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      #177432 - 05/08/05 09:57 AM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

i started taking zelnorm about a month and a half ago,i dont get hungry as much as i used to when i frist started taking it but i get bored and just pig out and im not even hungry!i was anerioxca now im forming an eating disorder were i over eat..if i dont get hungry or have a bm i get severaly depressed.what should i do?

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kemi, new
      #177437 - 05/08/05 10:38 AM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

I often overeat when I'm very C. For some reason it seems to calm the gut, it's like putting more in me cools the contractions.

Plus, Zelnorm speeds up how fast your food goes through your body, so when it's working correctly, you should be hungrier I think.

How are you doing for fibre? Are you doing some insoluble? And you sound like you need to get some sunshine outside. I swear that Vitamin D from the sun helps me to eat a lot less.

of course, this is coming from a girl who's a lot fatter than you, so you can listen to me, or you can choose not to.

Keep on keepin' on...

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Re: overeating! new
      #177455 - 05/08/05 01:33 PM

Reged: 02/28/05
Posts: 62
Loc: Marlton, NJ

I can relate. I am not on zelnorm, but I too had an eating disorder and was very thin. Now I am just the opposite. I am not overweight, but I could be. when I get bored or anxious I overeat terribly. I struggle to keep the weight thing in check. i am about 8 pounds over what is comfortable for me. I am C too and when it is acting up or I am bloated all I want to do is eat. I wish I was some help. I am trying to get out and walk and keep working out. When I feel good I don't anxiety eat as much. I also try to dress nice even on weekends-when I feel like I look good it encourages me to be good. try some good tunes too-they help.


It only takes a few committed people to change the world!

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Re: kemi, new
      #177486 - 05/08/05 05:07 PM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

aww your are so cute! do not look fat to me!!!i know when i go outside in the sunshine it makes me less hungry,that is so werid.before i started zelnorm i couldnt get hungry for nothing!but now im alwayz getting hungry which makes me so happy!but just much!

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Re: kemi/overeating new
      #177491 - 05/08/05 05:46 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

What foods are you over-eating? Are you over-eating sugars/junk? Sometimes stressed-out/depressed people over-eat
processed sugars, junk--empty energy. It's due to low serotonin levels.

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Re: overeating! new
      #177506 - 05/08/05 07:06 PM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

i have the same problem as you. i overeat all the time and before that i dealt with [and am still dealing with..] anorexia. its just not fair that i force myself to eat right and i have to look like this all bloated puffy and gross i took zelnorm a looooong time ago but i saw no change. i havent been using pharmacuticals so it kind of sucks even more b/c i try to find natural stuff. i am in so much pain tho!! i dont know what about food it is that makes me eat so much but i, like you, eat when i get bored, anxious or if im C--which ironically enough makes me more C. sorry that i am not much help either but wanted to relate. like soretummymommy said, dressing nice encourages "goodness" hehe, i buy lots of cute clothes and when my ibs is feeling GREAT and i wear my nice clothes, i feel 110% better! *hug* hang in there


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Re: kemi/overeating new
      #177546 - 05/08/05 08:59 PM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

well...yes!guailty as charged!!!lol..ive been eating choc pudding,tons of icing,cake,rice krispys...i just get these horable cravings for them though!!!

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The reason I suggested sunlight.... new
      #177558 - 05/08/05 09:38 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

is that it's one of the easiest ways to boost your serotonin. Do you fake and bake? I find when I stop for a while, my mood dips hardcore.

And thank you so much for being so sweet. I am currently 5"2 and 186 lbs, but it's down 10 this month!!

Keep on keepin' on...

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Re: kemi, new
      #177679 - 05/09/05 11:28 AM

Reged: 05/04/05
Posts: 104
Loc: Massachusetts

Hi Kemi,
You poor thing; Im sorry to hear that you are having some tough moments. It is completely understandable. I, too, am experiencing "trouble" with over-indulging out of frustration with my C and pregnant belly! Like you, and many others, I am a recovering anorexic and, no doubt, the C and bloating and all the "eating issues" associated with GI problems are probably the "cruelest joke." What has helped for me has been to get rid of those "TRIGGER FOODS." Literally, throw them out and replace them with IBS-friendly foods. Because, chances are, if you are feeling frustrated with your belly, or sad, or anxious, whatever...You are going to reach for that quick pick-me up to distract your attention away from your belly pain. Plus, at times, it feels like IBS is somewhat uncontrollable (how can you be eating as you should and yet still have these symptoms?), and so it makes sense that you turn to food for comfort or, at the very least, if you overreat then you have an excuse for "feeling crumby." But I call tell you that it is a viscious cycle, and esp coming from an eating disorder, you need to take control of your diet and your body. It's hard, but you will find once you get rid of those bad foods, your tummy will be more cooperatiev and your emotions will be more in check. Plus, if you tend to overeat sugary foods, they completely throw your body out of balance so you are on a "sugar high and low" kick which completely disrupts what you are feeling emotionally and physically!!!

I hope this is helpful; i know it is hard and frustrating, but you've beaten it before!!!

Hang in there!!!


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Re: overeating! new
      #177680 - 05/09/05 11:37 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I'm right there with you *hugs*

I was anorexic and now I binge...

Feel free to e-mail me

Lots of hugs!!!!

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: kemi/overeating new
      #177690 - 05/09/05 11:56 AM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

I had a sneaking suspiscion that those were the types of foods you over indulge in! more question...does over-eating these sugary junk foods CALM your nerves for a little while, i.e. relieve a little stress merely temporarily?

Here's my take on the situation. I could be way off base, but I don't really think so.

You're craving SEROTONIN and TRYPTOPHAN. You want/like/need that "feel good" buzz, semi-high, good spirited energy.
The junk food zaps it from you and also adds another stress,
not just to your health, but your energy. It's a quick high, and then a low.
A little protein combined with some non-junk pure sugar carbs gives you that sense of tryptophan and serotonin. Steady, calm, feel good happy energy.
The trick is adding a little protein, and choosing better carbs (i.e. avoid the processed sugar/salt laden junk). Add a little activity and a shot of sunlight and're laughing.
Also, finding hobbies beyond eating the junk which you remove from your home is another good tip. Eliminate temptation from the premises...lose the instant gratification foods.

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STM - I just have to ask - what is "fake and bake"? -nt- new
      #177693 - 05/09/05 12:00 PM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)

[Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]

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Re: Fake and Bake-Tanning beds!-nt new
      #177694 - 05/09/05 12:02 PM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Fake and Bake-Tanning beds! Oh, thanks. -nt- new
      #177695 - 05/09/05 12:04 PM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)

[Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]

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Wind and Retrograde...I took out the sugar, but new
      #177701 - 05/09/05 12:28 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I am still overeating. I am also having a hard time exercising and geting enough sunlight.

Any ideas? I used to crave sugar and indulge. I still crave it a bit but I indulge now in cheese and fats.

Help please!

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Wind and Retrograde...I took out the sugar, but new
      #177726 - 05/09/05 01:09 PM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

heehe!im having the same problem!!it sucks!!why do i get such bad sugar cravings?!would i be ok to eat a little bit of diary or no?like a brownie earthquake from DQ~~!!!oooo man that sounds so good....ahh!im getting so fat!lol..

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Re: overeating! new
      #177727 - 05/09/05 01:15 PM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

you binge too?
we're in the same boat

you can email me too if yah want


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Me too! new
      #177735 - 05/09/05 01:40 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Oh Ruchie, I hadn't even made the connection. I sometimes crave sugar now, but it's more often fats and cheese (pizza bad ). Aaargh!!!

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Kemi new
      #177738 - 05/09/05 01:43 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

A-d's might really help you. I'm dolally without my SSRIs AND a piggy (okay, a bigger piggy ).

Anything that boosts your serotonin, etc and takes your mind off food is good...exercise, sunlight, fresh air, laughter, water....

Randomly, I've also found that foods that are good sources of Omega oils help me...pumpkin seeds are my must-not-touch-those-fries grab snack. Not all that IBS safe tho. Ruchie have you tried this?

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Shannon! new
      #177739 - 05/09/05 01:45 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Hey, I'm 5'2 too and not that long ago I was 179pounds! Twins.

Fitday is good. I'm bad tho.

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Pumpkin seeds new
      #177744 - 05/09/05 01:52 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I keep forgetting I have them in the house

Do you salt them? Do you enjoy the taste? I MUST turn to those when I want my cheese! The cheese is making me SICK literally...sinuses aren't happy and neither is my head (migraines)...

Thanks Linz *hugs*

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Wind and Retrograde...I took out the sugar, but new
      #177761 - 05/09/05 02:24 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Okay, here's the dish re: cheese cravings.

CHEESE, and dairy contain OPIODS. That's probably why you crave them, even though they're IBS anti-foods. Wheat also contains opiods.

Re: Foods to replace the junk.

Answer: REAL foods. I cannot name specific foods, as everyone has they're own list of favourable and unfavourable
foods. Basically when I say real foods, I mean...non-name branded gimmicky sorts of things...most of the name-branded gimmicky sorts of foods are laden in sugar and/or fat...Real food has nutritional value. Warning: you may have to venture beyond the traditional aisles you shop in, and you may have to prep. something...but it's generally something you can do in your sleep...and remember it takes a minimum of 21 days to make or break a habit.

There's tons of IBS safe protein options. There are tons of IBS, kosher, and even GF carb options.

Real food has SATIETY value and NUTRITONAL value/merit.

So...let's say you positively must have something SWEET...answer: fruit.
How about other carbs? Select something safe and non-name branded, i.e. some homemade soup? a potatoe/sweet potatoe?
rice? a little acceptable bread or cereal with fruit spread? Some rice? A glass of almond milk? A smoothie? Half a bagel? A rice cake? A homebaked muffin?

Okay, now that fats thing is tricky as it's a big trigger.
That's up for you to determine. I'm not about to suggest much, as it's a big trigger for me personally...heck, a little avocado will send me running and hummus or almond butter will do the same. If you can tolerate it, well...that's another option. Sometimes what we're really craving is flavour...and that's where adding herbs, etc. comes into play--only if you can tummy them. I personally find that adding fresh herbs makes a huge difference.

Also, another thing I find that helps is making a cup of herbal tea, or even a pot! It's that "brew" a little sanity/serenity into your day...the ritual of doing so helps
you regroup, rethink a potentially undesirable action.

I guess living without adding sugar is a just eat real food...simplicity...the sweetness of a beet or some papaya, or a tomatoe will be overpowering, the satiety of a bowl of funked up rice humbling, the creamy velvetiness of almond milk or an avocado or a smoothie and energizing, the chewiness of your protein selections will be emphasized, a bowl of soup revitalizing and's that something hot, something cold, something homemade, something bitter, sweet, sour, salty, pungent, astrigent, etc.

Now, don't take this next comment the wrong way, but you know what happens to dogs/cats/children that are fed to many
treats!!! Respect your animal.

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Re: Pumpkin seeds new
      #178822 - 05/13/05 11:57 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

I just eat them as they come. They're a bit salty naturally.

Gotta beat these cravings.

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Re: Pumpkin seeds new
      #178832 - 05/13/05 12:25 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

AND HIGH IN MAGNESIUM among other things, without the nasty opiods in high craving substances i.e. chocolate, cheese. They are also a source of tryptophan and thus help get your own serotonin biochemical reactions happening. Oh, they are also high in ZINC.

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