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Does Heather's diet really help people or are we just trying to believe it does?
      #265788 - 05/26/06 02:13 PM

Reged: 11/06/03
Posts: 48

I am not saying that in a disrespectful way, I am really wondering if this is true. Are there people out there who really are better with her diet, because for me in my opinion I don't see it helping me at all. Could it be possible that some people are just having wishful thinking when it comes to this diet. Again, no disrespect to anyone. If it is helping people then that is great, I just wish it would help me and I am trying to find answers why my body cannot handle eating in a healthy way.

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Re: Does Heather's diet really help people or are we just trying to believe it does? new
      #265812 - 05/26/06 04:11 PM

Reged: 11/05/03
Posts: 460
Loc: Cleveland, Ohio

I guess most people on this website would say they have found at least some kind relief in this diet or we wouldn't still be here. I can go months now with no flare ups which I never thought would happen.

Heather's diet to be the best advice I've ever received in getting myself stable. Before the website or reading her books I had never heard about insoluble and soluble. And I was so grateful just to hear about other people going thru the same things. It was such a relief to know I wasn't alone with the struggle with food and stomach pain and trying to live my life etc. Unfortunately there's no quick fix or easy answers. You've got to do what's best for you. But I would recommend giving it some more time. Have you read Heather's books? I found them at my library if you don't want to purchase them. Very helpful, easy to understand.

Anyway good luck to you. Hang in there.

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Oh, for Heaven's sake! new
      #265814 - 05/26/06 04:22 PM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)

Yes, the EFI Diet has helped people including me and no, it's not all in my head or wishful thinking. And I do find your remarks extremely disrespectful to me and to all the people who have repeatedly posted about this approach helping and helping over a long period of time. Frankly, you sound a lot like all those doctors who insist IBS is imaginary - only you're insisting our recovery is imaginary.

There hardly seems to have been time for you to implement the suggestions offered to you in your earlier post. However, if you feel you have tried everything suggested, then the EFI Diet may very well not work for you. Heather's explanation of IBS refers to colonic spasms. Based on a most cursory Google search, colonic inertia sounds like a different problem. In fact, this site says specifically about colonic inertia:


Increasing dietary fiber or fiber supplements may make symptoms of bloating and abdominal cramps worse.

[Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]

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Re: Oh, for Heaven's sake! new
      #265824 - 05/26/06 05:42 PM

Reged: 04/23/05
Posts: 195

Yeah, if you have D it will help you. But C/bloating? Yeah, I'm not so sure sometimes.

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Re: Does Heather's diet really help people or are we just trying to believe it does? new
      #265830 - 05/26/06 06:48 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

I don't think you were being disrespectful...just honest...and scared. I think you are thinking maybe it works as a placebo effect...or like a self fullfilling prophecy?

I think it really has helped many people. But I think for those it hasn't helped, those people mostly post in the Living Room or leave the boards.

this website is dedicated to promoting the EFI way of treating IBS...diet along with hypnosis/yoga/supplements.

I think I'm one of the few who still asks questions and answers them on the Eating Board even though the diet hasn't helped me either. I keep hoping, over time, and with implementing other things, like cognitive therapy, exercise, spirituality...that maybe one day I will find some type of relief. The principles do make sense.

I know it's hard, isn't it. To read other people getting better on this diet and we are doing the exact same diet...yet continue to suffer. It's only natural to question the validity of diet. It's up to each individual person as to whether they want to keep trying this diet or move on to something else. I have chosen to stick with it. I can't give up 1 1/2 years of "working the program" just to give up wondering if I would have felt better if only I had given it more time.

Email me whenever you want. I understand the sadness, the anger, the disappointment, the jealously, the pain, wanting to just cry and cry and cry. And keep wondering why the diet is not working for us and it does for so many others. It doesn't seem fair, does it.

BTW, I've been on this diet for over 1 1/2 years.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

Edited by Augie (05/26/06 08:01 PM)

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I'm gonna have to agree with Sand on this one. new
      #265834 - 05/26/06 07:28 PM

Reged: 05/28/03
Posts: 2263
Loc: SacTown, CA

It does work. Everyone has to find exactly how to tailor it to their needs. And it takes some people a long time (2 years for me) to stabilize. But implying in any way, even if it isn't meant to be disresepectful, that it doesn't actually work, is upsetting to me. The horrible, painful, explosive diarrhea that I had and that it stopped when I switched over to Heather's diet is not wishful thinking. The cramping and the gas going away isn't wishful thinking either. I'm curious as to how long you have been on Heather's diet and how strictly you are following it. There is no guarantee that it will work for everyone and certainly it works to different degrees, but it was the first thing I found in over 10 years that provided any amount of relief for my symptoms.

If you're not dead, you've still got time.

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Augie - why haven't you taken up the hypno program offer? new
      #265835 - 05/26/06 07:34 PM

Reged: 12/09/02
Posts: 7799
Loc: Seattle, WA

I really think this is a gift you should not turn down.

- H

Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!

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I was just coming back to better explain myself new
      #265836 - 05/26/06 07:44 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

You gals are too quick! Can you tell I'm having a bad night?

I will do the hypno...but I don't want to say on the boards why I can't do them just yet. It's too embarrassing to me.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: Does Heather's diet really help people or are we just trying to believe it does? new
      #265837 - 05/26/06 07:47 PM

Reged: 05/28/03
Posts: 2263
Loc: SacTown, CA

I took me 2 years to get stable. It was a long, frustrating 2 years, but it finally happened. I agree with Heather. The hypno is priceless and was a major factor in me finally stabilizing.

If you're not dead, you've still got time.

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Re: I'm gonna have to agree with Sand on this one. new
      #265838 - 05/26/06 07:48 PM

Reged: 11/06/03
Posts: 48

Did the gas really go away after two years of being on the diet? Is that true? How often do you still get symptoms?

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