missing regular meals
#30021 - 12/04/03 11:49 AM
Reged: 02/05/03
Posts: 836
Loc: canada
HI; I miss just being able to go out to breakfast and having a good old fashioned bacon and egg breakfast. Anyone else miss meals they used to have?
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That stuff's not healthy anyway, but yes, I miss ice cream and cheeseburgers and french fries too. But then I try to convince myself I've reached my lifetime limit and certainly had the experience.
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#30065 - 12/04/03 04:00 PM
Reged: 11/15/03
Posts: 471
Loc: Atlanta, GA, USA
try some egg beaters with your own seasonings and turkey bacon... it's hard to tell the difference. 
Best, Shanna
P.S. I am really used to the IBS diet and the way I used to eat actually isn't that appealing to me...
-------------------- "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." -- e e cummings
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I love my 95% sirloin burger on a small white bun w/ a slice of Veggie mozzarella soy cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, catsup, and mustard.... YUM! I have to have my red meat... I also buy (Alexia: Yukon Gold: Julienne Fries w/ Sea Salt) french fries and pop them in the oven... no extra oil required. The aforementioned brand is low fat and only contains potatoes and the tiniest bit of olive oil and salt.
YUMMY! Enjoy it -- no need to miss your cheeseburger and fries. 
Best, Shanna
-------------------- "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." -- e e cummings
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it's the single biggest universal trigger for IBS. No matter how lean, or how it's cooked, or if it's organic...the saturated fat and the proteins are just super difficult to digest. Most folks just can't take it, even in tiny quantities.
Boca Burgers can be a good substitute. Their original flavor tastes so much like real hamburgers I can't even eat them (never been a burger-gal).
- Heather
-------------------- Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!
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Re: idea
#30088 - 12/04/03 06:47 PM
Reged: 02/05/03
Posts: 836
Loc: canada
Hi SHANNA; egg beaters only agree with me for baking. I just miss the way pancakes and such used to really fill me up. Now they just give me gas and don't fill me up.
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red meat is usually a trugger isn't it, or does it not bother you?
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Judging from my experiences and those of close friends who suffer from IBS, I think that a good amount of IBS patients can tolerate lean red meats (LEAN is the key word).
This is good, since they contain a specific strain of iron that is most effective in preventing anemia and most readily absorbable by the human body. I actually become borderline anemic when I go a week w/o lean red meat, no matter what subsitutes I impose.
I think people that can't digest it SHOULDN'T eat it, and should substitute ground turkey or a vegetarian substitute istead. HOWEVER, those whose bodies need it (me and many active women) should eat it...
-------------------- "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." -- e e cummings
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Re: idea
#30095 - 12/04/03 06:58 PM
Reged: 11/15/03
Posts: 471
Loc: Atlanta, GA, USA
maybe you could try whipping some up from scatch using white flour, egg whites, baking powder, and soy milk? There are recipes on-line... good luck!
also, soy or rice butter and organic maple syrup should be easy to digest and would top the pancakes you miss OH so nicely!
-------------------- "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." -- e e cummings
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I agree that those things aren't healthy anyway. I'm sure you could find substitutes for those things? You know what's really good is Morningstar Farms fake sausage patties, so yummy!
-------------------- IBS-C
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