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Still pretty new -- can't break GERD/IBS Cycle!
      #30918 - 12/09/03 10:50 PM

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 43
Loc: St. Louis, MO

Hi All,
I've looked and read through everything that I can think of, so please forgive me if the answer is out here and I just can't find it. Any ideas, help, support, or words of encouragement are most welcome.

I have endometriosis, IBS, and adhesions, and two weeks ago, I had open abdominal surgery to correct problems 1 and 3. I had to do a full colon prep before surgery as a precaution (just a few weeks after a colonoscopy -- AAAAAHHH!). After 5 hours of surgery, my rather spazzy colon was pretty darn quiet, and it didn't bother me a bit! Unfortunately, my surgeon was not too happy, and after 1 week with no BM, I was ordered to take 2 Ducolax. It's been 1 week since that awful experience, and now I can't seem to get calmed down again. The big problem may be the 800 mg of Ibuprofen I need to take to control swelling. Despite the Pepcid AC Chewables, I have very bad acid, so peppermint tea is just not working. I'll go find some fennel tea tomorrow. I am sticking to the IBS diet (eating mostly complex carbs and avoiding any high acid foods like the plague), but I am getting nowhere. I was trying to add back my fiber supplements, but I had to give up on it (I may try another type too).

Thanks for bearing with me to the bitter end of this long post. I desparately need some sleep, but I look forward to all responses that may be here in the morning.

Take care, Jane

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Re: Still pretty new -- can't break GERD/IBS Cycle! new
      #30922 - 12/10/03 12:08 AM

Reged: 09/17/03
Posts: 205

Really sorry to hear all you've been thru lately. Do you actually have GERDS, cause, if so, you should be on Prevacid, Nexium , Prilosec or another drug for it. PEPPERMINT in ANY form is the worst thing for GERDS........so please don't drink, eat ANYTHING with ANY OF THIS IN IT!!!!!!! Chamomille tea should be soothing!!! Stay on the bland diet and nothing spicy, no citrus fruits, etc. I wouldn't even eat any fruits or veggies till I felt better.......cept mabe some carrots or squash when I felt up to it. Chick nood soup is great!!!!!! Lots of bread, pasta, etc. and I might stay away fr. rice & bananas rite now as they can be binding too.

Sure hope this helps a bit and that you feel better soon!!!!!!

Some deep breathing and trying to relax your tummy plus a heating pad would be great right now too! When I say relax your tummy......lie down and just tell each part of yr body to relax, starting w/toes and each part all the way thru yr head and arms to the fingers. Talk to your body in yr mind!!!! I mean it seriously. Say......I am going into relaxation, toes relax and go deep, deep asleep, etc., & pay attention to each part of the GI system........spend longer on those parts!! I took a hypnosis course yrs ago w/a friend in niteschool and alot of people fell asleep in class doing it. I found tht it really helped me and often fell asleep before finishing it. Also picture yourself on a sandy beach lyin in the sun and listen to the soft waves as they touch the shore and the birds overhead. It may sound silly..........but IT DOES WORK!!!!!!!! You should do it every day and so should I. I sure wish I knew where that tape is today, but I remember it well. The lst thing y start by is being comfy and tell yrself u are going into relaxation abt 3 times, take deep breaths at the same time................and then start w/the toes, etc.

Sure hopes this helps. Keep your chin up!!!! & put a on your face!!!!!!!!!

Pls. let me know how you r doing!!!!!!!!!


PS Soothing music in the background is great too!!! and pls forgive the typing!!!!!!

Edited by marnie (12/10/03 12:09 AM)

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Re: Still pretty new -- can't break GERD/IBS Cycle! new
      #30936 - 12/10/03 07:11 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Sure sounds like you have a lot going on! I am also IBS C and have started Heathers new tummy fiber acacia and its really working well! I used to take 8 fibercon a day but now I'm taking 2 scoops of acacia and I have already noticed a difference even though its only been about 4 days! I would suggest giving that a try. Its also important to add in as much insoluble fiber as possible when you have C. Try some hummus with pita bread, that shouldn't upset the gerd any! Also be sure you are drinking enough water.

I know when ever I take motrin, it really does a number on my tummy, can the dr give you something else that won't effect your tummy so much??

Hope you feel better soon!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Please forgive my use of the term GERD -- new
      #30940 - 12/10/03 08:06 AM

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 43
Loc: St. Louis, MO

I now know that typing when sleep deprived makes me try too hard to say the right thing in as short of a span as possible, and GERD is much shorter than "churning acid from stem to stern!" I really hate D-attacks that keep me up half the night! Trying to get on a normal sleep schedule has been the hardest thing for me to do. Thanks for the reminder on self-hypnosis/progressive relaxation techniques. I've used them before, and I will keep trying with them.

Normally I tolerate peppermint tea, but that is not the case right now, so I will avoid it like the plague (hard to do when you have three boxes -- loving husband and friend didn't want me to run out!). Marnie and Michele, thank you so much for your suggestions. I will stay in touch!

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Re: Pain meds new
      #30944 - 12/10/03 08:22 AM

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 43
Loc: St. Louis, MO

I'm definitely going to order some of that acacia -- it does sound promising. I also called the doctor's office, so I had better get off-line (his nurse may not think to call the cell phone -- don't get me started!). My other pain med is Percoset, which makes everything the consistency of concrete! My other option is Vicodin, which makes me "rapid cycle" between C and D, so I'm not very keen on it at all. I'll probably call the pharmacist as well.

Thanks again for your reply -- it really means alot!


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Re: Pain meds new
      #30972 - 12/10/03 09:51 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Try Ulta-cet-its a tylenol based opiate, works pretty well and doesn't affect my IBS as much as the vicodin!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Still pretty new -- can't break GERD/IBS Cycle! new
      #31214 - 12/10/03 07:04 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

Welcome, gal! Sorry you're having such a tough time right now. A couple of thoughts - building on what the others said - they had good advice.
Try Heather's Acacia fiber supplement. It's much less likely to cause gas and other problems - you said you tried to go back on yours but couldn't - I'm guessing that's why. A good fiber supplement will "anchor" you to help you get stabilized.
Secondly, I agree with the NO peppermint tea. Chamomile, fennel or even ginger is great. I like ginger - just slice a piece the size of a quarter and put it in a cup of hot tea. It also helps with nausea and really settles my stomach.
Post surgery is traumatic on your system and it may take time to feel better no matter what you do. In the meantime, be gentle on your tummy and do the best you can.
Lots of soluble fiber and the less acidic fruits and veggies - remember cooking, mashing, pureeing are all good options for you right now.
Take care!

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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Ginger tea new
      #31216 - 12/10/03 07:07 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Just a little note to what HanSolo said. I tried Ginger tea, but found it really triggered my GERDs. Just a warning. I really wish I could have the stuff as ginger is so good for nausea.

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Gastritis/IBS getting better! new
      #36856 - 01/12/04 02:34 PM

Reged: 08/04/03
Posts: 43
Loc: St. Louis, MO

Hi All,
I'm sorry to be so quiet through the holidays. I finally got to my doctor who decided that I had gastritis due to the surgery (they didn't want to call it an ulcer without the upper GI, and frankly, I am glad to pass on that fun!).
I was put on 300 mg of Zantac, which worked great for 3 weeks, so then they switched me to Prilosec OTC. I was really hoping that the surgery would cure the IBS, but that isn't the case. Thanks for all of your advice and good news about Heather's Tummy Fiber. I will definitely give it a try!

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Re: Gastritis/IBS getting better! new
      #36974 - 01/12/04 05:44 PM

Reged: 02/12/03
Posts: 1939
Loc: Wisconsin

glad to hear you are feeling better and the meds work for you. I take Prilosec OTC now - my insurance won't cover Nexium anymore. Your gastritis should feel better soon with the meds...if it is gastritis.

Edited by BarbaraS (01/12/04 05:47 PM)

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