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Some questions from new reader/poster with a dilemna !! new
      #179284 - 05/16/05 08:52 AM

Reged: 05/16/05
Posts: 7
Loc: Upper midwest USA presently

For years, junior high age, I've been told my stomach/digestive problems were 'spastic colon' and was told by every doctor just to learn to deal with it, its a fact of life for mostly women. The bouts usually seemed to be triggered by illness or extreme stress and I had the usual naseau, bloating, horrid gas and then would bounce between constipation and diarrhea for a number of days. For some reason I seem prone to stomach/intestinal flu vs the upper respiratory and that ALWAYS triggers a bout. Once my system settles it can be months before the next episode and I learned to live with it.

At 17 I was diagonsed as Hypoglycemic when it was still something relatively 'new' and unknown' since most people at that time (early 70's) were thought to be either 'normal' or diabetic. My doctor was a pioneer in the field of high and low blood sugar and insulin resistance and had me on a strict diet of many small meals a day with protein plus fiber in form of fresh fruit and veggies and some nuts etc. I was suppose to be on a low to NO refined sugar diet as much as possible. Once I felt good I'd be inconsistent about sticking to what I knew worked and that caused horrid weight fluxations up and down. As well as triggering the boating, gas and usually diarrhea more often than the constipation. Being teenager and then into college it was too much soda, fast foods, pizza and the usual junk we do at that age. But as I got older, married, had kids I turned more to a sensible adult diet for myself as well as family.

Pregnancy didn't help either the spastic colon or the hypoglycemia nor did advanced cervical cancer in my mid 30's or the treatments until I finally had a hysterectomy to cure it (hopefully) once and for all. The hysterectomy and early menopause at age 38 threw my body into complete turmoil between hormones, weight problems, digestive problems etc. For 10 years I fought battles with weight etc.. only thing I found I could control was the menopause symptoms with soy isoflavones vs synthetic hormone replacement due to breast cancer risks. I went from 168 after losing the baby fat with my last to 310 pounds as of 18 months ago over a period of 11 years.

I looked horrid, felt horrid, was in a horrid mental state and nothing any of the doctors and specialists they sent me to worked. They put me on diets that made no sense to me but everyone claimed it was the cure.. hardly, I kept gaining weight and the gas and bloating with each new "miracle diet and doctor" increased. I was told it was the spastic colon and to eat more fiber and take some antigas medication and quit complaining.

Out of total frustration and my husband worried I was going to drop dead due to the weight causing my blood pressure to sky rocket and flip flop me between hypoglycemia and type 2 diabetes back and forth I went to "another" doctor. Wrong referral he was not a specialist but a GP but the ONLY one that really listened and took notes and called a few days later after confering my own doctor and my oncologist. He sent me to the sleep lab first... and I was diagonsed with severe sleep apnea and fitted for the equipment to use. 10 months later for the first time in years I not only slept without waking up hundreds of times grasping for breath but I woke up refreshed and not exhausted as I had been for years and years each morning and I had lost 6 pounds. The doctor had told me one of the side effects of untreated apnea is weight gain and since I was gaining about the same amount each and every year. That little bit of loss helped my blood pressure to come down, my cholesterol had always been and still was normal as were most test except for my blood sugar which now seemed to stay in the T2Diabetes range just above normal. So my family doctor insisted I take medication to stabilize my blood sugar.

Since I already took soy supplments for the menopause symptoms my daugther pleaded with me to try the herbalife soy system for dieting along with the vitamin,mineral and fiber supplements and diet recommendation, which was very similar to the diet from highschool for the hypoglycemia. I read the info over, my doctor said it looked good, could I stick to it. I did.. and in 4 more months took off another 12 pounds.

About January last year I came across a book by a Lady PHD in diet and nutrition for people with true insulin resistance, which could be either hypoglycemic, diabetic or BOTH (myself). Everything she wrote about experiencing it herself as well as patients was me.. so I combined her low carb/smart carb, NO refined sugar or white flour diet with the herbalife soy protein shakes and supplements I had been successfully using for months now. I had an occassional bout with the gas and then a day of diarrhea but really didn't think much of it since it seemed to have all but disappeard between the apena equipment usage and the new strict diet I adhered to.

By this January I had lost over a total of 50 pounds, my blood pressure was slightly into the high normal range my blood sugar being tested every 3 months was back to normal or bordering on slightly hypoglycemic, I had no more sweet and carb cravings that would drive me crazy and I would then binge on the "low fat" snacks like pretzels and the likes. I ate my 3 meals a day plus snacks in between of apple slices, blueberries, celery sticks, carrot sticks, snap peas etc and use the soy based protein bars from both herbalife and Atkins. I allowed myself the one day a week of anything I wanted so it would not be monotomy in eating and I felt good, looked good dropping 3 clothing sizes.

Then End of February I got hit with the worst case of intestinal flu I have ever had in my life. Both my husband and daugther at home had the upper respiratory flu which I figured I'd catch but as usual it hit me in the gut and hit hard. Took almost 5 days for my fever to break and I spent most of that time in the bathroom between diarrhea and vomiting no stop. Once fever broke and I felt better my appetitite came back slowly and I began to eat small meals ever few hours and was feeling much better. Suddenly I was bent over one night with the most horrible pain and cramps I have ever had in my colon (which I had never experienced before). It was worst than any period or labor pains I'd ever had and I have a very high pain tolerance ! By the end of week 2 I still had horrid gas and diarrhea, no problems eating, no fever but the bloating, the gas, the cramping and the diarrhea would not cease. So I called my doctor. His nurse told me the intestinal flu going around our area was so severe they were hospitalizing people for it - could last as long as 3 - 4 weeks. So told me to take this and that and eat a bland diet with plenty of herbal teas and water. At start of week 5 it was starting to subside but would come and go.. normal one day... sick for a day or two, back to normal and back and forth like this for another 10 days. Called the doctor again and they asked if I was solid enough for a stool sample and I laughed.. they got the hint and transferred me to one of the gastro specialists.

That doctor asked me 1001 questions and history to which I pretty much advised per above. His comment .. sounds like IBS brought on by the severe flu you had. I asked about the "spastic colon" and he replied.. same thing just old name vs new. Drink herbal tea, eat toast, applesauce and banannas and call me in a week to 10 days if you still have it I might want you to come in.

His "diet" helped to slow things down a bit but not enough for my satisfaction so I started to research online and came across a few medical sites with updated info and then this one. I stayed on the bland diet and added the water soluble l-glutamine 3 times a day before foods and also the fennel tea and in about 4 days I was almost normal. Following week I was normal and had been up until last week.

I have NO clue what triggered it since I have been back on the herbalife soy protein diet with my normal low carb/no sugar diet and all was fine. No bloating, no gas, no problems. Nothing then suddenly it was back in full force.

The ONLY thing I can think of is that my job is very very high stress and the past 2 weeks have been unbearable.. don't tell me quit and look for something else.. I own my own business so I AM the boss but that makes me the go-to person for everything, espeically when thing go wrong or business is slow !! I am usually a one cup of coffe if that a day person, but the last week I realized I had been drinking CUPS of coffee and not realizing it and probably too much alcohol at night to wind down to go to bed.

Put myself BACK onto the bland diet with NO caffine and no alcohol and using the fennel tea, the l-glutamine and ordered the items from the website here along with the books. 3 days of that and my gut seemed to be almost normal yesterday. I woke up at 2AM and I was having gas and cramps and diarrhea again and I've not had any of the trigger foods. My husband said all he can think of is the fresh fish he grilled for dinner for us last night since it made him gassy also. ?????

The ONLY way to keep my blood sugar stable as well as other things where they should be means my diet must have meat protein and lots of veggies and fruits but as little to no carbs in the from of breads and pasta's and sugar as possible. Those type of carbs are an Instant trigger for my hypoglycemia.

Sorry about being so long BUT I am totally frustrated at this point - I have 2 very different problems here that both have seperate needs to be addressed and often the best for one conflicts with the other. And one often upsets the other. Any comments, suggestions appreciated.

*There are 2 theories toward victory if arguing with women. Neither one works*

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Re: Some questions from new reader/poster with a dilemna !! new
      #179301 - 05/16/05 09:39 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)

First, welcome to the Boards. It sounds like you've had quite a rocky journey to get here. I've gone through periods of serious and multiple illness when seeing one more doctor just seemed like way, way too much work and I imagine you must have felt the same. Good for you for slogging through it all and working so hard at finding answers.

I'm not sure how much help I'll be, but here are some suggestions:

Maybe your horrible intestinal flu in February jump-started your previously low-level IBS into high gear - sort of a variation on the "insult to the gut" idea. That could mean you're more sensitive to IBS triggers that didn't bother you before.

A couple of people have tried posting their daily diets here and getting help from others on the Board identifying possible triggers they're eating without realizing it. You might try the same.

There are also some suggestions in the Boards for stress reduction, especially yoga and hypnosis (there are whole separate Boards for these topics). If stress is your trigger, you might look into those.

Take a look at this thread started by someone else who is hypoglycemic, for a couple of suggestions.

PSOT (Please Search On This): "insulin resistance", no quotes, all forums, no date restriction. You'll find some posts on it, including an old one called "IBS and Insulin Resistance". They might be helpful. (I didn't read through them.)

I hope this helps.

[Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]

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Re: Some questions from new reader/poster with a dilemna !! new
      #179317 - 05/16/05 10:45 AM

Reged: 05/16/05
Posts: 7
Loc: Upper midwest USA presently

Thanks for the few things to check out so far.. I've been up all night so I posted that earlier. Right now I'm working and just decided to take a break and check here. But I will follow up later when I have some free time.

As for daily diet - its pretty much the same except for lunch or dinner without the occassional dinner out or a pizza and salad for a change. I thought about that first up also and realized that this last one that started a few days ago was not due to anything different OTHER than the stress and probably too much alcohol and as you say that flu bout seems to have been the catalyst for all of this in a more severe form.

I'm going to check into the info you suggested and just take it day by day until this is under control again and just abstain from coffee and liquor which never seemed to affect me before, but doesn't hurt to abstain until I figure out what is going on.

I'm so sick of the doctors trying to cure everything with drugs.. and look at you like your from MARS when you say simply NO. I don't want them, there has to be a more natural commonsense way to deal with this other than MORE chemicals in my body.. its seen enough to this point NO THANK YOU !

*There are 2 theories toward victory if arguing with women. Neither one works*

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Re: Some questions from new reader/poster with a dilemna !! new
      #179331 - 05/16/05 11:26 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)

The only caution I would add is that if the flu hyped up your IBS, you may find that foods you could once tolerate - like pizza and salad - are now triggers. And the food that's sometimes okay and sometimes not may be because you can handle it if you've (accidentally) gotten enough SF in you and can't handle it if you haven't.

As for drugs, I can certainly understand your feelings on that. For years following my more severe illnesses, my one goal in life was to not be taking ANY prescriptions. I still hope for that sometimes, but Immodium and Donnatol, along with this diet, are giving me back something that looks like a normal life, so at this point, I'm all for them. My hope is that the longer I'm on Heather's diet, the less I'll need them.

Good luck. If you come up with more questions after you check things out - I'm sure you will - please ask.

BTW, I love your signature. It reminds me of Charlie Lau's advice: "There are two theories on hitting the knuckleball. Unfortunately, neither of them works."

[Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]

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Re: Some questions from new reader/poster with a dilemna !! new
      #179388 - 05/16/05 02:10 PM

Reged: 05/16/05
Posts: 7
Loc: Upper midwest USA presently

Your point is well taken and something I've been contemplating all day since starting this post. Will have to play it by ear for awhile.. waiting for my shipment with the peppermint gel caps to come and see how that works. Impossible to find it here - I tried every vitamin house and health food store I could find in a 25 miles radius. One had ground leaves in capsule form which I doubt is doing much good the stomach acid probably consumes it as soon as it hits I was almost ready to order from the Aussie Mfg that makes it when my Aussie IM buddy found your site and sent it to me. I had been here before for info but not noticed the teas etc. I'll have to approach like work.. one day at a time one crisis at a time
Thanks for info and help when I can piece together what seems to be a workable compromise between a true HypoGly diet/Low Carb/IBS I'll post it here for others to see if it would work for them. But I have a feeling it will be a work in process for some time yet. We had pizza Friday night for the first time in months.. and NO problems even with Jalepeno's on it.. I was fine all night and all day/evening Saturday and most of Sunday. It was most likely the seasoning on the fish.. the coffee did nothing to dinner point and I was already gaseous and bloated when I poured myself a light sherry AT 10PM, took one drink and spilled it out.

Side note.. when I got hit so hard after that flubugger..the ammodium did NOTHING For me.. went right through with everything else so I quit taking it altogether. Never even considered it today... phones again, all lines too .when it rains it pours ! thanks again..ciao!

*There are 2 theories toward victory if arguing with women. Neither one works*

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Re: Some questions from new reader/poster with a dilemna !!
      #179547 - 05/17/05 08:13 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Hmmm. Well there are lots of SF veggies (squash, avocadoes, cooked innards of zucchini, cooked carrots) etc that are alot better on the GI side than potatoes and bread. Could you eat more of those along with low-fat, safe protein options to get your SF base?

And a SFS will doesn't get digested so it should be fine for you...and you could take it before every meal.

You do have to be careful to cut all triggers until you've got more sorted. Otherwise you can get into situations where one day you'll have, say, a salad and be fine, but the next time you do you'll get a bad attack b/c you were more tired that day or had cheese the day before or WHATEVER!

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