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To the Newbies, the Frustrated, the Just-Really-Ticked-Off about having to deal w/ IBS... new
      #295123 - 01/02/07 09:50 PM

Reged: 05/28/03
Posts: 2263
Loc: SacTown, CA

This was one of my first postings. Now, not being in pain is normal again for me, but reading this reminds me of how powerful that pain was and how much relief I felt when I finally found out how to control my IBS. As Marylin pointed out when I originally posted, the Audio CD is just as effective as seeing a hypnotherapist in person. There are pros and cons for each and you have to make that decision on your own. Seeing a hypnotherapist in person costs much more than the Audio Program and you have to be very careful about who you go to as many CHTs are not familiar with IBS. The person I went to, though, has IBS herself and so I felt comfortable with her. Anyhoo, I though that maybe my story might help give some hope to those of you who are new to IBS and/or haven't found stability yet. Anyone else who has a story to share, please do. I know that this probably ought to go in the Living Room, but this forum gets more traffic and this story is related to the IBS Diet.


Hi out there, I have had IBS for around 13 years. I am now 26 and just starting to live a normal life. For many years I was misdiagnosed, brushed off, told I was a wimp, and a whole lot of other things that most everyone with IBS has heard before.

After being told it was completely psychological and it would go away since I know about it(huh?-what a nut that doctor was), then being told drugs might solve the problem (They warned me some people had died from complications caused by this drug they were so eager for me to take-Lotronex-worked wonders for some, but I wasn't willing to risk it. IBS will never kill me.), I decided not to wait another 10 or so years to find alternative help. The first thing I tried was Heather's diet-huge improvement, but still some attacks and cramping. Then added yoga-it helped some more. Then it started to get worse again. I decided to try hypnotherapy. And that was spectacular. I found a hypnotherapist where I live and went to her. Quite an amazing lady. One day I walked into a bathroom just for a tissue, walked out and realized..."I don't need to go." That was a first. Seeing a toilet and not thinking about how much pain I had always associated with it. Still had some minor symptoms so I kept trying other things. I found that, for me, birth control helps my symptoms. (My IBS was always worse around my period. Maybe that's how it relates.) Then I added acacia fiber. Then, a few months ago, my husband found L-Glutamine at a vitamin shop. Basically, it helps strengthen your gut and helps your immune system. This has been about a 2 year process. Trying different foods, exercises, routines, mind power.

I feel like a different person. I used to have horrible IBS-D symptoms every single day. Seems like an eternity ago. I can't even count how many times I sat on the toilet crying for the pain to stop and for someone to just make it go away. I think I even tried bargaining with the powers that be. But then I realized all the tools I need to fight this are at my disposal-I just need to go find them. IBS is different for everyone. For those of you who are fighting every day with this, please keep hope. I understand the pain and frustration and hopelessness it can cause. So I hope that this helps give someone a little hope. Now, as long as I stay away from "no!" foods (dairy, red meat, caffeine, etc.) I don't have problems. It has been months since IBS has gotten the better of me. I don't have the cramping, the pain, The Big D, the bloating and gas, any of it. And Heather's diet and hypnotherapy started the way.

You can get stable. It takes 100% commitment and a lot of work. It's frustrating, tiring, and unfair that we have to do this. But we can't change that. So keep going.

If you're not dead, you've still got time.

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Re: To the Newbies, the Frustrated, the Just-Really-Ticked-Off about having to deal w/ IBS... new
      #295142 - 01/03/07 07:43 AM

Reged: 11/10/06
Posts: 136
Loc: Concord, NH

Thanks for posting this. I'm still at the beginning of my journey, but it's good to know there's hope. (I'm on day 2 of hypno.)

IBS-C, D and nausea with acute attacks, stable on EFI for 3 years

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Re: To the Newbies, the Frustrated, the Just-Really-Ticked-Off about having to deal w/ IBS...
      #295148 - 01/03/07 08:17 AM

Reged: 01/01/07
Posts: 48
Loc: UK

Hi Everyone,

First of all, I'd just like to say how grateful I am to have found this site as I finally feel that I am around people who understand what I am going through. I have read all the information on this site and it has been extremely helpful to me so far.

I was diagnosed with IBS about 2 years ago and my main problem is severe C and bloating. I saw my doctor a couple of times before I was given an explanation of my condition, and I was prescribed various fibre supplements such as Movicol and Fibrogel, but these seemed just made my symptoms worse. I was also prescribed a powerful laxative which only worked after taking it three nights in a row (the max dose) which gave me severe D, but if I stopped taking it for more than a week I got severe C so it was like a vicious cycle. I was referred to an IBS specialist who advised that I only eat fruit and vegetables for a week until I had a BM. It worked to a certain extent, but the bloating and gas I had was unbearable. I took it upon myself to research IBS and all the sites I looked on advised a low fat diet, excluding as much dairy and high fat foods as possible. I cut out almost all dairy from my diet and switched to Rice Milk. I also cut out all sugary and high fat foods. I took peppermint caps and drank volumes of fennel, peppermint and chamomile tea. I also increased my exercise because I read that it can help with C. What I hadn't anticipated happening (although it seems obvious now!) was that I would end up losing 3 stones of weight in just 6 months (not sure what that is in lbs) which left me in an awfully weak state with a BMI of only 14 I was living in fear of eating and barely left the house. My relationship was suffering because at this point I was chronically depressed. I had to leave my job and was basically house-bound for about 4 months, afraid to leave my home. My doctor referred me to an eating disorder service which I have been in contact with for the past 6 months. I didn't (and still don't) believe I have an eating disorder but I accepted the help because I had nothing else offered to me. I felt so misunderstood and it really hurt when a really close family member told me they thought I had anorexia. I suppose it may have looked like that from an outside perspective because I was terrified of eating and whenever a meal that I was unsure about was put in front of me, I just cried. The last year has been hell for me as I have been struggling to put back on the weight. I now have a BMI of 17 and a half which I know is still underweight. I am hoping that with this new found information on what I can and can't eat, my fears about eating will slowly go away. I have been following the IBS Diet Cheat Sheet for the past 5 days and it has been really good for me so far, no bloating at all although I haven't had a BM as yet. I'm a bit worried as to where to go from here though and which foods to try and introduce first. I have ordered acacia fibre from the site and am really hopeful that it will help with the C.

I guess there's no real question here, I just wanted to share my story along with my hopes and fears for the future. My only regret so far is not finding this site sooner. Maybe if I had had this information from the beginning I would not have gone through all this. Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing??!

One thought, when I was referred to the IBS specialist, they tried to pinpoint a reason for my IBS. After a few questions, they told me it was down to stress because I was very unhappy with my life. I just wondered if anyone else knew of a reason as to why they have IBS. I read on the site that it is to do with a brain-gut dysfunction, so are we born with that or can it develop due to stress?

Yours hopefully,


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Cause unknown new
      #295154 - 01/03/07 09:50 AM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499


One thought, when I was referred to the IBS specialist, they tried to pinpoint a reason for my IBS. After a few questions, they told me it was down to stress because I was very unhappy with my life. I just wondered if anyone else knew of a reason as to why they have IBS. I read on the site that it is to do with a brain-gut dysfunction, so are we born with that or can it develop due to stress?

I am sorry to say that many GPs and GIs doctors make the ignorant comment that suggests stress is the cause of IBS. It isn't!

There isn't a known cause of IBS. In some instances IBS occurs following an GI infection in other instances it doesn't. Some people suffer from birth or infancy and others don't experience the onset until later in life. The brain-gut dysfunction is merely a hypothesis at this point.

IBS is a mystery syndrome waiting to be solved.

STABLE: ♂, IBS-D 50+ years - Science of IBS

The FODMAP Approach to Managing IBS Symptoms
Evidence-based Dietary Management of Functional GI Symptoms: The FODMAP Approach
FODMAP Chart & Cheatsheet
The Role of Food & Dietary Intervention in IBS

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To Jennifer new
      #295155 - 01/03/07 09:54 AM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Glad you found this site too. I only found it a few months ago and everytime I read a previous post from say 2005, I think...oh my gosh...I could have been getting help then too! But least we're here now. It's understandable that you are fearful of food. Good luck with adding things in slowly and you should be fine. If you have a set back, make a note of it, and try that food again at another time when you feel more confident.

As far as stress goes, it can definitely exacerbate IBS symptoms, but not CAUSE IBS to develop, so don't feel like you brought it on yourself. I DESPISE when people assume we are responsible for our IBS! Anyhow, I have read different theories as to causes...antibiotic use, etc.. For me, I think it was the fact that I grew up on extremely fatty foods (all fried), no real veggies and fruits, I was sick often and abused antibiotics (I wouldn't finish the dose and save it for the next illness ), and then, yes, I kind of always had a "nervous" stomach, meaning that I would always have to "go" when anxious about something. But it didn't develop into full-blown IBS until I had a bad experience (d-accident) that I think traumatized me and made it all worse. I also wonder about milk...I drank a ton of milk as a kid...loved the stuff. Maybe I drank my quota for my lifetime!

Anyhow, don't worry about what caused it, just be glad you are here and have some tools now to manage it. Welcome to the boards.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Thanks hohohoyumyum...inspiring post. I could use a lift today! n/t new
      #295156 - 01/03/07 09:55 AM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Jennifer new
      #295162 - 01/03/07 11:11 AM

Reged: 10/17/06
Posts: 65

I completely agree with Syl on the "not truly knowing" what causes IBS in every individual. Yes, stress can contribute to an attack but not always! Yes, it can be adult onset and yes we can be born prone to IBS attacks as well.

It's fine to wonder "why is this happening to me?" but I suggest not putting too much energy there. The great news is that you found this excellent resource to support you. Put your energy into researching the "how can I feel as well as I can?" and be sure to make the time to nurture your soul either with meditation, hypnotherapy, exercise, being with friends and family who lift you up, getting outside in nature, etc.

Heather is a true goddess by creating this safe place for us to share our deepest fears and provides us with so much solid information to help us find our way to a better state of health and well being.

Keeping good thoughts for you on this fantastic journey! Keep smiling, keep breathing, keep wanting things to be different and they will be!


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Re: To Jennifer new
      #295163 - 01/03/07 11:22 AM

Reged: 01/01/07
Posts: 48
Loc: UK

Thank you for your feedback.

I am a little concerned at the moment. I have lost a couple of KG over the past few days because I have been very restrictive in what I am eating, sticking to only soluble fibre foods to try and stabalize my system, literally just porridge, Oatibix (oat cereal), bananas, mangoes, white rice flour toast (i'm not sure if I am wheat intollerant) and banana bread (which i got from this website and is gorgeous!) I keep meaning to try out new things but I haven't felt this good in so long and am terrified that when I try something new it will all go horribly downhill I seem to lose weight ever so easily and it is a real struggle to put it back on. The one thing that usually helps is hot chocolate which I had for the first time last night made with almost all rice milk. I had bad stomach cramps in the night and this strange lump thing in my lower left abdomen. I used to get this lump all the time at night when I was really underweight and I am worried that it is a sign that I am going back downhill again. I was planning on waiting until my order of acacia fibre arrives before adding any new foods to my diet, but I'm a bit worried about waiting any longer in case I lose more weight. Does anybody have any thoughts? Which soluble fibre foods were a good starting point for you?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: To Jennifer new
      #295164 - 01/03/07 11:28 AM

Reged: 10/17/06
Posts: 65

One thing I survived on during my most challenging days was a baked potato topped with scrambled eggs made with Egg Beaters (I had high cholesterol at the time as well). Also flour tortillas worked well. That being said Jennifer, you will need to try things out on "your tummy" to see if they work. Keeping a journal of every meal along with any reactions would be extremely helpful for you to be able to notice patterns of what works and what doesn't.

Best of luck sweetie!


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Re: To Jennifer new
      #295170 - 01/03/07 01:23 PM

Reged: 11/10/06
Posts: 136
Loc: Concord, NH

Jennifer -- this is a good place to get some help. I'm primarily C, too, and the BTC diet can ONLY be used for a few days for us! It stinks, especially when you're feeling better, but with no IF, the C just gets worse. I started IF about 2 days into the diet by eating my potato skins (potatoes are my best safe food because I LOVE them). I eat lots of cooked veggies and so far have done well. I try to introduce just one "new" veggie at a time.

GL. I've felt immeasurably better since I started the diet and I'm much less scared of food.

IBS-C, D and nausea with acute attacks, stable on EFI for 3 years

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Re: To Jennifer new
      #295180 - 01/03/07 04:55 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Jennifer, when you say the hot chocolate was "almost" all rice milk, what else was in it? Maybe that just didn't sit right with you in the evening. I haven't had it, but baby food was suggested as a good starter for introducing fruits and vegetables in a safe manner. Also, I made smoothies very early on in the diet and did okay with them. (Banana, blueberry, and soymilk or rice can just add some water if you want to stay away from those.) I was really afraid of IF (I'm more IBS-d), especially in the morning but I eventually got up enough courage to throw a few raisins in my oatmeal as suggested here. JUST A I add a little more depending on how my bowels have been and sometimes I don't add any if I'm feeling iffy. If you want to gain weight and are afraid of the foods, can you just eat more of the same foods more often in the day? For example, 5 small meals of the things you feel safe with and maybe one meal with a new item? Smaller meals are better for our bellies anyway. About the acacia...while I was waiting for my acacia to arrive (it was delivered pretty quickly), I took Fibercon and it certainly was not as good as Acacia, but it did help a little. I'm not C though so another c person might be able to suggest the best over the counter for you while you're waiting. Definitely try Gas-X and Beano too to help if you are not having BMs and feel gassy. You are on the right track. Hang in there!

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: To Jennifer new
      #295226 - 01/04/07 02:46 AM

Reged: 01/01/07
Posts: 48
Loc: UK


Jennifer, when you say the hot chocolate was "almost" all rice milk, what else was in it? Maybe that just didn't sit right with you in the evening.

There wasn't enough rice milk to fill the mug so I used about a third semi-skimmed cow's milk. Does everyone here stay away from cow's milk and use an alternative instead? When I was trying to figure out what was aggravating my IBS, a health shop specialist made the comment that I might be lactose intollerant and advised me to use rice milk as opposed to cow's for 10-15 days to see if it helped, but the bloating was still as bad at the end of the 2 weeks. Does this mean that cow's milk is ok for me? I also tried soya milk but had a bad experience with it when I left it too long in the fridge and then decided to have some. Can't bring myself to drink the stuff now!

I am still waiting for my acacia to arrive (I live in the UK so could take a few more days to come) but I think I'll try the raisins in my porridge this morning like you suggested.

Thanks for your help, I'm hanging in there!

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Cow's milk new
      #295272 - 01/04/07 04:25 PM

Reged: 05/28/03
Posts: 2263
Loc: SacTown, CA

All dairy is considered a trigger for IBS. Even a very small amount can trigger attacks. For the most part, everyone here stays away from all dairy. Almond chocolate milk (Blue Diamond is my favorite) can be heated stove-top for a nice hot chocolate. And unless you have an allergy to almonds, it's safe for those with IBS.

If you're not dead, you've still got time.

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Re: Cow's milk new
      #295282 - 01/04/07 05:34 PM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Yes, Jennifer. Dairy (I would think especially straight up Cow's milk) can be a trigger for IBS sufferers. You said you still felt bloated after avoiding it for two weeks. Sometimes I feel a little gassy from drinking rice milk (I think there were some posts about it recently), depending on how much I have. I kindof hate all the milk alternatives and only use the bare minimum needed when I add it to something, meaning I don't mind the taste in oatmeal or a smoothie, but I just can't do a full bowl of cold cereal. Except that I agree about the chocolates..rice, soy, almond, whatever! I guess there's just some miracle in chocolate that makes everything taste better! Be sure you're not getting any dairy through cheese or anything else either throughout the day. And let us know how it goes with the raisins.

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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Re: Cow's milk new
      #296353 - 01/13/07 03:23 AM

Reged: 01/01/07
Posts: 48
Loc: UK

To be honest, I may have overdone it on the milk (both dairy and then rice milk) for a while when I was trying to put on weight. I would be having probably 3 large glasses everyday. Now that my weight is a little better I have decided to avoid cow's milk and will try using other alternatives. The only thing is I find that hot chocolate (my only real weakness!) made with rice milk isn't that nice, and I heard somewhere that soy milk can't be heated? Is this true? I have recently found hazelnut and almond flavour rice milk which is gorgeous! I very rarely eat any other dairy products anyway.

On another note, my acacia finally arrived and I have been taking it for 2 days now. No change as yet but I know that for people prone to C it can take a lot longer to see results so I am staying hopeful! Being IBS-C is very frustrating but what I get most upset about is the constant bloating; I always look massive and can't wear any tight clothes because I look 6 months pregnant! Trying not to let it get to me anymore though!

Also got Eating for IBS book and can't decide which recipe to make first! All looks so scrummy!! (*drools*)

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Re: Hot chocolate new
      #296360 - 01/13/07 07:05 AM

Reged: 01/29/06
Posts: 1191
Loc: Canada

I drink Silk chocolate milk and heat it up all the time. It's amazing how good it is as hot chocolate. I've had real hot chocolate that wasn't even close to as good. Definetly worth trying.


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You can heat up Almond Breeze Chocolate milk too. My kids even like it! n/t new
      #296369 - 01/13/07 09:56 AM

Reged: 09/09/06
Posts: 976
Loc: New Jersey

Originally IBS-D for a million years!
Then IBS-A, Now a transformed slightly C

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I use this too. It's very good. n/t new
      #296375 - 01/13/07 12:05 PM

Reged: 05/28/03
Posts: 2263
Loc: SacTown, CA

If you're not dead, you've still got time.

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Re: Hot chocolate new
      #296376 - 01/13/07 12:08 PM

Reged: 01/01/07
Posts: 48
Loc: UK


I drink Silk chocolate milk and heat it up all the time. It's amazing how good it is as hot chocolate. I've had real hot chocolate that wasn't even close to as good. Definetly worth trying.

I've seen Silk chocolate milk mentioned a few times on the boards but I've never heard of it before. Not sure if it is available in the UK...?? If it's not I would probably even have it shipped from the US if it's really that nice! (What lengths I go to for hot chocolate!! Haha!)

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