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      #284784 - 10/01/06 03:58 PM

Reged: 10/01/06
Posts: 4

I have been, by 3 GI specialists, diagnosed with IBS. I have serious doubts that IBS is actually my problem and need some feedback. I have been to, at this point, 4 doctors: one general doctor and three GI specialists. Originally, everyone thought I had gallbladder disease and/or an ulcer. However, when the tests (full ultrasound of stomach/blood tests of liver, thyroid, h.pylori, blood sugar) showed that apparently I was in the prime of health, with no chance of an ulcer and little chance of anything at all being wrong with my gallbladder, liver, pancreas, thyroid, colon, stomach, or anything else in the digestive world, so this coupled with the fact that there are no such diseases running in my family, I was told "well, it must be IBS" and sent home. I am 23, the symptoms have been going on for three years, during which time I have very slowly but very surely gained weight, in spite of eating a very healthy diet (low sugar, low refined foods, little meat, low lactose, etc) and getting a good amount of exercise in each day. My symptoms are many and varied (another reason I was told I have IBS) but the main symptoms are: a burning pain between my ribcage; pain high on my right side and on my back, usually under or between the shoulder blades; chronic nausea, sometimes even when my stomach doesn't hurt; lightheadedness; fatigue; headaches; and an insane amount of gas. It is this last symptom that the doctors most often cite when labeling me with IBS. However, I have had NO diarrhea. Neither have I had constipation, or cramping. Although my stool does alter between soft stools and hard, rocky ones (another reason they say I actually am constipated, and thus have IBS) I have regular bowel movements, usually twice a day, though sometimes three or four. I do not have to strain, nor am I left feeling like I still need to go to the bathroom. I bought heather's books in the hopes that I would find something to alleviate my symptoms. Unfortunately, after following her diet religiously for a week, I have not noticed any major change, except that I do not seem to be hungry as often. I still had "attacks" four of the seven days, and have still fought boughts of nausea throughout the week. Obviously, I'm very frustrated over my situation, and I'm wondering if anyone else out there who has been diagnosed with IBS has my symptoms, and if so, what they do to alleviate them. I have noticed that trigger foods include melted cheese, whey (I don't drink milk, only whey, and developed this allergy recently), chicken (especially dark meat), red meats, and any fast food item, especially pizza and ice cream. I do not, however, notice that veggies make me sick, though I do have a rather weird reaction to them: if I eat to many, my "gag" reflex kicks in. I don't feel sick or in pain, I simply have to immediately quit eating or risk throwing up. I have tried, multiple times, to follow a completely lactose-free diet, but this does not seem to make the slightest difference. I do find that mint tea helps alleviate the pain--I've been using mint for years, even when they told me not to because if I had an ulcer, it would upset it. After reading Heather's books, I've started eating french bread and white rice again, and although I have noticed that it helps me not to get hungry so often (yes, I've been checked for hypoglycemia and diabetes multiple times, and my blood sugar levels seem to be perfect) I haven't noticed any other changes. In fact, I feel "washed out" on top of everything else more often now. What do I eat, then? I don't really know. Typically, I try to eat healthy, so I was already following most of Heather's guidelines. Sometimes, everything I eat--even drinking water--seems to be a trigger, while other days, it seems I am just fine, even on the rare occasion that I eat "on the edge." And as a side, I do not use and never have used any alcohol, drugs, or tobacco, and I would never dream of smoking; I do not drink any coffee, tea (except herbal), or caffeine. I also have never been a chocoholic, strange as that seems--never liked chocolate much as a kid, unless it was combined with peanut butter or mint.
So there you have the basics. Any suggestions?

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Re: IBS?? new
      #284787 - 10/01/06 04:20 PM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967

You mentioned a bunch of tests but did they do a colonoscopy? Also you must give Heather's diet more than a week to see a difference. It takes some people months to see a difference.

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Re: IBS?? new
      #284789 - 10/01/06 04:42 PM
Smiling Strange

Reged: 07/13/06
Posts: 21
Loc: Florida, USA


My symptoms are many and varied (another reason I was told I have IBS) but the main symptoms are: a burning pain between my ribcage; pain high on my right side and on my back, usually under or between the shoulder blades; chronic nausea, sometimes even when my stomach doesn't hurt; lightheadedness; fatigue; headaches; and an insane amount of gas.

I am definitely not a doctor, but I think at least some of those symptoms could be related to gas. I experience "burning" pain in my ribs, back, and between my shoulder blades often as a result of the gas, and oftentimes it will make me nauseous too. Sometimes it's dull and aching and constant, and other times it will be a very very sharp pain. I even had this as a child before I was diagnosed with IBS. My mom dubbed it "heartattack gas" because the first time I had it in my chest I thought something must've been wrong with my heart!

For this pain, I find that doing stretches, light exercise, simethicone, and fennel tea to be extremely helpful. Eating lots of veggies can cause gas so many try cutting back on them just for a while to "break the cycle" of sickness. Obviously we all need them for good health, but if you do have IBS, you need to adapt a very very careful diet for a little while just to get things back on track.

I do also suffer from the lightheadedness and fatigue, but in my case it is due to low blood pressure. I've noticed that many people with IBS have a general feeling of "blah" a lot of the time; achiness, fatigue, just generally not well. I have read studies that show that people with IBS are more likely to have Fibromyalgia, and vice versa, and I've always wondered if that can explain some of the blah feelings IBSers have. This is all just my very non-scientific hypothesis though!

Still, if you really really doubt that you have IBS, keep requesting tests! In the end, you're the one who has your own best interests at heart. Don't let anybody tell you everything is "just fine" if all the possibilities have not been ruled out and you truly feel like there is something else wrong.

Good luck!

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Re: IBS?? new
      #284793 - 10/01/06 05:08 PM

Reged: 05/06/05
Posts: 1322
Loc: the wabe


Originally, everyone thought I had gallbladder disease and/or an ulcer. However, when the tests (full ultrasound of stomach/blood tests of liver, thyroid, h.pylori, blood sugar) showed that apparently I was in the prime of health, with no chance of an ulcer and little chance of anything at all being wrong with my gallbladder, liver, pancreas, thyroid, colon, stomach, or anything else in the digestive world,

Are these the only tests you had? Bloodwork and ultrasound isn't always enough. If your ultrasound was clean, you should have a HIDA scan to check your gallbladder functionality. (I'm having gallbladder problems -- my ultrasound was fine, but my HIDA scan was not.)

I do agree your symptoms aren't typical of IBS. Personally, I'd spend some time on the Internet researching your symptoms for other possibilities, see what kind of tests are warranted to get a good diagnosis, and ask your doctor to run the tests.

(By the way, most doctors think you're a hypochondriac if you say you read something on the Internet, so if I want a test run I'll usually say something like, "When my mom was having her gallbladder tested, they did a HIDA scan on her -- can we try that?")

If you haven't already, you can also try a reflux med and see if that helps. I use Aciphex and love it because it has no side effects for me. It's prescription-only, but you can get a lower-dose Prilosec and Zantac OTC. Prilosec tends to cause D, Zantac has less side effects (but doesn't work as well).

While you're still trying to figure out what you have, it won't hurt to stay strictly on Heather's diet -- that way, if it really does turn out you have IBS, you'll be that much further ahead of the game.

Good luck.


"It's one of the most serious things that can possibly happen to one in a battle -- to get one's head cut off." -- LC

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Have you had a colonoscopy done? n/t new
      #284803 - 10/01/06 05:35 PM

Reged: 05/28/03
Posts: 2263
Loc: SacTown, CA

If you're not dead, you've still got time.

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Re: IBS?? new
      #284834 - 10/02/06 05:16 AM

Reged: 08/20/06
Posts: 71

Hi. I'm young too and they at first kind of pushed it off as nothing. Now that I have been going for more tests and results are differing they are more concerned.Like one test I had said I didn't have pancreatitis but another said I did. I have another colonoscpy scheduled. Its hard but keep telling them and I think you may want to go for more tests.

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Re: IBS?? new
      #284959 - 10/02/06 07:10 PM

Reged: 10/01/06
Posts: 4

Thanks--I know I need to have more tests done. I've discovered that after following heather's diet, I'm actually having more attacks than normal. Perhaps gluten intolerance is a factor? It's simply getting enough money together to have the tests done that is a problem...
I've been doing research on the internet for years--yet another reason I feel that it is unlikely I actually have IBS. I simply don't have the bowel problems most people with IBS have--and using the bathroom actually makes my symptoms worse on occasion. I have never noticed improvement after using the bathroom. Anyway, I've looked up every digestive ailment I can think of, and have found that I have symptoms for a lot of things, but no matter how many times the specialist tells me it can't be my gallbladder, that's what my symptoms match most closely.
I have tried several medications. Can't remember them all, but I have had aciphex. Didn't help a bit. My doctors had me try a couple of other antacid prescriptions, but none helped. Tried muscle relaxants and anti-depressants, but none of those helped, either. In fact, one muscle relaxant brought on an minor attack, and I had my worst attack ever settle in after taking some antacids in hopes they would relieve the painful burning. (a full 13 hours of breathtaking agony--and of course we were on vacation in the middle of nowhere and hadn't a clue where a hospital even was). So, no help there...

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Question new
      #284989 - 10/03/06 05:41 AM

Reged: 03/13/05
Posts: 5499

Do your symptoms match the ones discussed in these posting?
web page

STABLE: ♂, IBS-D 50+ years - Science of IBS

The FODMAP Approach to Managing IBS Symptoms
Evidence-based Dietary Management of Functional GI Symptoms: The FODMAP Approach
FODMAP Chart & Cheatsheet
The Role of Food & Dietary Intervention in IBS

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Re: IBS?? new
      #285111 - 10/03/06 07:23 PM

Reged: 08/27/06
Posts: 84


I have a lot of the symptoms you have , especially the pain between the breastbone, but after mutliple tests I was told, years ago, that it is severe acid reflux. For a while I did not have so many problems with my stoools but now am full blown A- currently pretty D- but for a year I had several bowel movements every other day and they were loose and watery but by no mean D. I also have pain in my back occasionally and excessive gas. Lots and lots to the point that it is embarrasing. I am also very frequently nasuaeted and it is a little upsetting that I cannot take my phennegin with my pamine. SO I do dry toast and crackers and something called pregger pops to help with the nasuea. I do have the stomach pains and cramps at this point but did not until recently.
But unlike you I have had my gallbladder out, several ulcers, gastritis and now IBS. I also cannot eat hardly any fast food, other than sandwiches and have to make them go light on the condiments, no pizza, mexican and very little chinese. If I do overindulge I pay the price, a weekend of that, put me on the floow last night with the pain. I can also eat vegetables within moderation but no cabbage and have to watch the salad.
My family doc is actually not agreeing witht he GI's diagnosing of IBS so I find that a little disconcernting.

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Re: Question new
      #285123 - 10/03/06 09:14 PM

Reged: 10/01/06
Posts: 4

Kinda--the really generic symptoms: abdominal pain, gas, burning. But I have--not occasional--but pretty much constant pain high on my right side, reaching around into my back and behind my shoulder blade, and a lot of nausea. In fact, the nausea and right/back pain are so overpowering that it wasn't even until my 3rd specialist (after simply looking over that little sheet of symptoms they have you fill out in the front while you wait) told me I had IBS that I even considered gas a "symptom," it was so secondary to the other pain. I had another "attack" yesterday. It lasted nearly 24 hours, and my symptoms were severe nausea, a feeling of constant choking, bad burning pain high in front coupled with pain on my right side/back that was constant and accented with stabs every few minutes, and that awful feeling when your chest is so heavy and hurts so bad that it is hard to breathe. I haven't ever heard anyone else with IBS describe similar symptoms to this particular "attack." It came on in the night. I woke up feeling like something was gnawing at the organs under my ribs. It just got worse from there and did not let up until the next night. Oh, and I couldn't lay down or it immediately got worse. I know that is a sign of acid reflux of some sort, but like I've said before, I've been on prescription and over-the-counter antacids, and they didn't help at all--even making it worse on one occasion.

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