of peace. That sounds crazy but it has proven true ! Right now I am moving my style of eating from low carb/high protein to higher carb/lower protein and LESS raw veggies. I almost think a lot of my IBS is tied to my more Atkins-type diet. I think I was not getting enough carbs either to fuel my running. With more carbs I have more energy and actually feel better. I found a wonderful book on metabolic typing by William Wolcott and it ties in great with Heather's book but it is the opposite of what I have been doing for years which was more protein less carbs.

I love your idea of the brown rice mixed with other things. I have tried that the last few days and found it works ! I have not eaten carbs/grains in years so this is new to me.


Edited by Janice2523 (04/24/09 03:46 AM)

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Re: Janice2523 new
      #344941 - 04/24/09 06:03 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

OOOh, include me on this clean eating ideas and exercise too! Please!

Rebecca, are you an RD? Do you gals eat gluten free and dairy free?

You should post a sample days of what you eat! If you have time!

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: Janice2523
      #344944 - 04/24/09 07:02 AM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497


I am joining the club to, if you will allow. I have been reading your posts with interest, since I am a fitness buff also.

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YAY.... new
      #344969 - 04/25/09 02:43 AM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

I am so excited there are so many people that enjoy eating healthy! I am sure with all of us together we can come up with delicious clean eating ibs friendly recipes! (geez that was a mouthful ) GET YOUR CHEF HATS ON LADIES!

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Janice2523, and everyone else in the clean eating, ibs friendly (i hope :-)), active girls club!! lol new
      #344970 - 04/25/09 03:04 AM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

Well you are no nubie at healthy eating then! I am so jealous about your produce market....if that is one thing i miss the most is eating all my fresh veggies and fruits I am surprised you can tolerate Kashi....I couldn't even when my ibs wasn't kicked up, one bowl for me was a disaster! Same with protein bars and high fiber bars, they were extremly troublesome...although I don't do well with soy and so many of those bars use soy protein isolate as their main source of protein cause it is the cheapest lol
See if after those foods your C kick's up....I know it says soy is an acceptable food, but it is so hard to digest for so many people. Kashi as well has alot of soy in it.

My system gets backed up immediately too it's terrible the bloating and cramps, for awhile before i was diagnosed i was sure i was having "women probs". We have exactly the same symptoms, and the more I am studying about the guidelines for ibs eatingg the more i tend to think it may be coming from eating too many veggies (still yet).

It seems after I eat my "cheat foods" it "cleans me out" the next day. Last night I made my pumpkin cake (not healthy, but low fat) yesterday night and this morn had a normal as it gets for us bm. Now I did eat about 1/2 a 8x8 inch cake (i am such a piggly wiggly on my cheat days!) but this morning I feel great. Last week I made a extremly low fat blueberry crumb cake and was totally screwed up till wednesday because of it (too many berries i think ). So it seems on cheat days i need to carb up with simple carbs which kinda like acts as a laxative for me. (in a good way, not running to the bathroom with D)

I know! I was exactly the same way for so many years I had done low carb (not to an atkins extreme, but still ow carb according to pyramid guidelines) still steer clear of breads, i just don't feel well after eating them, i get extremely run down. This weekend I am going to experiment with some more grains, Im gonna hit the hfs after my yard sales this morn! (I love deals ) I will let you know how they affected me hopefully we can give clearance to buckwheat, amaranth and quinoa, im gonna try gluten free oats too. (i know quinoa is on the safe list, but i dont believe anything till i try it! lol) Al though I must admit i am feeling much better eating higher carb, my anxiety has even subsided

I had done metabolic testing as well.....only thing is my report says i should be eating full fat cheese, and loads of beef! no potatoes, and no rice...i would be up poops creek if you get my drift lol

Join the club girly i was never big on grains but we can make the best of the boat we have right? I love my lil brown rice concoctions, mixed with any fruit it is delicious....add a tad of cinnamon and yummy! Hopefully we can try that with some other grains for variety...i will def report back after i have tried to let you know if they worked for me!

Enjoy your workout today...ill enjoy mine, im off to jog now its a beautiful day in PA!!

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Re: Janice2523, and everyone else in the clean eating, ibs friendly (i hope :-)), active girls club!! lol new
      #344974 - 04/25/09 03:18 AM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

Oh girls, also I am going to be going to get citrucel today as well, I am going to be integrating that into my diet....I was also going to be purchasing probiotics, and a good multi....if any of you have experience with any of the above please let me know which have worked for you....if you haven't i will be the guinea pig

have a great saturday guys!

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Re: To Rebecca1013 new
      #345006 - 04/25/09 02:08 PM

Reged: 04/03/09
Posts: 16

Hello ! Hope everyone here is having a great weekend!

Here is my IBS update (like you asked for it!) and what I am trying to integrate into my eating plan for working out and having enough fuel for my daily hour long runs......
I have kept meticulous food journals since 2002. It is like I am my own personal science experiment in trying to figure IBS out and what triggers incredible pain/bloating/C in me.

Rebecca, I, too, cannot do Kashi cereal. That is like kryptonite for me BUT I do eat the Go Lean Oatmeal Raisin bars - sometimes 2 times a day - for a meal replacement. In fact, they are my 'go to' food when everything else is causing a problem. Soy protein in that form (isolate) does not cause me a problem.

Are you familiar with Eat Right 4 Your Type (the blood type diet)? I am a Type A and have found that much of what is recommended for a Type A seems to keep my IBS at bay (Type A being predominantly vegetarian oriented). When I start eating meat/wheat or dairy I start to have problems. Also, there are several veggies that cause me extreme issues (tomatoes, potatoes, actually the nightshades) and always result in major pain and C. When I eat them I end up with what I call 'rocky gut' because it truly feels like my poor GI tract is rocking horribly and I am just miserable. Oddly enough, I truly believe that my IBS was made worse by my diet - predominantly trying to eat healthier and steer away from carbs. The raw veggies I ate for years have put my system on red alert for the most part. At our store my husband hears people tell him all of the time that eating a lot of vegetables wreaks havoc with their system. All things in moderation.

Good luck on the grains. I skipped the brown rice for a few days and realize now that it was actually causing a GI backup in me. I am finding that the more I eat what Heather recommends the better I do. Her recommendations are for foods for more comfortable than what I am used to.

A last note: It is not surprising that the blueberry coffee cake caused an issue for you - they are in the same family as huckleberries and they are known for their constipating properties in some people. Perhaps someone else might get D from blueberries but I would definitely get C in even a small dose !

Also, cheat foods - I have them daily. My system seems to tolerate a small amount each day rather than just 1-2 days when they make me feel awful. Ditto for me on the bread - it just leaves me flat. I have discovered these very thin Corn Crisps (44 cals for 2. They are like thin rice cakes) and they are wonderful with nut butter or jam on them. Also, I did buy some Rice Bran bread but have yet to try it.

I hope everyone else jumps onto this post. I would love to hear what the other girls have to say !


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Janice2523 new
      #345009 - 04/25/09 03:58 PM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

No i am not, i was looking to read into that i have heard alot about it lately actually, even though i know it has been around for quite some time. Actually now i think of it my symptoms began to kick back up when i was going higher protein and lower carb as well.....I'm sorry the brown rice wasn't working for you I had noticed though if i had the "minute" success brown rice my symptoms came back....if i get the birds eye frozen steam in the bag brown rice, i seem to be ok.

I know it is troublesome for me to ignore all the nutritional information i have been studying for years and go full fleged into what Heather is recommending, but in all was a hectic day for me i didn't really have time to cook, for breakfast i had only a bowl of brown rice with cinnamon, went to my yard sales, came home had another bowl of the rice with only 1/4 c blueberries and 2t almond butter...i took a nap and before i exercised had some more of my pumpkin cake....i just got home from grocery shopping...i was so hungry i grabbed about 4 pretzels and ate a banana...with a cup of my low acid coffee....and you know what i feel better today then i have in awhile....and that is with no meat at all...and my arms actually looked pretty ripped which is super surprising gonna try some haddock for dinner and see how that affects me.

I cannot have cheat foods everyday lol im not good with portioning cakes and that sort of thing ...i do better with two days to indulge rather than 7 days of just a taste

i did get some corn meal which i will make some polenta tomorrow and i got buckwheat , which i will give a try again....

Well that's my update and i will let you know how the fish goes lol do you eat beans? Im scared to give them a try....

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To all the girls! new
      #345010 - 04/25/09 04:12 PM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

Well, today was a beautiful day on the east coast. Nice and hot...beach weather. Luv it! I know you are in PA Rebecca, and I am in MD. Where are you at Janice?

Started the day at my grandson's baseball game. Then we went to Best Buy so that he could check out electronics...what else?

Breakfast was oatmeal with a little brown sugar and rice milk with a banana and a few almonds. White tea to drink.

Lunch was grilled veggie wrap and herbal iced tea.

Dinner was tofu spaghetti. Small amount of sauce and small cucumber salad. Spaghetti was part white, and part whole wheat with omegas. Herbal iced tea again.

Maybe a nice glass of red wine tonight. Dare I???

I will top this night off with a small piece of dark chocolate.

Hope your weekend has been great so far!


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Hello Rebecca ! new
      #345025 - 04/26/09 03:45 AM

Reged: 04/03/09
Posts: 16

Hello !

How are you feeling today ? I am sorry that I overlooked the post about not going for 3 days.....are you feeling any better?

Did you start the Citrucel ? I used it for 2 years after the birth of my daughter in 1997 and found it worked well IF I drank a lot of water. My IBS went full throttle after her birth and I needed major help. I was able to stop it after 2 years but it helped at the time. That and stool softeners. I finally stumbled upon a book called FIBER MENACE (try amazon) and it started me on the road to health again and I stopped the Citrucel.

RE: Knowledge about eating and informational overload: Yes, I know enough to be dangerous to myself. I have often prayed to be 'unbrainwashed' about what to eat/not eat. That said, yesterday I did not eat poultry/seafood/ meat/rice/ and had a low-carb tortilla with low-fat refried beans and a small amount of lowcal/lowfat homemade buttermilk ranch dressing for dinner. Totally easy - no bloating/cramps, etc and this morning I went to the bathroom like a normal person. Yay ! It is counterintuitive for me to do that but I am finding when I break my own 'rules' I feel better and my poor body performs like God intended it to. That has been a major hurdle for me to overcome!

So, beans - yes. The only thing I had yesterday that was problematic was a little bit of garlic powder in my dressing. I need everything BLAND !

Okay, off to my run. Hope you are doing well today !


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To Janice123 new
      #345033 - 04/26/09 08:49 AM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

Hi Janice,

Can you tell me more about the book, "Fiber Menace"? Thanks

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Rebecca new
      #345035 - 04/26/09 08:55 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

Are you able to drink the simply smooth decaf coffee? I've tried it a couple of times, but I"m too chicken to have it everyday!

Are you saying you do better with carbs than with proteins?

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: To all the girls! new
      #345036 - 04/26/09 08:59 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

what did you use for your veggie wrap? That sounds so good!

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: Hello Rebecca ! new
      #345037 - 04/26/09 09:01 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095


I finally stumbled upon a book called FIBER MENACE (try amazon) and it started me on the road to health again and I stopped the Citrucel.

what does this book suggests? Did it suggest you not take fiber supplements? I'm very interested in reading about how this book helped you and what it recommends!

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: Janice2523, and everyone else in the clean eating, ibs friendly (i hope :-)), active girls club!! lol *DELETED* new
      #345039 - 04/26/09 09:07 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

Post deleted by Jordy

IBS-C with pain and bloat

Edited by Jordy (04/26/09 09:45 AM)

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Re: To all the girls! new
      #345044 - 04/26/09 10:50 AM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

A corn tortilla. I grilled zucchini, thinly sliced potatoes, green onion (just a tad), and tomato. I chopped it up and wrapped in the tortilla with mustard. Small amount of shredded lettuce. Did you know that you can grill about anything, including fruit?

Hmm Hmm good!

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Hey Girls ! new
      #345066 - 04/26/09 04:00 PM

Reged: 04/03/09
Posts: 16

Here is my experience with the book Fiber Menace: I was drinking sooooo much water, eating super high fiber and still having trouble going to the bathroom (I am C if anything) and also having a lot of digestive pain and bloating. Somehow I discovered this book (maybe it was a search on amazon for something to help me) and I ordered it. The author talks about NOT drinking an excessive amount of water OR talking fiber supplements OR eating a high fiber diet. I thought I had nothing to lose so I cut back on the fiber, the water and stopped the Citrucel cold turkey and experienced better health almost immediately. If you google Fiber Menace it will take you to the author's site and a lot of the information is right there for you to read.

To date I have experienced relief is so many ways with that change and continue to not overdo water and fiber but I still lean too far to the low-carb side and shortchange myself in the SF department. I tend to eat too low carb for my activity level, meat makes me feel awful and creates C and I am not much of a lover of anything starchy (can't stand pasta, bread only slightly, potatoes-no way! Oatmeal causes bloating, cereal too rough on my system) so I am on these boards trying to learn from others and strike a healthy balance. I love veggies but am not a lover of fruit. And no, I wasn't a picky eater as a kid - I just know what makes me feel good and what does not (tee hee!)

Hope this helps. I love these boards for the help they give !


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PS From Janice new
      #345068 - 04/26/09 04:02 PM

Reged: 04/03/09
Posts: 16

Oh, and I am in Washington State - the east side of the state - although born/raised in the Seattle area.


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To Janice new
      #345071 - 04/26/09 05:33 PM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

When you say the book talks about fiber, are we talking about IF or SF or both? I can understand how IF could aggravate the digestive system. Is the author talking about SF also?

I do get it about the water.

What does the author suggest you eat? I don't want to spend the money on the book, if I don't have some agreement with what he says.


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Re: To Rebecca1013 new
      #345075 - 04/26/09 06:54 PM

Reged: 04/03/09
Posts: 16

He was definitely talking about the rough cereals, high bran and loads of raw veggies we are recommended to eat. So I would say the IF for sure. The author himself eats rice daily and doesn't power load on water.....

Don't buy the book - his website if FULL of information and he is also accessible via e-mail. Believe it or not - I have gotten a response from him when I e-mailed him !

Good luck !

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Re: YAY.... Suggestion Please new
      #345121 - 04/27/09 12:45 PM

Reged: 02/05/09
Posts: 481
Loc: California

I have been reading your post and you all seem to know alot about what is good to eat. I eat the same things everyday but am so confused on the fact of all the stuff I eat is carbs. I like carbs but try to make sure I don't eat big meals because they are mainly carbs. I am ibs-d with urgency so I am afraid to try alot of stuff new but don't feel I am eating healthy. Could any of you give me some suggestions. Here is a day of eating for me which is about the same everyday M-F if I stray away its only on the weekends.
Breakfast- Cream of Wheat or Oatmeal
Lunch- White Rice or Plain Pancakes no syrup
Dinner- Baked Potato or White Rice with Teryiaki sauce
Snacks are pretzels, slice of french bread with smart blance
Also I eat blueberry waffles no syrup pasta with garlic
If we eat out I eat a veggie burrito with just rice, tamatos, and some lettuc or a veggie sandwich. I usually drink ice tea or water but I am never thirsty so drinking is hard for me. If I do have meat it is usually a hamburger with meat cheese and the bun or turkey bacon. The only fruit I eat is bananas and veggies are green beans and whenever I eat the veggie sandwich. Please help I am always tired and know that the way I eat might have alot to do with it. Am I eating to many carbs even though thats how it shows us to eat here.

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Re: YAY.... Suggestion Please new
      #345142 - 04/27/09 05:19 PM

Reged: 02/05/09
Posts: 481
Loc: California


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Re: YAY.... Suggestion Please...mrae new
      #345144 - 04/27/09 05:43 PM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

you are eating alot of carbs, but so do I...trick is to watch portion control. Try and be smart and pick the carbs with the "most bang for the buck" so to speak lol You may need to experiment a tad and see if any whole grains work for you....I had noticed i was getting some cramping after I would have my blueberries and brown rice, which would make sense because they are both "eat carefully foods"...I am fairly new here and still experimenting so I figured i would try just having banana with brown rice and viola! no stomach gotta experiment a little

i would really recommend you having a little more there a reason why you are not eating more meat?

i think you need to find a little more nutritious combos of food....and add a little more protein to your diet which will help stabalize your energy levels.

from the menu you provided for your are pretty much riding an insulin roller coaster all day long which is making you tired.

i can possibly give you some suggestions if you let me know which foods you enjoy and work ok with your body

its just so hard because we all ahve diff trigger foods lol

if you want to have bread as a snack try adding zucchini to the mix when you make it or even a light pumpkin cake which can add some nutrition...

are you taking a multivitamin? that would most likely signifigantly help with your energy levels as well

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Re: YAY.... Suggestion Please...mrae new
      #345145 - 04/27/09 05:58 PM

Reged: 02/05/09
Posts: 481
Loc: California

With the meat I just try to stay away from alot of it because of the fat. I am going to start eating more chicken at least to start with. I am tired 90% of the time. The only things that I know I can not have for sure is spicy foods, beans, and applesauce. Other than that I am not sure of what will work and won't until I try. So any suggestions would be great and I can go from there. I do not take any vitamins. The only things I am taking is Calcium with vitamin D, Align and Colestipol.

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Re: YAY.... Suggestion Please...mrae new
      #345152 - 04/27/09 07:29 PM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

There is really not much fat in white meat skinless chicken, and white fish ie: haddock, tilapia, cod, or egg whites....that is the protein sources that fuel my diet. I try and make sure i have protein at each one of my SIX meals. That is another key to maintaining energy levels...make sure your meals are spaced no more than 3 hours apart, and like i said above make sure there is some protein at every meal...especially because of the type of carbs we need to consume, the protein will help stabilize your blood sugar. Try and experiment with fruits, see which ones you can tolerate...try small amounts even like 2T of blueberries, cherries or strawberries...get them frozen defrost them and put them in a food processor. Try putting that on top of your oatmeal or rice...mix it up with a little sugar in the raw and some cinnamon (which will also help stabilize blood sugar)...trying to sneak fruits and veggies in when we can is key so we don't miss out on powerful antioxidants. also try mixing like 1/2c pomegranate juice in with a gallon of spring water. Drink that throughout the day. You said you don't drink much water throughout the day...this may also be causing you to be never thirsty..but i still make sure i drink a cup of water every 45min (except 30 min before or after a meal because it inhibits digestion)...if you are actually thirsty, you are already becoming dehydrated. (a way to tell if you are getting enough water is look at your pee if it is clear, you are well hydrated, the more yellowy the color the more water your body needs)

here is an example of how you could possibly tweak your eating:

breakfast: 1/3 c old fashioned oatmeal (mixed with 2/3 c water) 1/8 c cherries defrosted and pureed

2 organic egg whites (hard boiled)

1 banana
1/4 c brown rice
1t almond butter

3 oz ORGANIC GRASS FED chicken breast
(cooked with shredded celery, zucchini, and yellow squash)
1 med yam or sweet potato
1/2 c broc, cauliflower, or brussel sprouts (make sure you eat 1/2 your potato before you begin eating veggies or meat.)

1/2 c cooked buckwheat
3/4 chopped mango or papaya
1t almond butter

5 oz haddock or other white fish with 2T-3T chopped tomatoes, onion, fresh garlic (sprinkle with oregano, basil)
1 med red potato
1/2-3/4 cup spaghetti squash with mediteranean seasonings

1/8 c defrosted and pureed blueberries
1/3 c old fashioned oatmeal
2 egg whites (hard boiled) or 1t almond butter.

Also, it is best to buy organic. We are really unsure as to how additives work in our bodies...they may test on one and prove it is safe ....but when many additives are consumed throughout the day there are nos tudies done as to the effect that multiple food additives are capable of when combined together. If you look on an ingredient list and see more than 5 ingredients or see words you don't understand, its best to stay away from it. (occasionaly it is ok but try to avoid use on a continuous daily basis.I hope i may have helped a little

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Re: Hello Rebecca ! Janice new
      #345153 - 04/27/09 07:44 PM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

I am so sorry work has been super busy and this weekend was hectice, we put a pool in so i spent the whole day sunday doing that lol Fighting against allll the things i have studied and read i cut down on my fruits even more...from 1/4 c berries with my rice to 1/8 and i added a little more banana and my cramps have gone away....and i had a normal bm today (isnt it amazing we get excited about such a wonderful act lol i have not tried the citrucel yet im so scared its gonna give me diarrhea .....i seem to be "going" ok now so i will hold off a little.

Im gonna keep trying to squeeze in my fruits and veggies even if it is small amounts....i ate brussel sprouts tonite with no prob and it seems if i eat 1/2 my potato before my meat and veggies i have absolutely no discomfort after i am done. Im gonna try mango and papaya (even though i have tried them a million times before) well i should actually gonna try to like mango and papayas

Sorry it took so long to get was a crazy few days!!

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Re: YAY.... Suggestion Please...mrae new
      #345154 - 04/27/09 08:36 PM

Reged: 02/05/09
Posts: 481
Loc: California

Yes you have helped with this and I will try this and do my best. Thank you

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Did I say something wrong? new
      #345157 - 04/28/09 05:55 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

Never mind....I'm a bit too sensitive!

IBS-C with pain and bloat

Edited by Jordy (04/28/09 08:52 AM)

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Re: YAY.... Suggestion Please...mrae new
      #345170 - 04/28/09 06:24 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095


1/2 c broc, cauliflower, or brussel sprouts

That's great that you can eat these. They are really gas producers! Do you take a beano or something to help digest it?

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: YAY.... Suggestion Please...mrae new
      #345172 - 04/28/09 07:07 AM

Reged: 02/05/09
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Loc: California

The broc I am ok with if its not alot at one time the other two I don't know yet until I try them.

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For Jordie new
      #345180 - 04/28/09 08:14 AM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

Oh Jordy sweetie,

Don't be upset. I am sure it was unintentional. It is easy to miss posts, if you don't have it set up right. Or someone may have responded out of place to the another post. We are a team/club. I know Janice2523 doesn't come that often, and Rebecca has been very busy with work and at home, according to another post.

Repeat any questions that you have, and why don't you start a new thread, since this one is getting long. I find that confusing at times.


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Re: Rebecca bump new
      #345200 - 04/28/09 12:39 PM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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bump for Janice new
      #345202 - 04/28/09 12:41 PM

Reged: 08/12/06
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IBS-C with pain and bloat

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this would indicate that new
      #345205 - 04/28/09 12:44 PM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

fiber supplements would be okay, then, right, since they are SF?

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: Rebecca bump-bump again new
      #345234 - 04/29/09 06:04 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
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Re: bump for Janice-once more new
      #345235 - 04/29/09 06:05 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
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bump for Rebecca-nt new
      #345236 - 04/29/09 06:06 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
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Re: this would indicate that new
      #345238 - 04/29/09 06:43 AM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

Fiber supplements are good but start out slow...don't take full dose at first...even ppl without ibs who overdue on fiber supplements will get major gas and bloating....imagine what that would do to us lol I think citrucel is one of the better choices because the fiber that is used does not ferment in your stomach as some of the other supplements do. I am also sure that Heather's brand would also be a big help....just remember START OUT SLOWLY!! If it calls for 2T do 1t try that for one week then the following week do 1 1/2t-2t up it gradually.

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I'm sorry I don't know what bump means lol-nt- new
      #345239 - 04/29/09 06:44 AM

Reged: 04/05/09
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bumping means..... new
      #345249 - 04/29/09 10:02 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

That I posted to you a few posts before the "bump", but you missed it and I am bumping it up for you to see again, in case you missed it.

Tell me, do you drink the simply smooth decaf everyday? I have some and was wondering if it really was more IBS friendly!

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: bumping means..... new
      #345258 - 04/29/09 11:47 AM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

lol thank you so much i was so confused with the whole bump deal! lol

Yes I have the simply smooth everyday. Although I only have two glasses a day, once in the am before work and once at about 3:30 when I get home. I mix (both simply smooth blend) 1/2 decaf and 1/2 regular...I do get a little bloated from it in the afternoon but nothing major and no pains.

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Re: bumping means..... new
      #345261 - 04/29/09 12:26 PM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

what fruit do you mix into your brown rice? Do you eat it cold? Good luck with the citrucel! Keep us updated!

What fruits and veggies can you eat and how servings do you try to get from them? If I remember correctly, you said you don't do well with them?


IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: bumping means..... new
      #345270 - 04/29/09 01:38 PM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

I eat the brown rice cold...i usually mix it with banana...if i am hungry for fruit (which i love so much ) the only amount i can tolerate with the brown rice is about 1/8 c which i will mix in blueberries, or cherries. I would imagine if you wanted more berries you could try it with white rice and that may make it easier to handle (after years of only eating whole grains i despise the taste of anything white lol )

last night i was so hungry for fruit so i got some papaya..... omg!!! it's disgusting it taste like vomit that was a no go although i had a big chunk and my belly wasn't affected by i do ok with too even though i don't really care for the taste of that either. I cant eat apples not chopped not sauced not cooked not nuthin! lol makes me sad cause like i said i love fruit. nope haven't tried the citrucel i have been pretty regular lately and why mess with sumthin if it's workin right lol

i eat mushrooms, onions (small quantities), garlic, brussel sprouts, brocolli, and cauliflower....i can only have about 1 serving at a time (i used to eat about a bag of brussel sprouts at one sitting before! lol) spinach i cant seem to tolerate even if it is cooked. I love sweet potatoes and i seem to do better with russet potatoes instead of red potatoes (i know they are not really a veggie lol) i also eat alot of zucchini, pumpkin, yellow squash and spaghetti squash. Tomatoes if in spag sauce and only if i use them as a condiment not a sauce...and fennel i do ok with.

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thank you Rebecca new
      #345304 - 04/30/09 07:58 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

I can't believe all the Cs who are able to eat bananas without them causing more constipation!

How can you not love mango and papaya! I love them...but stopped eating them when I started my fructose fear!

Oh, wow, I eat about 4 oz of frozen berries at a time...and tons of cooked spinach. I wonder if that's a problem for me? This stupid IBS is so different for all of us.

Do you eat the skins on your potato? I do. I love the skin and I'm hoping the extra IF fiber helps and not hurts.

I wouldn't eat brussel sprouts even if I didn't have IBS! Too scared to eat brocolli or cauliflower, although I love them both. How do you get the courage when they are suppose to cause so much gas and problems?

How do you cook and eat fennel bulbs?

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: thank you Rebecca new
      #345305 - 04/30/09 08:13 AM

Reged: 04/05/09
Posts: 144
Loc: Catasauqua Pennsylvania

OMG I eat about 3-4 bananas a day lol and i really don't dig mango and papaya lol funny thing is i love every fruit....excpet papaya and mango

I definately eat the skins on my potatoes but like i said (i think lol) russet potatoes are easier to digest for me then red...who knows why!

I think it is important to try with the veggies....i wasn't going down without a fight broc and cauliflower and brussels are way too nutritious for me to give up without first trying to see if i could tolerate them. (trial and error i suppose like spinach I love spinach, used to eat raw spinach salads all the time...but just doesnt agree with me......with broc and cauliflower, i was getting bloating then i would eat half my potato before anything at all....then i would have my veggies (only one serving!!) then my meat then the rest of my potato....that works for me.) If i would eat the veggies first i would get stomach cramps.

I think there are common things we know for sure are bad news, but the in between things need experimentation. 4 ounces of berries at a time would kick my butt, but 1ounce is ok....

I chop fennel and add to my home meade spag sauces (well actually spaghetti sauce condiment lol)

Like ive said before i try and sneak as many healthy choices in that my body can tolerate, without getting the bloating and cramps!

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