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I need help with IBS-C input
      #307709 - 05/21/07 10:28 AM


I have all of Heather's books and products. I have IBS-C and am so frustrated. Any input would be so appreciated.

It seems I can't go more than 4 days or so before I need Milk of Mag or those Fleet Suppositories. I follow the bland diet, but if I cheat in any small amount I'm miserable.

Ever since I was put on an antib. for what was so called a bacteria infection, which I believe now was just a really bad bout of IBS-C after eating choc. (he never really had a test that showed I had an infection, he went by symptoms and touching my stomach) I was put on the antib called Xifanan. I am now for almost a year left with what I call hard small balls. I haven't had a normal stool since. The researcher for this drug who claims it works miracles for IBS-D had no answer for IBS-C patients who go on it. I did report my symptoms to the manufacturer of the drug.

I'm also frustrated because every thing I read on IBS on this board and in Heather's books are mostly for IBS-D. I can't have the nuts and other things she suggests which sound wonderful, but turn me even more constipated.

What are the people with IBS-C doing, how do you eat? I'm down to only fish, chicken and ground turkey and cream of rice for breakfast, and I take Probotics for years now. I drink hot water in the morning because all the teas bother me, even the one I got from Heather (Fennel) that seems to give me more gas and makes me hyper. I'm so frustrated.

Now I seem to get nausea with the IBS-C flares which is new for me. The doctor says it's IBS. Ugh help anyone?

This isn't meant to cut Heather down in anyway. I think her books are so important and informative and her products, but they seem geared to IBS-D or at least it hasn't helped my IBS-C. When I was first told I had IBS it was the IBS-D so I know that horrible life style, but for some reason along the way I switched to just IBS-C. Input anyone and thanks so much!

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Re: I need help with IBS-C input new
      #308251 - 05/31/07 01:30 PM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

I'm sorry no one has responded to your post!

For the C, start taking Natural Calm every night. You can buy it at some HFS, or order it online. It was my "miracle cure" for C!! No more MoM or Fleet!

Try adding some ground flax meal to your cream of rice for added fiber. I, too, can have trouble with nuts (they tend to give me gas), but flax meal doesn't bother me at all.

Are you using acacia? That will enable you to eat more IF, which will help you "go". I totally feel your pain - finding a balance with IBS-C is very difficult and takes a lot longer than for those with IBS-D. It's taken me almost a year to find my balance, but the journey's been well worth it.

Two foods that work great for me for adding in IF (besides the flax meal in my cream of rice): fruit smoothies (first thing I eat every day!) and bean dips/hummus. I eat hummus with guiltless gourmet tortilla chips several times a week as my afternoon snack.

There's also some great bread recipes in the index that incorporate some IF. My favorite right now is Shell's Pina Colada Zucchini bread!

Good luck, and hang in there!!

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: I need help with IBS-C input new
      #308261 - 05/31/07 01:55 PM

Reged: 11/29/06
Posts: 147

Was reading your post and wanted to ask if hummus gives you gas much since made from beans/chickpeas?
And does the natural calm help with cramping at all?

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Re: I need help with IBS-C input new
      #308263 - 05/31/07 02:01 PM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

I think that since the beans are so mashed up (I use a food processor) they don't bother me. I also make sure to take GasStop before I eat it!

Not sure if the NC would help with cramping, since I didn't have that problem. But if the cramping is due to C, then maybe!

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: I need help with IBS-C input new
      #308306 - 06/01/07 04:58 AM

Reged: 04/24/07
Posts: 53
Loc: VT

Exactly what is Natural Calm, a fiber supplement or a laxative. I am taking Miralax and it is the only way I can go, my C is pretty severe. I'm worried about becoming dependent on the laxatives though, have read alot about that happening and suspect I may already be. Every time I try to back of it just a little though everything stops and the pain increases.

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Re: I need help with IBS-C input new
      #308335 - 06/01/07 11:07 AM


Thank you so much for answering me. I did feel like I was sort of left hanging but I chalked it up to it mostly being IBS-D people posting. SO glad you came along. So what exactly is Natural Calm? A tea?

I never thought of Flax meal, great idea. I tried the oil and got sick from it. How much do you put in of the Flax meal?

I swear everything I try I end up all clogged up and needing to use the Fleet or Milk of Mag so if I can get out of that and add more food yahoo.

No I haven't tried the Acacia yet. I bought it, but was afraid of trying a fiber when I was in another acute flare. I do have all of Heather's books and I'll go back and read how I start with it. Everyone seems to just really rely on it so it sounds promising, but with me I tend to have everything end up giving me triggers. So easy as I go.

BTW what is IF I see it a lot on here??

With your fruit smoothies what do you put in it? I'd like to try that. Hummus always gave me a stomach ache, but I haven't tried it in years so maybe now I can. The bread sounds yummy. Again thanks so much for being there.

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Re: I need help with IBS-C input new
      #308338 - 06/01/07 11:15 AM


If this helps, I was told by my Gastro doc you can take Fleet Liquid Glycerin Suppositories every day and not get addicted. I myself only use it when it gets bad. It's very gentle on IBS. Can you get Miralax over the counter?

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Re: I need help with IBS-C input new
      #308339 - 06/01/07 11:17 AM


Oh you make your own? Also what is Gas Stop. All the ones I use otc clog me up.

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Re: I need help with IBS-C input new
      #308340 - 06/01/07 11:32 AM

Reged: 11/28/06
Posts: 123

I am IBS-C, pain predominant, and I have found Heather's diet guidelines the best yet - and I have tried practically all the diets over the years! I say this to encourage you to perservere. I have followed the diet and taken Acacia since for 7 months now. I am by no means stable, but I am a lot better than I was last year. Everyone is individual, so I think it is a matter of getting the right balance of SF (soluble fibre) and IF (insoluble fibre) that works for you. This takes a lot of experimenting. Also, you need to find out which foods bother you (other than triggers). For example, I can't tolerate onions or tomatoes, but others have no problems with them.

I do fine with bean purees - probably because they are mashed up. I don't eat any raw food or salad, and I mash/puree fruits and veg and make soups and sauces.
I always make sure that I eat lots of SF before I eat any IF, as this helps with preventing painful spasms. Also, I eat small portions regularly - I think this helps with C as it keeps things moving through.

I know how frustrating it can be at times - but I find that my bad times don't last as long now, and I don't get the indigestion and nausea that I did before either. HTH.

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Re: I need help with IBS-C input new
      #308481 - 06/03/07 07:36 PM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

Natural Calm is a magnesium citrate supplement. It's a powder, so you mix it with hot water and drink it like tea. It has a very sweet flavor. If you can't find it at your HFS, you can order it online. It's a lifesaver!

IF is insoluble fiber. I think there's a list of abbreviations at the beginning of this board somewhere...

I use one heaping tablespoon of ground flax meal every day in my cereal. It doesn't really taste like anything, but it's an easy way to add fiber! As for smoothies, I use berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries), rice milk, and banana. I also add a rice protein powder so I don't get hungry so quickly.

Hope that helps! Definitely give the acacia a try. It has really helped with my gas and bloating.

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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