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Anxiety meds that are ibs safe? new
      #315336 - 09/20/07 12:29 PM

Reged: 07/06/07
Posts: 72
Loc: Maine

Thinking about starting one, for a few weeks...then doing hypno ...and hopefully getting off it. Any suggestions? One that won't hurt ibs-d?

IBS-D, stay at home mom of a beautiful daughter...

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Re: Anxiety meds that are ibs safe? new
      #315347 - 09/20/07 03:32 PM

Reged: 05/09/07
Posts: 98
Loc: Connecticut

I've been on clonzepam (general of Klonipin?) for a few years now. I abrutely went off it due to an insurance problem and my IBS went nuts. So it was definitely helping that. I'm IBS-A. So it seemed to help with cramping, anxiety about the pain and D.

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Re: Anxiety meds that are ibs safe? new
      #315423 - 09/22/07 10:10 AM

Reged: 08/15/07
Posts: 48
Loc: Orlando, Florida

Cymbalta and Topamax are both good for IBS-D since their main side affect is Constipation. Both will help "even out" your moods too. Topamax is also approved for migraine maintenance.

IBS-D, with Coloitis from surgery

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Re: Anxiety meds that are ibs safe? new
      #315436 - 09/22/07 03:28 PM

Reged: 07/01/07
Posts: 68
Loc: bay area, CA

I was on zoloft for a few months and it seemed to make things worse. i have now been off the stuff for a couple of months. I definitely do not miss that drug! and so far, it doesn't seem like i need a replacement...

"I have no patience for lactose. And I won't stand for it." -Jerry Seinfeld

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Xanax has always worked for me. -nt new
      #315437 - 09/22/07 03:57 PM

Reged: 10/05/05
Posts: 488

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Re: Anxiety meds that are ibs safe? new
      #315447 - 09/22/07 05:52 PM

Reged: 02/14/05
Posts: 2634

Buspar (generic: buspirone) -- not addictive, not a tranquilizer, and I think they're currently doing some studies on it as a treatment for IBS. You do have to take this for 4 - 6 weeks before you notice a change/improvement in your anxiety. Good for generalized anxiety or OCD, I think.

For short term, fast relief, you could try a benzodiazepene (like Ativan/lorazepam or Xanax), which has tranquilizing affects and also works well for IBS attacks/spasms. Good for panic attacks.

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For IBS Hell new
      #315448 - 09/22/07 07:53 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Hi. I had asked Maria the same much lorazapam do you take and how often? (Yes, generic for klonopin). I am just trying to get an idea as to how much of it people use. Do you take anything else? I take 10mg of lexapro for the anxiety but I supplement with .5 mg of clorazapam (spelled with a "c" on my bottle) as needed and I don't want to get addicted but often feel like I need more. Thanks.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: For IBS Hell new
      #315451 - 09/23/07 04:24 AM

Reged: 04/10/07
Posts: 3
Loc: NJ

I take 10mg Lexapro and xanax .25mg as needed for my anxiety. Lorazepam is the generic for ativan, clonazepam is klonopin, which is longer acting than ativan and xanax. I have always responded better to xanax and ativan. I take my xanax about 2-3 times a week. It is my understanding that tolerance and dependency is more an issue with daily use and higher doses, but when it does happen, the withdrawl from these drugs is horrible. How often do you take your clonazepam?
I have found Lexapro to be a wonder drug and the best decision I made for my anxiety and IBS-C. It's been almost 3 months on Lexapro and I feel like a different person. At first my C was worse, but after about 2 months I saw major improvements. I don't know if it was the reduction in my anxiety or the chemical changes caused by the meds, but it's so much better.


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clorazapam response new
      #315473 - 09/23/07 07:08 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

I started the lexapro in February and it has made a huge difference with my anxiety in my every day experiences (like maybe something more simple like going to the park). It also caused me to swing from an A (I used to be D but then the acacia/diet/and hypno started to help) to C on occassion. I was doing great and only using the clorazapam for big events like plane rides or trick-or-treating with my kids (yes-big deal for me!!) But I am having an overwhelming month and I would like to take it more b/c I find myself "muddling through" situations instead of enjoying them (I freaked out before going to dinner with my husband and some friends...would not have done that a month ago...don't want it to spiral back to the old me).

Here's something funny but true: it seems that I am leaning toward d during the week when I have to take my son to the bus stop, etc., but then I don't have a bm all weekend when that situation is eliminated! Go figure. So I know it is anxiety induced. I'm actually looking forward to a good BM tomorrow morning but I don't want my anxiety to make it D instead. I'm doing the hypno again here and there and taking calcium carbonate the evenings before school so hopefully that will help. Thanks for the clarification by the way on all the generic forms of the meds.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: clorazapam response new
      #315492 - 09/24/07 09:45 AM

Reged: 05/09/07
Posts: 98
Loc: Connecticut

I have been taking 1 mg of clonazepam at night for the last 3 years. It was originally prescribed for anxiety attacks. It is said to be addictive and some people do go through withdrawal when they come off it (ironically enough, one of the common withdrawal symptoms is anxiety attacks). I successfully weened myself completely off it last year. I was actually not taking any IBS meds for about 5 months (2-3 mo. for the clonazepam as it took longer to ween off), but I didn't go through any withdrawal. Right after I finish the weening off, I lost my job and the next day was in the ER with what I thought was an IBS attack. Five days later and three different diagnosis, they realized it was my gallbladder and i had that out. That changed my IBS completely. I went back on everything, and yada yada. Don't wanna bore with all the details. But my new GI said that he would recommend my cutting it down to .5 mg for the IBS and see how I feel. I no longer need it for anxiety, but it clearly helps with the IBS.

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Lexapro new
      #315747 - 09/29/07 05:31 PM

Reged: 12/17/03
Posts: 588
Loc: Ohio

I have read so much about GOOD things with people with IBS taking lexapro, anyone, how long did it take to feel the full affects, do you take it at bedtime or during the day, does it interupt your sleep or help you? Anyone in put would be appreciated. Also I have tried the lorazepam (ativan) since December, prescribed .5 and was taking a quarter to a half at bedtime and my doctor told me that a quarter was like taking nothing. I am so afraid of become addicted to medication. So I have been taking a whole one as bedtime, I have severe insomnia, it helps me sleep, but I have not noticed when I take a half or whole when I'm having an IBS-D with my labor pain cramping that it has any affect, which makes me sad....I have tried Xanax, but also am afraid of becoming addicted and it really sedates me so I cannot take one during the day or even half a one.

IBS-D, extreme pain and cramping - GERD - lactose/dairy intolerant, OCD, Fibromyalgia
DX: w/ Multiple Sclerosis 3/10
I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me. Phil 4:13

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Re: Lexapro new
      #315757 - 09/29/07 08:59 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

I just came from my doc appt. today so hopefully my info can help you. I've been taking lexapro 10 mg. since February and it has helped tremendously with d (made me more constipated) and kep my anxiety at bay on a daily basis for "low risk" things. What I mean is that I am now able to do simple things without anxiety, like taking my kids to the park or going to dinner with my husband. HOWEVER, if it is a "higher risk" activity, like going to that same park to meet some other moms for a play date, or going to that same restaurant with a bunch of couples, my anxiety kicks in and gets the best of me. Let me remind you that I have done a round of hypno., been on this diet for almost exactly a year now, take acacia (reduced after starting the lexapro), and occassionally do yoga. SOOO I have clorazapam (generic for klonopin) which I try so hard not to take but I need to for big events like a wedding or even a freak out over a night out.

Doc says that b/c I am having some "breakthrough anxiety" (this has been an overwhelming month in my life), I can either increase the lexapro to 20 mg (starting with 15 mg first) or take the klonopin as needed...she assured me that 3x week will not make me addicted. I understand your concern b/c I feel the same way. How she explained it is that our seratonin levels are probably lower than other people's levels and the meds raise our levels so that we can lead productive lives, just like a person with high blood pressure would take meds. She reminded me that I wouldn't psychologically feel like I should be able to "control" my blood pressure, diabetes, etc. if I had another condition so I should not feel weak for needed to take these meds. That's such a message that I struggle with all the time and then I wind up "muddling" through situations rather than enjoying them fully.

I'm going to mull it over and decide. I will probably stick with the 10mg for awhile and take the klonopin more regularly if needed, especially b/c this is a tough period that may/should pass in my life. Also, as you asked, yes, I did have side effects of the lexapro for about 10 days (night sweats, nausea, sleeplessness, and bad d/stomach pains just the first night) so I'm not looking forward to that again if I increase. If you just started, hang in took me the full 5 weeks I would say to start seeing a real difference. Oh...and the klonopin (like your lorazapam I think) should also "relax" your GI system as well as deal with the anxiety.

I hope this helps and I also helps it sheds some light on those of you like me who are hesitant about the varying opinions of taking meds.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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      #315758 - 09/29/07 09:01 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: you take calcium carbonate? line415 answer
      #315784 - 09/30/07 05:13 PM

Reged: 12/17/03
Posts: 588
Loc: Ohio

Line415, no I take the calcium citrate as I read that the carbonate is bad for IBS-D......also that you so much for your touching response to the lexapro, I have heard a lot of good about it, but I am supposed to be starting a new job within 10 days and am so afraid to start a new med with a new job....but then again I don't want the horrible cramps and D while working....good lord this Ibs crap sucks!!! I have been back on my Librax three times a day and I have been taking a whole 0.5mg ativan at bedtime, which is not a big deal now that I understand, first the dosage is low and second it's meant to be taken 3 times a days if I need it. Last night around 8 or 8:30, my heart just started pounding just thinking about my IBS, so I just got up and took it, it wasn't close to bed time, but the anxiety and "cause" for an attack was not worth it...thanks again for the input!! Is the calcium correct?

IBS-D, extreme pain and cramping - GERD - lactose/dairy intolerant, OCD, Fibromyalgia
DX: w/ Multiple Sclerosis 3/10
I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me. Phil 4:13

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Re: Lexapro new
      #316040 - 10/03/07 05:35 PM

Reged: 08/15/07
Posts: 48
Loc: Orlando, Florida

Line 415 gave some excellent advice. I was taking Lexapro and Topamax. Both help with moods and anxiety-PLUS the main side affect is constipation. That's a really good cocktail mix for IBS-Ds. I switched out the Lexapro for Cymbalta last year. The affect is still amazing. I only take 10 mg and 25 mg. The only addiction I feel is that you have to slowly stop taking it so your body will remember to secreet saratonin on it's own- and don't worry- it will! I won't be coming off it until I am ready to try for babies though. I was going 10-20 times a day until my primary recommended I try this. My gastro had me on every drug possible to try to stop the attacks. This is what worked to get me to 2-3 times a day and Heather's diet has gotten me to 1 a day! Now I am welcoming back my quality of life!

IBS-D, with Coloitis from surgery

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Glad it's working for you castaway. n/t new
      #316044 - 10/03/07 05:42 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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