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Red meats, oatmeal, white bread, eggs, desert, saled dressing new
      #170345 - 04/16/05 12:14 PM

Reged: 03/08/05
Posts: 130

Having Irritable Bowel Syndrome, does this mean I can no longer eat red meat at all? I understand one of the triggers of Irritable Bowel Syndrome is fat, and red meat does have more fat than chicken, but if I were to eat lean beef? Asking me to give up red meat is such nonsense, I love this.

1) Would lean beef, 85% hamburgers, steak, pork, roast beef, and ham be alright for me to eat if they were lean?
What about kosher meat? Have those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome been able to consume meat with few of the effects?

2) Next question, I have always been told that eating white bread and white rice is bad for you because they contain refined sugar. It's foods like these I was told that are the reason for the low carb movement in this country as they make people fat.
Am I supposed to go against this and eat white breads not wheat breads?

3) How much bread products can I eat a day?

4) What about corn bread and pasta, can I eat those?

5) When looking at food ingredients, should I avoid those which say they contain enriched flour, what ingreidents should I avoid when looking at food?

6) Oatmeal is an Irritable Bowel Syndrome trigger for me. Once I eat oatmeal, my stomach becomes incredibly bloated and I have gas. However, I read here that one of the safe things to eat is oatmeal, I am confused, since it appears I can't handle oatmeal does this mean I might not have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or could this mean Heather's list might be inaccurate for me, which would be a bad thing as that's the only list I can go by.

7) Deserts, so basically I can't cake anymore, what deserts can I have?

8) What if I am at a restaraunt, can I order a saled, or would the saled dressing and cheese make it so I can't order that? I am lactose intolerant.

9) What about spicy foods, I have to give up those foods?

10) Are bagels and butter edible?

11) Has anybody with Irritable Bowel Syndrome been able to drink alcohol and have no problems, if I get my stomach settled would I be able to have alcohol, you can't ask a college student not to drink, that's not fair to him.

12) May I eat eggs still?

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Re: Red meats, oatmeal, white bread, eggs, desert, saled dressing new
      #170351 - 04/16/05 12:45 PM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada


Having Irritable Bowel Syndrome, does this mean I can no longer eat red meat at all? I understand one of the triggers of Irritable Bowel Syndrome is fat, and red meat does have more fat than chicken, but if I were to eat lean beef? Asking me to give up red meat is such nonsense, I love this.

1) Would lean beef, 85% hamburgers, steak, pork, roast beef, and ham be alright for me to eat if they were lean?
What about kosher meat? Have those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome been able to consume meat with few of the effects?
Okay, here is the thing: All red meat can be a trigger for IBS. I know that it sucks, but until you are stable I would stay completely away from them. When I am stable, I can handle small amounts of extra lean red meat but I wouldn't advise anyone else to do it because we are all different. Lots of recipes calling for ground beef can be replaced with ground turkey to make really awesome meals, so there are other options but you have to be open to them.

2) Next question, I have always been told that eating white bread and white rice is bad for you because they contain refined sugar. It's foods like these I was told that are the reason for the low carb movement in this country as they make people fat.
Am I supposed to go against this and eat white breads not wheat breads?
If you look at the top of this IBS Diet Board, there is a post at the top addressing the Atkins and other low carb diets. I will say that even people who have no stomach problems eventually run into problems with things like Atkins with their livers because of how hard it is for them to tolerant having no carbohydrateds.
Also, aren't you trying to gain weight? A lot of people that are trying to LOSE weight will cut back on sugars because they are empty calories and thus will sometimes end up cutting out some carbs as well. I don't see this as a problem for you, especially if you are trying to bulk up. White breads and stuff are not BAD for you, it all depends on what you are addressing with your health. You want to get stable, and gain weight, right? So carbs will be fine for you.

3) How much bread products can I eat a day?
As many as you want, I guess. Remember that it's not just white bread that are good soluble fiber, there are plenty of other things that will 'cushion' your stomach like pasta, rice, potatoes, pretzels, tortillas, arrowroot cookies, rice cakes, applesauce, bananas (good energy food - my boyfriend eats them all the time when he trains a lot for martial arts and can't be bloated)...

4) What about corn bread and pasta, can I eat those?

5) When looking at food ingredients, should I avoid those which say they contain enriched flour, what ingreidents should I avoid when looking at food?
Enriched flour should be fine, I think. A few things to avoid are: HFCS, MSG, Sucrose, Sorbitol, any artificial sweeteners, milk proteins,
6) Oatmeal is an Irritable Bowel Syndrome trigger for me. Once I eat oatmeal, my stomach becomes incredibly bloated and I have gas. However, I read here that one of the safe things to eat is oatmeal, I am confused, since it appears I can't handle oatmeal does this mean I might not have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or could this mean Heather's list might be inaccurate for me, which would be a bad thing as that's the only list I can go by.
Everyone has different triggers, and that's why keeping a food diary is really important. If you write down what you eat every day, and when you get sick, you will be to figure out what works and doesn't work for you. If oatmeal bothers you, and doesn't bother most people, strike it off the list. You might find, that once you get stable, it wasn't the oatmeal afterall that made you sick and you'll be able to try again. From what I can tell, right now you are eating a lot of food that is very hard to digest and once you get sorted out, you might find it easier to include things back into your diet.

7) Deserts, so basically I can't cake anymore, what deserts can I have?
You can have Angel Food Cake. There are tons of recipes on the Recipe Exchange for cakes that you would have to bake yourself, but they are yummy and totally safe (my favourite is peppermint fudge cake). I also eat arrowroot cookies, rice crispy squares (marshmallows shouldn't give you problems), candies, small amounts of chocolate (if I am stable), sorbet/sherbert without milk in it, Soy ice cream and ice cream bars, soy yogurts, I tolerate Cool Whip and canned fruit really well...
8) What if I am at a restaraunt, can I order a saled, or would the saled dressing and cheese make it so I can't order that? I am lactose intolerant.
Stay away from cheese. Here is the deal with salad - do not order dressing that has milk in it. Order italian or vinegrette dressing. Eat your salad at the end of a meal. On an empty stomach, it is too hard to digest and raw vegetables can be a major cause of bloating. Eat your meal first, to get your tummy ready for salad and then eat the salad. I would stay away from any meal sized salads, especially if bloating is your main concern. Also, brocolli and things like that are really hard to digest and cause a lot of bloating for some people, I have had to cut them out completely.

9) What about spicy foods, I have to give up those foods?
I can't handle very spicy but small amounts are okay. Like with anything else, eat something safe first.. some bread, some rice, some pasta before you try anything spicy.
10) Are bagels and butter edible?
The fat content in butter is too high to be tolerated. I use I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, and love it to bits. I am not sure about bagels.

11) Has anybody with Irritable Bowel Syndrome been able to drink alcohol and have no problems, if I get my stomach settled would I be able to have alcohol, you can't ask a college student not to drink, that's not fair to him.
I answered this in your other post.
I wanted to say something else too... I know that this is hard for you, I have totally been there. I want you to try to keep in mind that it is not ME or this WEBSITE asking you to cut things out of your life for no reason. It is your stomach that is so demanding, and by listening to what is good for it you will be healthier. Please read my other post to you about this, so I don't have to repeat it all over again.

12) May I eat eggs still?
I also answered this in your other post, but I'll repeat this one: Egg yolks = No. Egg whites = Yes.

I won't lie to you, this is a hard thing to deal with because it can seem very overwhelming. I think it is time for you to take a deep breath, and assess the situation. Sure, the things you might have to give up are going to be hard. But in the long run, is it harder to be sick?
It's not fair, and it's not fun, and it feels pretty awful sometimes but you are the only person who can take charge and change the situation. If you want to do that, we will be here to support you every step of the way.

I also wanted to say this again, there are a lot of posts that have already addressed the majority of your questions that are posted at the top of this board, and on other pages in the website (ie. trigger foods, etc) so please take a look around and you'll get info a lot faster that way.

Any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.


~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Re: Red meats, oatmeal, white bread, eggs, desert, saled dressing new
      #170354 - 04/16/05 12:57 PM

Reged: 03/08/05
Posts: 130

Thanks. I wanted to add, what about onions, lettace, mayonnaise, tomatoe sauce, terikyake sauce, steak sauce, and shakes?

I read that mayonnaise is a trigger, so when I go to order a sandwich I know I should avoid this.
I know that when I eat tomatoe sauce on pasta I get bloated and have awful gas, is that common with Irritable Bowel Syndrome to have problems with sauce?

What about post workout shakes? I know I can't have protein whey, but I need something I can mix in with carbs. I used to make whey protein and oatmeal, but now I can't have any of these, what can I subsitute for this, both whey and oatmeal for a nutriton shake and meal replacement?

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Re: Red meats, oatmeal, white bread, eggs, desert, saled dressing new
      #170356 - 04/16/05 01:05 PM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)

Steph's handled most of your questions incredibly well again. Two things:

Bagels should be okay, but stick with plain until you're stabilized. BUT - you guessed it - no dairy cream cheese (there's a very good soy substitute made by Tofutti) and no butter. There are soy margarines and Smart Balance Light is dairy-free, but most "regular" margarines have some dairy in them (usually as "whey").

As I understand it, spiciness itself is not technically considered an IBS trigger, but if your tummy is already in an uproar, any added irritation just makes things worse. With this, as with so much else, people vary. I know there are other people on the Board like Steph who can handle only a little spiciness or even none at all. On the other hand, spicy food does not bother me at all, ever.

[Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]

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Re: Red meats, oatmeal, white bread, eggs, desert, saled dressing
      #170359 - 04/16/05 01:26 PM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)


Thanks. I wanted to add, what about onions, lettace, mayonnaise, tomatoe sauce, terikyake sauce, steak sauce, and shakes?
Some people can handle onions, some can't. Lettuce I think Steph covered in the answer on salads. Mayo is a trigger because it's high in fat and it has egg yolks. You might be able to handle low fat mayo or you may have to go to non-fat or even soy based. Again, it depends. A lot of people have trouble with tomatoes sauce, although I don't. Again, you won't really know until you get stabilized (i.e., off all possible triggers for a while) and then start adding stuff back in.

Sauces: read the label. Dangers are HFCS, MSG, whey, casein. You may be able to tolerate one or more of these in small amounts.

Shakes: assuming you mean milkshakes, no - dairy. If you mean stuff you shake on for seasoning, you can eat that, but check for MSG and dairy derivatives (whey, casien).

I read that mayonnaise is a trigger, so when I go to order a sandwich I know I should avoid this. See notes on mayo, above. Try mustard, although until you stabilize that might be an irritant.
I know that when I eat tomatoe sauce on pasta I get bloated and have awful gas, is that common with Irritable Bowel Syndrome to have problems with sauce?See notes on tomato sauce, above.

What about post workout shakes? I know I can't have protein whey, but I need something I can mix in with carbs. I used to make whey protein and oatmeal, but now I can't have any of these, what can I subsitute for this, both whey and oatmeal for a nutriton shake and meal replacement?
Don't know, but do a search on "protein shake soy". There was a thread not too long ago about this. I think it was in response to some of BadlyDrawnBoy's posts, so you can look for his posts if you can't find it another way.

Your questions are really running ahead of the answers at this point. Take a deep breath and give the people on the Board a chance to catch up with you. You can also do a Search for a lot of this info and some basic stuff like "what about onions" is covered in the rest of the Website (outside the Boards).

In particular, take a look at this page . This is where you need to start.
Also on the main Message Board page, where it gives a brief description of each Board, there is a list of hyperlinks for you to familiarize yourself with. Take a look at those, also, To get the whole picture, go the home page and start from there.


[Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]

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Re: Red meats, oatmeal, white bread, eggs, desert, saled dressing new
      #170363 - 04/16/05 01:42 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

Here is a list of food to include and a list of foods to avoid: web page
Red meat is a no-no no matter how low fat. Sorry.
White bread and white rice is your friend now. It's healthy for you and good for your GI system.
You should eat bread products (or soluble fibre) at every meal and snack.
Corn bread and pasta are just fine.
Avoid foods that say anything "whole grain".
Oatmeal is an insoluble fibre food that is closest so soluble fibre on the continuum. I personally can't tolerate it. If you get gas, avoid it.
Desserts you can have, sugar is fine, as long as it's not high in fat or dairy. Cakes are a great idea. SEe the recipe exchange for lots of recipes.
If you order a salad at a restaurant, ask for low fat italian dressing. And eat the salad at the end of the meal - after lots of SF.
Spicy foods are generally fine. Spices do not generally cause problems - as long as they're not paired with high fat.
Butter is not possible. But you can substitute margarine for it.
Drinking depends on the person. Some people can tolerate a drink or two after a safe meal. Have lots of SF before you go out drinking.
You can eat egg whites, not the yellow part.

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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Re: Red meats, oatmeal, white bread, eggs, desert, saled dressing new
      #170365 - 04/16/05 01:54 PM

Reged: 03/08/05
Posts: 130

Alright, if I can't eat red meat, can I eat Turkey meat? Can I eat Turkey hot dogs, sausages, meatballs, if I substitute in Turkey will that be fine?

What about white bread and pasta, I eat at a cafeteria and I know they add butter to the pasta, does this mean I should avoid the pasta, or will taking lactaid pills help with this?

The caferteria also serves cakes for desert, should I eat these with lactaid pills or do I have to avoid deserts that are not made excalty as Heather's receipes say and are described? In other words is it fine to eat desert at restaraunts or not.

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Re: Red meats, oatmeal, white bread, eggs, desert, saled dressing new
      #170367 - 04/16/05 02:14 PM

Reged: 02/15/05
Posts: 1999
Loc: Northern Illinois, USA

Red Meat: Beef, no matter how lean, is a bad, bad trigger for me. Venison (deer), on the other hand, does not bother me. I have no idea why.

Turkey: Yes, you can eat it, but without the skin and white meat is best.

Pasta & Dairy: A little butter does not bother ME, but I know any dairy is a trigger for some folks.

In regards to oatmeal, if it's a trigger for you, don't eat it. My sister and I both have IBS. Oatmeal makes my stomach happy. It makes my sister dash for the loo. I've also heard some people have more trouble with instant oatmeal as opposed to regular. I eat regular. I'm not willing to "experiment" with instant.

I think others have answered your questions far better than I. IBS is a very individual condition. Unfortunately, some of us learn what we can and cannot eat by trial and error. Just be careful. I'm still learning what I can and cannot tolerate, too. It is indeed a pain, but hang in there.

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Re: Red meats, oatmeal, white bread, eggs, desert, saled dressing new
      #170369 - 04/16/05 02:17 PM

Reged: 03/08/05
Posts: 130

Thanks, what about if I order a footlong turkey sandwich with vinegar, will that be alright?
I am confused because people say white bread is good for you but then Heather said not wonderbread, can I eat white wonderbread?

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Re: Red meats, oatmeal, white bread, eggs, desert, saled dressing new
      #170414 - 04/16/05 08:01 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Wonder bread contains dairy and it's therefore not a good idea. When Heather suggests white bread, she means a good quality bakery bread that doesn't contain dairy products or whole eggs. I've found that Friehofer breads aren't too bad, if you can get those. Otherwise, look for "Parve" or "Pareve" on the label front... those breads don't contain dairy products.

A footlong turkey sandwich with vinegar should probably be fine. No cheese. Once you're stable, you can experiment with tomatoes and lettuce... I find I can do a little bit of that stuff. Mustard is also fine, by the way.

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I agree, Sand, andVolatile, I just have to pipe up.... new
      #170485 - 04/16/05 10:25 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

IBS is not a nice thing to deal with, but I was just diagnosed too- I'm new like you... and have had a thousand questions too. I found that looking them up is a lot easier than posting every single one.

Unless it's something that hasn't already been answered on this website by Heather herself and you haven't figured out it's a trigger, it's sort of wasting people's time to ask these questions over and over!! Not to mention your own.

This board is fantastic for emotional support, and the people are very wise. but there's so much info you can just read yourself without having to ask the board people about every detail.

I'm hoping to see you around, and hoping you do get thigs stabilized, but you really need to just write down triggers as they come and be vigilant. It's sucky, but it's what you HAVE TO DO.

it took me 3 weeks of writing down triggers to decide what's safe and what's not. It's such a completely individualized thing that everyne CANNOT possibly answer all of your questions.

Good luck with it though, we're in this ride together.

Print off Heather's cheet sheet and bring it with you everywhere. I look at it several times a day!!!

PS- I love to drink, but I can't now.I love coffee too, but can't drink it now. It sucks but I'd rather be sober/tired than sit on the toilet in agony all night and the next day. Pick the lesser of two evils.

All the best,

Keep on keepin' on...

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