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am I over reacting new
      #277386 - 08/06/06 05:03 PM

Reged: 05/15/06
Posts: 69
Loc: New York

I'v try the diet the best that I can, I will also stick to it but, earlier I wrote because I was very down. I have a nervous stomach and even with diet things that bother me make my stomach turn and I find myself with D. I have given it long thought today and as much as i don't like take medications I am seriously thinking about asking my doctor about librax. I know I should be given this diet more time but I feel like I am in a despression and I haven't felt this way before. maybe I am trying so hard and not accomplishing what I want, maybe I am expecting things to be too fast, but I want to start enjoying myself and I am considering taking medication for the first time I feel I need something more right you think i am reacting too quickly for a fast solution or maybe this can help for the time being until i can get stable.


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Re: am I over reacting new
      #277394 - 08/06/06 05:59 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I'm not familiar enough with Librax to offer my opinion on it specifically, but ya know, there's no shame in needing to use something to help you along. Everyone's different - some people can stabilize without medication of any kind, others need the help. Personally, I used Imodium (over-the-counter) on my bad days, and I can't imagine having NOT used it - some days it made a huge difference.

The diet works, but you have to be patient and stick with it for the rest of your life. It's not a quick fix, but it's lasting relief.

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thanks atomic rose new
      #277443 - 08/07/06 06:52 AM

Reged: 05/15/06
Posts: 69
Loc: New York

you always have good advice when i write, I will stick to the diet, and I have been using immodium for years, but my problem is aniexty and maybe some people don't let the fear get in there way I do. Iam tired now I am letting life pass me by and I feel I need something to do that. Maybe the Hypo tapes or medications not sure yet but I can't get the fear of doing things out of my mind. I work myself up that maybe nothing is going to happen but I have those thoughts in the back of my mind. I won't even out to dinner. The sad thing is that I read so many other people who are so much worse than I am and are doing better than me. I have D without pain but the fear of going to the bathroom in public places scares me. Thats why I feel it's just more than that , it so much aniexty built up in me that now I am feeling depressed about it. I think the diet is helping but I do have bad days and don't know what iam doing. I know I have to have patience with this I am trying thanks for always answering my post you have always given me a ton of info.


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Re: am I over reacting new
      #277456 - 08/07/06 08:33 AM

Reged: 10/13/04
Posts: 12

Hi, I also have a very touching stomach. I have been trying the diet for over a year. Finally about one month ago, I went to the dr. and started Zoloft. This has made a big differnce for me. I also suffer from anxiety. I still eat very carefully and limited to just soluble foods with a small amount of IF foods (I tend to constitpation.) I found one thing I was previously doing incorrectly was eating brown rice for my fiber. However brown rice is insoluble, so now I mix it with white rice, and is much better. I also don't have a problem with fish so I eat that as well. But I am feeling better and my bowel movements are getting better. I'm also gluten intolerent and have a bladder condition that I can't eat fruit and soy. But even with a limited diet, at least I'm starting to feel better.
Best of luck.

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Re: thanks atomic rose new
      #277460 - 08/07/06 09:09 AM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

I know EXACTLY how you feel. I feel like so many people that write to these boards have symptoms that are much worse than mine, but yet I'm still frustrated and I'm also battling with depression and anxiety. And I think those two things are HUGE road blocks to becoming stable. I recently started working with a therapist, I'm going to order the hyno CDs this week, and I've been on Prozac for about six weeks. I think I spend more time worrying that I might have an attack than I do actually having them. So I think you and I are in the same boat; if we can get this anxiety/depression thing under control, and learn how to manage stress, the diet will work even better. And if it means using some antidepressants (short term) to do all of that, then I think it's worth it.

Good luck!
Lisa, IBS-C

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: thanks lisa marie new
      #277466 - 08/07/06 09:28 AM

Reged: 05/15/06
Posts: 69
Loc: New York

your right i am letting this take control so maybe i will consider medication short term i just don't want to depend on it long term. I was thinking about the tapes also, they sound like so many are having good responses. let me know it you order how u are doing, and if I decide to order them i will post how I did on them.


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Re: am I over reacting
      #277538 - 08/07/06 05:09 PM

Reged: 04/07/06
Posts: 81

I have been doing the IBS diet for about 8 months and have also reached a stage where I am considering going on anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication. It seems that even if I do all the right things as far as my food is concerned my nervousness/anxiousness continues to reek havoc on my bowels. And I was raised to believe that you shouldn't go on mood altering medication unless you've tried everything else. So I understand where you are because I'm truly in a similar place. Kudos to you for looking at your health in a way that takes into account not just your physical health but your mental/emotional health as well. They may not know exactly how depression/anxiety are tied to IBS but I don't doubt the link - not all at. Best of luck.

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Re: am I over reacting new
      #277541 - 08/07/06 05:28 PM

Reged: 04/22/04
Posts: 2435
Loc: Texas


I'm sorry you are having a tough time. I am on Librax and have been for several years. It really helps relax me and my tummy, too. You take one 30 minutes before each meal and one at bedtime if needed. I started taking 3 a day and am down to 1 a day now.

I guess you could call my stomach nervous, too, and Librax has really helped me. Of course, you still need to eat safe and probably will still need some Imodium periodically.

The only problem with Librax is that it can be addictive in some people. My doc said it was fine as long as it was helping me and I have gone from 3 pills a day to 1 with no problem at all.

Talk to your doctor about it.

Good luck


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Re: am I over reacting new
      #277547 - 08/07/06 05:47 PM

Reged: 07/30/06
Posts: 185
Loc: East Coast

Hi, I'm glad someone else has used Imodium. I don't know what I would have done without it some days. The only thing is, I have to be careful and eat a small amount of unprocessed bran with my oatmeal every night to keep me regular. So far that is the only thing that works for me. Do you get constipated with the Imodium? I do if I'm not very careful.


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Aww... hang in there.... new
      #277560 - 08/07/06 08:18 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I know it seems like an eternity when you're trying to get your guts to calm down, and I totally remember feeling like I didn't know what I was doing... but everything will fall into place... just keep believing that, because it really *does* help to stay as optimistic as you can about things.

Definitely address the anxiety issue. I had/have HUGE problems with anxiety, and they can make your IBS a thousand times worse than it already is. Do try the hypno tapes if you can - so many people have had success with them. A therapist could also help, as can yoga, exercise, and meditation. Medications are an option, but by no means are they the only one.

The fear will go away. Promise. It takes a while, but little by little, as you work on the anxiety problems and keep eating well, you'll find yourself getting more confident again and less afraid to do things. And don't compare yourself to anyone else, sicker than you or not - IBS is such an individual thing, there's just no point in comparing, especially if it just brings you further down.

I'm glad I could help a little. Hang in there, and keep posting - all of us "old timers" know all about the bad, hopeless days!

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Oh yeah... new
      #277561 - 08/07/06 08:22 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Imodium can definitely constipate you if you're not careful. If you're taking it on a regular basis, try taking only half a dose (one tablet). I found that even though I'd been taking quite a lot of it over the years, one tablet was usually enough to stop the diarrhea without completely binding me up. It also becomes less of an issue when you start expanding your diet and adding insolubles in (you're doing great, adding the bran to the oatmeal!) - it takes a little tweaking to strike a good balance.

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Re: Oh, yeah....Thanks atomic rose new
      #277582 - 08/08/06 06:35 AM

Reged: 07/30/06
Posts: 185
Loc: East Coast

Hi atomic rose, Thanks for the feedback on Imodium. Yes, I only take one at a time also. Glad to hear that taking the bran isn't undoing any of my good intentions. It does help and I take 1 tsp. in a bowl of oatmeal. So good to hear from someone who has been there and knows what I am talking about...


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sapphiremel, I ordered the CDs! new
      #277620 - 08/08/06 09:19 AM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

I'll give you an update once I get started with them! I'm looking forward to giving it a shot! My therapist thought it was a good idea, too; she says she has heard good things about the program.

--Lisa, IBS-C

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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lisa iam on the board now thinking of ordering it too new
      #277630 - 08/08/06 09:55 AM

Reged: 05/15/06
Posts: 69
Loc: New York

I have put my information in around 5 times today and change my mind. I really want to order them and yet I hope that it really works, I think I am going to order I will let u know also thanks for the update keep me posted and if I order I will let u know


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Re: lisa iam on the board now thinking of ordering it too new
      #277722 - 08/09/06 07:07 AM

Reged: 12/30/03
Posts: 1023
Loc: Chicago, IL, USA

Ya know, the worst thing that could happen with the hypno CDs is that they don't make a huge change in your IBS, but you get some extra napping time in. Honestly, all it involves is relaxing for half an hour a day while you listen to some music and a guy speaking very calmly.

The hypno CDs did teach me how to turn off my anxiety, but the learning was gradual to the point of being imperceptable. I found it the most useful when all I expected from it was a relaxing time to close my eyes (which is very nice, and does help with the IBS since fatigue is a huge trigger).

Try it, you'll like it!


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Re: lisa iam on the board now thinking of ordering it too new
      #277728 - 08/09/06 07:58 AM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

I can't wait to start!! I'm in desperate need of learning how to relax and manage stress. I think those are my two biggest triggers right now. Thanks for the encouragement.

Does it still work if you fall asleep while listening??

--Lisa, IBS-C

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: lisa iam on the board now thinking of ordering it too new
      #277746 - 08/09/06 10:22 AM

Reged: 12/30/03
Posts: 1023
Loc: Chicago, IL, USA


Does it still work if you fall asleep while listening??

Yep, that's what they say! Your subconscious is still alert after you first fall asleep, which is why a strange noise will wake you up right away. You may want to read some of the postings over on the hypno board - they really do cover all of the questions that come up when you start.

I have to say that I was a very bad hypno person (might explain why anxiety is a big trigger for me, huh? ). I tried really hard to stay awake and analyze what was being said just so something didn't slip by me. And then I had to speculate why he phrased things one way and not another.... But there's enough repetition that I eventually learned to relax and by the time the 4th session came around, I fell asleep so quickly that it took a week before I knew what the imagery was for that session!

So anyhow, the message I want to give you is that even if you do hypno "wrong" or imperfectly, it still helps. And I swear, I get the best sleep the night after I do a refresher session these days!

--AC, hypno fan

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lisa i ordered it new
      #277747 - 08/09/06 10:24 AM

Reged: 05/15/06
Posts: 69
Loc: New York

I finally did it and I hope we both have good responses from it keep your fingers cross please let me know how you are doing and I will do the same.


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Yay! hope mine comes today - keep me posted! -nt new
      #277755 - 08/09/06 12:27 PM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: lisa iam on the board now thinking of ordering it too new
      #277756 - 08/09/06 12:35 PM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

Well I hope my engineer-brain can handle it without trying to over-analyze everything! Perhaps once I get started I will hop on over to the hypno board... Thanks for your feedback! I'm getting more and more excited about starting!

--Lisa, IBS-C

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: lisa iam on the board now thinking of ordering it too new
      #277829 - 08/10/06 06:38 AM

Reged: 12/30/03
Posts: 1023
Loc: Chicago, IL, USA

Well, as I said, you can overanalyze all you want, but it still works. I can say from my skeptical astronomer viewpoint that no wacky doctrines were imparted to me at any point - it was some very gentle visualizing. If I could go back to two years ago when I started hypno, I would tell myself that I can listen and think, but there's no secret message I need to ferret out of it. Oh, and drifting off a bit is rather enjoyable.


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astro chick did the tapes help your ibs new
      #277839 - 08/10/06 07:46 AM

Reged: 05/15/06
Posts: 69
Loc: New York

Thanks for the post on the hypo tapes I just ordered mine but besides from the relaxation part did it help your ibs at all, did you have fears of going out, traveling etc. if so did it take the edge off of that, that is what I am hoping i get out of this the most.


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Re: astro chick did the tapes help your ibs new
      #277857 - 08/10/06 09:05 AM

Reged: 12/30/03
Posts: 1023
Loc: Chicago, IL, USA

It helped me a lot, but in a more slow and subtle way than Heather's diet. (I was walking to the train about 2 days after starting fiber + Heather's diet and I realized that for the first time in my life, my belly wasn't rumbling. This was such a revelation - I didn't even realize how miserable I was feeling until it stopped!)

About a month or so after I finished the program, my husband and I were heading to the grocery store. I started feeling a little rumbly and sick, and then I thought "I shouldn't be tensing up. I should just relax a bit. And we can always go home if I'm really having an attack." I *never* would have had those thoughts pre-hypno! I relaxed a bit, I felt better in 5 minutes, I never had an attack that day. And, in general, I have fewer attacks now even under stress, and those I do have are an hour or two of feeling punky rather than a half-day of misery followed by a week of feeling out of it.

It reduced my fears of going out, too. Now, the only times I don't want to go out and travel are because that's the way I feel (being a big ol' introvert) and not because I think my body is going to misbehave on me.

--AC (IBS-C, with stress-related D attacks on occasion)

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thanks astro chick new
      #277884 - 08/10/06 10:24 AM

Reged: 05/15/06
Posts: 69
Loc: New York

I am excited to start the hypo the diet I've been on and the fiber I have been on for at least 3 months now but I am still having problems still not sure of my trigger foods yet but learning alot from this board still have alot of learning when it comes to the diet but trying very hard I not sure if I need more fiber I have been doing 6 gms total.
Hope the hypo tapes make a difference can't wait thanks


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Re: Aww... hang in there.... new
      #278425 - 08/15/06 01:37 PM

Reged: 08/09/06
Posts: 26
Loc: California

Okay, I feel like a goof, cuz I'm replying to A BUNCH of posts...looking for help! And unless you guys physically come to my house and work,etc. and hold my hand through the pain, I don't know what any of you can do. Anyways, this past week has been awful - only one severe blinding pain attack but just overall feeling awful, not eating, and mostly just the impending doom, dread and fear of another attack. I have the peppermint tea, caps, Acacia powder (just started) and diet book. I am doing all I know (and have learned) to do!!! I just feel completely despondent and hopeless. I'm only 36 and have a hubby and 4 beautiful children but I really feel like it's all pointless right now - I feel like my whole life is over and I am on the verge of wanting to quit work (I've been here 11 yrs) and not go on any trips with my family or even leave the house. When I calm down and look back at my life over the past 10 or so years (when the attacks first started) I see that for the most part the past 10 yrs have been attack free (just a couple of blinding pain attacks and the occasional "I should NOT have eaten that" feeling in my tummy) but now that it's happening again, I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Which would be soooo awful for my family. Part of me tells myself that "this too shall pass" and that life will get back to normal but the other part of me wants to give up. Please help anybody.

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Sounds like anxiety to me... new
      #278438 - 08/15/06 02:40 PM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

Have you tried anti-depressants? What do you do for stress management? Exercise? Have you given any thought to trying the hynosis CDs? Was there some sort of stressful or traumatic event that triggered this recent series of attacks you've been having?

Sorry to answer your questions with more questions...

--Lisa, IBS-C

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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Re: Sounds like anxiety to me... new
      #278439 - 08/15/06 02:50 PM

Reged: 08/09/06
Posts: 26
Loc: California

I started taking Wellbutrin XL 3 wks ago. I thought maybe that was causing the recent IBS attack but my dr said it would have happened within 48 hrs of starting it. I usually exercise daily but really haven't for a few weeks. I'm a school office manager and the beginning of the year is ALWAYS stressful. I feel like I need to just "plow through" this and start doing all my normal activities regardless of how I feel but there is this HUGE cloud of fear of another attack and fear of having to change my whole life. I'm just feeling like giving up.

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Re: Sounds like anxiety to me... new
      #278443 - 08/15/06 03:46 PM
Lisa Marie

Reged: 07/17/06
Posts: 1566
Loc: Lakewood, CO

Believe it or not, I DO know exactly how you feel. I wish I could count the number of times I have cried in frustration over my IBS, or not wanted to socialize or go to a restaurant! It just sounds to me like stress is a HUGE trigger for you (as it is for me), and perhaps you should speak with someone (therapist, counselor) about ways to manage stress. In fact, I have my first appointment with a counselor tomorrow afternoon, and stress management is probably the main topic we'll cover.

Give the Wellbutrin time to work; If you don't start to feel better after 6-8 weeks, you probably need a different AD. That is exactly why I recently switched from Prozac to Effexor.

Try adding some light exercise into your day; even if it's only a 10-15 minute walk. Anything is better than nothing.

And yes, you ARE changing some huge things in your life. There's obviously going to be a period of depression as you adjust to your new diet. I know it seems complicated at first, but you will get used to it. I spent my first few weeks eating very basic ingredients: protein and cooked plain veggies. Don't worry about making huge complicated meals just yet.

Hang in there; I know you're frustrated, but the frustration you're feeling is only adding to your problems! I seriously hope you'll consider looking into stress management.

Good Luck!
--Lisa, IBS-C

Lisa, IBS-C (Vegan)
Stable since July 2007!
Mommy to Rhiannon Marie (Dec. 13, 2008)

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wellbutrin probably not the best option of ad's new
      #278447 - 08/15/06 04:00 PM

Reged: 04/20/06
Posts: 559
Loc: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I took zoloft for years and it helped my anxiety and ibs quite well, the i tried wellbutrin to see if it was just as effective with less of the fairly minimal side effects i had with the zoloft, well it made me anxious and my stomach slowly but surely went to hell.
The i tried one year of all natural methods and went even further to hell in the stomach department, wound up basically vegan and went down to 100 pounds at 5'5", not good, i am skinny, cold and tired. so i have finally decided to give the AD's another chance, so now on lexapro and in only 3 weeks i am slowly starting to feel much better, my stomach has been manageable for months now as a result of diet and supplements, but the anxiety and ocd about what, how, when, how much, etc i ate was insane to the point where i didn't recognize myself anymore. AD's are just the right thing for me and i am now back on the road to health. I even went out to a restaurant and had baked fish a few nights ago, which was a big step for me. I would try an ssri if the wellbutrin doesn't pan out, and it probably won't as it tends to cause anxiety in a lot of people, but if it does work for you then its great as it has the least amount of side effects. good luck

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Re: am I over reacting new
      #278466 - 08/15/06 05:36 PM

Reged: 04/27/04
Posts: 163
Loc: Arizona

Exactly what kind of med is this? Anti-spasmodic? Anti-anxiety? If you know, I would appreciate the info. Thanks, Amy.


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