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help me please! new
      #162498 - 03/20/05 04:28 PM

Reged: 04/02/04
Posts: 62
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Hi, I haven't been here for a while, but I'm back. Since I was last on I have found out that I am gluten sensitive. I now eat totally gluten free and am feeling so much better. Ihad mainly bloating, that is pretty much under control if I stick to a strict diet of rice, chicken, and not much more! At the moment though I am going through a boat of irritable bladder that my doc. now thinks I am suffering from. I know though, that it is connected to my ibs. I have been suffering for a few weeks and am having problems getting it under control. I am in awful pain with a persistant nagging down below. I find it worse when I get constipated. Can I take acadia? Is it gluten free. Up until now I haven't taken it, I have been good without it. Now though I am finding that I am getting into a cycle of d and c! So I have the bloating pretty much under control, but as I said the d and c are starting. This is new to me. Can anyone tell me if acadia is gluten free and any suggestions. Anyone else out there that their bladder goes nuts when your bowel does? Heather can you comment on this?

A very tired Anita

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Re: help me please! new
      #162519 - 03/20/05 06:02 PM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 1569

Hi Anita,

Sorry I can't answer your question about bladder issues as I can't say that's ever happened to me! But I just wanted to say welcome back from a fellow Ontarian!

And you're in luck! Acacia is gluten free ("has no gluten, sugar, salt, artificial sweeteners, citric acid, or yeast" as it says on the product page). An SFS (soluble fiber supplement) will definitely help with your C and D, and likely help you from swining too - and Acacia works for lots of folks on here. I don't know about it having any effects on your bladder but it's just natural fiber - like in oatmeal - so I'm sure it would not have any negative effects.

Acacia a good choice too if you don't mind having it shipped from the US as there aren't many good SFS's available here in Canada. I use it and I love it

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Anita new
      #162526 - 03/20/05 06:52 PM

Reged: 11/03/04
Posts: 257
Loc: Western Australia

Hi Anita, sorry you're not feeling too good. Apparently urinary infections can be common for people with IBS as candida albicans flourishes in people with low immunity. And as immunity is governed by the digestive system, irritable bowel = low immunity = candida, which can often = infections (ear, throat, urinary etc).

Have you tried cranberry juice? I used to have persistent urinary infections a few years ago and used to take a product that alkalined my urine to stop the burning.... erk can't remember the name of it. Will have a look tonight and let you know.

And would you mind me asking you a question about your gluten sensitivity? I've suspected I was gluten senstive for over a year, and have been gluten free (GF) on and off, with inconclusive results (still always bloated, BMs often erratic). I've had blood tests and an endoscopy/ colonoscopy, all showing I was negative to coeliac disease. So needless to say I'm confused as to why I can still be gluten sensitive.

Anyway, how did you find out you were gluten sensitive? Testing or process of elimination? And how long did it take after you went GF before your symptoms of bloating subsided? Its interesting that you're suffering from IBS A (alternating C and D) as that happens to me a lot lately, and never ever used to happen before I went GF. I'm suspecting more food intolerance in my case (possibly fructose or yeast) so am going to try eliminating foods with these components.

Have you considered goinging yeast free for a while, to see whether that clears up your urinary infections, and it may also clear up your C & D?

Hope you're feeling better soon

~ Live life, don't let life live you ~

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Re: help me please! new
      #162571 - 03/21/05 04:57 AM

Reged: 04/02/04
Posts: 62
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Hi Laurel, where in Ont. are you? Thanks for the info on acadia, I will order some. My bladder is a bit better today, (I had a great b.m. this a.m.) If ever you get a nagging pain in the urether area, it's probably because you are getting constipated! Taken me years to figure that one out. I'm going to be on this web site for a while so will no doubt chat some more. Thanks for the welcome. Neeta

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Re: Anita new
      #162573 - 03/21/05 05:10 AM

Reged: 04/02/04
Posts: 62
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Western Aussie eh, I've been to Perth 3 times. I used to travel at sea on an oil tanker (my hubby in merchant navy) and we came to Perth. It's beautiful. King's park was breathtaking! I'm in Ontario, Canada, much different. It's all white outside right now! My bladder thing is not an infection, what happens, I think, is the bowel gets distended and pushes on the bladder and then it starts to spasm and all hell breaks out down there! Anyway, this a.m. had a b.m. and the pain is not so bad, but I still feel delicate.

As for celiac, I had a test (tube down throat into stomach) and they found no evidence of damaged vileau which would suggest celiac disease. However, I had been so sick for such a long time I did what they told me not to before a test, and that was come off of gluten products. Needless to say 3 weeks later (test time) all was much better. The doc. says I am celiac simply because of my response to no gluten. I was mainly bloated, but tired, tired tired! and got all fat and squishy! I was always hungry, food did not satisfy me. Immediately off of the gluten, i.e. next day, I did not bloat. It is about 8 months now and I am losing weight, I am not hungry all the time and I have the energy to put in a full day complete with 5 hours swimming a week. Constant swimming that is an hour a time! So a huge recovery. I am on a very strict diet consisting of rice, chicken, potatoes, very little fruit and vegys (although I love them, Iused to be vegetarian!) I miss it so much, but when I waver I get what I have now. Mainly c. culminating in this damn bladder thing. I get d. every so often, just one episode where it just blasts out of me. I take asidopholus daily, like 50 billion of them (bio.k product) that helps me enormously! As for you, what I would say is don't worry about getting a test to say you are or are not celiac, that will drive you mad! Get off of gluten and stay off of it. Make sure you know where it is, basically it is everywhere! I am just sensitive to it, some people get so sick they even have to watch out for it in skin care products! Have your own foods that no one else touches, eg here we have two tubs of flax margarine. One for the family, one for me. I dont want my stuff contaminated by there knifes etc. If you want more info, ask me again, I am not sure how much you know. You would think rice crispies or puffed rice would be gluten free, but no, they add a sweet coating to them which contains gluten. Shop in health food shops, thats what I do. Anyway I hope I have answered all your questions, if not, ask again o.k. Lovely to hear from you, Neeta

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Hi again Neeta & a rambling for other GF people. new
      #162802 - 03/21/05 06:51 PM

Reged: 11/03/04
Posts: 257
Loc: Western Australia

Hi Neeta.

Oh.... haven't heard of anything like your bladder problem before. Hopefully you can get on top of the C and it will all settle down

Well I'm pretty cluey about gluten as I've been researching food intolerances for over a year now, and it is very depressing how many products contain gluten! But whats much much much more depressing is the constant bloat! So I'd do anything to get rid of it. I'm currently GF and DF (gluten and dairy free), am doing a detection diet (keeping a food and symptom journal) in a hope to pinpoint all the foods causing my IBS.

I have constant conflicting advice about gluten sensitivities - my family assures me it'll only be temporary, my doctor told me NOT to go GF as I don't have ceoliac, but my body screamed at me when I used to eat it, so at least I know who to listen to, and thats me

What I'm interested to know tho is, is there a tolerance level for gluten sensitivity? Just like theres a tolerance level for fructose malabsorption, yeast and lactose intolerance? I know I should just resolve myself to the fact that GF is for life, but if I could just have SMALL amounts of gluten, like one can have SMALL amounts of lactose, fructose and yeast, then life would be so much easier. I guess I'm still in the denial stage, because GF is so life constricting, and I'm only coming to terms with being told to go STRICTLY GF for life. Why is it in sooooooooo many foods!!? I know there are lots of substitutes but they are soooooo pricey. And eating out is a nightmare because you can never be sure gluten isn't hidden in foods (I know I know, ask ask ask before you buy, but it becomes so draining, and I get so paranoid that waitstaff don't know what they're talking about, and contamination risk is quite probable).

So I guess I'm wondering, can we get away with the odd bit of contamination every now and again if we don't have coeliac? I read that coeliac and gluten sensitivity is quite different - coelaic is when the protein attacks the lining of the intestine, whereas gluten sensitivity is simply when the body can't break down the gluten so produces excess gas.

So I suppose that eating gluten if you're only gluten sensitive isn't life threatening, like eating gluten when your coeliac is (eg increased risk of cancer)??

So many questions!! I'd love to hear your thoughts.

T xx

~ Live life, don't let life live you ~

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Re: Hi again Neeta & a rambling for other GF people.
      #162900 - 03/22/05 05:58 AM

Reged: 04/02/04
Posts: 62
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Ooops, replied to yours posted later, just found this one back to me. I don't know the answer to your question i.e. celiac as opposed to g.sensitive. All I know is I am treating myself as celiac. No doubt about it. I don't find it that expensive when you think of all the extra stuff you are not injesting. It certainly is a pain, but for me it got rid of the bloating. Interesting it hasn't you. It was immediate for me. Do you look at the celiac websites, there are support groups for celiac like this one. You might get more help from them. I don't know if you are taking acadia or something like that. I find, now I haven't tried acadia, think I might, but I find such products make me bloat. Also, are you taking any vitamins or supplements, I find I can't tolerate anything like that. Bloating is awful, I feel your pain! Were you the lady that was using soy, I find I can't tolerate soy products at all. I use rice, might help you, don't know. I hope I have answered your questions. To recap, I certainly take g.s. to be as serious as celiac. As you get older I am sure it will only worsen, so might as well get to it now. One last thought, are you eating "organic" I totally find that I have too. Now I have not been one in the past to live organic, but I eat organic as much as I can now and other than when i poison myself I feel better than I can ever remember. My energy has come back etc. Just a thought. Now you want to talk expense!!! Take care, Neeta

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Neeta new
      #162904 - 03/22/05 06:08 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Gluten sensitive does NOT equal celiac!!! Celiac is an IBD where you have flattened villi in your digestive tract. It's physical and can be tested for. Just b/c you might be gs, doesn't mean at ALL that you have to have celiac!

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I eat strictly GF new
      #162906 - 03/22/05 06:22 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

and still bloat too. Never went away. You are lucky not to have to deal with this irritating symptom. I was expecting the bloat to go away when eating GF, but no symptoms have improved except D. I know I must continue anyhow though as my bloodwork came back with high antibodies. I just don't understand why I am not experiencing any improvement by eating GF? Makes me wonder what the use is? Why not eat gluten if I am still going to be feeling awful?

I just traded D for C when changing to GF. Any insight, Neeta?

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: I eat strictly GF new
      #162926 - 03/22/05 07:02 AM

Reged: 04/02/04
Posts: 62
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Hi there, sorry to hear about your bloating, it's misery I know! I know you are eating gf are you also eating within the ibs guidelines? I am, and have too, Ihave to combine both. Do you take asidopholus, I use Bio K, it has like billions of live thingys that really help me. Certainly if I am c i take this and wham, that sorts things out. I take it every day now, my body just seems to need it. I drink the whole little jar of it, never do things in half me! Sometimes it gives me a bit of d. perhaps I should cut back on it. Anyway, that helps me. How long did you eat gf for. If you are celiac it takes up to a year for your body to heal. Remember my test came back neg. but eating gf took my symptoms away. Your antibodies showed problems did it, if so then you probably have a lot of damaged vilau, those things in your guts. It takes as I said up to a year for those to heal. Give your body time. Good luck, Neeta

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