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Somebody please talk me back into taking my Lexapro....need advice on a rough day new
      #295614 - 01/08/07 11:01 AM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

I had taken Lexapro (just 5mg) in the past for about 9 months and it didn't "outright" give me d or more IBS problems, yet I knew nothing about his site at the time and just figured that my belly problems continued (IBS-D/A) as usual. I know some ADs have been found to help with IBS...I've read many of the posts and know that Lexapro seems to be a common one among us that is well tolerated.

Why do I want to take it? Well, originally, I had taken it b/c I was having anxiety attacks (with shortness of breath and everything...not just stomach pain)...we had just moved, I stopped nursing, was a rough time). Then I realized that I do have some depression issues too so I suppose it helped with that. I stopped in the Spring when I figured there would be less "seasonal" depression and less activities come the summer as far as my IBS anxiety goes. (I'm a stay at home mom right now.)

Anyhow, you may recall that a few months ago I posted about taking one Lexapro pill mid-day (sort of impulsively and out of desperation b/c I was feeling so anxious and depressed that day). I had taken it with just a few graham crackers and some chocolate soy milk...result...d attack which I hadn't had in awhile due to Heather's diet/acacia. So I freaked out and didn't take it again.

Now here we are a few months later and I know that I should really try to go back on it, as I am having lots of mood swings (even pre-holidays) and struggling more with the depression than the anxiety. (I am doing the hypno and I feel much more confident about controlling the IBS, but of course the anxiety is still there). Sooooo...someone please encourage me! It is Monday afternoon and I am thinking about an activity I need to attend Wed. morning with my toddler. I'm thinking I'll start it Wed. night b/c I am so anxious about this activity that I want to keep eating safe before then.

Do you have any advice as to taking it with food (like at dinner) or before bed like I used to? I don't know what happened that previous day...I'm sure stress was a factor but I'm really scared that the Lexapro was a trigger too .Should I up my Acacia? take immodium with it for the first couple of days? This is really frustrating b/c I feel the need to take it for my anxiety/depression, yet I'm too anxious to take it b/c I have things to do in my life!!! (Saturday night a dinner party that I really can't miss).

Sorry for rambling on. It is just a dreary day, I am down and unmotivated to do anything, and feeling fed up with all of this. (Even though the d is better, I still feel nauseous from my Gerd, tired and lethargic, and just plain old aggravated when I really have nothing to be aggravated about...I have a good husband, healthy kids, a nice house, etc..) Well here I go rambling again. Thanks for reading.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: Somebody please talk me back into taking my Lexapro....need advice on a rough day new
      #295617 - 01/08/07 11:12 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

The thing about ADs is that

1 - You have to take them continuously and consistently to see positive results - it ranges anywhere from a week to several months. I noticed feeling better (anxiety-wise) on Lexapro after about 2 weeks.


2 - The D attack thing is actually normal and expected. The Lexapro wasn't a trigger for you, so don't worry about that. ADs often have unpleasant side effects while your body is getting used to them. They do go away. Mine went away after about a week. But unfortunately, you have to keep taking the pills constantly and consistently in order to have those side effects go away.

I've taken them all times of day, with food and without, and nothing has made a difference one way or the other. I did have to take Imodium and Dramamine (for nausea) while my body was getting used to the Lexapro. I also kept doing the diet as I was doing, and taking my SFS (in your case, the acacia) - no changes at all, none of that stuff will affect the drug.

Tell you what, though - it was all SO worth it! I feel "normal" again for the first time since I was 6 or 7!!

I can't talk you into taking it, because that's really totally up to you, but I can tell you that it's made me a sane person again, and I'm SO happy I put up with the unpleasantness for a week... so worth it.

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Re: Somebody please talk me back into taking my Lexapro....need advice on a rough day new
      #295642 - 01/08/07 04:03 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Thanks Atomic Rose. I think I remember reading that you take about 20 mg. Is that right? I'm going to give it a try again...I know I need to and would feel much more "sane" like you say, but are you going to stay on it forever? Any long term side effects? I went off of it b/c I felt better and didn't want to become "dependent" but I am a high-strung, type-A, perfectionist type of person and it is what it is I guess so if it will help me, I'll take it. What has your doc said about long-term? And how did you start increasing? (I take Librax now which has an anxiety component in it already so I don't want to go up too much. I'm really hoping the hypno kicks in and resolves some of my anxiety.)

Also, as you say it may take a week of d, what am I going to do about my life!!!????? I hate this. Do you think that if I took it Wednesday night along with some immodium (nothing too major on Thursday and Friday in my schedule...that I will survive a dinner party Saturday night if I keep taking immodium as needed?) Or maybe I should wait for Sunday...then I have to look at next week's plans... THanks.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: Somebody please talk me back into taking my Lexapro....need advice on a rough day new
      #295644 - 01/08/07 04:18 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Hmm... I'm not sure what to tell you about the D, but I would probably wait and start it on Sunday, if the dinner party is something you absolutely, positively cannot risk missing. I felt pretty darn crappy (hah!) those first few days, although it did start to get better after that. Don't keep putting it off because of plans, though - imodium should help the D, and you should feel SO much better in the long run. (It even helped with my IBS symptoms!)

Yep, I'm on 20mg. I plan on taking it for the rest of my life. I was really, REALLY hesitant about going on medication - for me, it was pride, I didn't want to be thought of as "mentally ill", which is utterly ridiculous. Once it started working for me, I forgot ALL of that - I mean, I can't say enough what a difference it's made. I don't even care about the long-term side effects. I have problems that REQUIRE medication. You might not have that, so don't even get your brain spinning about being on something for the rest of your life or whatever. One step at a time.

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update on meds/doctor appointment...need some encouragement new
      #296272 - 01/12/07 10:09 AM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

I went to the doc yesterday which was pretty much a joke. She listened but I can't really say "sincerely" like the PA I usually see. I have been having so much anxiety lately about the IBS...had a panic attack a couple days ago before an event and took a Klonopin. My question for her was basically: which would be go back on the Lexapro with the hopes of it reducing my anxiety or take a Klonopin as needed like I did the other day. I told her I would probably need to take it twice/week based on differing activities. She said Klonopin can be addicting (which I already knew) but her explanation was vague as to whether twice/week would make me addicted and also about long term side effects. My Lexapro dosage would need to be at least 10mg apparently to make any difference in warding off the panic attacks in the first place. (I was on 5mg before and still had them.) For those of you on lexapro, do they really PREVENT the panic attacks from coming in the first place?

Soooo...she prescribed lexapro and a bottle of 30 Klonopin to use as needed. I was disappointed in the appointment...I tried to speak to her about some possible depression issues but she wasn't so receptive or helpful (just sort of looked at me and actually giggled when I asked her if I was crazy for the way I was feeling ). Not how I wanted it to turn out.

So now I am still stumped. I need to go back an have a full physical in a month anyway so now I'm thinking that I might hold off on the lexapro and give the hypno a chance to kick in some. (Plus I just ordered some yoga tapes, as I have not been doing any exercise.) I'm thinking that I won't know if the hypno or the lexapro is working if I start to feel better, right? Then I'll be panicked that I won't ever want to get off of the lexapro for fear. But this morning I had a lot of anxiety's like that one panic attack has started me spiraling and I'm so upset! I just started session 3 of hypno and I felt better a few weeks ago. I can't figure it out. If I sit on this a little longer, I can go back for my physical and see the PA that I like for some suggestions. If anyone has any advice, please share. I feel like I'm going off the deep end one minute and the next I am just fine (terrible mood swings). Thanks.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Just to add...Atomic Rose new
      #296276 - 01/12/07 10:18 AM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

I just reread the response you gave me about requiring meds and knowing you'll be on them the rest of your life. I think that's why I'm hesitant right now. Because I feel like once I start, I will be too fearful to come off. I just said to my husband last night, "I'm only 35 years old and I feel like starting ADs now and FOREVER seems like so long." Then on the other hand, I'm 35 years old and I am not truly enjoying my life (a life that many people would wish they had...good husband, great friends, house, two healthy kids, etc.) Part of it is not so much pride like you said, it's that I feel sort of like I'm failing if I can't handle it myself through the diet, supplements, exercise, hypno, etc.. I keep thinking that I have had way worse physical symptoms (this is the best physically that I've felt in years..although not great...way better) so it seems illogical that now would be the time for me to start the meds. UGH...I am giving myself a stomach ache just thinking about it all.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: update on meds/doctor appointment...need some encouragement new
      #296324 - 01/12/07 06:01 PM

Reged: 10/18/06
Posts: 288
Loc: Boston

I'm not an expert by any means, but have you thought about cognitive therapy in conjunction with meds? I was clinically depressed from the age of 11 until the age of 20, and when I finally sought treatment during my junior year of college, it was the combination of cognitive therapy and Zoloft that really did it for me. My sister has some anxiety issues, and the cognitive therapy did wonders for her, too.
In any case, don't worry about whether or not you'll have to take Lexapro for life just yet. If you feel it's going to help, start taking it. You can re-evaluate the situation periodically once you've got the anxiety/depression under control. One step at a time. I shall stand over here and wave the pom-poms of encouragement for you.


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Re: update on meds/doctor appointment...need some encouragement new
      #296338 - 01/12/07 08:42 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

A few years ago a doctor (who could obviously tell I was overwhelmed by my job at the time and new motherhood) suggested cognitive therapy. Here's the thing...part of the stress in my life revolves around TIME!!! I told her that if I had the time to go to cognitive therapy, then I probably wouldn't need ct because I would have the time to exercise, get a babysitter, conquer chores, etc.! I know, I well being is worth finding time so I thank you and I will click on your link. I have thought about talking to someone...I was prepared to see someone if necessary postpardom after my second child. Turned out I really felt fine so I never did. Do you still take your Zoloft? I guess I can't help thinking ahead to what will I do if I wean off of the AD at some point and then have a relapse. Thank you for your cheers and response. You can be sure I will update the board on my decision and progress .

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: update on meds/doctor appointment...need some encouragement new
      #296359 - 01/13/07 06:57 AM

Reged: 10/18/06
Posts: 288
Loc: Boston

I've been off the Zoloft for nearly ten years now. After I went off the Zoloft, I took St. John's Wort for a while, and then a combination of B vitamins and amino acids for a couple of years. Now I don't need any of that stuff, but it did take me a while to get to that point.


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Thank you Kenjari. n/t new
      #296370 - 01/13/07 09:57 AM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
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Re Casey : advice on a rough day new
      #296400 - 01/13/07 04:39 PM

Reged: 09/11/06
Posts: 745

Hi Casey, I read your post re: lexapro and it is very good to hear such positive results. I am supposed to starting SSRI - celexa and have put if off after taking 1/2 tablet and feeling drowsy for the day and weird - your post talked about you feeling normal again - not since 6 or 7. That is such an inspiration - thank you for your encouraging post. Debbie IBS-C

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Re: update on meds/doctor appointment...need some encouragement new
      #296403 - 01/13/07 04:43 PM

Reged: 09/11/06
Posts: 745

Hello, Your anxiety sounds very familiar - I have SSRI"s sitting in my cupboard and stopped after 1/2 tablet. That is what my anxiety is like - "oh no, I felt tired and weird". 1/2 tablet. I long to feel good again and to feel some sense of peace. I pray that I can get past my anxiety and take the SSRI for a good length of time to see the results that "Casey" has. Debbie IBS-C

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Re: Somebody please talk me back into taking my Lexapro....need advice on a rough day new
      #296404 - 01/13/07 04:45 PM

Reged: 09/11/06
Posts: 745

I have heard many many people say what Casey is saying. I have friends who are on "meds" for life and they life a very fulfilled life and have no "hang ups" about taking the mediciation. I am told by my medical practitioner exactly what Casey experienced. Once you feel "yourself" again - the anxiety of taking the meds will go and you will be at peace with taking the meds. Debbie

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Re: Somebody please talk me back into taking my Lexapro....need advice on a rough day new
      #296469 - 01/14/07 07:55 AM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Thank you Debbie. I haven't fulfilled the prescription yet but I appreciate everyone's insight. It is very helpful and I am still considering it. It does seem silly to "suffer/survive through every day life" if there is a way it can be avoided. I just have to get past the long-term thing and think about now I guess.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: Somebody please talk me back into taking my Lexapro....need advice on a rough day new
      #296471 - 01/14/07 08:00 AM

Reged: 09/11/06
Posts: 745

You are very welcome. I understand only too well what the suffering if like - I do feel that my physical IBS distress causes alot of anxiety for me personally. I lived a very fulfilled life until my IBS distress hit and now feeling pain and discomfort everyday and never sure what to eat has caused me too much to bear. AS a result I have limited my intake severely to certain foods and my health suffers as does my mental health. I really really pray that you find peace with the Lexapro and give it a try - I am not at all oppossed to meds - I just want to figure out if my IBS symptoms are related to an actual food intolerance or not. Bless you - hugs and prayers, Debbie

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      #296568 - 01/14/07 06:13 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
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      #297375 - 01/20/07 05:58 AM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Okay, so the final conclusion is that I decided to start the Lexapro. Short and simple reason, I decided that despite having my IBS reasonably under more control now more than ever, my anxiety is preventing me (as Oprah would say) from "living my best life."

So I took one before bed last night, not sure if I should expect d but I have the week sort of planned out with my husband on stand-by and ready to jump in for some planned events (others I would have to just skip). Took 10mg at 11PM...did the hypno, fell asleep, and at 1AM woke up with gas pains. This is not common for me in the middle of the night so I know it was medicine related. These excruciating pains continued, I was sweating, feeling jittery and a little dizzy, and after about 45 minutes, I finally had horrific d several times, which actually made me feel so much better. Then I started with the chills and basically layed in bed and couldn't move, afraid I would vomit or if I changed position get d again. This went on till about 3:30 AM.

I am posting immediately now upon waking hoping for some advice. My stomach feels terrible, I feel nauseous, but not nearly as bad as last night, so I'm hoping that some oatmeal and Acacia will settle me down. Some questions:

1. I can't even phathom at the moment how I am going to knowingly take another pill self-torture. For those of you who have gone through this, you said a week of this? And did you have it as severe? I can't comprehend how this powerful pill will eventually HELP my IBS if it is giving me such a terrible attack that I haven't had in months. Does it eventually reverse and HELP with your d? I'm so confused and apprehensive to go through a week of hell only to have maybe less anxiety (that's the whole point) but with more physical symtoms, it seems counterproductive.

2. Would you just eat all SF this week? I plan to do that today to see if it makes a difference tonight.

3. Would you take immodium or peptobismol? My plan was to take immodium to counteract the d, but honestly, if I had not been able to "go" so thoroughly last night, I'm pretty sure I would have vomited and be still lying there with ridiculously painful stomach cramps. (I kind of "fought off" the vomit if you know what I mean as I hate to do it.)

4. Is Lexapro sort of "time-released" so that I may expect more of these attacks all day? Or will they just come more likely at night shortly after taking it?


Originally IBS-D for a million years!
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      #297389 - 01/20/07 08:07 AM

Reged: 04/20/06
Posts: 559
Loc: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

alright here are som pointers...
First of all do not strat taking 10 mg right off the bat, that is alot for your body to get used to at once.
I did 5-7 days at a half pill (5mg) and the nausea was minimal.

I take mine in the morning, that is how my doc said to take it, but apparently it doesn't matter when you take it as long as its a the same ish time each day.

Second, yes eating SF all week is an ok plan and take the immodium and pepto if you have to, the yucky feelings will start to go away aftyer a bout a week, and by 2 weeks you should be good to go and starting to feel a bit of an ease up on the anxiety.

Give it time and just push throught it, think of all the times you felt horrible with ibs, if you can brave that for so long, you can brave a few days of icky medicine feeling, at least knowing that it will go away soon.
Hope that helps.

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Thank you Miso...few more questions new
      #297402 - 01/20/07 09:48 AM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

I had asked the doctor if I should start out with 5mg and work my way up and she said no (although I wasn't entirely happy with this doc anyway). I just called and spoke to a nurse who herself had taken Lexapro. She said she awoke the first night feeling like she was "on drugs" (true I suppose!) and very jittery. I kind of had that too but to a lesser degree. I was just so overwhelmed with the stomach pains.

Are you d, c, or A and do you understand my confusion as to how a pill that can cause bad d (watery, explosive ) will eventually yes, help with anxiety, but supposed to help with the d a bit too right?

When you take it in the morning, no reaction? The nurse said she takes hers in the morning too so that it doesn't interrupt her sleep. I guess for me though it's more convenient to be deathly ill when everyone else is asleep and I have no repsonsibilities!

I feel nauseous now but nothing else thank goodness. And I ate oatmeal with bananas for breakfast. I am going to eat as if I have a stomach bug (which it feels like) and see how tonight goes. When you say about a week, does it lessen each day? For example, will tonight be as bad as last night? Ugh, I dread it but I appreciate your encouragement. You're right, all the other hellish episodes of IBS had no "goal" in mind and I survived them. Thank you for your responses.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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take them with food......
      #297412 - 01/20/07 12:44 PM

Reged: 02/13/05
Posts: 177
Loc: sussex, england

I always take my meds with food as it lessens the chances of nausea, also I dont know if you can break your tablets in half but I take half a tablet in the morning and half in the evening that way I get a full dose but its gentler on my tummy. Hope you get some relief soon x

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Thank you Susiannah. Good suggestions. n/t new
      #297423 - 01/20/07 02:09 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Susiannah... new
      #297433 - 01/20/07 05:34 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

I was just wondering if the AD only bothered your belly in the beginning or does it still bother you now if you don't split it up like that? I am freaking out b/c the whole point of me taking this is to prevent anxiety about bms, not give me more bms and d to be anxious about! Isn't the tummy stuff supposed to go away after your body gets used to it? Do you ever find that the meds sometimes impact negatively on your IBS instead of the other way around? Thanks.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: atomic rose comments on meds new
      #297440 - 01/20/07 06:45 PM

Reged: 01/09/07
Posts: 26
Loc: New Jersey

Casey - I loved reading "I have problems that REQUIRE medication". If it makes you feel better and provides a better quality of life than so be it. I went off lexapro about 2 years ago but am ready to go back. I also take vicodin for compressed discs and pain from neurological symptoms (in MS limbo but may be fibro) - anyway, I hear negative remarks all the time about taking the meds. I am a single parent with a 7 year old daughter - why on earth would I want to feel bad when I can have a better day with less pain? At the moment, I don't care about the long term issues or risk of dependency as I'll deal with that when and if I have to - Right now, I have a life to live for myself and for my daughter.

septic hip with birth of daughter - 7/99
hip replacement - 9/03
MS limbo since 5/04
dx IBS
dx compressed L7-8 and T4-5
dx RLS

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Re: Susiannah... new
      #297480 - 01/21/07 04:27 AM

Reged: 02/13/05
Posts: 177
Loc: sussex, england

To be honest I've been quite lucky as I've never had any tummy problems from the AD's, but then I have always taken them with a meal so they dont go down on an empty tummy. I'm currently on sertraline (lustral) but I used to take fluoxatine (prozac) but that didn't bother me tummy wise just gave me really vivd dreams and night sweats! My doctor said to take half a tablet twice a day as like you I was scared thay might upset me. All I can say is that even if they do hurt your tum to start with once they take effect you'll probably be less worried about the symptons they cause as they reduce your anxietys. Also you'll probably find yourself more willing to make changes to your diet and lifestyle, I know I did x

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Re: Susiannah./Pami new
      #297483 - 01/21/07 06:55 AM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Thank you. That's good to know that they don't bother your tummy. I got nervous b/c Atomic Rose said that they upset her stomach but it went away and then I thought maybe they were still bothering you. GREAT NEWS!! I took one last night along with some graham crackers and dramamine and I did not have d or too much nausea. I did awake with my daughter and couldn't go back to sleep and I pretty much feel quite jittery/a little dizzy now and again. I imagine that will go away. I'm nervous about eating today but I am thrilled that I didn't wake up with d! KNOCK ON WOOD. Thanks for sharing your personal story.

And for Pami if you are reading this thread, good for you that you acknowledge meds the same way Atomic Rose does. That's why I decided to give it a whirl...why shouldn't I live the best life I can with my family at such a young age? Good luck to you going back on the Lexapro.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: atomic rose comments on meds new
      #297499 - 01/21/07 09:00 AM

Reged: 09/11/06
Posts: 745

That is beautifully said - thank you for your insight. Debbie IBS-C

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Re: Thank you Miso...few more questions new
      #297500 - 01/21/07 09:04 AM

Reged: 09/11/06
Posts: 745

I have cisaplex in my cupboard and it is sitting there staring at me for the reasons you are describing - I am terrified of the side effects - sleepiness, feeling weird, etc. Debbie
I just odn't know what is worse the side effects which I pray would go away or the anxiety which is strangling me and destroying my life.........

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Re: take them with food......question new
      #297501 - 01/21/07 09:05 AM

Reged: 09/11/06
Posts: 745

Which med do you take? Debbie IBS_C

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Re: Is anyone on cisaplex? new
      #297502 - 01/21/07 09:11 AM

Reged: 09/11/06
Posts: 745

Is anyone on cisaplex? Debbie IBS_C

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Re: Susiannah./Pami new
      #297513 - 01/21/07 11:41 AM

Reged: 02/13/05
Posts: 177
Loc: sussex, england

Oh good am so pleased, so far so good. Sometimes you have to just bite the bullet with these things. The nausea should subside fairly quickly and hopefully they'll make the world of difference to you x x

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Re: Susiannah./Pami new
      #297527 - 01/21/07 01:53 PM

Reged: 01/09/07
Posts: 26
Loc: New Jersey

Yes, just stick to it and give it a little more time. Take care and let us know how it works out.

septic hip with birth of daughter - 7/99
hip replacement - 9/03
MS limbo since 5/04
dx IBS
dx compressed L7-8 and T4-5
dx RLS

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Never heard of Cisaplex. Sorry. Thanks all for your help. n/t new
      #297544 - 01/21/07 04:41 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
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Re: Thank you Miso...few more questions new
      #297803 - 01/23/07 06:45 PM

Reged: 04/20/06
Posts: 559
Loc: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Sorry to take so long to reply.
I am C, but no longer am, now that i am back on meds and eating well. The AD can help regulate your bowels as it works on seretonin which is in large concentration sin your gut, also i obsess about my stomach far less so i eliminate the evil cycle fo me making things worse on my own.
I take mine with food in the morning and after 2 weeks on it i felt no more side effects stomach or head wise, although it did take me a month to get my sleeping pattern back to normal.
I urge you to just press on and endure the yuck, the potential for feeling better is so worth it.

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the name is cipralex new
      #297804 - 01/23/07 06:47 PM

Reged: 04/20/06
Posts: 559
Loc: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Cipralex is the canadian and European name for lexapro, they are the exact same drug, escitalopram (spelling i think)
so all that applies to lexapro, applies to Cipralex.

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Re: Thank you Miso...few more questions new
      #297905 - 01/24/07 12:07 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Thanks Miso. I'm on day 5 of the Lexapro and hanging in there. THANK GOODNESS none of the days have been as bad as the first (see my other post). My tummy actually feels pretty good...a little c/a after the big d from a few days ago but that's probably also b/c I'm not eating too much IF out of fear. I am still feeling nauseaous on and off all day and night. Mostly when my belly is empty. And yes, I am up ALL night practically each hour either sweating or just feeling weird. I haven't switched to taking it in the morning. I feel nervous to do that so I'll wait to see if my body can adjust some more. What percentage would you say it really helps with your anxiety? I am so looking forward to it disappearing but don't want to get my hopes up. I know for me it's half the battle now that I have my diet more under control.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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LINE new
      #297952 - 01/24/07 05:14 PM

Reged: 04/17/05
Posts: 231
Loc: Los Angeles, CA

I would say that the worse is definatly over... and some of what your experiencing sounds like fear of the medication. I think that being naseous and dizzy a little is normal, but I am not sure if your attack was caused more by fear or the meds... I guess we will never know... but hang in there, it sounds like the worse is for sure over... I've heard it's only the first week with side effects. Also, it doesn't matter when you take it in the day, it won't change it's effects or give you more side effects. I think they are meant to be taken in the morning but I'm not sure... they may increase energy a little which could be why you can't sleep? Not sure... I've just always taken them in the morning. Good luck hon!!

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Re: Thank you Miso...few more questions new
      #298008 - 01/25/07 07:11 AM

Reged: 04/20/06
Posts: 559
Loc: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

it helps my anxiety like you wouldn't believe, the year that i was off meds, i was sacred to leave the house, was petrified of public transport and couldn't bring myself to eat at restaurants or try any new foods, my personality was one of fear instead of the outgoing person i normally am, etc.
I am now back to myself, i am still cautious at restaurants, but i don't avoid making plans or going places because i am scared i will feel sick or have to cancel.
Hope that helps, and good for you for sticking to it.

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Been off line for awhile... new
      #298499 - 01/30/07 06:07 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

I haven't been online too much this week so I haven't checked the boards. Thanks for everyone's responses. The update is that I am on day 11 and I called the pharmacist last night b/c I am still feeling a bit nauseous and sleepless (night sweats/then chills). He said give it two full weeks and then re-evaluate. He said the same thing about it not really mattering when you take it...that it will have the same effect, but I think I may switch to the morning if it doesn't get better. I tend to get nauseous when I don't get enough sleep so that could be a contributing factor too. I am sooo looking forward to less anxiety. To top it off, I got my period yesterday and was sooo gassy this week (too much soy I think?). Anyhow, thanks for the encouragement everyone.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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