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I LOVE being GF!
      #169664 - 04/13/05 03:23 PM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

I have never felt so happy! My emotions are more solid than ever...thank G-d! I'm on ZERO meds, only BC. If you had told me going GF would lift my depression...I would have stopped eating the stuff AGES ago!

On my trip we went for sushi twice. The 2nd time the stuff had gluten in it (the restauranturs said they could make it GF......when we got there they said they couldn't. I asked them to leave the rice vinegar out thinking that would be enough...I was WRONG!) I got SOOOOO sick! I woke up wanting to cry the next day! I was sooooo depressed. Plus my bloating came back as the depression...not to mention gas and PAIN! I think it's finally gone (this was Sun. night!) and boy am I GLAD!

To all you GFers out's WORTH it!

Sending everyone lotsa love *hugs* Ruchie

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: I LOVE being GF! new
      #169874 - 04/14/05 10:17 AM

Reged: 03/16/05
Posts: 43
Loc: Miami, FLorida

I am glad to hear that is working for you. I am going gluten free. I am kaing the transition so every once in a while I may eat something with gluten in it, but for the majority I eat gluten free cookies, breads,pasta's, but If I dont bring my food to lunch I have to dare to explore.

I decided to go Gluten Free because it was reccomended for my Blood Type. By the way what is your blood type? Since starting I am very regular sometimes twice a day! I have not had an IBS attack this week yet.

I am doing a wedding tommorow and I hope they have good selection of meals that are safe me.

Keep Smiling

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thats wonderful! new
      #169884 - 04/14/05 10:39 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

mom does so much better gluten free (she is intollerant) but I catch her cheating all the time.. and its a huge difference in her bahviour among other things...

personally I do better dairy and red meat free, as well as without hfcs, and MSG and carageenan, but not gluten free (I tried it and no significant difference). but there are a lot of people who are gluten intollerant and don't know it. I wasn't tested for the intollerance or even celiac until I asked to be!


Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: I LOVE being GF! new
      #169892 - 04/14/05 11:06 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

I am doing a happy dance in my chair for you gal!!!!!!!

WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: I LOVE being GF! new
      #169905 - 04/14/05 11:55 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA're pic is GORGEOUS! Are you a model???

I'm from MIAMI! LOL was just there trying to move go...

If you want help with being GF let me know...but it sounds like you have it under control

You're a wedding planner? my fam thinks I should do that LOL I hope they have some safe food for you as well...(I always bring my own just in case. But at a weddng YOU are planning...I'm not sure how that would work!?)

I too am regular since going GF! I know I messed up and had gluten by accident if I become C again.

Thanks for posting...great to meet you. Let me know how the wedding went Love, Ruchie

Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: I LOVE being GF! new
      #169909 - 04/14/05 12:05 PM

Reged: 03/16/05
Posts: 43
Loc: Miami, FLorida

Thanks Ruchie. I modeled awhile, but school is far more important to me, so I didn't really have time for both.

I am not a wedding planner though, My Aunt is and I help her execute the weddings and make sure that everything goes smoothly. I also make my extra spending money on the sides. Its very interesting, and there is profit in it if you are interested in doing it. I love seeing how they turn out. LOL I dont know if its just because I am new, but I cry at every one of them LOL.

So Your from good ol Miami. I am actually from Charlotte North Carolina but moved here because I feel in love with place. Its nice living in paradise everyday! I am going to make sure that I save you as a friend so that I can ask any of my questions about eating Gluten Free. I know double trouble said hse had some recipes that were good for GF eaters, do you have any as well?

Keep Smiling

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Gluten and behaviour new
      #169923 - 04/14/05 12:32 PM

Reged: 03/31/05
Posts: 60
Loc: Seattle, WA

It's very interesting that you mention this. I've read recently where a lot of babies/children have behavioral problems that are linked to Gluten or other food intolerances. They can also have poor growth, *D* and other symptoms.

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Re: I LOVE being GF! new
      #169927 - 04/14/05 12:37 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Ditto. My world has changed since being GF. Rare C. Less D.
Hair growing back. Energy to exercise--walking, swimming, yoga. Thoughts of continuing my education? Working, steadily. I can't cook anything mentionable, but well...that's not my bag. LESS PAIN. But, that's just me. I know I'm finally absorbing nutrition again, because I SEE and feel the results. I almost have enough hair for a trim!!!

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Re: Gluten and behaviour new
      #169928 - 04/14/05 12:43 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

I was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 23--is there a parallel? I am treated with anti-convulsants (Tegretol). It also affects my mood. I am major seizure free--mostly I just "blank out" (absence seizures/petit)--gaps. I suffer from major anxiety and OCD and take Buspar. I have a lot of self-esteem issues, too related to IBS and the other stuff. My mood/brain is just better without gluten. My symptoms are low grade, or negligable. I am thirty and have osteopenia, quite likely due to malabsoption--but genetics are a factor. This is probably to much irrevelevant babbling. I don't want to complain or bore. Just share and learn. You are "refreshing" and "enlightening." Thank you.

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Wind, just a warning new
      #169931 - 04/14/05 12:45 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

If you eat GF before getting tested, your tests will not be any good. You MUST BE EATING GLUTEN before the test in order for the blood tests, as well as the endoscopy biopsy to be accurate.

If you eat Gluten free before getting either of these two tests, you will not show any antibodies or flattened villi because all the gluten will have been out of your system. It is so very important that you eat gluten prior both these tests. If you don't eat gluten will probably have negative antibody results because all the gluten will have been removed. So, you may really be gluten intolerant but because you removed gluten your tests will show that you test negative. Ask your specialist about this.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Wow! new
      #169933 - 04/14/05 12:46 PM

Reged: 03/31/05
Posts: 60
Loc: Seattle, WA

It's so great to see all the folks here finally figuring out what was making their life a living hell. I for one was amazed at how much better I felt.

Let people who you know might be affected about this and other food intolerances.

So congrats Ruchie! Glad you're feeling so much better now.

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Re: Wind, just a warning new
      #169934 - 04/14/05 12:48 PM

Reged: 03/31/05
Posts: 60
Loc: Seattle, WA

Interesting. What tests did you take? And when you redid it again, what tests did you take and which one showed positive? I'm very curious.

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Re: Gluten and behaviour new
      #169939 - 04/14/05 12:54 PM

Reged: 03/31/05
Posts: 60
Loc: Seattle, WA

No way is that irrelevant babbling, this is so on topic and great info to others. There have been studies showing that those with epilepsy got better by removing gluten from their diet.

If this info gets to a parent who is having similar issues with thier child just imagine how great you just made their childs and the parents life if this is the cause and they now know the cure. I don't know about you, but it sent chills down my spine just thinking about it.

Sharing and learning is exactly what this forum is for and how we can help others.


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Re: Wind, just a warning new
      #169943 - 04/14/05 01:40 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Seriously? I doubt I even own anything with gluten to eat.

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Re: Wind, just a warning new
      #169945 - 04/14/05 01:49 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

I haven't been thoroughly tested re: Celiac. I have an appointment with a gastro. specialist in October. Cancer has been ruled out, obviously. I contracted H. Pylori, but that's no longer a big deal. Until then, I'm diagnostically clueless, beyond the M.D.'s vague "IBS" label. I've just been applying what I've been reading and noticed a significant improvement re: symptoms. My M.D. and I just want to know why my immune system is shot and about my abnormally high white blood cell count and recurring D. I've been managing with diet, mostly for the longest time...
It's a technical mystery to me.

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Re: Gluten and behaviour new
      #169969 - 04/14/05 05:02 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

Removing gluten assists in me living/functioning with tremendous ease. Less pills, etc. Indeed, removing "refined foods" and eating in an alkaline fashion. Gluten was obviously a psycho-physical stress for me, personally. With my IBS issues, removing gluten eliminated a lot of the pain, cramping, spasms. I also food combine. This for me, I find works, i.e. it doesn't confuse my gut. Simple nutritional equations that work. Less C, less bloating, less D, less PAIN. Probiotics. NO LEFTOVERS. Hypnosis. I could go on and on. But diet is a central role. It's not the be all and the end all, but it is CORE. I guess it's all rooted in those lower chakras!!! I spend less time in the toilet. We learn by sharing, so let us all continue to share learning and support.

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Re: Gluten and behaviour new
      #169970 - 04/14/05 05:12 PM

Reged: 04/02/05
Posts: 3178

I've read similar things, especially pertaining to ADD. This is an issue for adults, too. Also pertaining to autistic children. The only known allergy I had since birth was lactose intolerance--D for two weeks due to infant formula containing lactose, and nuts. The lactose intolerance also affects me mentally, not just physically. Maybe it has something to do with opiods in lactose? I don't know. I was in Special Ed., not for a deficiency of mental talent (I was moved ahead a few years, and only spent time in classes for social reasons) and encountered, "coached" / assisted many ADD students. Everything they ate was gluten and acidifying--junk food, grease. They had a higher incidence of drop out/outburst of anger/absence/illness than other students. I truly believe there is a connection between diet and behaviour. What goes in--ideas and higher things, not just food--is a factor. However we are dealing with Earth energy and individual ecosystems, or human beings. When something isn't in synch the issues must be readdressed--ON ALL LEVELS.

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I almost wish I was gs! new
      #170024 - 04/15/05 12:47 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

But going GF just made me grumpy as I couldn't have all the foods I like!

Ah well, I'm now in the same boat with sugar. My bod does NOT like the stuff. I indulged yesterday and so now have a least pay-back makes me less liekly to do it again!

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Re: I almost wish I was gs! new
      #170077 - 04/15/05 07:24 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Made me grumpy too aat first Linz I was sooo unhappy! Especially since I decided to make a go of it like a week before we went on our trip to move to FL! What was I thinking doing it then? LOL

It was actually much better for me. I was more stable emotionally and so I enjoyed my time there more than I would have otherwise. I don't think the world hates me as much as I did now that I'm GF. And I KNOW when I've had something with gluten because all I'll want to do is cry and have a pity-party!

Yep...sugar can be bad news! I'm proud of you for staying away even though it's hard! Good for you *hugs*

Love ya, Ruchie

Formerly known as Ruchie

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