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Re: Abigail Re "What do I think?" new
      #270223 - 06/20/06 10:20 AM

Reged: 03/12/05
Posts: 202
Loc: Orlando,FL

Hi Joanna,

I think you might right. I think I need to cut back on the prunes a little. I also feel that I'm having too much or the wrong kind of IF because my stool isn't normal at all. My intestines are very irritated, always moving and painful. Before I started having those prunes with flax seeds, I had to take Milk of Magnesium every night to have a BM(not fun). Since I started with the prunes and flax seeds, I was able to stop taking Milk and still have a BM. I was so HAPPY about that. Now, I'm so afraid to stop that because I don't want to get C again. But I need to start making some changes, I can't deal with this 24/7 pain anymore. The pain it's getting so bad that it wakes me up at night. I just want to make the changes for the better not for the worst. That's where I'm having issues with, knowing what changes to make. I would like to find me a Naturopath Dr. around here, but I'm not sure how. Any ideas ??? How much IF I should eat daily to stay regular?
Thank you again and again for the help and the kind words.

The joy of the Lord is my strength !

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Abigail re Flax and weight new
      #270296 - 06/20/06 11:21 PM

Reged: 05/15/06
Posts: 65
Loc: Wales, U.K

Hi Abi,

Just a quick one as having an endoscopy today and need to get ready to go.

I thought about your eating flax to "put on weight". My understanding is that flax oil helps the body to metabolise fats, and doesn't necessarily cause you to put on weight.

You could try other foods like potatoes to help you put on weight?

From what you say it may well be worth finding a professional with a holistic approach to help you, if it feels that you need this support. It is difficult to find which road to take here, as these days there are so many options!

I guess at the end of the day it depends on what financial resources you have, and which practitioners are available in your area.

I don't know how you'd find a naturapathic doc in the USA. In the UK I would go to the Association that they register with, and then this way I know that they have gone through a formal recognised training.

In the USA there must be an equivalent. Maybe post others on the board and ask how to go down this route, and also do a search on Google for one. You need to check out which qualifications are the good ones.

Have you had any tests done for the pain? eg colonoscopy, endoscopy etc....

I don't know how much IF you should eat a day. My guess is that it depends on the individual's needs. Maybe do some searches on IF on Heather's Reviews (top menu bar), and also re read Heather's info on IF.

Heather suggests to always eat some SF before IF, to line the stomach with soothing starch (if I remember rightly!!!) This definately helps me ~ that's why I think your prunes are a harsh way to start the day on your tum!

Have you tried Acacia yet?

Must stop there ~ you'll find your path you know ~ it may take some time, but you will!

Take care,


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Re: Abigail re Flax and weight new
      #270411 - 06/21/06 02:06 PM

Reged: 03/12/05
Posts: 202
Loc: Orlando,FL

Hello Joanna,

How are you feeling after your endoscopy today? I hope and pray that everything is OK. I went to my GI doctor and he sent me to the hosp. for some blood work and also told me to cut down in half all that IF I'm eating(like the flax seeds and prunes). He wants to see me as soon as the blood work comes back and see how I feel. As you already know, I'm very nervous about cutting down because I don't want to get C, but I started today. I'm trying to stay positive and strong in my faith. I found and I'm trying to make an appointment for this week. I also found another IBS web with some good info, help and support. Maybe you know about it, but just in case. I also found some naturopathic doc in my area doing a google search, but I don't know how good they are, I have to find out. Thank you for all the time you take to give me your support, info and help. I really appreciate it and need it. It was hard to talk to my GI doc yesterday, I was trying to stay strong, but I think I did more crying than talking. Hope to hear from you soon.


The joy of the Lord is my strength !

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Abigail endoscopy experience! new
      #270513 - 06/22/06 07:12 AM

Reged: 05/15/06
Posts: 65
Loc: Wales, U.K

Hi Abi,

Glad to heae that you saw your doc and you've gone for some blood tests. Do write when you've got the results!

I'm pretty shattered after the endoscopy yesterday. The proceedure itself was definately copeable, but the worst of it was the doc himself! I had a real problem with his attitude ~ he wouldn't let me tell him what I needed to. There were FOUR men in the room when I went in ~ as well as the doc ~ and I wasn't even told they'd be there, or asked if I minded! I did mind! They were junior docs apparantly. Then when I was lying on the couch with the plate already between my teeth and waiting for the tube to be inserted he had a long phone call with his secretary who'd apparantly lost some important notes! His irritability wound me up and I just thought he was totally insensitive to the patient on the couch waiting for him to start an endoscopoy proceedure!

The endoscopy showed up some erosions in a couple of places which will have led to the gastritis that I'm currently experiencing.

I came out in tears ~ I just felt that he should have dealt with me differently. The upshot is that the nursing staff told him I'd had a problem with him and he gave me the opportunity to tell him exactly what that was ~ and I did!

He blames our health system for putting him under so much time pressure ~ all the same................

Anyway ~ enough of that ~ now I need to think about how to go forward ~ I feel I need some prof input ~ back to acupuncture very possibly!

Hope you're feeling better today, and feel that you've got your doc's support!

Rainbows of light whizzing your way!


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Re: Abigail endoscopy experience! new
      #270561 - 06/22/06 12:05 PM

Reged: 03/12/05
Posts: 202
Loc: Orlando,FL

Hello Joanna,

Sorry to hear about your bad endoscopy experience. I understand how you felt. My first GI doc here in Orlando treated me like I was just number a and not a human being, I felt horrible :-( I hope you don't have to deal with that doc again. I hope you start feeling better about the gastritis you are experiencing. Are you taking any med for that?

You aren't going to believe this...As you know I started cutting back on my prunes and flax seeds on Wed. and I already feel C cramps today, I'm bloated and it was harder than usual to have my BM this morning. I don't understand, before I was doing 5 prunes with 2tsp of flax and now I'm doing 3 prunes and 1 1/2tsp of flax. I'm so confused..I don't know why I'm getting C so fast??? I didn't change my diet. I'm still eating the same that I been eating for the last year and I was having a regular BM. It's hard for me to believe that me cutting back on 2 prunes and 1/2tsp of flax seed it's going to make that much difference. What do you think? Should I already take something to help me go(Milk of Magnesium)? or Should I wait? Sorry for all the questions again. Very scary and frustrated.

I have an appt. with the acupuncture lady today at 4pm and I want to start that asap, but I feel so crampy today that I don't know if I can make it. I will try my best. I also called to make and appt. with the Naturopath doc, but they don't have space until Aug. That's too long, I need the help now. I hope I can find another one that can see me very soon.

Thank you for your support always, it means so much to me.
A big hug and blessings to you !

p.s.When are you going to post your picture. Feel free to email me anytime.

The joy of the Lord is my strength !

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Abigail, acupuncture apointment? new
      #270685 - 06/23/06 07:19 AM

Reged: 05/15/06
Posts: 65
Loc: Wales, U.K

Hi Abi,

Sorry to hear that you're feeling so stuck after cutting back on prunes and flax seeds. Do you grind your seeds? I can't remember. I take them whole for C. 1 tablespoon soaked overnight and taken 1st thing in the morning. Ditto for last thing at night. It's what keeps me going at the moment I think.

Did you manage the acup appointment yesterday? I hope so. My experience is that when I don't feel well enough for a treatment it's exactly when I need to have one!

It may be that your stress and fear about not having a BM when cutting the prunes/flax is what has caused you to start getting stuck, as opposed to less prunes etc...

I find that fear is a great motivator for C!!

Have you looked at the self hypno info on this website? It may be worth considering to help relax you.

Yes, a month is a long time to wait for a session with a practitioner ~ I had the same result yesterday when trying to get an acup session booked!

Hope you get your blood test results soon, and remember to take one day at a time!! Give your body a chance to adjust to small changes ~ your BMs may change for a few days, but then even out again.

Hopefully the acup will help you as well!

Love and light for you,


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Re: Abigail, acupuncture apointment? new
      #270758 - 06/23/06 01:13 PM

Reged: 03/12/05
Posts: 202
Loc: Orlando,FL

Hello again Joanna,

Yes !!! I did manage to go to the acup yesterday. She was very sweet and nice. I will try to see her once a week for month and see how I feel. I hope and pray that it will help. I'm also thinking of buying the hypno for IBS. I heard a little of it and liked it.

I had such a bad day yesterday. My mother and my sister came over to visit and all I did was cry all day and all night. I was trying to be strong by not telling my family how bad I was feeling, but I couldn't take it any longer. I have a wonderful husband that's been there for me for the past 14 years, but he works full time and goes to college part-time. I'm alone with my 7 year old daughter must of the time and I try to do fun things with her but I haven't been able to. That makes me so sad(I don't want to start crying again)but I miss all the things I used to do with her. I can't believe how this IBS has changed my life, but I won't give up. One day, I might still have IBS, but IBS won't have me. I'm staying strong in my faith. It's hard for me to be positive when I'm having a really bad day, but with God's help I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.

I'm still eating my prunes(4 today)with about 1 1/2 to 2tsp of flax seeds(whole)soaked in water every morning, but my BM are getting smaller every morning since Tuesday. I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY????????? My mother thinks I should go back to see my GYN doctor because I had endometriosis and adhesions before(last year.) They removed those, but she says it's better to be safe.

I read that an IBS-C should take Magnesium supplement daily. Do you take that? or Do you know if that really helps for C? Also, Do you know about any good Chinese herbs for C that causes no cramps? The acup lady was talking to me about some, but she didn't seem to sure about a good one for IBS-C.

Enough about me...How are you feeling? Hope you are feeling much better. Are you going to be able to start acup soon. Hope you can start again soon. Keep me posted...

Always happy to hear from you:-) Thank you for your wonderful messages !
A big hug and blessings,

The joy of the Lord is my strength !

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Abigail try flax soaked at night as well new
      #270820 - 06/24/06 09:27 AM

Reged: 05/15/06
Posts: 65
Loc: Wales, U.K

Hi Abie,

Just to say that you might find it useful to take the flax seeds before going to bed ~ as well as in the morning ~ this gives the colon something to work with overnight! You may already do this but I've forgotten!

I think it's great that you told your family what's going on for you ~ they need to know so they can offer you all the support they can. Also I'm sure you offer your little girl much more than you realise!

Magnesium is a real goodie to take, and calcium citrate's probably the best form of calcium as it's water soluble, and so the body doesn't accumulate what it can't use.

Hope the acupuncture starts to help you really soon! It will also help with gyn problems.

I do agree with your mum that if you have had previous gyn problems then you should definately also go back to see your gyn doctor. It's easy to confuse abdomen problems as the bowel and uterus are so close to each other (or so a doctor once told me!)

I don't know anything about Chinese herbs, but there are others on this board do know about them.

Whatever ~ pain relief will come, and you will be better than you are ~ keep on believing and doing all you can to help yourself. It's a struggle at the moment, but it can get better!

Love and blessings for you,


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Re: Abigail try flax soaked at night as well new
      #270825 - 06/24/06 01:00 PM

Reged: 03/12/05
Posts: 202
Loc: Orlando,FL

Hello Joanna,

Thank you so much for the encouraging words! I also think it was good that I told my family the way I was feeling. I haven't been my self lately and they thought I just didn't want to spend time with them. Now they know more about IBS and the way it makes me feel. My little girl is so sweet, she prays for me every night, reads me books and gives me so much TLC.

I had a better BM this morning and I'm glad, but I still need to find a way to be stable. I don't want to be ok one day and then miserable for the next few days. How long did it take you be stable? I bought some Magnesium supplement but it doesn't have any calcium. Is that still good for me to take?

The acup lady called me yesterday to see how I was feeling. That was very nice of her:-) I'll see her again this coming Wednesday. I ordered 3 Yoga videos yesterday. I'm going to try those to help me relax. I'm also looking in to getting the hypno for IBS.

I called the GYN doc yesterday, but they were closed so I have to wait until Monday. I hope they call me soon from the GI office to know about the blood test.

I hope you are feeling well and having a great day.
A big hug and blessings always,

The joy of the Lord is my strength !

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Re: HELP PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!! new
      #270843 - 06/24/06 05:25 PM

Reged: 05/30/06
Posts: 82
Loc: Minnesota

zelnorm is the only thing that got me back on track. and heather's diet. right now i'm trying to get off the zelnorm. i know it's not a permanent's supposed to get you back on track. a lot of IF actually makes things worse for me. i make sure i have a lot of rice/pasta w/the IF. that seems to help me. also, i take fennel pills before i eat. i hope this helps.

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