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Bowels Aren't Moving!!! new
      #216088 - 09/27/05 08:52 AM

Reged: 04/29/05
Posts: 150
Loc: Canada

I'm horrified. I've been off of the BTC diet for days, and I've been trying to incorporate IF in my rice and other SF meals. For instance, yesterday with white rice, I cooked one slice of peeled, seedless tomato with chicken breast.
I'm becoming very impatient and worried as well. Shouldn't my bowel's be moving normally by now?! Shouldn't I not be bloated??
The BTC diet seemed to go very well. ..Until now, I'm starting to believe that all of my hard work has gone to waste. I'm drinking water, tea, exercising....
What should I do??


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Re: Bowels Aren't Moving!!!
      #216092 - 09/27/05 09:00 AM

Reged: 06/24/05
Posts: 170

I experienced the same thing. I am IBS-C and as soon as I started re-introducing IF, my body flipped out and decided pooping was just not going to happen. My tummy swelled up and I was a walking gas tank. I didn't understand. I got so frustrated and even made a post about it .. after some encouragment I just had to make myself suck it up and keep on going. I found that once I just accepted that I was going to be stopped up for a little bit, and gassy, and HUGE .. I, in turn, was able to relax a little bit. Personally, I don't think one slice of tomato is enough to initiate a BM .. but I may be wrong on that one. I know that, for me (I am C) I needed much more. For example, I posted a "Squash and Zucchini Pizza" recipe on the recipe board ... that got things moving for me. Also, adding about 1/2 a C of peas to a bowl of pasta created a BM as well. One other thing .. I found that when I stuck to a specific IF food, my BM'S eventually stopped. I think you need to change things up every couple of days .. b/c your body might be getting used to that certain food.

You are taking an SFS right??

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Re: Bowels Aren't Moving!!! new
      #216097 - 09/27/05 09:10 AM

Reged: 04/29/05
Posts: 150
Loc: Canada

I have to keep going like this?? I thought that things would start to move after breaking the cycle. Hence, the name.
But yes I am taking a SFS. 1/4 tsp of Benefiber each night with peppermint or chammomile tea.
Honestly, I feel like I'm swollen up as well. Probably the worst I've ever been. It seems wrong, because I'm on the diet and everything.
I would try peas and pasta but I can't find a safe pasta. Unless this is okay:
enriched extra fancy patent durum flour (niacine, ferrous sulfate, thiamin mononitrate, folic acid, riboflavin) corn flour, egg whites.

I'm having plain baked mackerel tonight. I was going to have these plain noodles with some sort of IF. But I'm having second thoughts about trusting the ingredients, and also what to have for a IF, and how much to have.


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Re: Bowels Aren't Moving!!! new
      #216133 - 09/27/05 10:59 AM

Reged: 12/30/03
Posts: 1023
Loc: Chicago, IL, USA

BTC will not stop constipation! It'll stop other sorts of cramps and D (or slow it down), but you *must* incorporate liquids, IF, and exercise into your life to get rid of C.

You should try ramping up your IF, making sure you get enough warm liquids (0.5-1 ounce per pound of body weight), and exercising every day. Yoga twists also help somewhat.


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Re: Bowels Aren't Moving!!! new
      #216137 - 09/27/05 11:06 AM

Reged: 04/29/05
Posts: 150
Loc: Canada

I know the BTC diet doesn't stop constipation, but I thought I would at least feel better afterwards.
What do you mean by incorporating liquids? I am trying to incorporate soy milk right now, if that's what you mean. I had two mouthfuls yesterday, and a half cup today to prepare for smoothies. Before the BTC diet I had a glass or two just to get used to it. I am already drinking water, and I exercise often. I've already been drinking tea. One cup of peppermint or chammomile tea every night.
I'm going to use yoga and the like as more of a last resort. I don't actually have time for that. And I can't concentrate long enough to become 'spiritual' or something. I don't actually know what it is anyway. Not quite interested.
I am trying to incorporate IF now as well. I am not sure if the pasta I have purchased is safe (ingredients in my former post) but if I do, I will try and add something into it. What do you think I should add in there? We don't have a lot of vegetables here. I'm trying to find peas right now. But maybe I'll cut up a pear with skin and throw it in there. I don't care how it tastes.


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Re: Bowels Aren't Moving!!! new
      #216142 - 09/27/05 11:14 AM

Reged: 12/30/03
Posts: 1023
Loc: Chicago, IL, USA


I know the BTC diet doesn't stop constipation, but I thought I would at least feel better afterwards.
What do you mean by incorporating liquids? I am trying to incorporate soy milk right now, if that's what you mean. I had two mouthfuls yesterday, and a half cup today to prepare for smoothies. Before the BTC diet I had a glass or two just to get used to it.

I mean that you should drink a *lot* of liquids, and drink 'em constantly. Can you drink peppermint or other herbal tea during the day? Again, 0.5-1 ounce of liquid per pound of body weight seems to be the amount to aim for. Cold liquids can cause cramping, and caffeine and carbonated drinks are definite triggers.


I'm going to use yoga and the like as more of a last resort. I don't actually have time for that. And I can't concentrate long enough to become 'spiritual' or something. I don't actually know what it is anyway. Not quite interested.

You might still want to look at the yoga postures that Heather recommends. I don't do a daily practice anymore, but I do do twists in the bathroom stalls during the day because it helps cramping and bloating and it feels good.


I am trying to incorporate IF now as well. I am not sure if the pasta I have purchased is safe (ingredients in my former post) but if I do, I will try and add something into it. What do you think I should add in there? We don't have a lot of vegetables here. I'm trying to find peas right now. But maybe I'll cut up a pear with skin and throw it in there. I don't care how it tastes.

How about frozen vegetables? Or have a baked pear or apple for dessert? I aim for 1/4-1/3 of every meal by volume being fruits and veggies. You may not want to start there, but it's not a ridiculous level to aim at.

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Re: Bowels Aren't Moving!!! new
      #216154 - 09/27/05 12:00 PM

Reged: 06/24/05
Posts: 170

The BTC diet is not a Cure-all. It is simply necessary to calm your gut down, and to pave the way for a smooth introduction of IF. Now, for IBS-D the BTC diet is likely to improve symptoms .. but C is a different story. If C'ers only ate Soluble Fiber, we would never poop! SF on its own, is constipating. That is why we HAVE TO HAVE Insoluble Fiber. But, once you begin reintroducing IF, gas and bloating can occur b/c you're bringing something new into your body. (Insoluble Fiber is naturally harder for the body to digest than Soluble fiber. Thats why you don't normally bloat up or get gassy from just SF). Without the IF, you will have a really hard time going. But, like I said, just b/c you did the BTC diet, doesn't mean everything should have been fixed. Its just getting you ready.

The ingredients in that pasta are fine. Have you looked over the Trigger list? You should really have a solid understanding of SF, IF, and trigger foods before you start the diet. Otherwise, it will be much much harder for you.

I suggest you go to the Recipe Index here. The perfect place to start, is in the Risottos section. Because the veggies are chopped and cooked, and mixed in with an SF base, these will be easier for your body to digest.

Also, you need to be increasing your SFS amount. I would say about every 3-4 days increase it by about 1/4tsp. Soluble Fiber is what draws water into the bowels .. therefore, it is so so so important to have PLENTY of water in your body to be absorbed. That is why it is so critical to constantly be drinking water.

For food ideas .. try making mashed potatoes with some pureed veggies. Also, the pasta and peas I told you about. The Risottos are perfect. Try a smoothie with 1/2 a banana, some strawberries and blueberries, a little bit of soymilke, and your SFS. Heather's breads are great too! "Sweet Cinnamon Zucchini bread".

Generally, the rule with SF to IF, is to eat it in equal amounts. You may want to start out with just a little bit less IF than SF at first, but increase the IF as safely as you can tolerate. One thing that helped me, is this chart that someone posted a while back. It lists the fiber content in some common foods. That may help with giving you ideas on what to eat.

I know its frustrating and tiring and confusing .. and you just want pull all of your hair out (and your poop ), but it WILL get better. You just gotta keep at it, and MAKE SURE you are sticking strictly to the diet. LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of STRONG fennel tea will help with that bloating and gas. Also, get some "Phazyme" ... its a safe brand of gas medicine .. take it before your meals.

I'm sorry your going through a tough time .. if it helps, I was in the SAME spot .. actually, HERE is the post i made a few weeks ago .. there is some good advice in there

We are all here for you!!

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Re: Bowels Aren't Moving!!! new
      #216181 - 09/27/05 02:15 PM

Reged: 04/29/05
Posts: 150
Loc: Canada

Your very helpful. According to your previous post that I'm reading, you seem to have been on the same page I am now. Are you stable at the moment? That gives me some hope.
I hope your around often. I would love to consult and ask you for advice every now and then.
I did indeed go over the trigger foods. I actually discovered and read over this diet before even starting it. I know a lot, but not everything. I always learn something new especially on the boards and from experienced people.
Today I had mackerel and a boiled pear with my noodles!! Sounds weird, but it actually tasted alright. I only put half of the skin in there because I'm too cautious.
The chart didn't open. My computer can't open PDF files for some reason.
But one important question. After breaking the cycle and starting to incorporate IF into your diet, how long did it take for you to stabalize and get rid of your bloating? Honestly, I'm getting worried. I haven't had a BM in days. 5 I think. I'm starting to think I've done something wrong. Normally, I would start all over again, but this time I'm not. Im tempted. But I won't.


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Re: Bowels Aren't Moving!!! new
      #216239 - 09/27/05 10:20 PM

Reged: 06/05/05
Posts: 51
Loc: Saskatchewan, Canada

Hi! Here are some easy food hints for you. Canned veggies are so easy. I really like peas and green beans, but there are a ton out there. Canned peaches are also really good and they usually help to get things moving. Pineapple is listed as IF on Heather's list, and it's so sweet and yummy, and is easy to take for a dessert at lunch.

If you really want to increase your IF intake, canned beans and lentils are good. Beware though, don't eat too many, probably no more than 1/2 cup a day in the beginning. They don't have a lot of flavour so they're pretty versatile, mix them with whatever sauce you think is safe. An easy way to make vegetarian chili is to mix canned tomatoes, various canned vegetables (mushrooms, corn, lentils, beans, etc) and taco seasoning and heat it all up until it's thick enough. I also add ground round to mine. I sometimes eat it with instant mashed potatoes - buy the plain potato flakes and mix with water until there are no dry flakes left and heat it in the microwave.

If there is one thing that will set me off, it is dairy products! It's a tough one to give up but worth it in the long run. Also, 1/4 tsp of Benefiber doesn't sound like a lot to me, probably wouldn't hurt to increase that a bit. If you can try to keep track of what you eat for a few days and estimate how many grams of fiber you're actually getting. I suggest measuring your food in measuring cups to get an accurate number.

Sometimes I find I can't wait for it to happen on it's own, and then I turn to glycerin suppositories. They are fast acting and I'm not as bloated afterwards. Unfortunately they are not meant to be used regularly.

I also use digestive enzymes (Jamieson brand) either when I eat something I shouldn't have or when things seem out of control. They seem to work well, might be worth a try.

And finally, some words of encouragement - for me it seems like I stabilize much quicker now, just have to suffer through the beginning stages. If things aren't so good, go easy on the IF, otherwise try to make sure you get SF, IF and protein each meal. I also think acacia works wonders. When I stabilized I went off it for awhile, but then recently had a few attacks. Started taking the acacia again and everything seems fine.

Good luck!

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I didn't feel better after doing the BTC diet either... new
      #216264 - 09/28/05 07:55 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

I think it's just because I was in pain from not being able to go. Constipation is painful all on it's own. If you eat the BTC, it may increase constipation, which increases the pain.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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