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im venting too!
      #188265 - 06/22/05 09:53 AM

Reged: 10/22/04
Posts: 52

i was doing really well for a while having regular bm's and generally feeling normal. then i ate some lentils, maybe 1 cup of them or so, and the next day i was having major d. i must have gone the the bathrom like 8 times in a few hours (while at work ) i had an appt in town so i need to take something to stop or i would have not made it. i took a one immodium but realized i needed more. in total i took only 2 1/2 which seemed to do the trick. i stopped going for 1 1/2 days-yahoo!. now again today i am having issues-not quite d but still loose, urgent and frequent. i am never eating lentils again!

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Re: im venting too! new
      #188269 - 06/22/05 10:05 AM

Reged: 02/14/05
Posts: 2634

I'm sorry to hear about your setback! Ugh! You might want to follow the "BTC" guidelines diet fo a few days to resolve this a bit quicker.

I've been eating lentils my whole life and then last fall I started having problems! (This is gross, but they weren't fully digested, which contributed to the D attacks!) Part of my problem was not eating lentils with a good SF base; so, if I mix them with couscous or rice, I find I can tolerate them. Also, pureeing them makes it easier to digest because the skins are insoluble and pureeing breaks them down.

I guess I should ask what did you eat the lentils with and were they pureed? Anyway, I understand having an aversion to something that causes D. So if you can't stand to eat lentils anymore, that's okay too.

Feel better soon!

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Re: im venting too! new
      #188276 - 06/22/05 10:18 AM

Reged: 10/22/04
Posts: 52

i ate them with skins and not pureed, which was my mistake. my mom made these little patties with the shole lentil and they were so tasty. oh well. however, i did notice that the little skins didnt digest.

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