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Please help,nothing is working and sick all the time new
      #227770 - 11/28/05 11:43 AM

Reged: 07/18/05
Posts: 90
Loc: Atlanta Ga

I have been on Heathers diet since Feb, I never never cheat. I take 12 grams of Citrucel a day and Librax before meals. I take Nexium at night to prevent heartburn and gastro reflux from the FS. I take synthroid,allegra d and flonase for thyroid and sinus trouble.I take lomotil and prometh when I have my attacks. In the last 40 days 21 have been sick. On Thursday night I had a bad attack at night and every night since. I go on the safe diet when I have a flare up. I know this attack started because I did not get sleep and over did the keep the company happy thing, clean house, cooking, etc. If I do not get enough sleep I have a attack and always always during my period but I eat so SAFE. My attacks on so painful,gas, bloating, d and so much pain. I have attacks in the day and at night but one or the other and they usually last about five days and then I need a few days to recover because my body is so worn out. My gasro tried nortriplyn but that gave me bad cramps and gas. Could it be the other meds causing this? I have had all the test done. My gasto says I am the worst case he has ever seen. I wish I could just not wake up some days and the pity party I have with myself I hate because I have such a loving caring husband who supports me through these bad times. I am 46 and when I am sick I can not care for my grandchild and my daughter can not go to work and the guilt kills me because she is a single Mom and really needs the income. Any ideas, anybody? I do not care if I can never have the trigger foods again, I only want to be normal and get up and go out and have a life. Thanks to anyone with info. Lisa

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Re: I'm sorry.... new
      #227772 - 11/28/05 11:52 AM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

Sorry you're going through this.....I feel your pain. I have been on the diet since August and I'm having attacks every single day, too. I just deal with it, now, I guess. It's like it has become a part of my life. I just started the hypno CD's so hopefully I will see some improvement in my symptoms when I get done listening to the tapes. You're probably doing everything right.....just like I am.....your body just isn't ready to get straightened out, yet. Mine isn't. I'm having an attack right now.....all I ate was a mini bagel and some cooked mushrooms and I got too full and now I'm nauseated, bloated and just feel wayyyy tooo full!!!!! I feel horrible. And I cannot take my anti-spasmodic because it relaxes my LES, too. I have acid reflux AND a hiatal hernia.

Just keep doing what you're doing and maybe get the hypno CD's. Maybe there's some kind of unknown stressor in your life keeping you from getting better. You will get better.....Keep the Faith!

Take care!

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: I'm sorry.... new
      #227774 - 11/28/05 11:57 AM

Reged: 07/18/05
Posts: 90
Loc: Atlanta Ga

Thanks for the support, just to know somebody out there understands and goes through this too helps so much. I do not feel so alone. Thanks!

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Re: You're definitely not alone!! new
      #227778 - 11/28/05 12:13 PM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

Just keep sticking with the diet and one of these days your brain will tell your gut that it's going to be okay and that it can function normally!!! That's the hardest part!! We all go through it, eventually. You might wanna try homeopathic remedies from your HFS, too. I have homeopathic drops for indigestion, nausea, gas.....all of it. They help a little bit. Better than not having anything at all, I guess. But, it doesn't help with the gut-wrenching cramps AT ALL!!!!! I can't take any of my meds for IBS or sleep because of my reflux, so I don't have anything.


IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: Please help,nothing is working and sick all the time new
      #227781 - 11/28/05 12:22 PM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA

Hi Lisa Rae! Sorry to hear about your daily attacks. Michelle has already given you some great advice about the hypno tapes. Anxiety can be one of those hidden triggers often times.

How does your reflux do with the Citrucel? I have an acidic stomach and cannot do Citrucel because of the citrus. I'm currently trying Heather's Acacia in my oatmeal in the morning.

The reason I ask about your reflux is because I know when my acidic stomach is bad, I have more IBS attacks because my body is not happy. I get a horrible burning sensation and nausea, and then it's all down hill from there.

Your meds are definitely a possibility of not helping with the attacks. I had to try a couple antispasmatics before I discovered Levsin and find it helps a lot.

Also try getting some exercise in! This helps with the anxiety that can trigger attacks, as well as just feeling better in general.

Hope these suggestions help and let us know how you're doing!

- Jennifer

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Re: Hey, Jennifer! new
      #227784 - 11/28/05 12:37 PM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

I'm sorry to butt in.....but I thought I would just let you know that I have horrible reflux because of my hiatal hernia. You're sooooo right about your body being too acidic.....causing nausea and going downhill from there. That's exactly what is going on with me. I think that's why my IBS is messed up right now.

Anyway, that was just such a good point that you made. You hit the nail right on the head!

When my reflux is under control, I don't have D attacks. As soon I start to get reflux....about 2:30pm and 8:00pm everyday, I get nauseated and then I panic and have attacks......just about everyday at those times!! Isn't that wierd!?!?

I take Citrucel "Clear" because the citric acid in regular Citrucel really messes up my reflux, too.

The Levsin is the drug that my doctor told me I had to quit taking because he says it relaxes my LES and causes my reflux to be worse. Just a can be the cause of your reflux. Every single time I take it, I get reflux. It really helps with the spasms and cramps, but it's not worth the reflux to me. When my reflux is this bad, I can't eat. Then I lose weight and go downhill from there......

Take Care!!

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: Hey, Jennifer! new
      #227787 - 11/28/05 01:11 PM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA

Hi Michelle,

I actually don't have reflux (thankfully!), just an acidic stomach. I avoid all the same foods on the GERDs diet, but don't have the acid up the esophogas problem.

That's really weird about the Levsin. I haven't had a problem with it at all, although I only take it maybe once or twice a month when I'm having a really bad attack. It is usually my last resort.

As for the cause of my acid stomach, I'm afraid I inherited it from my mother. She's got really bad GERDs, so I was lucky to only get the acidic stomach so far. As long as I take my Prilosec, I'm usually okay.

Those are weird times for your reflux to calm down! My acidic stomach is usually bad in the morning and at night.

- Jennifer

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Re: Hey, Jennifer! new
      #227790 - 11/28/05 01:27 PM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

Yea, isn't that wierd?? Well, I also wake up every single night at 4:00 in the morning with what they call "nighttime breakthroughs", where the reflux will be so bad that I almost throw up if I can't get to the Pepto in time. I take so many antacids that usually by the time I get up, I don't have too much reflux to have to deal with.

It's good you're on Prilosec. I did well on Prilosec 2 years ago. My IBS fixed itself after the Prilosec took care of the reflux. I quit taking it because I felt better and didn't need it anymore. Well, 9 months later it came back!!! I tried to go back on Prilosec for it and it didn't work this time!!! So, it kept getting worse and worse.....So, we tried Prevacid and Protonix after that and they didn't work either! Now, I'm on Nexium and it's finally kicking in......but, it doesn't last very long. I'm having reflux again, right now, matter of fact. Time to take some antacids!!

It's SOOO good to hear that you have your acidic stomach under control so you don't get acid reflux and GERD. Do you burp, a lot when your stomach is acidic??? I do......I burp sooo much. It hurts!! And it definitely doesn't help the IBS, either!! I was just wondering because someone told me that all the burping I'm doing is probably my gallbladder and not my reflux OR my IBS. The doctor is getting ready to do a hida scan on me to see if he needs to take it out.

I don't wanna lose my gallbladder!!! I hope it's functioning just fine!!

Take Care!

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Wouldn't the antispasmodics worsen the C? new
      #227795 - 11/28/05 02:27 PM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

When do you take them Jennifer? When you have what type of symptoms? Or do you take them everyday as precaution?


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Re: Hey, Jennifer! new
      #227830 - 11/28/05 04:18 PM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA

Isn't it weird how some medications can be a blessing but once you stop taking them and try to take them again, they stop working? The same thing happened to me with famotidine! That stuff was a miricle worker last year, but then my health coverage ran out and I couldn't get back on them until a couple months later - they didn't work anymore. But the prilosec has been working beautifully, and luckily it's OTC now!

I don't really burp more than normal when my stomach is really acidy. It actually goes the other way! Haven't heard anything about gallbladders and burping, so can't help you there. Hopefully your gallbladder is fine!

- Jennifer

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Re: Wouldn't the antispasmodics worsen the C? new
      #227833 - 11/28/05 04:30 PM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA


When do you take them Jennifer? When you have what type of symptoms? Or do you take them everyday as precaution?


Warning: Long explination ahead...

Let me start off by saying that my IBS doesn't really bother me that much anymore. Sure, I go through periods when I have bad attacks and can't eat anything, but I don't get depressed or sad about it anymore because I know it will eventually get to the "feeling pretty good" period.

It took me a while to get to this stage. I really just don't worry about having attacks because I know if I do, there is not really anything I can do and worrying is only going to prevent me from doing all the fun things in my life. I know which foods that I have to avoid, and I cheat on occasions when I know I'm having a good day. Plus, when I do have my bad spells, I know what the reason is (stress, period, etc.).

With that said, I really don't know if the Levsin gives me C or not. I am definitely a C person, although I have started gravitating to the A side. But because I am so used to being C, I try not to let it bother me. Yeah, it's uncomfortable at times, but I know that after a while, my body will "deal with it" and I'll be back to the beginning of the cycle.

This is not to say that I don't worry about my IBS entirely. For example, when I am getting on a plane, I will take a Levsin as a precaution, and whether its the drug or the peace of knowing I took the drug, I do pretty good. Or if I am out with friends at a bar and get stuck having an attack for more than 5 minutes in the bathroom, I'll take one just so I can finish having a good time!

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I am a firm believer that if I have to suffer with IBS, I'd rather suffer only some of the time rather than all the time! Not sure if this little rant made sense, but thought I'd try.

Please keep in mind that I do understand that this method doesn't work for everyone which is why I try to encourage people to do what works for them. It takes a lot of trial and error, and patience!

- Jennifer

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Re: Hopefully!!! Well, 8:00pm~Another Attack! Crap!! ~nt~ new
      #227837 - 11/28/05 05:44 PM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: You're definitely not alone!! new
      #227881 - 11/29/05 03:54 AM

Reged: 07/18/05
Posts: 90
Loc: Atlanta Ga

I am from Newnan,Ga just a few miles away . Maybe it is something in the water, lol. What gastro do you see? I see Dr. Kangi.Lisa

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Re: Please help,nothing is working and sick all the time new
      #227882 - 11/29/05 03:59 AM

Reged: 07/18/05
Posts: 90
Loc: Atlanta Ga

Hi, The acid reflux seems to be fine with the Nexium but I do feel "sick" when I drink my SF so it makes sense to switch it and then I can get off the Nexium too, one less drug in my body. Citrucle is hard to take.I have also decided to stop watching the love of my life, my two year old grand daughter until I feel well again. Well as in go months without a attack. A two year old is really hard when you are ill and of course you push yourself so for my sake I will take a grandma break. Thanks for everyone who has written me back.

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Re: You're so close!!! new
      #227891 - 11/29/05 06:15 AM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

Wow, what a small world! I see Dr. Woods at the Fayette Community Hospital. I live to far from Newnan to drive to a GI doc over there. I was seeing a guy over there in Newnan, in 2003 when I lived in Peachtree City, but I moved to Fayetteville and I just cannot drive that far right now....especially with the hospital being 4 miles of my house!


IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: You're so close!!! new
      #227927 - 11/29/05 08:40 AM

Reged: 07/18/05
Posts: 90
Loc: Atlanta Ga

Hey, I see Dr Kangi at the FCH too. It is on the fourth floor and is Digestive Healthcare of Georgia.If traffic is not to bad it only takes about half an hour to get there but since they started the road work to make four lanes to Peachtree City from Newnan it can get crazy. Wonder if our doctors are in the same practice? We looked at Peachtree City when we moved here but my husband works in Carrollton and the drive would have been to long. Newnan in the last five years we have been here has really grown but still maintains that small town feel which we love.You are the first person I have met that lives near me and has IBS. We should talk sometime and maybe share ideas. Lisa

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Re: You're so close!!! new
      #227936 - 11/29/05 08:58 AM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

That's soo cool!! You go to the same office that I do!! How amazing is that!!??
My email address is We need to keep in touch!

What drugs do they have you on??? Dr. Woods wouldn't give me anything besides Pamine OR Elavil....He's very strict with the drugs. He won't give me anything good for my spasms.

You are the first person that I have met that lives close to me and has IBS, too. I thought I was the only one in Georgia!!


IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Sort of confused new
      #227938 - 11/29/05 09:05 AM

Reged: 03/05/05
Posts: 1301

Not sure if this means you take it everyday or just when you feel an attack may come on?


stuck having an attack for more than 5 minutes in the bathroom

What do you define as an attack?
And not sure what your meant by this approach not working for everyone. Did you mean taking the approach of making peace with IBS?

BTW, what do you actually eat, and what supplements do you find helped you the most....along with this positive attitude?

I'm wandering in the land of instability and desperate for info on what others who are doing better are doing.

Thanks Jennifer. I really, really appreciate your help.

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Re: Sort of confused new
      #228053 - 11/29/05 03:33 PM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA


Not sure if this means you take it everyday or just when you feel an attack may come on?


stuck having an attack for more than 5 minutes in the bathroom

What do you define as an attack?

An attack for me is having bad D and stomach spasm pain. Sometimes I get occurances of D, but it's over in 2-3 minutes - and there is usually minor pain involved. A bad attack results in me blacking out, but it's been almost 9 months since my last black-out attack.


And not sure what your meant by this approach not working for everyone. Did you mean taking the approach of making peace with IBS?

By this, I mean that for some people, saying that you're just not going to worry about IBS and automatically feel better won't work. I think for me, it has been a combination of following the diet and accepting my IBS as something that can interfere with my happiness only if I let it. It's a little hard to explain.


BTW, what do you actually eat, and what supplements do you find helped you the most....along with this positive attitude?

I still avoid all red meat, dairy, whole wheat, and fried foods. Because I work so much, I don't cook at home and often have to find stuff on the road, such as grilled chicken, sandwiches, etc. I've gotten pretty good at identifying quickly which foods I can have and which ones I can't.

As for supplements, I don't really take any. I am trying to get back on the SFS (Acacia), but I constantly forget. I take Prilosec for my stomach acid, and that's the only pill I take. Got off my BC and feel tons better. I know Melissa and Kandee swear by the probiotics, but I haven't really tried them.


I'm wandering in the land of instability and desperate for info on what others who are doing better are doing.

Thanks Jennifer. I really, really appreciate your help.

- Jennifer

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Re: You're so close!!! new
      #228156 - 11/30/05 05:22 AM

Reged: 07/18/05
Posts: 90
Loc: Atlanta Ga

Michele, It is, I tried to email you but it would not send. I will try later. I see Dr Kanji today so I will let you know how it went. Lisa

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Re: You're so close!!!
      #228157 - 11/30/05 05:26 AM

Reged: 07/18/05
Posts: 90
Loc: Atlanta Ga

No it will not send. Please email me and then I can just save your address. Thanks!

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Re: Hey Lisa! new
      #228158 - 11/30/05 06:14 AM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

I tried to email you, too and it wouldn't send, either! What's up with that??? Let me know how your appt goes today! What meds did they give you for your IBS?? Do you like your doc??
I cannot stand Dr. Woods! He won't give me anything for IBS except for Elavil OR Pamine. I cannot take either one of them.....the Elavil triggered my reflux and the Pamine dried me out so bad, I couldn't swallow and I had nosebleeds. I really need to find another Doc!!

Good Luck!

IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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Re: You're so close!!! new
      #228159 - 11/30/05 06:16 AM

Reged: 09/16/05
Posts: 1320
Loc: NC

Maybe if you put your email address in your profile, I could at least send you private messages through this website. You can click on my profile and get my email address and send me a private message. I can't send you one because your email addy isn't available.


IBS-D. Hiatal Hernia, GERD

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