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Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341603 - 02/04/09 10:26 AM

Reged: 03/11/08
Posts: 108
Loc: Connecticut

I am newly "diagnosed" with having yeast and additional bad bacteria in my system.(so they say)
I have been suffering for years, being told this is IBS, and recently had some stool testing done. The trouble is, I am having a hard time reading the test results myself.
So how much candida is too much? does anyone know?

The test said that my beneficial bacteria was GOOD! (I credit that to Heather and the Acacia powder which I have been faithfully using for a year, plus probiotics). Now, I thought this "good" bacteria keeps the bad in "check". So if my good is VERY GOOD....why would the bad be a problem?

My Natuopath wants to put me on Uva ursi, Diflucan, and a special yeast free diet (ex: no sugar or food containing yeast. ), and to eliminate my exposure to mold.

A little histoy:
I Have have a host of problems that I believe somehow are all related! From sinus problems, to headaches, fatigue, anxiety, IBS symtoms (I am C), terrible bloating, skin rash, itchy skin around my ankles, sore and red eyes.....
I have been to allergists, and ENT etc... who have told me I have no allergies and no sinus problems......they all refer me to "someone else" because they don't know what is wrong.

My regular doctor was upset by the thought of me taking "Diflucan" as she said it has a host of serious possible side affects. So now I don't know what to do.
My regular doctor does not see all of this as being connected. She treats individual symptoms.

My naturopath says it IS all connected and that she feels I have an imbalance of bad bacteria which is causing it all.
So who do I believe???????
I don't want to take a fungal medicine that might "hurt" me.

I'm so sorry dear friends for this very long post.
But I am desperate for help and guidance.

Thanks so much for any input.....

IBS-C with bloating and cramps
occasional type A

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341643 - 02/04/09 03:10 PM

Reged: 07/18/06
Posts: 543
Loc: Florida

Your symptoms sure sound like fungus to me. I'm not sure why the grief about the diflucan, unless you would be taking it for extended periods of time. It may cause side effects, but I don't think it is as bad as a 'host of serious side effects'. I have read it has a relatively safe profile...whatever that means. How about a natural, herbal antifungal like olive leaf extract or caprylic acid, if you prefer something natural?

Were you ever on antibiotics before your symptoms appeared? Even back as a child. If so, your good bacteria was overrun with the bad, and allowed yeast to proliferate in its' (good bacteria) absence. Just pumping yourself with probiotics will not get rid of the fungus. Are you hesitant to try an antifungal diet, eliminating the sugar/yeast foods? I found much relief after that, along with the natural antifungals.

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341669 - 02/05/09 03:14 AM

Reged: 03/11/08
Posts: 108
Loc: Connecticut

Not hesitant at all about a diet change. I am just starting an antifungal diet since yesterday. Basically no sugar, no yeast, low carb, high protien and lots of veggies.

As for Diflucan, I read that 1 out of 100 people exerience liver damage and that It should be taken as a "last resort" medicine.

I was shocked to read all of this since my naturopath did not give me the slightest indication there would be any side affects.

Yes, I'd like natural. She also gave me Uva Ursi whcih is an herbal pill. But I will look into the two you mentioned.

Have you cured your yeast problem? Or will you need to be on the diet forever?

Thanks so much for responding!

IBS-C with bloating and cramps
occasional type A

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341709 - 02/05/09 01:58 PM

Reged: 07/18/06
Posts: 543
Loc: Florida

I am not on the diet, per se. I do watch what I eat so I don't get those symptoms back. If I have a little yeast, even by accident, I can usually tell within a day because I get the gurgling, tight gut and gas pains...maybe even loose movements. I sometimes eat yeast-free millet/flaxseed bread, or unleavened tortilla bread. We rarely keep bread in the house, even for my family who can tolerate it. Interestingly, when my husband does eat bread, he gets very gassy and constipated. I can pretty well eat sweets and such again, but I don't really care for them like I used to. I still have an intolerance to some fruit. Seems the diet helped me lose the cravings and addictions I once had....another possible symptom of fungus

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341728 - 02/06/09 05:46 AM

Reged: 06/07/06
Posts: 883

The idea of fungus overgrowth has been on my mind lately. It was even suggested by my allergist. I had the candida test done with no results (also had a test for other allergens, including food, nothing showed up). However, she did say that the test results mean that nothing showed up in my "external blood" (aka the blood that was drawn), and that doesn't mean I couldn't have antibodies in other portion of my blood that happened to be circulating elsewhere in my body. I also remember my GI doc telling me that even if blood tests turn out to be negative, it's still not a 100% proof that nothing's wrong, and that the best thing to do is to find out through trial and error.

Anyway, as I wrote in my other recent post, I keep thinking about how well I felt on the SBD, and how much worse I feel when I eat lots of grains and sugar. I think I will give the diet that Kim often describes here a proper shot (talking about I already sort of eat that way (well, on a good day ) but I still eat grains and some sweets.

IBS-C, bloating, cramps

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341731 - 02/06/09 05:57 AM

Reged: 07/18/06
Posts: 543
Loc: Florida

Good luck with that. I agree, you may only know for sure through experimenting. My doctors never found anything through testing either. But, I sure felt a heck of a lot better after experimenting with the antifungal diet. There are many kinds of fungi that can cause disease in humans...candida is only one.

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341779 - 02/07/09 12:59 AM

Reged: 06/07/06
Posts: 883

It's harder than I thought (at least the beginning) - I was doing so well yesterday, then had a chocolate cake at night . Will start anew today :-).

IBS-C, bloating, cramps

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341794 - 02/07/09 01:55 PM

Reged: 03/11/08
Posts: 108
Loc: Connecticut

I've been trying an anti-candida diet for a few days now and I am sooo hungry! Probably what Kim was saying about the cravings.
I agree with you. It's harder than you think.
Tomorrow is a new day....keep me posted with your progress!

IBS-C with bloating and cramps
occasional type A

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341795 - 02/07/09 02:02 PM

Reged: 03/11/08
Posts: 108
Loc: Connecticut

which diet did you use and for how long?

I have a diet that was given to me by my naturopath, and also got a book. The book diet is MUCH more restrictive and I don't think I can do it for 4 months

I DO keep Heather's Eating for IBS on hand too. Aft all, the yeast has caused IBS.

I've read it is nearly impossible to totally get rid of the yeast. I really love bread and am having a hard time giving it up. I'll have to look into yeast free varieties.

Thanks Kim!

IBS-C with bloating and cramps
occasional type A

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341797 - 02/07/09 02:33 PM

Reged: 07/18/06
Posts: 543
Loc: Florida

I followed the diet on the website. It was the gentleman, Doug Kaufmann, who introduced me to the concepts of fungus and disease with his health shows on TV and then his books. I didn't find the diet as restrictive as others I have since read about. Yes, I had to give up bread, potatoes and pasta...all my favorites at one time, but now I don't even miss them....really. I started using the yeast-free bread (sparingly to begin) after the 2 week mark since it is allowed on the phase 2 diet, and gradually increased grains as I went along to see if I would have a relapse. I wanted to be sure they weren't triggers for me. Now, it is different for everyone when to start the phase 2 of the diet. You need to go with your symptoms. Mine literally disappeared after 2 weeks, so I started the phase 2 diet after 2 weeks, and I stayed on the phase 2 for probably 3-4 months, with a few treats now and then The phase 2 allows you to introduce certain grains, as well as a few other foods (yams, brown rice)that were not allowed on phase 1. If you want me to send you the actual diet, email me and I'll send it to you. The phase 1 is on the above mentioned website, however.

I also believe the key for me was the natural antifungals and probiotics. I don't think diet alone will give you the results you may be looking for, depending on the severity of your condition. Diet is a start, however. Hang in there. You may feel worse before you feel better. You really cannot cheat on the intial part of the diet. You will just undo everything you worked hard for, even with one mouth-watering morsel.

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341798 - 02/07/09 03:09 PM

Reged: 03/11/08
Posts: 108
Loc: Connecticut

I'd love you to mail me the diet plan. Thank you so much!
From what I have read you are right that diet alone is not enough.
May I ask which natural anti-fungals you used?

IBS-C with bloating and cramps
occasional type A

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341810 - 02/07/09 10:26 PM

Reged: 06/07/06
Posts: 883

Kim - if the diet plan is anything else that's mentioned on the website, could you please e-mail it to me, too? Is it the phase 2? Otherwise I've got the diet plan from the FAQ section.
Carolyn - yes, HUNGER! That's exactly what I experienced! I kept stuffing myself with more and more veggies, I was so bloated at night . I tried eating enough protein but I think I'll need to eat more. What are your sources of protein that make good snacks? Mine are boiled eggs and tuna, I need to think of something I can bring to work tomorrow.

IBS-C, bloating, cramps

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341817 - 02/08/09 10:13 AM

Reged: 07/18/06
Posts: 543
Loc: Florida

Yes, the phase 1 is under the FAQ section, so you are set with that. On the phase 2 you can add brown rice, yams, beans and peas, yeast-free tortillas, millet, quinoa, buckwheat, barley, oats, or sourdough bread in moderation(yeast-free). I found yeast-free millet bread at my nutrition store. So, that gives you a better selection of food choices and you won't feel as hungry.

Do you eat meat/poultry? I ate a lot of that, for lunch and dinner, with veggies stir-fry, or salad. I also drank V-8 juice for a snack. I tried to eat a substantial breakfast with eggs/ham/bacon and I found I didn't feel so hungry through the day.I made a "legal" cheesecake with crushed almond bottom sweetened with Stevia, that helped me get through the first few weeks. I'll email it to you. Or, I can post it on here, if I'm allowed.

As for natural antifungals, I took olive leaf extract and caprylic acid. I rotated them monthly.

Have you had any ill side-effects....tiredness, aches, headaches, joint pain, fogginess....flu-like symptoms? I found when I took the antifungals I seemed to clean out my system much faster, but it gave me killer side effects.

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341818 - 02/08/09 10:50 AM

Reged: 06/07/06
Posts: 883

Thanks Kim, I'd love to have the recipe!

I have a question for you about the caprylic acid - which brand did you use, and how many did you take per day? I found a discussion board where people say that some brands work better than others. People said that the solgar brand was good but it's expensive here - 100 caps for about $40. I know I could get it cheaper online from the US, I just don't know if I want to wait that long to get it. I'll search the internet some more, though, to see if I can find it cheaper.

Thanks for the diet update! I can't wait to add some grains! The tortillas - do you use whole wheat flour tortillas, or regular? I haven't seen the ww ones here.

I am a meat-eater. I've been eating mostly chicken and fish for the past couple days. Sometimes we go out for lunch at work, and I can't imagine how hard this diet would be for a vegetarian! This way I can still order a filling meal!

I have not have any side effects yet but today is pretty much my first proper day! Plus, my system always reacts slowly to everything, so I don't think I'll have a reaction until a day four or five . I'll let you know!

IBS-C, bloating, cramps

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341822 - 02/08/09 11:57 AM

Reged: 04/09/07
Posts: 24
Loc: Wakefield, RI

Hi Carolyn & others!

I can empathize with your yeast overgrowth problem. Though I was not formally diagnosed, this is something I have been suspecting about myself for a while now. I seem to recall your responding to a post I made a few months back about recurrent yeast infections.

However, I am happy to report, I have had far fewer problems lately. I am still not where I'd like to be ultimately (may still want to try that antifungal diet), but actually, much of my improvement happened unintentionally... to get to my yeast issues, I'll have to start with other issues, though seemingly unrelated, it's all related...

From July to December, I was living in India. I studied abroad there for my fall semester. Before this, I was naturally quite nervous about how my IBS may act up in India, but I tried to remind myself of the strong psychological component to IBS... if I keep thinking I am going to have a problem, I probably will. In the spring/summer just before I went to India, my IBS symptoms ironically & conveniently almost disappeared (this I attribute to a number of factors including but not limited to counseling & better stress management, diet changes, supplements, yoga, meditation, & honestly, medicinal marijuana). The summer before I left I went on a week-long road trip with nine friends from NY to Tennessee & ate hotdogs & hamburgers without any problems, if you can believe it! In India, I had very few IBS symptoms, as I have been C-dominant. HOWEVER!, I had the opposite problem! This had nothing to do with my condition though, all of the foreigners I was traveling with had the same problem, just because there is so much bacteria everywhere in India. The food & water are just highly questionable & it is easy to get bacteria in your system which results in diarrhea & vomiting. For this, I had an antibiotic my general physician in the US prescribed to me just in case before I left, Ciprofloxacin. Cipro is used to treat all kinds of bacterial infections. Though I am not crazy about taking antibiotics or any prescription drugs, I had to take this a number of times to get rid of the bacteria I got in India. In doing this, I think I inadvertently killed the yeast overgrowth I had. I was also taking probiotics consistently. So, the reason this is relevant is because I understand why you wouldn't want to take Diflucan, but it might be necessary temporarily to kill the bad stuff. If I hadn't taken the Cipro, I don't think I would have rid myself of the bad bacteria.

Since my return from India in the beginning on December, I haven't had a yeast infection & overall, I feel generally better. I am also taking two other natural antifungals that are very inexpensive: Apple Cider Vinegar capsules & Garlic Oil capsules. I think these help to keep the fungus in my gut in check.

So, while I am no expert nor do I consider my issue completely resolved, I think you should go ahead with the Diflucan just to kill all that bad stuff & continue your diet & take natural antifungals, whichever one you choose... all the best to you & the others suffering with this problem.

21, female, Long Island, NY
school in Kingston, RI

IBS-C, abdominal pain, gas, bloating, cramping; acid reflux; fibromyalgia; chronic fatigue syndrome; chronic headaches

"Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

"Suffering arises ... whenever we resist the flow of life and try to cling to fixed forms..., whether they are things, events, people, or ideas."

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341832 - 02/08/09 06:34 PM

Reged: 07/18/06
Posts: 543
Loc: Florida

Nice to hear others have been helped taking antifungals. Apple cider vinegar is a good place to start if you don't have access to other natural antifungals. Cipro would not have helped your fungal condition, however. It has no antifungal activity. The Diflucan, on the other hand, would be a great way to kill yeast overgrowth. I hope you continue to have good health. Thanks for sharing your story and encouragement!

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341834 - 02/08/09 06:56 PM

Reged: 07/18/06
Posts: 543
Loc: Florida

I used the Solaray brand. It is actually called Yeast Cleanse, which includes c. acid, pau d'arco, grapefruit seed extract, all good antifungals. I have also used the Nature's Way brand of supplements. Can you get organic apple cider vinegar in the meantime? Mix a tsp. or so in some water and drink. Yucky taste but it is a good antifungal, as well. I used white flour tortillas, but I had to look carefully on the ingredients label, 'cause some have yeast in them. I used to make breakfast burritos for breakfast and/or meat/veggie wraps for lunch. Gave a little more variety anyway.

The cheesecake recipe:

Ground almonds or pecans and melted butter for base(I don't follow a certain amount. Enough to cover the bottom of springform pan) I add melted butter with the nuts so it holds together a bit better.

3 egg whites-whip and set aside for later
In separate bowl add and beat together:
2 pkgs. cream cheese (full fat)
3 egg yolks (I use only 2, a matter of taste preference)
Stevia to taste. You don't need to much, you have to really do it trial and error. Don't overdo the Stevia, or it will be bitter.
Flavor: vanilla, and/or real lemon juice (I use from a bottle..again enough for your taste preference)

Once beaten together, fold in egg whites until mixed fairly well. It should be foamy/frothy but mixed in well. Don't stir and beat it!

Pour into the pan with already added nut base. Bake 300 degrees for 1 hour.
I top with fresh or frozen berries with real whipped cream when I eat it. You may need a few trial and errors to get thte taste you are satisfied with, especially with the Stevia and flavorings.
Tastes amazing, especially after coming off a sugar addiction fix from following the diet

If you have trouble with nuts, take it easy on the size of pieces. It should only be a treat, not a full size like you'd get in a restaurant! I think I ate too much in one day so I had very loose bowels for awhile. Then, I started scraping some of the nuts off the bottom just in case.

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341838 - 02/09/09 04:39 AM

Reged: 03/11/08
Posts: 108
Loc: Connecticut

Thanks for all of this great information. I was very impressed with the Doug Kaufmann website and have ordererd a couple of his books. This shouldhelp with some recipe ideas. (YOur cheesecake sounds fabulous! Can't wait till I can try it)
As for side affects, I feel absolutely rotten! Yes, flu like and headache, chilled achy...and so on! It's really getting me down. So far I'm only doing a diet change and taking some Uva Ursi (a natural herbal remedy for fungas).
I have decided to try and take the Diflucan antifungal for a little while. But have not started yet because I want to stock up on a few other natural remidies so that I can rotate them. I've been reading a lot about Olive Leaf extract! So I'm going to try and find that one for sure.

By the way, Which anti-fungal did you use?

IBS-C with bloating and cramps
occasional type A

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341840 - 02/09/09 05:34 AM

Reged: 06/07/06
Posts: 883

Carolyn, it's actually good that you feel crappy, that way you know the diet's really working. I'm on my proper day two, I don't feel great but I was sick last week (flu) and I'm not completely well yet, so it could also be that. I actually hope to get this reaction, too, because I want to feel that it's working :-).

I shelled out today and purchased the caprylic acid, if it works ok then I'll have my relatives bring me some from the US (they're visiting in May). Even if I ordered it directly from the US store, they were going to charge me $30 for shipping, so I figured I wouldn't really save anyway :-). And, this way, I can have it now. I took one after lunch today and I do feel bloated, but that's not necessarily relevant. The one I have has 325mg per dose.

Kim, thanks for the cheesecake recipe, it sounds yummy! I probably won't make it now though, because I couln't have just one piece. Too tempting :-). But I'll save it for the later phase.

Also, do you know if sugar free candies are ok? I'm not talking about the ones sweetened with sugar alcohol but the ones that have aspartame and acesulfane K (sp?). Would those be OK?

Also, the V8 is a great idea. I didn't find it here so I got some 100% tomato juice. It's great for the office to have as a snack. I also got the apple cider vinegar and

IBS-C, bloating, cramps

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341843 - 02/09/09 07:04 AM

Reged: 03/11/08
Posts: 108
Loc: Connecticut

Hi Zara, yes, I certainly DO feel the flu is coming on. It's almost like the fungus are coming alive or something. But you are right about this confirming the fungus theory for my problem.

I'd love to keep in touch with you regarding all of this. Do you know of another board that we could connect on? I don't want to confuse the people here on "eating for IBS" board.

IBS-C with bloating and cramps
occasional type A

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341844 - 02/09/09 07:59 AM

Reged: 06/07/06
Posts: 883


Do you know of another board that we could connect on? I don't want to confuse the people here on "eating for IBS" board.

Great idea! I started a new thread for us on another board - click here .

IBS-C, bloating, cramps

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zara new
      #341845 - 02/09/09 08:05 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

Not to bud in here, but

do you use whole wheat flour tortillas, or regular? I haven't seen the ww ones here.

Are you gonna give up the gluten free diet to try this one? Good luck!

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Does this diet... new
      #341846 - 02/09/09 08:08 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

....allow dairy?

2 pkgs. cream cheese (full fat)

in the cheesecake?

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341849 - 02/09/09 08:14 AM

Reged: 03/11/08
Posts: 108
Loc: Connecticut

Tnanks so much for responding to my post! It was very interesting to read of your bacteria problem in India. From everything I've read it seems that antibiotics make a fungal condition worse..... so it's hard to understand why you would be feeling better. Although....feeling better is GREAT! I hope you continue to be on the "feel better" road.

After great consideration I have indeed decided to go on Diflucan for a little while. My problem is so bad that it seems to me the conition out weighs the possible side affects.

I've never heard of Apple Cider Vinegar caps, I'll have to look for that one. Or just drink it, as Kim had suggested in another post.

I'd love to keep in touch with you! I'm not sure this is the best board to discuss a fungus overgrowth. I'll keep you posted if I find another board which is better. I don't want anyone strictly on the Eating for IBS diet to be confused.

Be well....

IBS-C with bloating and cramps
occasional type A

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Re: Jordy new
      #341855 - 02/09/09 09:31 AM

Reged: 06/07/06
Posts: 883

I'm not GF anyway, I just don't eat wheat. I just have to take it one diet at a time. Flour tortillas are not as big as bagels and cakes, and I wouldn't eat more than one at a time anyway. But I don't have to worry about them for a while.

IBS-C, bloating, cramps

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341856 - 02/09/09 09:55 AM

Reged: 04/09/07
Posts: 24
Loc: Wakefield, RI

Hey ladies,

I am just noticing from your profiles that all of us seem to be C-dominant with bloating and pain...? I mean there are a lot of ways IBS can manifest itself, I just wonder if this overlap of symptoms has anything to do with candida overgrowth. Can't imagine they are completely unrelated.

Just a thought !

21, female, Long Island, NY
school in Kingston, RI

IBS-C, abdominal pain, gas, bloating, cramping; acid reflux; fibromyalgia; chronic fatigue syndrome; chronic headaches

"Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

"Suffering arises ... whenever we resist the flow of life and try to cling to fixed forms..., whether they are things, events, people, or ideas."

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Re: Does this diet...
      #341869 - 02/09/09 04:25 PM

Reged: 07/18/06
Posts: 543
Loc: Florida

It only allows real butter and yogurt, and sparingly: cream cheese, organic, unsweetened whipping cream, and real, sour cream. Don't overdo the cheesecake thing. I used to eat a tiny piece as a "reward"/treat at the end of my day and make it last as long as possible. Somedays I had 2 small pieces. Something sweet to look forward to. It should be full-fat because there are artificial fillers in the lo- and no-fat versions.

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341870 - 02/09/09 04:28 PM

Reged: 07/18/06
Posts: 543
Loc: Florida

I am D-dominant, and yes, I think they are related to fungus. Is that the only thing it could, but a good way to find out is to experiment with the antifungal diet. Tests won't tell you.

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341871 - 02/09/09 04:39 PM

Reged: 07/18/06
Posts: 543
Loc: Florida

Sorry...a big N-O to any sugar, real or artificial, especially artificial. However, Stevia is OK. I see that there will be soda coming out soon with Stevia as a sweetener. Wonder how that will taste?

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #341891 - 02/10/09 12:25 AM

Reged: 06/07/06
Posts: 883

JJIbeach, thanks for sharing your experience! It's very encouraging, and I'm glad you were able to get rid of the yeast overgrowth! I also started taking apple cider vinegar (along with caprylic acid), and I'm curious to see what happens .

IBS-C, bloating, cramps

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #344806 - 04/21/09 05:01 PM

Reged: 04/09/07
Posts: 24
Loc: Wakefield, RI

To all who have been posting here:

Hello. So about a week ago I started an anti-fungal diet. It has been very difficult and I have been very depressed. I'm somewhat depressed because I feel rather alone in this, most people in my life don't really understand any of this (I'm 21 years old, most people my age that I know don't have problems or think about their health really at all); and I'm sure the depression and fatigue could be a direct result of "die-off."

The thing is, I began this diet by my own volition, not my doctor's or anything, and I was never formally diagnosed with a yeast overgrowth. It is something I have suspected for some time because for the past 4-5 years, I have experienced: chronic headaches, digestive problems, IBS-issues, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, mood swings, severe brain fog, vaginal yeast infections, etc. These have all happened on and off and overall, the past year has been considerably better than in the past... for example, no vaginal yeast infections for 5-6 months now (which is a big deal), IBS symptoms are almost under control, and I can get away with eating a lot more. I still experience unexplainable tiredness and brain fog almost daily; headaches, dizziness, and joint pain occasionally. What I am trying to weigh here now is whether this diet is even worth it for me right now. It almost feels as though the costs outweigh the benefits (though it would be unthinkable and incredible if I were completely cured and seldom suffered from ANY of the aforementioned symptoms!) The fact of the matter is, I have almost grown accustomed to this and not that I like it and don't want to change it, I feel more depressed these last few days that it doesn't seem worth it. It feels like I've convinced myself that this is so much worse than it actually is, when I stop to remember that before I started the diet, I was uncomfortable at times, but I was happier.

I guess what I am interested in knowing from anybody else here is what kinds of symptoms do/did you have that you think are/were a result of Candida? And how often? I have done a lot of research and it seems like many other people have had a yeast overgrowth far more severe than mine, with symptoms much more horrendous and life-altering. Mine are awful and I hate it, but I've been living this way for quite a while... and most of the time, it's manageable. I really want to be healthy but I am miserable. This diet is affecting my social life, I don't feel like I can go out and do the same things I used to, since many social situations are occasions for eating and drinking. Plus, nobody in my life seems to understand this. Or they think I am crazy.

Please, thoughts from anybody?

Thank you.

21, female, Long Island, NY
school in Kingston, RI

IBS-C, abdominal pain, gas, bloating, cramping; acid reflux; fibromyalgia; chronic fatigue syndrome; chronic headaches

"Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

"Suffering arises ... whenever we resist the flow of life and try to cling to fixed forms..., whether they are things, events, people, or ideas."

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #344841 - 04/22/09 12:07 PM

Reged: 07/18/06
Posts: 543
Loc: Florida


Sorry you are not feeling so great right now. I read your post with interest and was wondering what kind of antifungal diet have you been on? What are you eating? Are you also taking any prescription or natural antifungals? I think either are key to getting rid of any fungus condition, if that happens to be your problem.

Realizing you can't/don't have things the way they used to be, whether it be eating habits, friends, job, place you live,etc. can cause depression under normal circumstances, let alone with condition that may be caused by fungus. So, it is hard to know for sure.

If you have already been on this diet for one week, I would not be so quick to give up just yet. You should know more in another week or so if/when you start feeling better. For me, my symptoms were very real fatigue along with flu-like symptoms. Probably lasted into the second week of the diet, but I never felt "better" until the beginning of the third week of the diet. I also went on the diet on my own volition.

I'm thinking it is too soon to tell whether the diet will help you. Your symptoms, however, when you had your good, and bad days, have been known to be fungus-related. Is it that you can't eat what you want that bothers you the most, or the feeling of depression and fatigue? If this diet helps you, are you willing to make a change with how you eat the rest of your life? I now eat pretty well most things again, in moderation, but I know there are still foods I need to avoid (yeasty foods) and limit (sugar). I don't ever entertain the idea of going back to the way I used to eat because I felt so miserable.

What is it that you can't do in social situations? There should be food you can eat, or adapt and take your own, or eat before you go out. We can always find a way to do the things that we really want to do. As for the drinking, it is not a life sentence being on the diet. Once you get well again, you will have to moderate your intake, but you should be able to have a drink now and again. I drink red wine pretty well every weekend. Every one is different, however.

I hope you are encouraged to continue with the diet. How will you ever know otherwise? If it doesn't help, go from there.

Take care.

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #344926 - 04/23/09 07:48 PM

Reged: 04/09/07
Posts: 24
Loc: Wakefield, RI


I am on the diet on from and have also consulted a number of other websites including since there are some indiscrepancies as far as which fruits and legumes can be eaten and when. However, I pretty much eat all kinds of vegetables greens, spinach, asparagus, celery, cucumber, scallion, garlic, pepper, avocado, green apples, berries; steak, lamb, turkey; eggs; almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds.
I have been taking Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules, Garlic Capsules, Candex, and probiotics. No prescription antifungal right now. Do you think I need one? I plan to see my physician, but the problem is, I am in an awkward stage right now as I am finishing up school in Rhode Island within the next week, then finals, then graduating and then returning home to Long Island,... during which time I can see my regular physician.

Though I am feeling generally a little less depressed today than the last few days, I have been feeling this because I haven't/hadn't really spoken to anybody in my life about it, and even people who I had, I didn't explain it all because it's so complicated and I don't feel people really understand or believe me. In the last two days, I've told my boyfriend, father, and sister a little more, which sort of helped I guess.

I feel like it's hard to eat out of the house with the restrictions because you never really know how people cook things. And the fact that I can't drink sort of gets me down, I'm 21, I like beer for the taste even, not to get drunk, and when most of my friends "go out," they go to bars.

I suppose this may pass... it's only the beginning and it is such a long process as I've read, which scares me out of my mind to think how long I might have to live like this, or what if I never feel better...

I am also on the birth control pill. Have been for roughly 5 years without a break, originally for very heavy bleeding (I'm talking super-plus tampon every half hour, 6-7 days) and now also to prevent pregnancy. I know birth control pills make the body hospitable for yeast overgrowth and the more I read about what the excess hormones can do to your body, the less I like it. I have been thinking of discontinuing after this pack it finished, but I am also very nervous about this. I keep thinking about if my periods go back to how they were (they are extremely light now, 2-3 days), and if I will face many common side-effects of discontinuing BC use like headaches, nausea, mood swings, etc. I am also considering the fact that if I go off the BC now, while it may assist me in recovering from a yeast overgrowth, I may have started to feel better on the anti-fungal diet and never would have known if I start developing symptoms from discontinuing BC use. Do you know what I mean? I don't know if the timing is right or not.

A lot of things to think about and I am very on edge... 8 days now and I am just waiting to feel some relief.

Thanks for all your thoughts and understanding,


21, female, Long Island, NY
school in Kingston, RI

IBS-C, abdominal pain, gas, bloating, cramping; acid reflux; fibromyalgia; chronic fatigue syndrome; chronic headaches

"Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

"Suffering arises ... whenever we resist the flow of life and try to cling to fixed forms..., whether they are things, events, people, or ideas."

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #344936 - 04/24/09 03:49 AM

Reged: 08/23/06
Posts: 132
Loc: Jasper, GA

Don't know if this will help you, but it has helped me...I also have a yeast overgrowth, and I am IBS-C with pain and bloating. I have been on probiotics & a Candida diet (UGH). In the fall I moved from Atlanta, GA to Jasper, GA. It is a small mountain community in North Georgia. I met a woman who does Reiki Massage. She asked me if I have ever tried Kefir. (Do a search on the internet for this to get an explanation.) Since I have been drinking the Kefir, my Constipation is no longer there. The bloating has drasticly improved along with the pain. I also take Heather's Acacia, pepperment capsules, and pepperment tea. I am soooo pleased


Snookie, IBS-C

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Kefir new
      #344937 - 04/24/09 05:54 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

where do you buy kefir? What brand/kind do you buy? Is it a drink?

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: Kefir new
      #344959 - 04/24/09 06:19 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

Kefir is dairy and unsafe according to EFI.

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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Re: Kefir new
      #345019 - 04/25/09 06:53 PM

Reged: 08/23/06
Posts: 132
Loc: Jasper, GA

I happen to make my Kefir with soy milk. I know a woman who makes hers with almond milk, so it can be made IBS safe. Jordy, you have to get the grains from someone who is willing to share with you. The commercial brands are not IBS safe because they are usually made with goat milk. As with anything, what works for one may not work for another. I only wanted to share my experience since I have been constipated for soooo long, and this is actually working for me.

Snookie, IBS-C

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Re: Kefir new
      #345020 - 04/25/09 07:59 PM

Reged: 09/04/08
Posts: 497

Thanks ECM for sharing and caring. Sometimes people on these boards jump a little to quickly before asking a few questions (myself included in that group ). We are glad that you shared.

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Re: Kefir new
      #345034 - 04/26/09 08:49 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

Thank you! I don't know of anyone who has the grains. Would you know how I can get my own safe grains and tell me how to add it to almond milk?

I'm so contipated, I would truly like to try this! Thank you so much

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: Kefir starter source new
      #345063 - 04/26/09 01:18 PM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)

Kandee post about buying starter at HFS

Kandee's post about using Yogourmet

Yogourmet site

The site says their starter is made from strains of dairy cultures which I think means the bacteria are from dairy rather than that the starter is dairy-based. At any rate, if Kandee uses it it should be okay.

[Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]

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Re: Kefir starter source new
      #345164 - 04/28/09 06:16 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

thank you, Sand.

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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ECM new
      #345165 - 04/28/09 06:17 AM

Reged: 08/12/06
Posts: 2095

Do you need a special appliance to make this? How do you make it with the starter and the milk substitute?

Thanks for sharing that this has helped you.

IBS-C with pain and bloat

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Re: Need help with yeast overgrowth diagnosis!!!! Please! new
      #346718 - 06/02/09 10:28 AM

Reged: 04/09/07
Posts: 24
Loc: Wakefield, RI

Carolyn & others,

Any news with the anti-fungal diet? How is it going? Are you feeling better?

I am a month and a half into my diet and I notice some slight improvement but not enough that it feels entirely worth it to me... I am seeing my doc tonight so maybe I will have to change some things. How is everyone else doing with this?

Thanks and be well

21, female, Long Island, NY
school in Kingston, RI

IBS-C, abdominal pain, gas, bloating, cramping; acid reflux; fibromyalgia; chronic fatigue syndrome; chronic headaches

"Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

"Suffering arises ... whenever we resist the flow of life and try to cling to fixed forms..., whether they are things, events, people, or ideas."

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