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Considering suicide as constipation IBS treatment...
      #172421 - 04/21/05 11:51 PM

Reged: 04/21/05
Posts: 160

19 yr old female losing hope, here. I have tried EVERYTHING for this God-forsaken illness. Zelnorm, Magnesium Citrate, Citracel, Nulev, Clidinium, Miralax, Docusate, Docusate Sodium, Metamucil, Peppermint Tea, etc... they all seem to work at first. But I build an immunity to them all. Then if I try to take any of these, the spasms worsen. I've tried changing my diet and I'm currently living on oatmeal and bagels, which also give me spasms. What do I do at this point? Killing myself will ease my suffering. I think that's what I'll do.

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No don't! I know how you feel! new
      #172422 - 04/21/05 11:54 PM

Reged: 11/14/04
Posts: 1530
Loc: Canberra, Australia

I've had IBS my whole life but it got worse in my early teens. Turned from a C to a D now I'm an A but mostly get D. Nothing works for me either. I'm either sitting on the loo all day with horrible cramps or so clogged I can hardly move with horrible cramps. I know that it's tempting to feel like it would be easier to end it all but think about the days you have where you feel okay! Big hugs to you. I hope you find something that helps soon (I don't usually get C so not much help but I'm sure others have advice for you)


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Whoa! new
      #172424 - 04/21/05 11:56 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Go and see your GP IMMEDIATELY and get treatment for depression. I know IBS sucks, but there's still no reason to feel that bad...get some help! Please?

Have you tried this diet properly? As a C, there's no way you should long-term be eating nothing but SF...you NEED safe IF in your diet.

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Re: Whoa! new
      #172425 - 04/21/05 11:59 PM

Reged: 04/21/05
Posts: 160

I've seen my GI specialist 3 times. I'm due for 2 tests soon to find out just what in the frigging hell is going on. As for my diet, no matter how much I change it, EVERYTHING is a trigger food. Even not eating.

Check out my gallery! http://niomie.deviantart.com/

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Re: No don't! I know how you feel! new
      #172426 - 04/22/05 12:00 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

First take a deep breath. Second, know you are NOT alone. Third...

read as much as you can on the boards. And do as much as you can at your own pace.

4th try adding magnesium malate to your diet (best absorbed form)

5ht, do a search for "Shanna and poo". There are some fabulous suggestions in that thread.

Next, consider the IBS 100 Audio. You can get info on the Hypno board.

Consider tomato juice. It helps me a LOT.

As this is your 1st post...I don't know you at all. BUT, if you are serious about killing yourself...please get help! We care....

P.S. I've had IBS so bad the pain made me throw up. Heather has PASSED OUT from the pain. We ca help you...I'm glad you posted. You came to the right place.

*hugs* Ruchie

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: Whoa! new
      #172429 - 04/22/05 12:02 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

I meant see your regular doc (GP?) and get treatment for depression separate to your treatment for IBS. It would help enormously.

Also, everything that works for IBS takes time...it took me 6 months of following this diet strictly to start to become stable - and with major C it typically takes longer than with D. How long have you followed the diet for? And did you take in my comment about IF?

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Re: Whoa! new
      #172430 - 04/22/05 12:04 AM

Reged: 04/21/05
Posts: 160

I tried taking Celexa for awhile to treat it. Made no difference.

Check out my gallery! http://niomie.deviantart.com/

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Re: Whoa! new
      #172433 - 04/22/05 12:06 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

To treat the IBS or the depression? Cos usually you get a pretty low dose for IBS that probably wouln't touch the depression. Also, there are alot of a-d's out there and everyone responds differently. I REALLY think you need to get a grip on the depression - it makes handling the IBS so much easier if you do.

Fyi, elavil is usually the first choice for treating IBS symptoms.

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Re: Whoa! new
      #172434 - 04/22/05 12:08 AM

Reged: 04/21/05
Posts: 160

I tried using it to treat the IBS since it's a brain-gut disorder.

Check out my gallery! http://niomie.deviantart.com/

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Yeah, but.... new
      #172436 - 04/22/05 12:10 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

...treating the depression sounds way more important atm! AND, speaking from experience, getting help for the depression makes the IBS so much easier to deal with even if the a-d's don't actually help the IBS symptoms.

Plus, most people have to try a few a-d's before they find one they like.

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