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Is bloating common for a certain 'type' of IBS.....? new
      #166495 - 04/02/05 10:50 PM

Reged: 11/03/04
Posts: 257
Loc: Western Australia

I'm just trying to understand my bloating conundrum....

So calling all people with chronic bloat (that is those who wake up with painful bloating and go to sleep with even more painful bloating. A tummy that has been 6 months pregnant for as long as you can remember!!).

Are you typically A, C or D? I'm just wondering whether chronic bloat is directly related to C... which is what I am. Or whether it isn't linked to the 'type' of IBS you are.

I'm also interested to know what other chronic bloaters are suffering with. For example, at its best my bloat adds 2 inches to my waistline, at its worse I can be up to 3 inches bigger. Its so painfully uncomfortable that I struggle to understand what could be making it so bad. I've tried everything under the sun to get rid of it. I've been '6 months pregnant' for 4 months now.... nothing I do seems to make it go away.

I eat GF, low sugar, low fructose, and everything else within the diet guidelines. I keep my SF to IF ratio pretty constant, I drink tonnes of water, exercise every day.... and STILL I have C and chronic bloat! Whats wrong with me!!

Sorry to whinge but I'm at the end of my tether. I seriously feel that noone could have a bigger bloat then me. I'm up for any competitors!! Anything to make light of a very depressing situation!!

Plus has anyone ever heard of any radical treatment for IBS? Like hospitalisation on a restricted diet (like a liquid diet or something) to enable intestines to recover??? Or perhaps, if I went on a pureed vege diet (SF and IF) for weeks, so my body didn't have to break down anything, do you think that would help to combat the bloat?? Desperate times triggers desperate thoughts!!!

~ Live life, don't let life live you ~

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Re: Is bloating common for a certain 'type' of IBS.....? new
      #166508 - 04/03/05 12:43 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Chrissy, GREAT questions!

I am a C with occasional D and vomiting.

Major gas and BLOATING as well.

In fact, I hardly ate today. But I ate too much fat (and ate gluten by accident...a lot of it) and I am about 5 inches bloated!

I can def. say you are not alone.

I find for me that gas and bloat go together. I also find too much fat triggers it for me as well as too little IF. If I don't get brown rice in my day I'm finshed! It seems to be my ultimate safe food as it isn't white (which makes me more C), and it isn't too insoluble. (Hope that made sense???)

Magnesium also helps me with C as does eating a LOT of pureed veggies and greens.

The bloating? I get bloated if I have water and I exercise...even 1st thing in the morning on an other-than-water empty tummy It's just NOT NORMAL!

I have no answers...only questions. I AM confident that one day it wil not be this way for me anymore. Everyone finds their path...and I believe Heather did a GREAT job finding hers! And she helps all of us to find our own path...with a FANTASTIC starting point. (That Heather and her hubby Will....VERY SMART indeed! And compassionate, wonderful...sorry, got side tracked )

I think the lifestyle we live, the stress, the junk we put in our takes its toll after a while! That is the only "answer" I have...and it's a theory
not an answer! *sigh*

Keep asking questions Chrissy. It will get you EVERYWHERE in life!

You're the best!

With love, Ruchie

Formerly known as Ruchie

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I am A... new
      #166514 - 04/03/05 04:36 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

swing form C to D and back again... some nausea issues, and tons of bloat if I'm not careful- thank goodness for things learned here about the gas and bloat!

Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Oh, bloating... new
      #166522 - 04/03/05 05:04 AM

Reged: 02/24/05
Posts: 30
Loc: Virginia

is such a pain!!! I'm an A, and I bloat whether I'm in a C phase or a D phase. I'm fairly thin, but when I bloat, I can't fasten any of my jeans! I'm a size or two larger. And it hurts!! I hate it!! Probably 4 months pregnant is a good description. It has kept me from going out a few times because I can't fit into anything, and I'm so uncomfortable. Luckily, my DH is very understanding.

I'm very active, and I do find exercise helps - the harder, the better. I've also had success with acacia fiber (I'm up to 12g a day) and fennel tea. Gas-X hasn't helped at all. IF is the usual culprit for me...right now I eat very little of it. When I try to gradually re-introduce it, I bloat. It's actually pretty funny, because I was a vegetarian for years, and now I can't eat most vegetables! I think the bloating is worse than either the D or the C!

Good luck figuring out what works for you! I think the key is being disciplined enough to change only one thing at a time, change it gradually, and give it enough time to see if it helps or not. I'm confident I'll get a grip on this eventually. And following the IBS diet has made me about 70% better - so I'm optimistic I'll get the other 30%.

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Re: Is bloating common for a certain 'type' of IBS.....? new
      #166523 - 04/03/05 06:56 AM

Reged: 02/28/05
Posts: 62
Loc: Marlton, NJ

I could have written your post. I am GF, eat IF/SF ratios that are safe, exercise and drink tons of water too. Can't explain it. Somedays I just bloat from nothing at all. And I am always 2-3 inches bigger every night when I go to bed. The pain though is a killer when I bloat with pain-I just want to die.

I don't go out a lot because I always feel fat-nothing fits. If it fits in the AM, it is tight in the PM. I have to cover my preggy tummy. It is so embarassing-I am ashamed of my body even though I couldn't live a healthier lifestyle if I tried.

I cook everything myself most days so that I only eat unprocessed, safe foods. I do the grazing thing. I am always self conscious and frustrated about the bloating. I am fairly slim as well-but with the bloating I feel like I am obese all the time and never want anyone else to know what my body looks like.

I am single-so it is hell on the social life. I swear I am becoming a hermit.

I have managed to alleviate the C on most days with the IF added in to my diet again. When I was dieting and not eating any IF- I felt thinner but was C all the time (weeks) and had pain every day. I am not sure what the answer is-I keep wondering myself.

I am open to any and all advice here too. I am going to buy some fennel tea. Have not tried that yet.

Thanks everyone-it feels better not to be alone-however, I wish we had an answer that we could share and get rid of this.


It only takes a few committed people to change the world!

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I'm IBS - C and bloating is pretty much part of my life.... new
      #166526 - 04/03/05 07:08 AM

Reged: 10/16/04
Posts: 407
Loc: Memphis, TN

I've reconciled with the fact that I will always be four months pregnant and try to accomodate with loose fitting clothes (I'm a size four but I buy size six skirts and let them hang on my hips and wear large tops to cover it.) Doing pillates first thing in the morning definately helps. I also drink alot of Tummy Mint Tea which has fennel in it and also peppermint. Other than that I can not offer you any other advice, only empathy and virtual hugs and the hope that we will one day discover the answer to this problem as well.
Have a wonderful and productive day.

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It's the nature of the beast. new
      #166595 - 04/03/05 11:17 AM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California


I'm just trying to understand my bloating conundrum....

So calling all people with chronic bloat (that is those who wake up with painful bloating and go to sleep with even more painful bloating. A tummy that has been 6 months pregnant for as long as you can remember!!).

Are you typically A, C or D? I'm just wondering whether chronic bloat is directly related to C... which is what I am. Or whether it isn't linked to the 'type' of IBS you are.

I'm also interested to know what other chronic bloaters are suffering with. For example, at its best my bloat adds 2 inches to my waistline, at its worse I can be up to 3 inches bigger. Its so painfully uncomfortable that I struggle to understand what could be making it so bad. I've tried everything under the sun to get rid of it. I've been '6 months pregnant' for 4 months now.... nothing I do seems to make it go away.

I eat GF, low sugar, low fructose, and everything else within the diet guidelines. I keep my SF to IF ratio pretty constant, I drink tonnes of water, exercise every day.... and STILL I have C and chronic bloat! Whats wrong with me!!

Sorry to whinge but I'm at the end of my tether. I seriously feel that noone could have a bigger bloat then me. I'm up for any competitors!! Anything to make light of a very depressing situation!!

Plus has anyone ever heard of any radical treatment for IBS? Like hospitalisation on a restricted diet (like a liquid diet or something) to enable intestines to recover??? Or perhaps, if I went on a pureed vege diet (SF and IF) for weeks, so my body didn't have to break down anything, do you think that would help to combat the bloat?? Desperate times triggers desperate thoughts!!!

Aww, the proverbial bloat problem. Not only is it common to IBS, but common to gluten intolerance as well. Can't win, can we? It doesn't seem to matter what you do it happens. Even breathing appears to be a contributor. Makes for a bad self image too, especially in women who are supposed to have a tiny waistline, to be attractive by society's standards.

I've pretty much resigned myself as well that it's going to happen, no matter WHAT.. so I wear long, loose fitting tops.and no tight pants....There is only a couple things I've found that is very strong fennel (yuck) tea and the other is to do some yoga (simple twists) or a couple miles of walking. But psychologically if you're already bummed out because you look 9 months pregnant all you want to do is crawl in a closet and stay there. Funny thing is I don't get the gas that goes with it, probably because I take so much in the way of probiotics, but the BLOAT seems to be inevitable.

I don't believe any drastic measure Chrissy would be wise..It may be a temporary fix but the problem would come right back. A sense of humor might be the best approach...
"Laugh and the World Laughs With You"



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Re: Is bloating common for a certain 'type' of IBS.....? new
      #166665 - 04/03/05 06:50 PM

Reged: 11/03/04
Posts: 257
Loc: Western Australia

Hey Ruch, yep you and me are 2 peas in a pod!! 5 inches tho!! Thats incredible!! You must be in so much pain!? I was a good 3 inches bloated all weekend, and have been C for over a week now. If I wasn't so tired all the time I'd be pounding the pavement day and night!! I've found the only longterm 'cure' for my bloating is lots of exercise (jogging/ powerwalking twice a day). I think in my case the bloating is directly linked to my C. If my bowels are good, my bloating is tolerable (so long as I'm doing everything else right re: diet). And the only longterm 'cure' for my C is lots of exercise, it has to be twice a day, and it has to be pretty high intensity. I suppose I need to manually move my bowels along!!

So I've woken up with more enthusiasm today then I had yesterday. I'm going to test out my 2 session per day exercise regime and see if it makes a difference. It sure did last year, but I had so much more energy then......

Take care sweety, I'll let you know how my doc appointment goes xxx

~ Live life, don't let life live you ~

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Hi Suze new
      #166667 - 04/03/05 06:56 PM

Reged: 11/03/04
Posts: 257
Loc: Western Australia

Exercise, yes! I just replyed to Ruchie about my thoughts on exercise. I remember last year my bloat was 90 % improved through diet (which I'm doing now...) and 2 sessions (45 - 60 mins) of high intensity exercise a day (swimming/ jogging/ powerwalking.... or do I dread to say it.... the gym!).

My recent chronic bloating (at least 2 - 3 inches) has gone hand in hand with starting benefiber, so I'm confused as to whether I should stop the SFS until I'm better, or will the SFS help to make me better! Urghh why is it all so hard! I do like your point about sticking with something tho... I've started the benefiber now, so will stick with it and see whether it makes a change.

Take care xx

~ Live life, don't let life live you ~

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Ruchie... your photo!! new
      #166668 - 04/03/05 06:58 PM

Reged: 11/03/04
Posts: 257
Loc: Western Australia

You just changed it!? You look so different!!!! What a cute puppy dog

~ Live life, don't let life live you ~

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Mary new
      #166670 - 04/03/05 07:04 PM

Reged: 11/03/04
Posts: 257
Loc: Western Australia

I suppose the best thing I have going for me is a very understanding gorgeous boyfriend. He thinks I'm super sexy (sorry TMI!) regardless of bloated tummy or no bloated tummy. In fact he says he struggles to notice it (I'm sure he's just being kind!). So I really feel for you Mary, it would be so tough on the singles scene when you're self conscious about a pregnant belly! And I know what you mean about being a hermit - I HATE going places. I HATE having my belly poking out in public, it gets me so stressed out.

Well give the fennel tea a try, it doesn't work for me as my bloating isn't caused by gas. My intestines are just incredibly swollen. Obviously meaning I'm injesting something they don't like, but what more (or is it less!) do they want besides brown rice and pureed veges!!!

Never fear, we'll beat the battle of the bloat together.

Take care xx

~ Live life, don't let life live you ~

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Hi Chany new
      #166671 - 04/03/05 07:07 PM

Reged: 11/03/04
Posts: 257
Loc: Western Australia

Its interesting that we're all fairly slim but with such enormous bellies!! I've often wondered whether its malnutrition....... you know like the ethiopian kids who have enormous bellies. I'm sure I don't get anywhere near the vitamins and minerals I should.... its so hard when you have to keep portion sizes down and you're so afraid of fruit and veges!!

Tummy tea is good tho I'm off to brew a cup, yummm.

Take care xx

~ Live life, don't let life live you ~

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Re: It's the nature of the beast. new
      #166673 - 04/03/05 07:13 PM

Reged: 11/03/04
Posts: 257
Loc: Western Australia

Hi Kandee! Oh I know I know, and what a beast it is And you've summed up my sentiments exactly re: not having the motivation/ energy to do anything for myself because I'm so miserable! I lay awake for hours last night thinking about how I'd 99 % beaten the bloat last year.... so how could I have fallen into such a slump again.... and I listed in my head all the things I was doing different, and exercise was the big gap. I go walking every morning, but last year I'd done intesive exercise every day, and I think thats the difference for me.

So it has given me a bit of motivation, but I'm just so exhuasted from being sick that I don't have half the enthusiasm for change that I had last year I really do wish I could crawl into a closet and stay there! But I won't, I'm going swimming with friends at lunch, and am going jogging at the beach tonight with my puppy dogs If nothing else, the exercise will give me some feel good hormones, and maybe that in itself will help to beat the bloat!

I'm off to the doc this arvo, I'll let you know how it goes.

Take care xx

~ Live life, don't let life live you ~

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Mary, I could have written your post myself! new
      #166677 - 04/03/05 07:28 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Everything you said, I ditto!! UGH, this bloat is a nasty monster that not only is uncomfortable and ugly, but plays mind games on our self esteems and makes it impossible to wear cute, girly or sexy outfits!!

No bathing suits for me! And I love the water! Not to mention the "man" getting a look at my ugly bloated belly. Geesh, how embarrassing! So do I stay single my whole life??? Say it won't be so. And this isn't even getting into the issues of eating GF and IBS. That combined with ugly belly bloat doesn't make for an appealing mate, now does it! I know once you get past all that it wouldn't matter, but that's the problem. At first, before the man gets to know the real you, this will be the first impression. Not a good one!

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: Mary, I could have written your post myself! new
      #166679 - 04/03/05 07:36 PM

Reged: 11/03/04
Posts: 257
Loc: Western Australia

I thank my lucky stars that I met my wonderful b/friend while I was flat tummied and could eat and drink whatever I liked. My GF IBS diet, constant bloat and BMs pains do wear him down a bit, so I try to keep the daily torment to myself. But the main thing is, he loves me no matter what I look like.

I think the thing to remember is that there are so many wonderful men out there who love people for who they are, not what they look like. If we can learn to accept ourselves for what we are, then there's nothing stopping us from all being in wonderful loving relationships.

But despite all that preaching, I'm the biggest culprit for hating and hiding my body I'm determined to get to a stage where I can accept I've done everything I possibly can to help myself, so hope to learn to love myself again.

~ Live life, don't let life live you ~

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Re: Is bloating common for a certain 'type' of IBS.....? new
      #166738 - 04/04/05 04:26 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

I lost 2 pants sizes by getting my tummy under control with this diet and acacia (actually at the time it was benefiber, but I switched to save $$)... and even witht he 2 sizes bigger pants I was bloating way out of them by the end of the day.... now I don't... at the time I didn't lose a pound, I lost that later...

Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: Mary new
      #166839 - 04/04/05 10:12 AM

Reged: 02/28/05
Posts: 62
Loc: Marlton, NJ


Ya know, I know you're right about accepting ourselves as we are, but it is so hard when I can feel the waistline of my pants all day and I look around and the whole world seems thinner than me. I know it is in my head.

Thanks for the encouragement.

Augie-I relate so well to your post-High mainenance from the start. I think that is why I shy away from going out in general-what guy would really get all this stuff. I need to find a way over this hump. New phase in life-living with IBS means going up a size and not being the little thing I used to be-those days I guess are gone forever.

I am glad I found the board and have you guys to understand it. Before I came here I used to just cry a lot and starve myself. Most times that would keep my tummy falt-nothing to drink or eat if I was going out. Not a great quality of life-huh??

THanks so much again. All your words of encouragement are awesome!



It only takes a few committed people to change the world!

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Re: Mary, I could have written your post myself! new
      #166840 - 04/04/05 10:15 AM

Reged: 02/28/05
Posts: 62
Loc: Marlton, NJ


Thanks. Not sure what we can do-but we can support each other!!


It only takes a few committed people to change the world!

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Re: Is bloating common for a certain 'type' of IBS.....? new
      #166857 - 04/04/05 10:51 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

I've had IBs since I was 15, I'm 34 now. I was always very C until I started taking Miralax a few years ago, now I sometimes swing into the D. It doesn't seem to matter if I go everyday or not, I'm ALWAYS bloated! I've gained a lot of weight this year due to soem other medical probelms (three miscarriages and a severly sprained ankle with complications, was on crutches 6 weeks!) So, with the weight gain and bloating, I too struggle with self image issues!

I've asked many different dr's what causes the bloating or what I can do for it and none of them have any answers for me. I always buy my pants a size larger than needed and most days, have them unbuttoned before I even leave the office! One weekends, I live in drawstring pants. I'm talking TRUE drawstring pants, not the ones with elastic in them, they are sometimes very hard to find. I always change my clothes as soon as I get home from work.

My "health issues" do seem to wear down my hubby as well but he is at least understand about my bloating and doesn't mind me living in night shirts and draw string pants! He has seen firt hand the extreme bloating. There is no way I could ever "suck it in" or anything like that so I don't even try to hide it from him anymore. Its part of who I am and he loves me for me! Big, fat belly and all!

Exercising does seem to help some put since I've injurged my foot, I'm not allowed to do any weight bearing activities. So, I joined the YMCA and take an after work WATER aerobics class!! I went out and bought myself a conservative, one piece suit thats comfy to work out in. I tie my towel around my waist so when I'm walking to the pool, I don't feel so fat. Once I'm in the water, no one can really tell anyways. I figure I'm there to exercise, not to impress anyone so I try not to let it bother me.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Bloaters, take a look at this! new
      #166879 - 04/04/05 11:22 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Michelle (from North Carolina) posted this picture of herself. I think we can all identify with this one! You are not alone, everyone! Look how thin Michelle is in her "normal" picture. It's so annoying that our bodies play this trick on us!


Can you relate? I can!

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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I can definitely relate to THAT!!! new
      #166887 - 04/04/05 11:41 AM

Reged: 01/04/05
Posts: 700

Thank god for stretch pants!!!

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Hey Nik new
      #166889 - 04/04/05 11:44 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

I couldn't believe when I saw the difference in the bloat picture and how tiny Michelle looked in her normal size body. As they say, a picture's worth a thousand words!

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Hiya.... new
      #166892 - 04/04/05 11:48 AM

Reged: 01/04/05
Posts: 700

I know, I'm quite small and before all this started I loved to wear shorter tops, but way! I have to cover up my little baby!!! Its about 6 months gone now!!!

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Re: Bloaters, take a look at this! new
      #166897 - 04/04/05 11:59 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 308
Loc: Scranton Pennsylvania

wow- what a difference- Oh my gosh!!! I though that was my belly in the pic.
I'm really not alone.....

Pain predominant w/occasional C.

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Re: Bloaters, take a look at this! new
      #167005 - 04/04/05 04:26 PM

Reged: 02/28/05
Posts: 62
Loc: Marlton, NJ

I am not quite as small-but the bloat could definitely be me. Really bad on the body image. Explains why I have had body issues my whole life. UGH!!! I love stretch pants-and overalls are the best. Work is the only pain-sometimes I have to wear a suit.

It only takes a few committed people to change the world!

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Re: Is bloating common for a certain 'type' of IBS.....? new
      #167009 - 04/04/05 04:37 PM

Reged: 02/28/05
Posts: 62
Loc: Marlton, NJ



I have been on miralax every day as well and it does help me go. But I still bloat badly too. And I so can relate-I come home and get in sweats almosts immediately. In the winter I would put my flannels on. I put on some wieght as well-my 80 yr old mom broke her hip and caring for her, my son and working killed my workouts for a while-not to mention I anxiety eat. So I am in the miserable, fat zone right now. I just can't seem to feel pretty these days. I am hoping this gets better son. I have had IBS since I was 11 or 12 and I am now 43. It's been a long haul. I was almost anorexic a couple of times (wish I could be that way now)-I think it had a lot to do with bloating and body image thing. I didn't understand that before-nor did anyone else. IBS was not a real thing-it was a head thing back then.

Thanks for sharing!!

It only takes a few committed people to change the world!

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Woa! I can totaly relate! - nt new
      #167013 - 04/04/05 04:41 PM

Reged: 10/16/04
Posts: 407
Loc: Memphis, TN

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Hi. I agree. new
      #167016 - 04/04/05 04:46 PM

Reged: 10/16/04
Posts: 407
Loc: Memphis, TN

I often wonder and worry about malnutrtion too. I don't think I'm getting enough vitamins and minerals. I'm pretty sure I'm not getting enough calcium either, but I'm also pretty sure that my belly comes from gass and BM build up. Yuck. it's really frustrating. Imagine the great clothes I could wear if I didn't have to worry about my belly.....

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yep looks just like me- HUGE! -nt
      #167022 - 04/04/05 05:18 PM
Little Minnie

Reged: 04/16/04
Posts: 4987
Loc: Minnesota

IBS-A for 20 years with terrible bloating and gas. On the diet since April 2004. Remember this from Heather's information pages:
"You absolutely must eat insoluble fiber foods, and as much as safely possible, but within the IBS dietary guidelines. Treat insoluble fiber foods with suitable caution, and you'll be able to enjoy a wide variety of them, in very healthy quantities, without problem." Please eat IF foods!

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Yep I get that bloated all the time! So depressing.... new
      #167043 - 04/04/05 07:47 PM

Reged: 11/03/04
Posts: 257
Loc: Western Australia

..... I was thinking of taking a photo of my bloat on Sunday because it was ENORMOUS. I've actually got so self concious lately that if my b/f touches anywhere near my stomach I wince. Urghhh hurry up belly and deflate!!!!!

~ Live life, don't let life live you ~

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Re: Is bloating common for a certain 'type' of IBS.....? new
      #167212 - 04/05/05 08:37 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

I was never anorexic but I never had any issues with my weight until my mid 20's. The last 8 years or so, I've really struggled. I did realyl good a couple of years back and lost 40 pounds!! I got down to a size 6!!! I was doing 5 miles a day on an eliptical trainer and really watching what I ate.

I started gaining a little back at a time but was still a size 8 or maybe a 10 so I was ok with that as I am tall. Well, the past year has been very difficult for me with lots of other health issues and I've gained a lot of that weight back. The only exercise the dr's will allow me to do is swimming but I also anxiety eat so I'm not losing too much. Its also hard because I'm going through fertility stuff and hope to be pregnant in the next couple of months so I know I'm going to gain weight anyways. Its always such a struggle. Than add in a BIG BLOATED belly and that makes for a really bad self image. I did just go out and buy some new clothes as none of my spring/summer stuff fit. I figured if I lose a little weight I'm still going to need bigger sizes for when I get pregnant! I bought several really cute skirts that allow for tummy bloat and a couple of really cute capri pants with cute little matching shirts. I still try to dress kinda nice but its so hard when your belly acts up!! At least I work in a casual office so don't have to worry about finding suits to fit over a bloated belly, that would be very difficult! Its nice to know others have the same problems.

You know, there are still a lot of medical people who still don't think IBS is any big deal and its still all in our heads!! So frustrating!!! I'd like them to go through just ONE day with my tummy and tell me its no big deal!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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OMG new
      #167258 - 04/05/05 12:02 PM

Reged: 05/22/03
Posts: 3206
Loc: USA, Southern California

CAN WE RELATE??? (that's an understatment) are one brave gal to take this picture, let alone post it...but you have no idea how much it made the rest of us feel better. Thanks, Kandee


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      #167260 - 04/05/05 12:10 PM

Reged: 01/16/05
Posts: 520
Loc: Norman, Oklahoma

(quote Monica on "Friends")

I'm in the same situation with the wishing we could wear tight, cute clothes. So I've made it a priority to wear really cute clothes when I'm not bloated - that way I look like everyone else - dressed up sometimes, dressed down sometimes... except my "dressing down" isn't from being lazy, it's from being pregnant-looking.

I can't wait til they find a cure, at least for the bloating.

As for the BM buildup, isn't it great when you finally go? Your tummy deflates almost instantly.


all those years it wasn't IBS - it was celiac!
send me an email:

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Re: OMG new
      #167386 - 04/05/05 06:57 PM

Reged: 01/16/05
Posts: 520
Loc: Norman, Oklahoma

That could have been me in that picture.

Thanks for posting, darlin'


all those years it wasn't IBS - it was celiac!
send me an email:

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Re: It's the nature of the beast. new
      #169333 - 04/12/05 03:05 PM

Reged: 03/20/05
Posts: 51
Loc: Appleton, Wisconsin

Hi Kandee,

I have serious IBS-C, and my bloating is incredibly bad. At it's worst, I've grown NINE inches on my waistline. I seriously looked like I was about to give birth! I was actually put on a feeding tube for a month because I was unable to eat due to the severe pain...but the bloating did not go away. Of course, the liquid food they put me on had sugar and TONS of fiber in it, so that probably didn't help. Eating lots of rice and mild foods helps me greatly. I stick to a strict diet and find that's what helps the most. Acacia started causing too much bloating and gas for me, so I'm sticking with flaxseed to stay regular. I take 3 Tbsp a day and it seems to work alright. I'm going to start taking ginger, potassium, and vitamin B supplements, which should help as well. Prunes, as nasty as they are, are known to help with constipation, and I'm going to experiment with eating them this weekend to see if they are a better solution to constipation.

My heart goes out to you. I have had to change clothes up to four times a day just to be comfortable according to my growing abdomen throughout the day. It's miserable, but with flaxseed, diet, and regular exercise, I've found some help.


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Re: Is bloating common for a certain 'type' of IBS.....? new
      #169342 - 04/12/05 03:27 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

Check out Heather's latest newsletter... there's a whole article on bloating and gas.

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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OMG, but it doesn't really shock me! new
      #169367 - 04/12/05 04:40 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

I was like that 2 days ago. It's so uncomfortable! Of course, it looks CUTE there, not so much on a size 16,lol

Keep on keepin' on...

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Uh, Mary, for the record, new
      #169368 - 04/12/05 04:45 PM

Reged: 04/06/05
Posts: 2090
Loc: Canada.

you're gorgeous!
And when you find THE GUY, he'll agree.

Keep on keepin' on...

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Alisa new
      #169379 - 04/12/05 06:36 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Sorry the Acacia isn't working anymore. I don't have luck with SFSs either.

Can I ask what brand of Flaxmeal you use? Or do you grind your own whole seeds?

And can I ask how you take the flax. In water? Mixed in foods? How much do you take at one time?

I would like to try this since SFS do not work.


~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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