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a long introduction new
      #19079 - 08/30/03 02:44 AM

Reged: 08/28/03
Posts: 6

Hello. I am new to this group, but not to IBS. I've had constipation-predominant IBS for more than half of my almost-thirty years.

Aside from constipation, I experience:
abdominal bloating and distension, especially by the end of the day (I hate being a "thin person" with what feels like a huge belly; I don't know if others generally notice),
intestinal cramping and spasms,
and occasional (but severe) aches in my side and lower back after sleeping (sometimes I wake up to the pain, and sometimes the pain wakes ME up).

Many foods trigger my symptoms;
premenstrual and menstrual periods make them worse (and vice versa -- when my IBS is flaring, my periods are more painful);
anxiety can make my symptoms disabling (I developed chronic anxiety disorders before I was twelve, and developed severe Panic Disorder when I was eighteen and began a five-year abusive relationship);
... but what I hate most about my IBS is that it's an EVERY-DAY struggle, and often an obsession.

I didn't ask my family doctor for help until about seven(?) years ago (at which point I had already done enough research to know what I had, though not how to fix it). I was at the end of my abusive relationship, I had become "officially" (through Social Security) disabled by Major Depression, and my panic attacks (and therefore my IBS symptoms) were at their worst. My doctor (who knew how much anxiety I was experiencing because he had given the initial diagnoses for Depression and Panic) suggested I try to reduce my stress and to avoid dairy and gas-producing foods (He didn't talk to me about fat or fiber).

I was already vegetarian and usually vegan, so cutting dairy from my diet totally wasn't an issue (I was used to scanning ingredient labels for whey and casein, etc.), and it then became obvious, whenever I "strayed" and ate dairy, that this was a painful trigger for me.

I also made it a priority to eliminate gassy foods from my diet after I learned that the muscles of the intestinal walls move length-wise only and can't expand in width without the sharp pains that accompany gas and bloating -- and I dearly wanted these pains to stop. The "classic" gassy foods that seemed obvious to me to eliminate included:
broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts,
raisins and prunes,
and onions.
(It was especially difficult for me to cut out legumes --beans, peanuts and peanut butter, and all soy products -- soy really affects me -- because they were the protein sources in my vegetarian diet. I followed the suggestion to compromise my strict vegetarian diet by adding eggs for vitamin B12, but after all these years, I don't know if this is even enough, so I just got a referral to see a nutritionist.)

It wasn't until this past month, many years later, that I saw my first GI specialist and was handed a pre-printed list of gas-producing foods, and realized why my bloating (though it was better) never stopped.

Among the "FOODS WHICH CAUSE A LARGE AMOUNT OF GAS" were the above-listed old eliminations (including dairy), but also some STAPLES of mine, like wheat products (they listed "wheat germ," "pretzels," and "bagels," and the doctor explained that wheat ferments in the digestive system, causing gas to be blocked in a "slow" system like my own) and bananas, as well as celery, carrots, and apricots.

Among the "FOODS WHICH CAUSE A MODERATE AMOUNT OF GAS" were MORE STAPLES of mine, like (again) wheat-flour products (they listed "bread" and "pastries"), potatoes, citrus fruits (I recently tried Citrucel and discovered that I don't tolerate this well, either), and apples, plus eggplant.

I asked if these were foods that produced excessive gas in *everyone's*, including "normal" (un-constipated), digestive systems. The answer I got was "yes" -- but they don't necessarily bother those without constipation.

Avoiding all of the listed foods has been difficult, though helpful in lessening my bloating. I also went on a strict soluble-fiber-based diet, tried Citrucel powder (which made me bloated) and Benefiber powder (I hated the slimy beverages it created), and have settled on Fibercon tablets (4 a day). In the three weeks before my follow-up with the GI doctor, I felt some relief of both the constipation and bloating, but then I suffered some anxiety attacks (I'm undergoing a slow taper of a physically-addictive major tranquilizer and have some situational stressors as well), and my IBS (especially the constipation) got worse again. So, when I returned, the doctor gave me MiraLax.

Question: If the listed side-effects of MiraLax are gas/bloating and cramping (which are already among my IBS symptoms), as well as nausea and diarrhea (which I don't want to add to the list), why would he give it to me? Has anyone had really bad side-effects from MiraLax? I finally took my first dose tonight, but I'm afraid of how it will affect me if I continue.

I have always battled my constipation by overdoing my insoluble fiber intake; this often "worked" but irritated my colon, so that I still experienced chronic discomfort. Is a prescribed laxative my only other choice?

Thanks for reading,

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Re: A long response! new
      #19083 - 08/30/03 04:00 AM

Reged: 02/23/03
Posts: 1622
Loc: North Carolina

Long answer for a long intro.

I too had a history of overdoing insol fiber to help with chronic constipation, trying very harsh foods like "Kashi" cereal w/ 10 g of insol fiber! All I got was a LOT of pain!! My doctor kept writing me prescriptions and laxatives as well. You may find they help you but they didn't help me, and none of them was ever offered as a long term solution, which is what I knew I needed. So I gave up on those after a while.

Your anxiety and depression issues simply must be addressed. If you're not already in therapy it would be crucial, others here find relief from the hypno tapes. Personally I found all I needed was someone to talk to who really cared about me and learned to open up to my mom-in-law. Now when I feel that "overload" we do a couple sessions of "email therapy" (she doesn't live here but can email from work) Most of all she points me to the Lord and learning to give my stresses and struggles over to Him daily has been the real life solution for me in that area.

Now, physically, I've found a system that works for ME but everyone is different, you may have to try a lot of things before you learn what works for you. I personally tried every kind of sol fiber supplement and had to finally determine they don't work for me. I am thin like you and they bloated my belly like a huge balloon, I just couldn't take that. Plus I had a colonoscopy and was told I have a pretzel colon, I wonder if the stuff gets all clogged in the twists and turns?? That's probably crazy, all I know is that route didn't work for me but work for MANY people here so don't give up without trying. I also had to give up ALL dairy and ALL forms of "whole wheat", salads, beans, gassy veggies like brocolli, etc. I can eat white bread or oatmeal bread, rice chex, bananas (some can't)), raisins (some can't), peaches peeled, soft pears, and veggies like french style green beans cooked well, cooked carrots, cooked squash, I forget what else.

Here's my regimen right now. Wake up and drink 1/2 cup aloe very juice on an empty stomach. It soothes the system (healing properties) and is supposed to have a mild laxative effect but is NOT a laxative. Then I have a bowl of oatmeal (quick cook kind, plain) with 2 heaping tablespoons ground flax seed. After it's cooked I add a little vanilla soy milk to make it creamy and tasty. Sometimes I add some fruit before nuking it, also adds some variety. With my oatmeal I take a probiotic (acidophilus) and my magnesium/calcium supplement. Then I'm up and around moving (easy with 3 small children). And I confess I still drink ONE cup of hot, caffinated coffee - I'm down to ONLY one cup a day but have to have that one cup or I get bad headaches and need the "pick me up" with 3 little ones offering me little sleep. But I drink it after the oatmeal so my system tolerates it okay (I'm not endorsing this just telling you what I'm doing, Heather suggests cutting out all caffinated coffee). In about an hour I usually have some sort of BM, usually no cramping or straining either, unless other triggers have bothered me. Also important, I drink water all day long, I don't know how much I just drink it like crazy. Now if I don't have it I crave it!

Also at night I have a hot cup of ginger tea with lemon juice added. Some say the lemon juice added to a hot beverage helps stimulate the system to move. I sleep fine after that but wonder if it helps with the morning BM. I honestly don't know.

Also, I eat small meals every 3 hours like clockwork whether I feel hungry or not. This is important for the system, I think, and important for me as my problems had led me down a path of losing too much weight.

Also, if things don't improve and there are red flags, have them checked out. One red flag is pain that is not relieved by a BM. I had unrelenting left side pain and it turns out I had gynological problems that have been relieved since I had a hysterectomy.

Well, this is VERY long - goodness! Hope something here is helpful. Most of all, know that you are not alone, stick around and I think you will find lots of support and helpful info. And if you haven't ordered Heather's books yet, you really should, they are a MUST! She explained things doctors NEVER did!

Take care,
...the greatest of these is LOVE. (I Cor 13)

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Re: a long introduction new
      #19088 - 08/30/03 06:06 AM

Reged: 02/12/03
Posts: 1939
Loc: Wisconsin

Wow - Michelle gave you some really good advice and she really has had a struggle this year with her health. Be encouraged that once you figure out what works for you - you will feel better.
My questions for you are; what kind of tests have you had done to rule out other disorders? Are you currently being treated by a Gastro.? Have you bought Heather's books? If not you can find them at the library (I found Eating for IBS while looking for another book on IBS.) and at Barnes and Noble.
I'm sure someone will come on later and give the web sites to look at how to break the cycle (sorry I'm not sure how to do that) and other sites that are really important for you to read.
Welcome to the boards and you will find a lot of helpful info. here and the moderators (Mags and Hansolo) are awesome.
Hope you feel better soon.

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Re: A long response! new
      #19123 - 08/30/03 03:26 PM

Reged: 08/28/03
Posts: 6

Thanks so much for your reply.
I, too, know that I need a long-term solution.

Of course, I've been addressing my depression, anxiety, and other psychological issues since my nervous breakdown eight years ago. Even if psychiatry a psychotherapy hadn't been crucial to my survival, and even if being on Social Security Disability didn't require me to be in treatment, my recovery (physical, mental, and spiritual) is my own top priority.

"I personally tried every kind of sol fiber supplement and had to finally determine they don't work for me. I am thin like you and they bloated my belly like a huge balloon, I just couldn't take that."

Even the caplets, like Fibercon? Citrucel powder bothered me that way, I didn't like Benefiber powder, and I won't try Metamucil. (And although I think it's terrible that so many others on this board have experienced bloating like I have, I find it somewhat comforting to know that I am not freakishly alone with the problem that has frustrated and embarrassed me since puberty.)

"Wake up and ... magnesium/calcium supplement."

My psychiatrist told me to take my calcium at night, when it's supposedly better-absorbed. Has anyone heard the same?

"And I confess I still drink ONE cup of hot, caffinated coffee - I'm down to ONLY one cup a day but have to have that one cup or I get bad headaches and need the 'pick me up' with 3 little ones offering me little sleep."

Caffeine is often suggested for headaches (it's even a key ingredient in "headache medicines"), but fortunately, I don't suffer from them. I CAN relate to the sleep deprivation often associated with being the primary caretaker of a "little one" -- but I've actually never had a cup of coffee in my life! I became a sort of "purist" at sixteen (converted to Vegetarianism, never took a sip of alcohol, never took a puff from a cigarette, never tried a recreational drug, etc.).

"Also important, I drink water all day long, I don't know how much I just drink it like crazy. Now if I don't have it I crave it!"

I've increased my water intake, and have since taken up a new hobby: peeing. Does anyone else experience decreased bladder capacity, urgency to urinate, and even bladder cramping (!) with constipation?

"Also, I eat small meals every 3 hours like clockwork whether I feel hungry or not."

I've been doing this, too, alternating every couple of hours between a soluble-fiber-based food, and then a couple of Fibercon tablets:
small "breakfast" at home
small "dinner" at home
small "supper" at home.

"One red flag is pain that is not relieved by a BM."

ALWAYS makes me feel better.

"I had unrelenting left side pain and it turns out I had gynological problems that have been relieved since I had a hysterectomy."

I'm so sorry. My own back and side pain is always associated with my IBS, particularly constipation and/or intestinal cramping/spasms.

"And if you haven't ordered Heather's books yet, you really should, they are a MUST! She explained things doctors NEVER did!"

Yep! I had already found her website, then bought *The First Year* the day before my initial consult with the GI doctor, and I'm glad I did! I had already started a diet based on soluble fiber, and had begun taking supplements, but when I asked him about soluble versus insoluble fiber, he didn't seem to know or care. Then, he handed me Metamucil, which I had already read caused some people bloating and gas (which I had reported to him as symptoms of mine – I don't know how much attention he was paying me) – so I just threw them away when I left the office, and stuck with the Fibercon. I'm trying to get a referral to another GI specialist (hopefully someone who seems more interested in a "functional disorder" that isn't a fatal disease but can still be disabling!).

Thanks again!

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Re: a long introduction new
      #19124 - 08/30/03 03:33 PM

Reged: 08/28/03
Posts: 6

"Be encouraged that once you figure out what works for you - you will feel better."

Thanks. I really hope so.

"My questions for you are; what kind of tests have you had done to rule out other disorders? Are you currently being treated by a Gastro.?"

The family doctor (seven years ago) and the first and only GI specialist (so far -- I want a different one) didn't do any tests. I myself know it's IBS, but I was still surprised by the GI doc's casual attitude!

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Re: A long response! new
      #19128 - 08/30/03 04:01 PM

Reged: 02/23/03
Posts: 1622
Loc: North Carolina

I should have said that I take a calcium/magnesium supplement that requires it be taken twice a day, and I take the other dose at night. Some say it helps calm them and helps them sleep. I sleep fine (when I get the chance) so I have no idea!

Take care,
...the greatest of these is LOVE. (I Cor 13)

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Re: a long introduction new
      #19140 - 08/30/03 07:10 PM

Reged: 02/12/03
Posts: 1939
Loc: Wisconsin

I've had all the tests done. I've been scoped from the top and through the bottom, ultrasounds, hydascan, small bowl study and blood work. It has been a year and half since my offical diagnose of IBS and I have GERD.
I don't blame for wanting another GI. Your GI should be concerned with ruling out other disoders - mine was. My GI ran all these tests; even though he was 100% sure it was IBS. No your GI shouldn't be so casual, so I'm sorry you have to go through that. Hopefully you can find new GI who wants to help you.
Currently I'm not being treated by my GI. My primary doctor follows up with me and I'm fine with that - he is a great Doctor and more up to date with diet changes than my GI.
Hope this info. helps.

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Miralax new
      #19181 - 08/31/03 04:18 PM

Reged: 04/15/03
Posts: 24


I've been taking Miralax for the past few months with success. The recommended dose gives me horrible gas, so my dr. said to half the dosage, which did the trick. I have to take it daily, and if I miss a day, I'm back to C for a day.

To help with gas, I drink Tummy Mint tea by Celestial Seasonings. It has fennel in it which reduces gas tremendously.

Good luck to you!


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Re: Miralax new
      #19195 - 08/31/03 06:43 PM

Reged: 02/11/03
Posts: 712

I never heard of Miralax. How new is it?I have severe IBS c. Does it only help c or other symtoms too?

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Re: A long response!
      #19333 - 09/02/03 07:38 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Hello and Welcome. I was out of town for the weekend and just read your post. I also have problems with depression and anxienty, my doctor recently switched me to Lexapro, and this does seem to be helping. A lot of those types of meds can make constipation worse. I take 8 fibercon a day and they don't seem to make me more gassey or bloated. I do take Mira-Lax everyday, and although that does cause me to be more gassey and is the only thing that keeps things moving for me. As someone else mentioned, cutting back the dosage will help some with the gas. I have tried to stop the mira lax before and nothing moves through my system, so I have resigned myself to the extra gas it causes in order to avoid the severe constipation I get without it.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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