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HELP! Dr. Natura Has Scared Me! new
      #246719 - 02/16/06 09:37 AM

Reged: 02/16/06
Posts: 856

Hi, very briefly.

I did some reading on Dr. Natura on here.
I would like to know, is it possible Dr. Natura is to blame for my problems today?

I was not a chronic C, rather I would have irregularity, dry and incomplete stools before starting Dr. Natura 12 days ago.
Then, taking Benefiber and Acidophillus, I felt improved, then I heard about Dr. Natura and decided, at the advice of my nutrionist, to try it.

I felt somewhat better the first few days.
I would wake up with a cramp, an urge to go, and would have a huge stool movement.
I basically reduced from going five times a day to going one to two times with large stools.
My stomach was more chizzled.

Then, on Day 6, I increased Dr. Natura as they desrcibed.
Since then, I have felt much worse.
I now feel worse than I have in a very long time.
I feel dry, c, and when I wake up in the morning, I don't have a cramp or the urge to go.

I even reduced dose to how it was orignally, and to no avail.
(It is important to note, I was on 1500 mg of Depakote.
Then, last Monday, I started 25 mgs of Serequel.
No change, I was fine.
Then on Thursday, not only did I begin 1) Raising the Pills, Fiber, and Tea as prescribed by Dr. Natura, but I also 2) Increased the Depakote from 1500 mgs to 2000 mgs.)

I wanted to know if this sounds like a Depakote, Serequel issue, or, if Dr. Natura is no longer working and if I should drop it immediately.
Have others of you had a similar experience?

I am now worried I could have done permanent harm.
Please tell me, if this is Dr. Natura or not, and if it is, am I damaged or since it's been only 12 days can I leave without further ado?

IBS-C and Bloating

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Re: HELP! Dr. Natura Has Scared Me! new
      #246828 - 02/16/06 02:53 PM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967


I'm not sure if you have the right website. Heather and almost everyone here does not recommend doing cleanses. If you do a search though, you'll find instructions on how to go slowly off a cleanse.

Good luck.

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Re: HELP! Dr. Natura Has Scared Me! new
      #246835 - 02/16/06 03:15 PM

Reged: 02/16/06
Posts: 856

Heather didn't say no, she warned about the need for being careful if using it.
Dr. Natura also is natural, it is NOT chemically based, so again, should this be classified in the same category as other cleansers given these?
What would be the problem with, if needbe, going off cold turkey?

IBS-C and Bloating

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I do say no to cleansers, no matter what... new
      #246838 - 02/16/06 03:43 PM

Reged: 12/09/02
Posts: 7799
Loc: Seattle, WA

but I don't know anything about Dr. Natura or the products you mentioned at all. The Benefiber and probiotics are good things - everything else you've been taking I don't know about. Cleansers are never a good thing for IBS - they virtually always contain harsh stimulant laxatives.


Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!

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Natural... new
      #246911 - 02/17/06 05:31 AM

Reged: 02/02/03
Posts: 431
Loc: Canada

NOTE: Because something is all "natural" Does NOT imply it is safe to use...alot of natural herbs/plants/substances can also be harmful to the body. Take Senna for instance...this can wreak havoc on the intestines!!!

If it is not making you feel better/making you feel worse than before, I would stop taking it.

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Re: Natural... new
      #246950 - 02/17/06 08:25 AM

Reged: 02/16/06
Posts: 856

Alright , well, this is most enlightening.

Well basically, this is where I am.
I today feel worse than I have in so long.
I had pretty much taken hold of IBS, until this last week.
I stopped the cleanse last night.
The cleanse had Paranil Pills, a Fiber drink, and Tea.
I stopped last night by not having the tea.
I had the Fiber drink in the morning, so it has almost been 24 hours since I took in any of the cleanse.

Current condition, c, worse it has been in so long.
I went back to what helped yesterday.
Benefiber three times a day, Acidophillus three times a day.
I even took TWO Fibercon last night, and Two more this morning.
I had a horrible trip to the bathrom this morning, some came out, but not much.
I only was on the cleanse 12 days.

In case you wanted to know, this cleanse had sienna and psyllium.

I have three follow up questions
1) When I begin the cleanse, the first half, six days, I felt some benefit. Then, from the sixth day forward, I felt worse each day. Is this sequence normal for a cleanse. I would have thought if the cleanse were not to work, I would have felt worse to begin, not better. Is this a common sequence of events? I simply want to be certain this is to blame.

2) How cand I, and how long, until I back to how I was pre Dr. N? I started yesterday taking Benefiber thrre times and Acidophillus three times. I did not take the tea at night, I did have the pills and fiber drink in the AM. I even had Fibercon last night and this morning. Today will be my first day completly off the cleanse, and sofar, I do not feel any improvement over the last couple days.
I only took this for 12 days, only 11 full days, so what is a good timeframe for recovery from it?
Am I screwed up for the long haul, weeks, possibly more than this?
In other words, am I set back for an indefinite long period, or since the duration of the cleasne was short, in a few days should I be doing dandy?

3) Since I am C, should I take Fibercon, or have I taken enough?
THANK YOU so much for informing me.
Did you know a I was told to do this by a health care professional, if not for you, I'd be LOST.

IBS-C and Bloating

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Re: Natural... new
      #246994 - 02/17/06 01:02 PM

Reged: 02/02/03
Posts: 431
Loc: Canada

Hey there,

not sure I can be of much help answering your questions...I have never taken a colon cleanse before, so I do not know how long it would take to get back to normal..but if you search this board and just type in cleanse, you get alot of discussions about it, here is one: web page

I can't believe a health care professional told you to take a cleanse!! Are you normally a C? Since you have been off your regular fibre for so long I would ease into it a little, otherwise you may get cramping...usually takes me a few days to get back into the swing of things after a trip or something that messes up my intestines...though I find benefibre really helps me go!!

Hope things get better for you soon!

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Re: Natural... new
      #246997 - 02/17/06 01:26 PM

Reged: 02/16/06
Posts: 856

Thanks for the links.
I am quite concerned all the progress I achieved has been destroyed.
The bottom line is, I started off getting a cramp, but going, then I ended with no cramp and not going, are these common symptoms of a cleanse gone bad?

IBS-C and Bloating

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Naturapanic / cleanses new
      #247016 - 02/17/06 03:40 PM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 1569

I second the comment that just because it's "natural" doesn't mean it's not dangerous for IBS. Just think of all the foods that are natural/health foods but dangerous for you.

Anyway, I have told you this already over email, but I just thought I'd post it on the boards for the benefits of other readers.

In response to this question:


1) When I begin the cleanse, the first half, six days, I felt some benefit. Then, from the sixth day forward, I felt worse each day. Is this sequence normal for a cleanse. I would have thought if the cleanse were not to work, I would have felt worse to begin, not better. Is this a common sequence of events? I simply want to be certain this is to blame.

Well, I think you can be pretty certain. And yes, this sequence is, I would imagine, pretty normal for a cleanse. It's all about understanding the nature of IBS.

Here's why: Basically, spasms in the colon cause IBS-C just as much ast they cause IBS-D. For IBS-D the spasms cause D, while for IBS-C the spasms cause the colon to sieze up and cause C (whether it's C or D really just depends on the individual person). Make sense? Well, basically with a cleanse, you might be getting rid of all the stuff that's inside you, making it look like it's helping your C, but you're really just CAUSING SPASMS. Which is probably why you quickly ended up with even worse C again - your gut is reacting to the spasms and seizing up. So it seemed like it was working for the first few days because you were having BMs, but really your gut was spasming, and once it slowed down a little a few days in, your colon seized up - not surprisingly, worse than it was before - causing C.

The IBS GI-system is like a hyperactive child. Everything you do to help your IBS should have the aim of calming it down. Cleanses do just the opposite - they get it all riled up and excited... which might make your bowels move initially, but they're only moving because your gut is spasming, not because your IBS is stabilizing, and you end up with even worse C after.

Calling it "a cleanse gone bad" is redundant because there's no such thing as a "cleanse gone WELL" for IBS...!

I wouldn't say you've done permanent harm, but you've probably set yourself back a little (or a lot), which is a shame since you were doing so well

Now you just have to work at re-stabilizing yourself - and you know how to do it since you started along the process of doing it once before. Now you just have to do it again after this (major) setback. Keep up with the probiotic and the Benefiber and eat as SAFELY as possible - if there ever was a time when you didn't cheat at all, this should be it. Give your gut a chance to recover!! Basically, go easy on yourself. (And I mean, really easy, ok? )

Hope you feel better soon.

Edited by retrograde (02/17/06 03:43 PM)

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Great post, Laurel. -nt- new
      #247022 - 02/17/06 04:07 PM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)

[Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]

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Re: HELP! Dr. Natura Has Scared Me! *DELETED* *DELETED* new
      #247400 - 02/20/06 11:06 AM

Reged: 02/16/06
Posts: 856

Post deleted by Naturapanic

IBS-C and Bloating

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Re: HELP! Dr. Natura Has Scared Me! new
      #247448 - 02/20/06 02:09 PM

Reged: 02/16/06
Posts: 856

Once again, your advice is unbelievable helpful, am I grateful for people like you!

I want to take this chance to state, after this experience, I WILL NEVER DO ANYTING insofar as my IBS is concerned without 1) Reading this website 2) Contradictory to Heather 3) Not in compliance with Heather's recommendation.

I swear, I want to strangle the nutrionist who repetedly kept telling me to do Dr. Natura.
After, I want to strangle myself for listening to him without doing a search on here to read that cleanses are bad.

Everything Heather has ever suggested has been dead on accurate, yet there I go, disregarding her, and runing all my progress.

Before I started Dr. Natura, I felt pretty stabilized to the point where most days, I was happy with my body, I didn't have to fear attacks.
Sure, I would get a flare up every now and then, but I was going to the bathroom, I wasn't having spasms.
This was due 90% to Heather's advice.

Now, day four after stopping Dr. Natura, I'm doing awful. This is the worst I have felt in months.
In fact, I feel just like I did up until November, totally distable.

Specifically, I am back to being bloated and having spasms, and hard, dry stools.
I go to the bathroom, I do not get a complete evacuation. I go to the bathroom, 10 minutes later I feel extremely bloated.
This is the first time I have felt this way in months.
I could before wear a shirt and not even think about IBS. Now, I can't even take off my sweater I look so bad.

I basically have regressed, after making so much progress. I have enough things to worry about, I pretty much was done with IBS as a concern. Now, thanks to Dr. Natura, I am back to having to worry and deal with the embarrassment daily.

I have battled this so hard, made major progress now, who knows. Who knows how long it will before I am back to where I was before Dr. Natura.

All I know is this. I felt better Saturday, I had a sandwich at lunch with pasta saled, Tomatoe Garlic Sauce on Rice for dinner, and yesterday, all day, I was extremely bloated and had spasms.
Each time I go to the bathroom, I feel more bloated ten minutes later, indicating spasms are occurring.
Isn't this considered a spasm or not?
I felt better today, then I had Tomatoe Sauce on bread and a tuna sandwich for lunch, and now again feel extremely bloated again. A meal in the past that would not have caused me to be bothered.
I feel like asking, is it strongly likely my current problems are due to the cleanse, or tomatoe sauce, and can the tomatoe sauce if I am unstable really be this bad in this state?

So basically, I guess I am forced now, for days or longer, to stick to rice, bread, and water.
My birthday is coming up on Wednesday, and now I likely won't be able to eat cake or enjoy myself, because my stomach is a MESS thanks to being told to do Dr. Natura. I try and help myself, I try and enjoy life, and now both get messed up. I look forward to on my birthday eating rice and drinking water, while likely still having a horrible stomach to look at.

So now, who knows, I probably can look forward to misery the next four months, none of this would have occurred if I wasn't put on that poison. I now am phsyically unstable, for who knows how long?

12 days of cleansing, ruining three good months for who knows how much .

IBS-C and Bloating

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Hang in there... new
      #247486 - 02/20/06 05:01 PM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 1569

You've basically just destabilized yourself - but you know what? It happens. Dont' beat yourself up about it. The same thing could've happened because of a big stressful event in your life that was out of your control, you know?

If it took you four months to get stable, it will probably take less time the second time around. That's usually how it goes. You're older now, wiser now, you've done it once before so you're not fumbling blindly. It's still going to take time though, so hang in there. But you know what you're doing now.

Make sure you're only staying on the all-SF diet for a few days then start adding in other foods safely. The best advice I can give you is to eat IF (especially because you're C - you CAN'T just *not* eat IF), but to puree, mash, finely chop or blend it all (so that's most veggies and fruits, beans, nuts etc.) That'll go nice and easy on the gut. Keep it really low fat, and make sure you're still eating lots of SF. Keep up with your SFS, drink lots of water and stay active.

And yeah... birthday cake is probably not a good idea... UNLESS! It's angel food cake! Just flour, egg whites and sugar, basically. Totally safe. That's what I have for my birthday every year. You can make it yourself, or you can buy it at the grocery store (most are safe, just be sure to check ingredients, i.e. for HFCS)... you could puree up some strawberries and make a nice sauce... mmmmm.

Don't worry. You'll get stable again

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Re: Hang in there... new
      #247508 - 02/20/06 06:07 PM

Reged: 02/16/06
Posts: 856

Thanks for the upbeat message.
I'll go as easy as I can.
I just can't get over how 12 days of the cleanse, and four days later, I still am feeling the effects.
I would have thought by now this would be out of my system.

I'm wondering
1) Should I take fibercon since I am c and back to having c like symptoms?
2) I am back on Benefiber, but, I accidently purchased Benefiber with Calcium, is there any difference between regular Benefiber and Benefiber with Calcium, both powders?
3) I also was put on Serequel two weeks (this probably should be asked in the medication forum) at the lowest possible dose of 25 mgs. One of the side effects of Serequel is c, so I wonder if this should be, from an IBS perspective only, be halted.
4) Do you have any guess as to when I can be back on track?

I will NEVER again listen to anybody else after this.

IBS-C and Bloating

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Re: Hang in there...
      #247578 - 02/21/06 09:55 AM

Reged: 01/19/06
Posts: 56
Loc: Pacific Northwest

I've looked at the Dr. Natura website and it appears that the main ingredients are psyllium husks and flax seeds. Both of these (especially the psyllium) can be very irritating for people with IBS. I was amazed to see that they actually tout this product as being good for IBS (it also has some other fairly strong herbs in it). I DO take a little psyllium if I'm really C, but I have to be very careful with it as it can cause bloating and gas if I take too much. Flax seeds are very nutritious and high in calories (hence the 42 calories per dose of Dr. Natura). However, flax oxidizes very quickly (goes rancid) once it is ground, so it's best to grind whole seeds in a coffee mill each time you take it.

I'm sorry to hear you've had so much grief since you tried this supplement. In my experience "gently does it" is best to avoid IBS-C symptoms. The best thing I've found is to start the day with a big bowl of oatmeal (not the instant kind) with some soft canned fruit. This seems to give my tummy a "buffer" to absorb whatever else I eat. I also follow Heather's advice to always start eating the soluble fiber food first at each meal. For example, if I have yam, white rice or potato with chicken or fish, I eat the yam, etc. first. Everyone has different trigger foods, so it's good to keep a food diary and try to see whether certain foods cause problems.

I hope you feel better soon.


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Flax new
      #247693 - 02/21/06 05:00 PM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967

Flax is both a soluble and insoluble fibre, and care should be taken when using it because too much will cause gas, and bloating, and possibly D if a big dose is taken. To keep your flax fresh, it is best to put it in an air tight container and put it in your refrigerator. It will keep for about a week.

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Re: Flax new
      #247747 - 02/21/06 09:08 PM

Reged: 02/16/06
Posts: 856

Thanks for your suggestion.
I saw Dr. Natura touting on their website as being good for IBS, I was the dummy though who listened.

I actually have been, for a long time, begun my day by eating oatmeal.
I actually have natural applesauce mixed with Oat Bran, then a seperate bowl of oatmeal, in addition, I always try and eat soluable fiber to start each meal.

Strangly, I find Soy Sauce, Italian dressing, Mustard, most bottled sauces you buy in stores to cause bloating in me.
I even went to Trader Joe's, and bought their natural preservative free sauces and dressing, and I still feel crummy after using them.

What I don't understand is, when I go to a restaraunt, and order food cooked with sauces or dressings, soy sauce, I don't get that.
It would seem to me that maybe the artifical flavors cause this, but I would think Trader Joe's natural sauces would be free and clear.
If this were the case, I would have expected to have trouble in restaraunts.
Do restaruants not use preservatives?
Who knows, this might be another weird IBS food issue.
I don't get it.

IBS-C and Bloating

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Gracie, how much do you use in a day? new
      #247765 - 02/22/06 06:07 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

And when do you take it? Do you grind your own or buy it already ground, such as Bob Red Mill's flaxmeal?

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: How much do you use in a day? new
      #247785 - 02/22/06 07:33 AM

Reged: 02/16/06
Posts: 856

It's day seven off the cleanse.

Current status: I seem to be doing somewhat better. I do not have spasms, and bloating is down.
I am still c, I go to the bathroom two times a day, with incomplete sessions.
I just went this morning, it was a little more soft, not as dry, like yesterday.

Current Treatment:
Benefiber powder three times a day.
Acidophillus three times a day.
Oat bran with natural applesauce and instant oatmeal in the morning, along with egg whites.
Oat bran with natural applesauce before sleep.
A half gallon of water.
A half cup of vegetables, spinach, cooked.
Another cup of canned peaches, pears.

Oat bran, 1 cup applesauce
Instant Oatmeal
Egg whites

2 Graham crackers
1 cup canned peaches pears

2 Tuna sandwiches with light mayonnaise on white bread

2 dinner rolls with light butter
2 Graham crackers

Chicken breast
White Rice
1/2 cup Spinach

Oat bran with natural applesauce

This is what I am doing to get myself to the way I was pre cleanse.
Is there anything else I could do, any better treatment I could do, or am I going to have to continue to bide the bullet?
I basically went from feeling as I did in the summer over the weekend, to how I did in November.

I feel as if I get one, massive, stool movement, I will feel all better.
I'm wondering if some Apple Cider, a sugar cookie, something which makes me go rapidly I should take.
I also wonder if Heather's Acadia will work more effectively, I have had success with Benefiber, but I wonder if Acadia will work quicker.
I also wonder if I should add Fibercon.

IBS-C and Bloating

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Re: How much do you use in a day? new
      #247837 - 02/22/06 10:48 AM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 1569

Your diet looks good - except the butter!! Light or not light, butter is DAIRY. DON'T eat it.

DON'T take something that you know "makes you go quickly" - this should be obvious! That's what the cleanse did to you! Something that "makes you go quickly" is just causing spasms, causing your bowels to evacuate. And now you know all to well what happens when you intentionallly cause your gut to spasm....

I'd say stick with the SFS you're using instead of switching around a lot. In general, no SFS is "faster" than any other. Just be patient. If the Benefiber is working for you, there's no use in upsetting your gut by switching to a different one.

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Re: How much do you use in a day? new
      #247841 - 02/22/06 11:07 AM

Reged: 02/16/06
Posts: 856

Hehe, thanks!
I should have told you, the butter I use is Smart Balance Light Butter, it has ZERO dairy in it.
Of course I know better.

Benefiber, at the moment, is working so so, not great.
In the past, it takes awhile for it to start moving, which makes me wonder for this reason if Acadia would do more.

I remember back in late October. I ran out of Citrcucell, and was forced to use the Benefiber powder for the first time in, oh a year.
In two days I had one of the best movements ever, I felt unbelievable.
I attributed this possibly due to the Benefiber and also the fact my soluable fiber was being switched.
I don't know about others, I wonder though if soluable fiber being rotated or switched makes any difference.
I wonder if using the same soluable fiber, the body gets used to it, and hurts its effective ability.
I still managed a month later to get good results with Benefiber, but there was still was room for it to get better, and being the rebuilding state I am, I wonder if the time is ripe to switch.
I have heard so much about the potentcy of Acadia, with almost no complaints, I could use a boost.
Then again, I hate to make another Dr. Natura mistake.

In case you wondered why I don't use tea, I have only tried store bought tea.
In my experience, it helps for a few minutes, not too long, I find eating soluable fiber, dinner rolls, rice, is easier to do than tea, it also tastes better, and the effect lasts longer, so I prefer food over tea.
Again, Heather's tea by all indications appears to be abreast the store bought ones, making me wonder if this too should be experminted.


IBS-C and Bloating

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Re: Gracie, how much do you use in a day? new
      #247933 - 02/22/06 04:17 PM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967

I grind my own and have between 1 and 2 tablespoons a day. (I'm A so too much might give my gas and D). I have put it in a blended fruit drink, sprinkled a bit on a salad, in tuna salad mix, or I mix some in with my cranberry juice. You have to drink plenty of water throughout the day too - at least 8 cups.

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Re: How much do you use in a day? new
      #248549 - 02/24/06 08:39 PM

Reged: 02/16/06
Posts: 856

Well, I was doing better, but now I'm worse again.
I made a big mistake, we all have our enemies.
I was in the process of shedding off the colonix, then somebody brought frosting into the house.
I went nuts, I could not stop eating it, and now I'm paying.

Oh, am I paying.
I have c, my stomach feels simply overinflated, stuffed, filled to the brim.
I tried to have a good dinner tonight, I ordered Chinese food.
I asked for the steamed chicken from the healthy dish section, with no oil included.
I got my dinner, it was swimming in a brown, greasy sauce.
I opened it after I left the store.
After having some of it, I was unsure, since it looked greasy but was supposed to not have oil, if this was indeed a bad food.
I stopped eating it.
I went back, and had a ten minute argument with the store manager having to explain my dilemna and get the money.

It didn't matter, on the way home, I became incredibly uncomfortable in my stomach.
All the work, progress I made, seemed to be going away second by second.
I was practically in tears, screaming at myself internally.
I don't want to come off as negative, but sometimes, I want to scream and surronder at the top of my lungs.
I got so far, and now I'm back to the old days of daily IBS conflicts.

The worst part is, this is really taking the fun out of life.
Tomorrow night I am supposed to go out for my birthday dinner.
Instead of being excited about it, looking foward to it tonight, I instead am almost hoping it snows and I have to cancel.
Two years, if you had told me I would have really good friends who would be taking me out to dinner for my birthday, I would have cried in happiness.
Instead all I am thinking about is how ugly I look, how all the months of training have gone to waste, and how on my birthday dinner I am going to look like a fat out of shape person, when I rarely eat bad or drink.

Which brings up another issue, they are going to want to go out drinking tomorrow.
I don't want to go. My stomach is not well right now, drinking is only going to exasperate it moreso.

The main thing, I know five years from now, if I go out tomorrow in the mentality I have right now, I will regret it.
You are supposed to enjoy moments like these, I don't want to look back in a few days or years and be thinking, boy did I waste a good oppurtunity to have fun.

I say this as I can't help shed a couple of tears, I just want to go out and have fun tomorrow, instead of having anxiety, worrying, about my appearance and IBS, that's it.
Things like that, forgetting trouble for a couple hours and chilling out, how do you do that?
To me, those things are impossible, whenever I have a problem, even if it is not IBS, I can't forget it, and it ends up dominating my thoughts at the worst time when I am trying to have fun.
I tried tonight calming myself down, I took a warm shower, took fibercon along with Benefiber, and mad Ginger Cinnamon tea, it helped calm me down, if only I know some way to help me forget IBS and enjoy myself.
I don't want to have it takeover what should be my special time tomorrow, I really do not want such to occur.

IBS-C and Bloating

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Re: How much do you use in a day? new
      #248611 - 02/25/06 10:09 AM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967

Until you are very stable, you should stay away from food that you cannot eat because they will trigger an attack like you're experiencing now.
Another thing that I think is very important is to have a positive outlook on life and your situation. I know it's easier said than done. Panicing will only make you feel worse. When I panic, my IBS gets worse so I try to force myself to stay calm and think rationally. Have you tried prayer, mediations, yoga, or the IBS Hypnosis cd's? These things can be very calming. I haven't tried the hypnosis cd's but I'd like to someday.

I hope you feel better very soon.

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Re: How much do you use in a day? new
      #248616 - 02/25/06 11:06 AM

Reged: 02/16/06
Posts: 856

As part of trying to calm down last night, I put on relaxing music on my ipod, and read a couple of chapters in Heather's book.

I have heard of the hypnosis tapes, I was particularly struck by how they appear to be widely sucessful, it seems they offer the best chance, and it addresses the depression, anxiety I have as well.

The only problem is, I am cautious on how good therapy adminsitered by tape is, also it sounds too good to be true.
If it works so good, why haven't more people tried it?
I can't help but think finding a live person might be better, then again, the tapes do have a strong track record.

I've glanced at the board here, I have seen some negative results, so I am somewhat reserved about trying this.

I will say this, Heather's diet, Benefiber, Acidophillus, gave me a noticable change, so I wonder if this makes me responsive to hypnosis.
I also am in psychotherapy, again I don't know if this would be a conflict, having two therapists.

IBS-C and Bloating

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Re: How much do you use in a day? new
      #248799 - 02/26/06 04:40 PM

Reged: 06/17/03
Posts: 1140
Loc: Michigan

I just have to let you know that the cds worked for me. I finished the program last April and I still listen to a sesison now and again, just to relax before going to bed. I'm SO thankful I found them. It's a good investment.


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Re: How much do you use in a day? new
      #248819 - 02/26/06 07:20 PM

Reged: 02/16/06
Posts: 856

I'm still reluctant, audio tapes can they possibly work as oppossed to one to one in person sessions?
It sounds unorthodox.

IBS-C and Bloating

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Re: How much do you use in a day? new
      #248836 - 02/26/06 09:32 PM

Reged: 11/25/05
Posts: 1967

Hypnosis is not really counceling so I wouldn't think it's unorthodox.

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Re: How much do you use in a day? new
      #253623 - 03/21/06 10:45 PM

Reged: 02/16/06
Posts: 856

Hey, I am still not back to how I was pre cleanse.
I was getting better, then two weeks ago spring break came. At the time I was feeling like I was stabilizing or on the verge. I then ate a few meals either high in fat, containing sausage, oil, and having meals at irregular times. I also went away for a weekend, ate meals less often with longer gaps in between, and had a moderate amount of drinks. Throughout last weekend, I felt very constipated and assumed it would be another 1-2 weeks of hard work before I was back to where I started.

I'm wondering if this is still recovery from the cleanse, or serequel related.
I'm a little discouraged.

IBS-C and Bloating

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Re: How much do you use in a day? new
      #253654 - 03/22/06 07:21 AM

Reged: 01/04/05
Posts: 740
Loc: Manchester, NH

I don't know how to answer your question exactly, but I just wanted to say that I think that one thing you need to keep in mind is that this "diet" is a lifestyle change. It will not work if you cheat. I try to think of this diet as a way of eating that I will be following for the rest of my life, not so much a diet that I can stray from without consequences. The meals and food items you mention here are definite triggers....

IBS-A, pain predominant

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