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oatmeal new
      #164869 - 03/29/05 04:29 AM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

hey guys,i just ate a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast about an hour ago and its making my gas go haywire.everytime i eat oatmeal i get problems,is this all in my head or can i relley be having problems with oatmeal?

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Re: oatmeal new
      #164870 - 03/29/05 04:31 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 308
Loc: Scranton Pennsylvania

You could really be having problems with it- There are quite a few people on this board who have problems with oatmeal.
Don't think it is in your head- we hear enough of that from doctors and people who don't understand.
Feel better soon

Pain predominant w/occasional C.

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yes! new
      #164871 - 03/29/05 04:42 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

especially if it was instnat oats- most have HFCS or dairy in them... I'm ok with a small amount of non instant oats, but pure buckwheat cereal- also supposed to be safe and what I grewup on makes me bloat!

Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: yes! new
      #164873 - 03/29/05 04:45 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

I'm only okay with fine oatmeal (ie. instant oats WITHOUT any dairy or HFCS)...regular oat flakes make me sooo gassy!

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Re: yes!
      #164874 - 03/29/05 04:54 AM

Reged: 11/20/03
Posts: 677

Oatmeal gets me every time too -- I haven't tried the instant kind though.... Even some of the breads that have a whole lot of it in them will make me gassy.

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Re: yes! new
      #164892 - 03/29/05 07:08 AM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

im so glad that i have a group of ladies to talk to that know exactly how i feel!i have problems with the instand oatmeal and just the plain kind!they make me feel relly full and bloated and relley relley so sick of doctors telling me its in my head!my gi doctor told me i could eat anything!i was sitting there thinking what are you talking about?i would like to see them in pain and not be afarid to eat.

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Re: yes! new
      #164921 - 03/29/05 08:18 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 308
Loc: Scranton Pennsylvania

I have been down the road and back with Doctors saying it is in your head- stop obsessing over your bowels- Think about something else- focus on something else- well this is a very big part of my life because I deal with the symtpoms every day- From the minute I wake up until the minute I go to bed. It has changed my life completely. I was always a person who could deal with just about anything life threw at me- well this got me- I personally was diagnosed with IBS-C but I have bm's every day faithfully- I have alot of cramping, and gas- ALOT! (the cramping I mean)- Gas I think sometimes I have more than "normal" persons.
Don't let people tell you it is in yor head- pain is nor imagined!~!!~!

Pain predominant w/occasional C.

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Re: yes! new
      #164936 - 03/29/05 09:10 AM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

you sound exactly like me!im ibs-c i hardly ever GI doctor told me oh its all in your head and put me on anti-aniexty medicane and i told him im not leaving this building until you find out what the heck is wrong with me,so he ordered all these tests and when they came up with just the same thing ibs i was very lost,confused,and depressed.i thought how could gas link to ibs,when the doctor told me all ibs is,is constapation.!!!i get relley bad gas from the moment i wake up until the moment i fall asleep,i wouldnt mind it coming out the right end but it always comes up in my stomach and my thoart and its painful and very scary.right now im taking zelnorm,but i might stop because i almost passed out this morning.

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Re: yes! new
      #164985 - 03/29/05 10:33 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 308
Loc: Scranton Pennsylvania

You said you almost passed out from the Zelnorm- That is an odd side effect.
I went through 2 different courses of the Zelnorm and I don't think it did anything for me personally- nothing more than eating some more fruit and veggies wouldn't do.
It said it was supossed to help with pain also and I don't think it did anything for pain.
How long have you been on it and what tests did you have done?

Pain predominant w/occasional C.

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Re: yes! new
      #165007 - 03/29/05 11:36 AM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

i had every test done in the book sista!!lol..literally,i had 2 endoscopys done,1 colonscopy thats how they found i had ibs,blood work,cat scan,MRI,small bowel follow threw,x-rays up my you know what,normal x rays on my stomach,stool testing..did i forget anything?!well the zelnorm made me have a bowel movement,i dont know it was werid.i just started it this morning..but i ate something and my gas went crazy and my stomach went haywire and i felt relley sleepy then i tired laying down and i couldnt,and got an appetite went in the kicthen ate some rice chex and then my body started feeling like it was going numb,and everything kinda got dark and i got weak and feel on my knees and started shaking relley bad..then i had the bowel movement and i felt still going to take it though because it gave me a bowel movement,i was suprised because the only thing that usally works for me is the long have you been taking yours?

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Re: yes! new
      #165015 - 03/29/05 11:43 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 308
Loc: Scranton Pennsylvania

I haven't taken it in I want to say 5 months- It wasn't really doing anything for me- It gave me "loose stool" for the first couple of days and then 3 months later I didn't feel any difference. So I went off it- Then about 9 months later my doctor wanted me to try it again to see if it helped with my pain. It didn't.
It definately sounds like you had all the necessary tests done- Wow-
I had the same ones done but also had a hidascan(gallbladder test) done which showed nothing.
Currently I take Zoloft (antidepressant) because I was having a hard time dealing with having painful cramps allll day long every single day of my life. It brought me down big time, because it changed so much in my life and not for the better.
I also take ambien to help me sleep at night. Other than that I don't take anything- I tried the antispasmoidics-
Levsin, Nulev, hyoscamine (they're all tha same) they made me reallly constipated, blurred my vision, and made me very sleepy- I have to get up at 5:15 to go to work every day- I couldn't function like that- so I had to accept that this is how it is going to be and that's it. I watch what I eat, fat content, dairy etc...
It is such an overwhelming thing to deal with sometimes.
I have more bad days than good and it's hard.
I hope you get some relief from the Zelnorm- ALot of people have had luck with it.

Pain predominant w/occasional C.

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Re: yes! new
      #165027 - 03/29/05 12:04 PM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

thank you,i hope that i get relief from it also!right now i never want to take it again because its making my gas wrose and making me bloated like crazy.i dont have a problem with the pain like i used to,its mostly the gas!gas gas..i would have no problem with it if it would just come out the right way!!!they wanted to put me on anti depressents so i can cope with ibs better,its depressing.i took it once and never wanted to touch it again.i hate the way they make you feel,it made me very tired and out of it.i hated the you ever feel full all the time?for a few weeks i was using enemas and when i had a bowel movement i could eat but latley its going back to the same,i have no appetite.i hate this!i hope your pain gets better.oh im on the cant eat nothing diet for 3 days,what would you recommend me having till the 3 days pass,or do ibs with c have to go longer?

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Re: yes! new
      #165036 - 03/29/05 12:30 PM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 308
Loc: Scranton Pennsylvania

I personally hated the antidepresants myself- I was dead against them- They prescribed me Paxil- I took it for 4 days and it was such a terrible feeling- groggy, disconected, tired, "out of it" as you said- so I stopped taking them- then a month later all I was doing was crying because I was tired of the cramps and pain- Eating wasn't enjoyable anymore. So my GI doctor stared me on a low dose SSRI- they say that it raises the pain tolerance. Well I started on 25mg of Zoloft for a week then went up to 50 mg- The side effects only lasted about 4 days- I didn't feel a big difference in my pain and I was still crying alot. My family and friends all said hang in there- everyone is different- it takes a while for the levels to build up- especially being on such a low dose. So I stayed on them- my family doctor bumped me up to 75 mg because I still felt very depressed and it has been about 7 weeks- and I can feel a difference emotionally- I wouldn't let a day go by without taking it now.
As for the full feeling- Yes I feel full all the time- I have abdominal distention (visible), not just a bloated feeling. But I am hungry to if that makes any sense...
I have alot of gas in the morning, and at night-
I twold say the normal amounts throughout the day though. The morning is the worst gas for me though.
Why are you on the can't eat anything for 3 days??? Because you haven't had a bm and you feel full?
You need to have something to eat- Oh beleive me when my pain gets bad I haven't eaten for 3 days either- and that only made it worse for me. Try to eat something... Even it's it just rice. And drink water.. Water even made my pain worse sometimes I thought. I had bad days still but no matter what I force myself to eat- I had a very bad 2 months in January and February for some reason- and I wasn't eating for days at a time- then I'd feel better and I'd eat for a couple days, then feel sick again- and stop eating again- I lost 11 pounds in 2 months- 11 pounds I didn't want to lose --- I am 35, 5'6" and now I weigh 110.
I look sickly...
Haas your doctor tried you on miralax? I see alot of good results here with that.
What did your doc tell you to do after he said you had IBS-C?

Pain predominant w/occasional C.

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safe oatmeal! new
      #165048 - 03/29/05 01:37 PM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

i can recommend a good oatmeal you could try. its sold at whole foods, if theres one near you and its called Erewhon Organic Instant Oatmeal. it comes in apple-cinn, maple-spice, dates and something, and of course plain [i dont like dates hehe] i add some agave as a sweetner, maybe for you try honey?? its organic, so theres no preservatives or HFCS. i dont seem to have any trouble with it and i mix some acacia in it too. the maple one is my favorite and theres also no added sugar. so if your tummy is sensitive to sugars, this one could work i hope that helps you! i hate reading about miracle food and having it not work for me which seems to happen alot---good luck!!


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Re: yes! new
      #165227 - 03/30/05 08:52 AM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

Hey!!thanks for your recomations on the oatmeal!i will defintly try it,I love oatmeal!but i hate having attacks from it!my doctor put me on paxil,zoloft,and two other forms of anti-aniexty pills i think one was lexapro.i cant remember the other one..i know it started with an M.but i hated the feeling i felt on said wrose side effects then what i felt!why would i want to take something that made me feel wrose?!!hello morons! after i was dignosed with IBS-C my doctor basically told me thats it thats all you have..and put me on prolsec otc for a year for my heart burn im still taking that by the way..and told me to go join yoga.he didnt inform me about anything whatsoever about ibs..he didnt tell me that stress can cause attacks or that your diet plays a role.he just told me it was bloating and constaption and thats its no big deal.well i know if i wouldve listened to him i would be in a lot wrose shape then i am now.i stoped taking zelnorm for today because it seemed like it made my gas gas is my biggest problem right now,i would rather have diaherra and all the pain in the world over this freaking gas,it just comes up threw my thoart and i cant breath and thats what makes me afarid to eat.i went on the cant eat anything diet for 3 days to stablize my GI only souble fiber foods.all ive been eating is ceral and white rice with a little bit of salt,and plain bagels.this seems to be helping a little gas attacks used to be a hole lot wrose when i ate regular food.does zelnorm cause aniexty attacks?i think it said that somewhere on the list of side effects.thats my maine problem,i have a lot of panic and aniexty attacks since i formed IBS.but who wouldnt ya know?what kind of stuff do you eat?i want to try tuna or something but im so scared it will throw me back into an attack.

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Re: yes! new
      #165243 - 03/30/05 09:24 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 308
Loc: Scranton Pennsylvania

I personally never had anxiety attacks/panic attacks from Zelnorm and again I went through 2 courses of the medicine. Gas is a very very common complaint- but in all reality you can't not eat because of gas- You have got to keep putting some kind of food in you okay... What about SFS- citrucel, fibercon, metamucil- are you taking any of them? I use citrucel. I used to use metamucil but found that produced alot of gas- but again- everyone is different.
I found that with alot of water and food keeps things moving nicely. Don't get me wrong I still get some nasty bouts of gas but most of the people with IBS do get that. As for what I eat- I eat oatmeal, honey nut cheerios, apple jacks cereals- with Lactaid because I am LI they say-
Tuna fish made with light reduced fat mayo- graham crackers, animal crackers, chicken, plainville turkey breast lunch meat, wegmans 97% fat free cookd ham, french bread, italian bread, white bread, english muffins with simply fruit jelly on them, soy crisps,rice, couscous, applesauce, pasta(easy on the sauce though- heartburn), very rarely I will have center cut pork chops with shake and bake on them- (rarely though)- watermelon, cantaloupe, blackberries- I watch with fruit though because sometimes that makes me go a little toooo much. I don't have a huge menu as I have a very hard time finding out what foods cause my pain to be worse on some days. I am still in the afraid phase of eating also- but I do eat. Did you see the list of IBS safe foods that they have on this website? Alot of good ideas there.
When I got diagnosed the doctor said I have IBS and told me to stay away from red meat- and use a SFS.
Well I stayed away from red meat and used the SFS for a year and the pain wasn't getting any better- I was having a BM very day but the pain was there- sometimes very bad.
January, and February of this year I ended up in the emergency room because the pain was so bad and I didn't want to eat- I was dehydrated also. My pain is much worse when I have my period though- And this was something new for me because in the last almost 2 years I have known I had IBS-C- it never seemed to be worse when I was menstruating. But January and February of this year when I got my period the pain just got tremendously worse. That is when the doctors said try the anticdepressants for pain tolerance leverl- then I was actually depressed so they upped the doses. Now I wouldn't miss a day of those pills for anything- I don't know how I would have gotten through the last 2 months without them- because I was very very close to rock bottom- I didn't want to live this way, it wasn't fair to me, my family, my friends. I was in a terrible place in my head. And that isn't me- I was always a very happy go lucky person- enjoyed life etc etc etc- but having pain every day kind of changed all that.
Yes- they say stress aggravates IBS greatly. That was something my doctors told me just recently- although I read it on the internet. I actually have a very non-stressful life- my biggest stress honestly is dealing with the IBS- but one day at a time helps.
Are you using phazyme or gas-x to help with your gas?

Pain predominant w/occasional C.

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Re: yes! new
      #165289 - 03/30/05 11:36 AM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

Hey GIRLIE!yeah im still in the phase of being afarid to sound so much like me before this IBS hit my life.before i got IBS i was the most hyper,happy,outgoing,loveable,spontinous person you could find!then this ibs hit me bad and it totally changed my life..i dont even know who i am anymore.i let the ibs control me for the last 5-6 months or so,i would starve myslef at night and wouldnt allow myslef to eat anything past 10:30 am to avoid the gas..i would wake myslef up at 4 am just to eat i would eat a bowl of ceral and maybe a side of something else,and would wait until i felt hungry which wasant for hours and hours and if i didnt get hungry before 10 am i wouldnt eat,sometimes i would eat 2 bites of white rice just to survive for that night.anywayz i let ibs make me anerioxca,i would wake up in the morning with my mouth bleeding like someone knocked me out and my eyes blood shot and start coughing up blood from being so dyhydrated i was even afarid to drink water.over the last 6 months ive lost over 40 pounds i am 5'7 and weigh 100 family excuses me of having an eating disorder but i am to afarid to eat.i know i need to eat something im on here every single day trying to figure out what can i eat that wont send me into pain?i saw the listing of souble fiber foods but i still dont get it,i dont get how the hole thing works.if i ate breakfast souble fiber and then wanted to eat,lets say a gharm cracker with peanut butter i would be ok?if i ate it 2 hours later?it says never eat insouble fiber alone!did you say zelnorm causes gas?or gas is in people with ibs in general?sorry i didnt understand your reply.i have a very very stressful life..i live with a prevert who comes to me about every single one of his problems and complains endlessly i am constantly being accused of things i didnt say or do.he watches every move i make,he is what formed my ibs by all the stress he put in my life.i want to move out of here but im so afarid of being indepdent again,and alone.because this ibs.ive tired every single gas x thing out there and nothing helps it just blocks the gas from coming out and then i have serious problems..alot of people with ibs have probelms with gas?wow!i thought i was the only one,are you talking about like bleching and stuff?yeah thats the reason i cant go anywhere,because i have those gas attacks.fiber supplements would help with the gas?i dont know if your supposed to eat diary at all in your diet if you have ibs are you?i know how you feel about the hole period thing thats when my problems go off the wall!i havent had my period since the beginning of January,from not eating i guess,i know im not pregnet because i was checked a month ago.well im not getting anything in my diet,havent been eating any meat of any kind no diary..basically only rice and ceral.thats good that youve never had a problem with aniexty its very scary..

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Kemi - breaking the cycle... new
      #165293 - 03/30/05 11:44 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England the other (shorter ) name for the what to eat when you can't eat anything diet! And C's need to be even more careful than other IBSers to add the IF back in after only a few days...safely of course. So you need to be doing this now.

Have you been checked out for GERDs? Do you get heartburn? I'm asking b/c alot of my burps and the not-being-able-to-eat feeling came from my GERDs not the actual IBS.

What actual questions do you have about the diet? SF can act as a kind of cushion for your gut...allowing you to "sneak" more IF in with less bad effects. So if you want to have IF veggies with your diet, eat the rice/potato/whatever FIRST and then eat the veggies. Get it?

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melissam new
      #165297 - 03/30/05 11:50 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Are you eating proper milk? Cos that's a trigger...even with the lactaid! Lactaid only works to break down lactose...whey and casein (other components of milk) are also IBS triggers.

Are you still using a SFS? They are very helpful in combination with diet, etc. And stress-relief techniques like yoga, hot baths, meditation can also help with the stress of IBS...even tho it's the IBS that causes the stress, it can still make the IBS worse.

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Re: yes! new
      #165304 - 03/30/05 11:57 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 308
Loc: Scranton Pennsylvania

Well lets see- Gas is a common symptom for people with IBS As for the Zelnorm- it did give me some more gas- Nothing crazy though. The only reason I stopped taking it was because it wasn't doing anything for my pain, and bloating, and gas- I don't think it made me have bm's anymore than eating some fruit did.
The diet on this board seems to have helped alot of people. I personally do not follow it 100%- I do take the advice of peeling and de-seeding fruits though because peelings seem to cause a problem for me-
I do try to stay away from the gas causing foods stated on the website.
You are very thin also (me-5'6 35 yrs old 110 lbs) You need to start eating some more foods- What is your primary complaint- the pain, gas, bloating?
You have stopped menstruating which isn't a good thing..
Stress really makes this whole thing worse. I can not sit here and tell you to eliminate the biggest stressor in your life- you need to make those decisions on your own. But I am sure that would help. You said yourself you know what you think caused your IBS- you need to find a way to lessen that stress. Stress makes "normal" peoples GI tracts go haywire let alone ours. I personally don't do the peanut butter thing- Afraid of that still. But graham crackers, like I said, are okay for me-
I get the Keebler Cinnamon Crisp graham crackers, and the original ones also.
They say dairy isn't the greatest for IBS- I stay away from it as much as possible.
When I was having terrible terrible pais I wouldn't eat for 3 days and that was actually making it worse because my stomach was empty- I would eat a 4oz cup of applesauce and some rice- that wasn't cuting it though- putting just rice into it isn't enough- you need to get more food into your tummy-
Are you having BM's? What is your primary complaint?

Pain predominant w/occasional C.

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melissam new
      #165308 - 03/30/05 12:01 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Dairy causes me major should really cut it out completely.

And yep, an empty tum is an unhappy tum.

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Linz new
      #165316 - 03/30/05 12:07 PM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 308
Loc: Scranton Pennsylvania

No I use the Lactaid milk 100% lactose free- the reduced fat one. I definately stay away from real milk..

Pain predominant w/occasional C.

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That is still real milk! new
      #165318 - 03/30/05 12:09 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

It's just lactose free as far as I know, so not casein and whey free!

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That's right! new
      #165320 - 03/30/05 12:12 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

It's definitely still milk. Lactose isn't the only problem for IBSers... things like casein and whey are still IBS triggers.

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Re: That is still real milk! new
      #165325 - 03/30/05 12:21 PM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 308
Loc: Scranton Pennsylvania

ohhh okay I see what you mean now- I never thought to look at the ingredients because it says lactose free. Tonight when I go home I will take a look at it though.
Thanks for opening my eyes to that!

Pain predominant w/occasional C.

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Yeah that could be causing alot of your bloating! new
      #165329 - 03/30/05 12:25 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Try soy or rice milk instead. I love my soy but it does take a little getting used to.

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Re: That is still real milk! new
      #165341 - 03/30/05 12:38 PM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Try RiceDream Vanilla instead of "milk" its really good on cereal!! Most regular grocery stores carry it! Its not in the refridgerator though, its usually by the other health food stuff or in the baking isle!!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: That's right! new
      #165367 - 03/30/05 01:06 PM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

i was drinking the lacid stuff and i was still having bad attacks with my gas and bloating..and i read up on heathers sheet and it said something about casien and whey and it had it in there,and it still said milk just not the lactose in it.i switched to soy milk that helped a little bit but i still cant drink it,it stills gives me bloating bad!so i use the rice dream and do relley well on that.

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Re: yes! new
      #165369 - 03/30/05 01:09 PM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

The Zelnorm made my gas wrose,but i loved it because it made me have a bm!!thats the only part i liked!!my main problem is GAS!and bloating..when i get so much gas i feel like i cant breath and thats scary because then i fall to the floor and near pass out and have a relley relly bad panic afarid to eat peanut butter also.i was doing the applesauce and rice thing too for a while and i still just to afarid to let my stomach get to full or eat something..

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Plus the not being able to breathe feeling! -nt new
      #165375 - 03/30/05 01:15 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

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Re: Plus the not being able to breathe feeling! -nt new
      #165398 - 03/30/05 01:58 PM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

what do you mean?that comes from GERD also?

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Yep! new
      #165433 - 03/30/05 02:53 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Sorry was that a bit confusing?

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heres my ibs story new
      #165706 - 03/31/05 10:28 AM
little bear

Reged: 12/22/04
Posts: 736
Loc: chicago

you know come to think about it, i have been having really bad problems breathing which causes me to panic myself into a horrible panic mode. i just made the connection recently that i can never breath well when i eat too much. b/c of the bloat in my tummy. i figured it was my asthma but i never exert myself exercise-wise. i have excercise-induced asthma and when i wasnt exercising and got bad attacks, i started to wonder.
i found out about my ibs in feb of 2003. mine had actually been triggered by depression and disordered eating. i had terrible pains and my stomach got very 'big' after i would eat something small, like an apple. i didnt understand what was wrong and since i was feel so sad i assumed it was something being done to my body, that i somehow *had* and deserved to go thru the pain. i went to so many doctors and none of them told me any helpful news or remedies. i even had the upper GI and the lower GI and they kept saying that my colon was clean but i could tell it was obviously not. and that only made me more sad and more stressed b/c i didnt know what was going on. my orignal family doc was the last to see me and recommended dulcolax to relieve the C but never told me to stop taking it. he instructed to continue taking it for relief. i did and when i wasnt getting the full effect, i would increase the dosage until i became so dependant upon them that i could only manage to eat applesauce and saltines. i also discovered i had [along with the ibs, which was later determined] a peptic ulcer. i was told to eat plain turkey sandwichs on plain white bread, blueberries, bananas, water, and apple juice. not the most exciting diet. i was also put onto probiotics [that didnt help] and fibercons, along with a stool softener. ive taken them ever since, not b/c they really help but more b/c im scared to not take them, since theyve been w/me so long. i tried everything from my own diet inventions to slimfast hoping something would make me eat better and feel better. my current boyfriend turned me onto vegetarian options and later on, vegan options. im still having bowel issues but i cannot begin to tell you what a difference vegan has been for me as oppose to meats and dairies. i eat oatmeal, apples and pears, canned fruits in juices, rice mixes, fresh salads with beans, babyfoods, applesauces and vegetable soups---all of which is not only vegan but also organic! the organic preperation of food makes it ultra-easy on my tummy, b/c what you see is what youre getting---nothing inbetween like preservatives. even try inventing your own dish. for my salad i add on pinto beans [TONS of fiber AND fatfree ] peeled pear-chunks and seedless tomato slices. for a dressing i drizzle over some red-wine vinegar and agave [honey substitute] its all about being creative!! good luck!


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Re: heres my ibs story new
      #165711 - 03/31/05 10:36 AM

Reged: 05/14/04
Posts: 494
Loc: Northern Virginia

Hi Ashley,
I remember that feeling that I must have done something bad so that I would deserve to be going through all this pain and sickness - it is an awful feeling. I still get it sometimes when the pain gets bad and gets prolonged. My husband is good at helping me to talk my way out of it and get beyond it. I'm glad you've found ways to get better and stay away from the pills dependency issues. I'm not vegan, but I know that for all of us, it is SO important to find out what we can and what we cannot eat - it's a personal battle, but once you get there, you're right, things do, slowly, get better.
Thanks for sharing your story.

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turkey and mayo new
      #166957 - 04/04/05 01:55 PM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

i was wondering if regular turkey is ok for us to eat?it says buy organic..and is mayo diary free?is it safe for us to eat that,and i was also wondering about fruit loops are those safe?if anyone knows let me know.thanks for your help!

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Re: oatmeal new
      #166994 - 04/04/05 04:00 PM

Reged: 03/31/05
Posts: 60
Loc: Seattle, WA

Oatmeal gives me problems as well. Even though oatmeal is supposedly gluten free supposedly how it is processed can end up causing it to contain gluten, so I'm guessing that's why it bothers me. When I eat GF most of my GI symptoms go away. I still have problems every once in a while. Mainly it's the feeling that I have to keep going to the bathroom or when I go it's only little bits at a time.

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Re: oatmeal new
      #167030 - 04/04/05 06:40 PM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

HEy mike!i love oatmeal!!i wish i could eat it without problems.i dont have celiac disease or have to go gluten free but i get other problems such as relley bad gas,bleching mostly,and just dont feel well all together when i eat it.they do have a GF oatmeal though right?i bet it doesant taste the same though.

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Re: oatmeal new
      #167042 - 04/04/05 07:47 PM

Reged: 03/31/05
Posts: 60
Loc: Seattle, WA

I don't have CD either. And you don't have any problems with any other wheat type products? Bread, pasta, etc? Might be the amount or type of fiber for you instead of the gluten.

I've never tried gluten free oatmeal; I'll have to see if I can find some. But other gluten free products taste pretty good actually. My wife made me some gluten free cookies and they are yummy, though I don't know how well the fit in with IBS.

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Re: oatmeal new
      #167046 - 04/04/05 07:51 PM

Reged: 03/31/05
Posts: 60
Loc: Seattle, WA

Oh, and I always used to like oatmeal too. Strange how I can't eat it now.

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Re: turkey and mayo new
      #167120 - 04/05/05 04:29 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 308
Loc: Scranton Pennsylvania

I eat Plainville brand turkey breast on french bread for lunch.
I was using Hellmans Just 2 good mayo- but alot of people here use the reduced fat kind.
Give it a try see how you do with it.
Some people may not tolerate it well while others can.
I never did the Fruit Loops- I have Apple Jacks and Cheerios (honey nut Cherrios).

Pain predominant w/occasional C.

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Re: oatmeal new
      #167176 - 04/05/05 07:14 AM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

I KNOW!everything that i used to love and eat all the time i cant handle now...its relley depressing..ive been tested for CD but it was negitive!i was so happy about that..but i have bad IBS-C,even on laxitives i have to force myslef to have a BM..

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Re: turkey and mayo new
      #167180 - 04/05/05 07:16 AM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

can you get that turkey at a regular grocery store?i was thinking all this time that mayo had diary in it!!yeahhh

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Re: turkey and mayo new
      #167190 - 04/05/05 07:33 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 308
Loc: Scranton Pennsylvania

Yes you can get it at a regular grocery store- I usually get it at Pioce Chopper orWegmans-
It is the brand name Plainville.
I don't know if Mayo does or doesn't have dairy in it- I was going to a dietician last year and she said to use hellmans Just 2 good- But I haven't been able to find it lately- I have checked 3 different stors because I wanted to have tuna-
I am almost positive people on these boards use low fat/reduced fat mayo.
Maybe if you send out a mayo post you can get some more replies.
Otherwise HOW R U? You sound better- you are talking about eating which is a good thing...

Pain predominant w/occasional C.

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Re: turkey and mayo new
      #167215 - 04/05/05 08:51 AM

Reged: 03/15/05
Posts: 163

thanks for the help!im doing a hole lot better,ive been taking zelnorm since Sunday,supposed to take 2 times a day but i only take it once because im giving my body time to adjust frist.1 seems to be enough for on 6 is helping a lot!its kinda making my gas wrose when i frist took it but it seems to be calming down,and im having normal bms now,and also have an appetite.i feel like i have half my life back now!!!im not bloated,its so great.i hope this zelnorm relley works for are you doing?

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Re: turkey and mayo new
      #167222 - 04/05/05 09:04 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 308
Loc: Scranton Pennsylvania

Well hang in there with it. Sounds like you truly are doing much better.
Glad to hear it.

Pain predominant w/occasional C.

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Re: yes! new
      #167228 - 04/05/05 09:32 AM

Reged: 05/28/04
Posts: 144
Loc: North Carolina , USA

Wow! Excuse me, but you girl need to straighten out your life , no wonder you are having such a terrible time eating... I feel bad for you.. Get some counseling.. I swear it will help you.. If you get with the right Dr.. A Dr. that will talk to you and help to fix alot of your problems. Not just drugs by themselves. Learn to destress your life.. Hope this helps some , Good Luck..


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