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When is time to give up?- long, but please read
      #145480 - 02/01/05 07:29 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

When is it time to just stop trying to find another reason for the pain and gas and bloating and constipation and accept the fact that this is IBS and I will need to live with it the best I can? But I am NOT finding relief from this diet, so it makes me wonder if it is something else in addition.

I've had small bowel series follow through, colonoscopy, endoscopy, Xrays, etc. They have come back normal. But I am sure there are many tests I haven't had that may just reveal the problem.

But whenever I read a post such as Michelle's who went to UNC and could have pelvic floor dyssnergia, or I read DanaNoels post on how her hormones were out of wack and she has an insulin sensitivity and a neuro GI diagnosed her with a new test and gave her a new diet which has brought her much relief (low glycemic carbs and low carbs in general, opposite of the IBS diet), I want to run to my GI doc and ask, what about this! Could this be my problem? I know he thinks I am a nut case that is addicted to the internet and researching anything that has to do with my GI distress. But how can I give up trying to find an answer when my whole life has been stolen from my painful symptoms?

And how many doctors do you go to for a second opinion? And how many other possibilities are out there? I could be finding a "new possibility" every week.

I can't give up trying to find some relief, but the stress of looking and researching and trying to get my doctor to listen and just consider all the possibilities I bring to him is also taken over my life.

Do others of you, especially the ones who haven't been helped by Heather's diet, do you continue to research and think every story your read may be the cause of your distress? How can I let go of this obsession to use all my free time reading books, surfing the internet, reading posts in a desparate attempt to find relief?

I am driving myself insane, but feel guilty if I surrender to live the rest of my life in pain.

Please share your stories and thoughts with me. I don't know what to do and I long for some peace in my life so that my days are not lost to this hiddeous pain and symptoms.

Please give me some help guys. I need your words of wisdom, please. I am just at a loss. Am I just obsessed?

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Beth, I really feel for you and I'm addicted too. new
      #145483 - 02/01/05 07:37 PM

Reged: 11/14/04
Posts: 1530
Loc: Canberra, Australia

I read and read and read about IBS, chrone's, UC all sorts of disorders. The problem with IBS is that so many of the symptoms tie in with other problems. I really wish you lived closer so we could get together and have a cup of (decaf) tea. You already know that I had no relief within a month of Heather's diet and gave up on it (at least for now) on my doctors advice. There's no point going for millions of second opinions. Been there done that and they all say the same thing in the end but some are definately more helpful than others. My doc told me the problem with IBS is that medically nothing is wrong so all they can really do is treat the symptoms not a disorder or disease. So it's mostly trial and error.
I'm not much help. I have for the moment found a little bit of relief. Thanks to my doctor who has prescribed one colese a day I am feeling a little better. Not great. I still have a lot of pain which I take buscopan for if the colese isn't enough but at least it's helped the d a little (not much help for you I'm sorry I know you're a c)but maybe you just haven't found what helps you yet.
Big hugs. It's hard but for now I try to stay off the net looking for what's wrong with me because the stress it causes makes me worse. I'm sticking with chatting to all you guys in the living room and helping out here where I can but otherwise no surfing. For now it's in my specialists hands. I have to have faith that he will find out what's wrong or at least be able to help (he's sympathetic and nice which is also very helpful).
Anyway, sorry to have rambled. Hope at least some of this is of some help or comfort.


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Re: When is time to give up?- long, but please read new
      #145584 - 02/02/05 06:20 AM

Reged: 12/03/04
Posts: 79

Hi! My doctor says there is nothing physically wrong with me, either. He also diagnosed me as having a lazy colon, which means (from my research) that my colon stays constricted more often than it should, causing the "stuff" to harden and making me constipated. I don't know if that is the same thing as IBS, and he didn't really offer any other suggestions. However, he is sending me to a thyroid doctor, because he found (in the course of bloodwork) that my thyroid is a little low. My aunt (a nurse) says this could cause any number of problems, including constipation. Has your doctor run a full blood work-up on you for celiac disease or thyroid problems?

I do know that the diet doesn't work for everyone...some parts work for me, and some don't. I think searching for answers is a personal have to do it as long as you feel you have to, and as long as you have support. If you can't "cure" yourself, maybe you need to start investigating pain-management, hypnosis, accupunture, etc... It's not a "cure," but it will help you live better and be happier, I think. Good luck, and let us know how you are doing.

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Re: When is time to give up?- long, but please read new
      #145593 - 02/02/05 06:46 AM
Angela E.

Reged: 10/14/04
Posts: 2518
Loc: Michigan

My advice to you is to listen to your body. You are the only one that can truly know what is going on. So if you still feel there is something wrong then keep pursuing it until you find someone to listen to you. I really wish that I could help you more but I have found success with this and am feeling really good. I feel really bad reading some of your posts and not responding but I am not sure what to say. Everything I have suggested I know that you have tried and hasn't worked. All I can suggest is what I said before listen to your body and keep seeking medical help if you think it is necessary. Good luck Beth and I am praying for you hon!

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Beth new
      #145625 - 02/02/05 07:29 AM

Reged: 10/28/04
Posts: 371
Loc: Kansas, USA

I know you're desperate for answers. I'd be the same way if I didn't find relief with Miralax. I think I feel better on Heather's diet, but it hasn't been a cure-all for me.

I can't remember-- have you tried Miralax? If not, I'd call your doctor & insist he/she let you try this prescription. You know, I hate having to take medication every day, but it's worth it to get rid of the horrible C & discomfort. Heck, I take daily medication to prevent migraines & depression, so who cares if I have to take something for my C, too.

I've done the "search the internet for answers" game. It never really helped. This site has been the best thing I've found.

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I second this advice.... new
      #145700 - 02/02/05 08:39 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Beth, like everyone else, I feel really bad that you're still suffering. I wish I could suggest something that might help, but I don't think I could possibly come up with anything that I haven't already said.

I don't remember if you've actually gotten a second opinion from another doctor or not. If you haven't, I think you should. It can't hurt, it might help, and I have very little respect for any doctor who treats his patients as if they're hypochondriacs. You know your body better than anyone else, and if you feel there might be something else going on - or, at the very least, that there are tests you haven't had that you SHOULD have - you have a right to have a doctor who LISTENS to you and runs the tests accordingly.

Are you taking your lexapro?

As far as managing your symptoms, I second what Sue said - if you've been looking out for a cure, stop. There is no cure. What you need to do is focus on pain- and symptom-management. A lot of people have had a lot of success with yoga and hypnosis - not even in terms of their symptoms disappearing, but just in learning to live happier and better.

I don't think I'm making any sense, but I'll use myself as an example. I am NOT IBS-stable. Not even close. The diet, etc, has NOT cured me or even been a complete management of my symptoms. BUT... between the diet, the lexapro, Imodium, and trying to be active every day (even if it's just stretching), I've learned to make the best of things, and I do feel *better*. Not perfect, but better. And when bad days happen, they still suck, but they don't completely flatten me physically and mentally like they used to - and that has made an ENORMOUS difference in my quality of life.

I think part of the problem is that we get so wrapped up in curing the symptoms that we don't even notice the baby steps. Remember a few days ago when you mentioned the prunes and lentils? Honey, personally, I would be pretty damn excited about that - you found something that works for you, and you did it on your own. Yeah, you still have to "tweak" it a little and see how much of which you need to be able to keep things moving but not swing you over to D, but still. It's a baby step, but it's a success. *I'm* proud of you - you ate something I wouldn't dare to eat in a million years!

Which is another success... the fact that you're eating new things. Give yourself some credit, Beth! Not only are you struggling with IBS like the rest of us, but you're further restricted by having to eat GF - that's a lot to work with. And I remember from our emails where you were afraid to try ANYTHING new, so I don't know, I guess I see you as making progress... slow progress, yeah, but that's how I worked, too. Not all of us are instantly "cured" by this diet thing, especially when you've been as sick as you and I were.

Anyway, I'm rambling, and I don't even know if I have a point. One way or another, I still have faith in you that you will find your solutions and start to improve. Whether or not you actually do it, and how you get there, is totally up to you.


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Re: When is time to give up?- long, but please read new
      #145717 - 02/02/05 09:05 AM

Reged: 04/02/04
Posts: 1407
Loc: Alabama

I'm so sorry you are not finding relief. I am also C, and I have never applied Heather's diet in the strict sense, only the principles of the diet - starting off with some SFS, limiting fat, red meat and other knows trigger foods, trying to limit/manage stress. I began adding supplements one at a time over almost a year, because your body simply cannot handle an abrupt adjustment to lots of new stuff be it medicines or supplements.

Over the past year, I am much better. I am not "cured" because there is no such thing. However, if I stay with the Acacia (for me, I'm best at 2t before each meal) I later added a 2:1 cal/mag a little better. And, as you know, only recently added probiotics and digestive enzymes.

Listen to your body. If you are truly sick with something other than IBS, keep looking. However, if your insides are clear, and it is IBS, the stress of trying so hard to resolve it WILL make you sicker. Been there, done that. Please don't give up. But please give yourself some breathing room. This mess takes time and lots of it. I know that isn't much help, but you can't lose hope. Hang in there!

God is Faithful!

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Re: When is time to give up?- long, but please read new
      #145720 - 02/02/05 09:09 AM
Ms. Lynn

Reged: 09/02/04
Posts: 20

I have IBS-D; I have followed the diet to a T!! Myself and my sister feel better and have lost lots of weigh, BUT it hasn't attempted to keeps us out of the bathroom. We have used all the advice and teas etc. that Heather suggests. The gas, 'D' and cramps are getting so wipe you out!! We did use Imodium and now are trying Pepto-Bismol, has anyone used it for 'D' with successs. I prefer to stay as natural as possible with what I take.
Thanks, Lynn

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Re: When is time to give up?- long, but please read new
      #145783 - 02/02/05 10:35 AM

Reged: 02/01/05
Posts: 2

Dear Beth, no. I do not think you are obsessive. I grow weary of the search for relief from pain,too. I have tried diets, herbs,imaginery, stress control, I even tried not eating. But every 6-8 weeks the pain becomes unbearable and the vomiting won't stop and my poor husband has to take me to the emergency room for a shot or two of demerol or morphine depending on who the doc is. I was diagnosed with IBS at the age of 16. I am now 57 and my pain is becoming increasingly worse. All my tests (and I have had them all) are negative. Although one time my test came back positive for pancreatitis but the doc decided I just get so sick with IBS that it changes my blood values. He also told me he and his colleagues agreed I had the worse case of IBS they had ever seen. At my worst I have spent 2 weeks in the hospital hooked up to an IV with 100mg of demerol being given every 4 hours and at my best, well, is there a best?? Right now every meal I eat, especially the first one, causes me severe pain, the upside is I have lost 11 pounds, which I can afford. And it's not just food,if I drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, this will send me running to the bathroom in agony. I had found a doc that allowed me to give myself the demerol injections because I am a registered nurse. This spared us the stress and expense of the ER trip and at $2,000.00 per visit we were grateful. But he is not really comfortable doing that so I don't know, probably back to the ER. Sorry, didn't mean to ramble, hang in there .There must be answers for us somewhere, we can't give up!!

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Re: When is time to give up?- long, but please read new
      #145830 - 02/02/05 11:23 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 308
Loc: Scranton Pennsylvania

Augie- You sound sooo much like me- I do the exact same thing, and I am NOT JUST SAYING THAT! I went to two different GI doctors for diagnosis and here are the test I had done- HidaScan, Cat Scan, X-Ray, Upper GI, Lower GI, Small Bowel Series, Intra Vaginal Ultrasound, Abdominal ultrasound, Colonoscopy, flex sigmoidoscopy. And it is Irritable bowel. I have a very hard time accepting it- I can't tolerate antispasmoidics, the diet did nothing for me. I have cramps no matter what I EAT---- Naturally if I eat something silly they are much worse- BUT I DON'T. From the moment I wake up till I go to bed at night all I think about is the cramps. It has taken over my life. I know exactly what you mean because I do the same thing- read everyones posts looking for a cure.

Pain predominant w/occasional C.

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Re: I second Casey - well said! -nt- new
      #145852 - 02/02/05 12:09 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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To augie new
      #145896 - 02/02/05 01:34 PM

Reged: 12/28/04
Posts: 184
Loc: chicago, il

Hi Beth. I'm sure i'm no different than almost all of the girls (and guys) on this website. I've suffered w/some form of IBS for at least 15 years, but the past 9 or so have been unbearable. I haven't had a life, I don't date much, every single decision is based on how it affects the IBS. I've researched everything, tried everything, read everything and am so sick of doctors saying they can't help. I feel like I have had one of the most stubborn cases of IBS-C around (but i'm sure everyone feels that way). All I can offer you is what has helped me in the past few weeks have more relief than i've had in years. The only SFS I can tolerate is citrucel. I take 1/2 tsp in the morning along with Zelnorm. (I've taken Zelnorm for awhile but it only now has started working w/a soft diet). I've been eating a banana or peeled sweet potatoe for breakfast. I've been now eating a lot of baby food and chicken rice soup for other meals, along with soft bread, and another zelnorm at night. This has worked at untwisting my insides and softening my poop and helping pass it. Not perfect, but worlds better than it has been. Have you tried a very soft mushy diet, and have you tried zelnorm. I know what we all need more than anything is just a mental break. Hang in there.

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To everyone who replied new
      #146091 - 02/02/05 08:22 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Thanks for taking the time to read yet one more desperate post about my lack of relief. I am just clueless as to how far I should keep pursuing an answer.

I want to ask each of you individual responses to your posts, but I must go to sleep now, as I am exhausted. Hopefully, tomorrow, I will be able to address each post individually as there are some questions I have for each of you.

thank you for putting up with me. I often worry that you guys are getting so sick of me that pretty soon you all with just start skipping my posts. They are always so Uplifting aren't they!

Please don't leave me alone with this. I need you guys so much. I'm sorry. I wish I could start posting some more positive posts. But, this is where I'm at still. In a bad way. Okay, time for bed.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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No one will desert you! new
      #146106 - 02/02/05 09:38 PM

Reged: 11/14/04
Posts: 1530
Loc: Canberra, Australia

Beth. I'll certainly be here for you as long as you need support (even if I can't offer much advice). I always keep an eye out for your posts. Like you've said before we always seem to be on some sort of a level playing field. Big hugs. Talk to you when you've had some rest.


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Did the doctors diagnose you with IBS new
      #146502 - 02/03/05 06:25 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Or are you just assuming you have it because everything came back negative?

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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I can't hear my body! new
      #146504 - 02/03/05 06:34 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

I'm listening, but all I hear is "I hurt, help me". But I don't know how to do that. I'm not even sure I have IBS. Were you diagnosed with IBS or are you assuming it's IBS? When you said "been there, done that" did you mean that you also were thinking you had something besides IBS? How did you come to the resolution that it was IBS?

I know my obsession is causing incredible stress which is bad for my tummy, but I am devoted to trying to find some answers and some relief so that I can have some quality of life left.

BTW, do you take 2 teaspoons of Acacia before each meal or 2 Tablespoons?

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Were you officially diagnosed new
      #146506 - 02/03/05 06:37 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

with IBS? No, I haven't tried miralax yet. I was hoping that I could find a reason for all this that could actually be fixed. How do I give that hope up?

What made you give it up, the search that is?

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Thank you for your prayers Angela new
      #146508 - 02/03/05 06:50 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

As I said earlier, I can't hear what my body is saying. It just says "I hurt, help me".

I'm glad this diet and acacia has helped you. And I wasn't aware that you were reading my posts. Sorry if I dampen your spirits. I actually asked Casey if maybe I should stop posting because I am always so "desparate" and bringing people down and not a very good representative for the Eating for IBS diet! Was afraid I could actually get evicted.

Have you been officially diagnosed with IBS or did you just assume because of your symptoms?

Any suggestions on how to find a doctor who will listen to me? I had an appointment with my GI doc today and he was so crabby and frustrated. He told me how upset he was with me and I just started crying in his office. I don't think I should be afraid to ask him questions. And after 5 years of writing IBS in my chart all of a sudden he tells me he doesn't think I have IBS, but doesn't give any advice on what to take or eat or do to help whatever I do have.
UGH! I know he cares about me. He has given me free meds, did an endoscopy on me for free because I had no insurance, never charges me for appointments, but he isn't helping me either. I don't want to hurt his feelings by going to another doctor. The one who was recommended happens to be right across the reception desk from him!

Oh I gave you more info than you wanted. Guess I'm just rambling. But thank you for your prayers Angela. That means a lot. I hope you don't think you have wasted your time answering my posts. BTW, what exactly do you do to manage your symptoms now?

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Oh, Casey new
      #146528 - 02/03/05 07:48 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

I know you must be frustrated with me. I'm trying what you said, honestly.

If you read the posts I made above, it addresses a lot of questions you asked. Yes, I just started back on the lexapro, but I think I emailed you about that already.

I know there isn't a cure for IBS. I'm not searching for that, believe me! I know it can only be "managed". What I'm searching for is anything else this could possibly be in hopes that there will be a cure for that.

To make me even more confused, my GI doc today told me he doesn't think I have IBS! This is after 10 years of my old internal med doc and my old GI doc telling me I did! He offered no other diagnosis, no advice, just leaves me frustrated and in tears from this ambiguety! He was tired and crabby as I saw him after a long day and he was not very empathetic or patient. I wouldn't even know how to find a good GI doc, and hate the thought of going through all the pains of reiterating my whole story to another doctor, getting med records sent from my 2 previous GI docs. which brings up another confusion! One GI says I have IBS and no Celiac, and the other says I don't have IBS now and I do have to be Gluten Free! Two totally different conclusions in the same year. See how I am so stressed and confused and just wanting some definitive answer? I hate doctors. I really do. How can I get two opposite responses from to GI docs? What did they get there degrees in? Like the weather people. Do they just guess? That's reassuring isn't it.

Casey, did you have a doctor diagnose you with IBS? Do you wonder if it might be something else? But then you have had success with this diet, so that's pretty convincing.

Thanks for the little pep talk. Yes, I have tried new foods And thanks for realizing that the GF thing is tough. It is tough because I can't make Heather's breads or eat oatmeal or luna bars which have become stables for so many. NOt to mention a fricken loaf of 13 pieces of GF bread cost me 7 bucks! I'm trying to substitute microwaved sweet potatoes or boiled potato and lentils with carrots in place of sandwiches for lunch.

Anyhow, I need to email you this weekend. I need to let you know about my frustrating GI doc. He has totally turned my life for a loop here! For 10 years I've been told by others and him in the past that I have IBS. Was he just in a bad mood and frustrated so he changed his mind. He is very moody and if you catch him on an off day, he get's cranky and doesn't listen or spits out something he might not mean. I will call him Tuesday when he is in (and hopefully in a better mood) and ask him again what he meant. I think it is time for another doctor to break the tie between the two different diagnoses!

Now that I'm thinking about it, I did see another GI doc and she also thought it was a motility problem. Is that the same as IBS? Another doc who had no bed side manner and made me feel like I was wasting her time with just having this silly condition and not something more serious like crohns or colitis.

Okay, the rest in an email.

Thanks for your support, sweet Casey. You know how I feel about you. And what you said in your post on what you are proud about yourself today, right on! I second all that.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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We are two peas in a pod new
      #146530 - 02/03/05 07:53 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

I think you have the right idea to stop surfing the web and putting your trust in a doctor you trust and who is caring and who listens to you.

If I could find one, I would do the same. How do you find a doctor who you trust and who listens to you and doesn't make you feel stupid? And who can actually help you?

Amy, I love you for the support you always provide. That means more than I can ever tell you! Support from the boards keeps me going. But the contradictory advice stresses me out more. So what is one to do?

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Beth.... new
      #146545 - 02/03/05 09:22 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I'm not frustrated with YOU. I'm frustrated on your behalf, if that makes any sense. As a friend, I just want you to feel better.

I did have a doctor diagnose me with IBS, yep. I have never seen a GI doc for this, though. I fail to see the necessity of it, if my GP is perfectly able to order tests and make a diagnosis... and is a wonderful, lovely person with no chip on her shoulder on top of that. I could seriously just beat the snot out of all those doctors you've seen. There is NO EXCUSE for a medical professional to treat a patient with so little respect, and these clowns shouldn't even be practicing. He was in a bad mood?! Give me a f**king break.

I wish I had the patience to go through med school. Can you imagine what a kick@$$ GI doc I'd make? Hah!

Do I ever wonder if it's something other than IBS? Sometimes. I mean, like I said, the combined total of the diet, lexapro, imodium, and activity STILL haven't given me stability. I've been D for the past week, every single day, and it frustrates the hell out of me. I can guess that the problem is likely my gallbladder, since I already know I have problems with it & have been living with THOSE for 10 years already, so I don't feel like I'm a medical mystery or anything. I think I've reached an understanding that I will just never feel entirely well.

Someday, you'll have to explain GF to me. I mean, things you can't eat because of the gluten, especially. I don't understand luna bars at all. To my understanding, they're basically soy and sugar. I can be a little dense sometimes.

Ok... the rest will wait, as I eagerly await your email. I'm sorry I didn't reply to the first one - I was waiting for the second one! But don't feel pressured by my silliness. I'll reply tomorrow.

Sleep well!

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Re: We are two peas in a pod new
      #146577 - 02/04/05 12:49 AM

Reged: 11/14/04
Posts: 1530
Loc: Canberra, Australia

I've spent years trying to find the right doctor (see my other post in were you properly diagnosed). I was just lucky enough to move near someone I had heard was good and gave him a go. And he was good. As far as specialists go I've been to 3 cause I never liked the first 2. You just have to keep trying. It sux but it's trial and error.


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ps new
      #146598 - 02/04/05 04:47 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

My lentils have let me down today Bad lentils, don't they know their sole purpose is to make me poop.
More later. I don't even have time to read your post or I'll be late.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: Thank you for your prayers Angela new
      #146607 - 02/04/05 06:04 AM
Angela E.

Reged: 10/14/04
Posts: 2518
Loc: Michigan

I don't want you to stop posting your feelings and frustrations because that is what this place is all about! I have been diagnosed with IBS after I had a colonoscopy done in October. The doctor wasn't all that supportive because all he told me was that I have IBS and eat more fiber. He then gave me Elavil? which is an anit-depressant. Which later I found out is not good for IBS-C!!! SO I took matters into my own hands, did some searching on the web and found this place. I quit cold turkey of everything I was eating bad and totally stuck to the diet for almost 2 months. Since then I have been pretty stable with only a few minor setbacks. I am more lucky in the sense that I can cheat now and then and not suffer to bad. I honestly only take Acacia at night. I drink a glass of water around 8pm with 1 1/2 tablespoons of it in there. Then I take 2 stool softners and my vitamin as well. I do eat veggies during the day.
This routine works for me as I have a BM every morning around 7-9am. Sometimes I have mornings that aren't great and then I am extra carfful through the day.

Beth honey hang in there and maybe even though your doctor is really nice find a second opinion. And as Casey has said this is a syndrome and there will be good and bad days. Allow yourself a good pity party and then try to go on with your life as much as you can.

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Yes... (more) new
      #146627 - 02/04/05 07:42 AM

Reged: 10/28/04
Posts: 371
Loc: Kansas, USA

I've had 3 colonoscopies in the past 8 years, and every time the IBS diagnosis has been confirmed. My GI doctor actually prescribed Miralax to me about 6 years ago. I took it happily for about 3 years & actually felt normal, i.e., no cramps & having a bm about 5 days a week.

Then, I had to stop taking Miralax when I got pregnant (my ob/gyn didn't think it was safe). After I had the baby I had strange bouts of D for about 6 months. Then, my good old C came back. I recently tried Zelnorm, but didn't always feel good on it, so I switched back to Miralax. It's been great!

I keep my eyes open for new developments in the treatment of IBS, but I don't search for freaky solutions. The threat of pain & discomfort from something new is too scary for me. I actually found this site last summer when I was having doubts about taking Zelnorm & wanted to see I could find any discussions about it.

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Re: I can't hear my body! new
      #146680 - 02/04/05 10:36 AM

Reged: 12/03/04
Posts: 79

Beth...I just posted today that my doctor is putting me on thyroid medication. He says I have a mild case of hypothyroid and in some RARE instances that can affect BM. Have you had your thyroid looked at? It's worth a shot. My other symptoms involved crushing fatigue (for years), dry skin (odd, but he said it's a symptom), and depression.

It IS hard to listen to your body. I get very, very mad at mine when it won't act "right," and sometimes end up eating something harmful and trying to "punish" myself. I know this is because I am sad, upset, and feeling alone. But I got a lot of support last week with ideas that did help me out. I went to the gym twice this week, did yoga twice, and ate really well. I rested a lot. Everyone who told me it would be okay was right...I'm not perfect, but I'm definitely managing.

Please let us know how you are doing! I hope you find some relief soon.

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Re: I can't hear my body! new
      #146719 - 02/04/05 12:36 PM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 503
Loc: California

Oh Augie, I feel so for you. If you want relief you must find out what you want relief from. There are other digestive problems that have the same symptoms as IBS but it is not IBS.

Please, for your sake, go see a doctor, get a diagnosis. Know what you are up against, then proceed to fight!!!!!

I will be praying for you.



God never promised life would be easy, but he did promise to provide a way out!

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Re: Thank you for your prayers Angela new
      #146722 - 02/04/05 12:48 PM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 503
Loc: California



I pray you get a diagnosis soon. All this nervousness causes stress which is bad for us whether we have IBS or not.

Hang in there, this too shall pass.


God never promised life would be easy, but he did promise to provide a way out!

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LittleFox-confused new
      #146867 - 02/04/05 06:51 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

I was feeling badly that my posts are always so negative. I never even thought that anyone was saying something to hurt me, so I'm not sure how you got that impression. I am truly thankful for everyone's words and opinions and never took anything responded as anything but the intention to help me.

I'm not sure which statement you thought I interpreted as mean I appreciate and treasure everyone who has taken the time to respond and share their stories with me. I hope noone else misinterpreted my responses! I would feel awful.

Thank you for understanding how confused and frustrated and afraid I am feeling and for knowing that I needed to reach out to all of you. I agree, there is a special support and caring on this board which is probably the only positive thing about this GI distress I treasure the people on the board. That's why I was so worried about people getting tired of my negative posts. I was/am afraid of losing the only support system, the only people who take my pain seriously. I couldn't make it without all you guys.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Thanks for your words, Angela new
      #146868 - 02/04/05 07:01 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

The thoughts of stopping posting was all my idea! I don't want anyone to get the impression that I felt anything but support from you guys. I never ever felt that you guys were annoyed with me. I'm sick of me so was just didn't want bring others down with me!

I hope you see this post before it get's bumped down. Not sure if you check the boards on the weekend. Also, read my post to LIttle Fox as it explains my thoughts more in depth. Basically, I appreciate and love all you guys and just hope you will all stay with me through my struggle to find some answers.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: When is time to give up?- Thoughts on finding a new doctor new
      #146961 - 02/05/05 09:41 AM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)

I'm sorry you're having such a terrible time. I've had good results from Heather's diet (I'm IBS-D), but I still find myself hoping that "it" will turn out to be something other than IBS so I can be truly cured and I still find myself searching for what else it could be. I can only imagine how much more strongly you must hope and search for something else since you're not finding relief.

I don't have any suggestions for stuff for you to try, but I do have a couple of thoughts about finding a new doctor (it sounds like you really need one).

First, as part of Heather's post listing good docs, she talks about finding an IBS-qualified hypnotherapist and calling his or her office for a doctor referral. She lists a web page for hypnotherapists and there are some in Illinois.

Second, consider the Mayo Clinic. I don't know what your financial or medical insurance situation is, but Rochester is less than a day's drive from Chicago and Mayo may be the best place to go to say, "What about this?" and get tests for everything else it could be. (One of the doctors Heather lists as being good for IBS is now at the Mayo in Arizona.) You can check out the Mayo's Website at Mayo Clinic Patient Info. (I suggest this because I've considered it myself even though all the Mayos are far, far from New Jersey. I guess I feel like if someone spends enough time with me and runs enough tests, either they'll find the something else or I'll finally be able to just accept that this is IBS.)

I hope this helps. Take care.

[Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]

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Thanks for the suggestions new
      #146966 - 02/05/05 10:05 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

My financial situation is pretty bad, so I don't think the Mayo clinic would be an option. I would love to be able to go there or to the UNC center for GI and motility disorders. But just the expense of staying overnight and making the trips back and forth (as I'm sure they would not be able to do all the tests in one day) would be a financial stress. Plus, I don't even think it would be possible to get the time off of work from a job I started only 2 months ago. I'm thinking maybe I jumped into a job too soon before all this was settled as it makes getting tests done, etc, almost impossible now!

It's reassuring to know I'm not the only one that still questions the IBS diagnosis. It's such an easy one to tag on to anyone having GI problems now-a-days!

The web page post for hypnotherapist won't work for me. I think you have too many http's in them.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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You're not alone with your frustration! new
      #146989 - 02/05/05 12:53 PM

Reged: 07/31/04
Posts: 453

I'm IBD-D and have mixed results with the diet. The bland part is fine if I'm having a particularly bad time, and watching oily foods works, but I actually feel better if I eat vegetables and whole grains...all the carbs are hard for me to digest. And angel food cake is nothing but empty calories so I won't even go there.

I obsess as well and spend way too much time researching my body symptoms on the internet and in books. What helps for me is cognitive therapy, which helps to wear a new "groove" in the brain so you don't automatically go to that "what if" place all the time. There are several good books out there, like "Mind Over Mood," "The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook" and "Feeling Good". You might wish to join an anxiety support group; does your medical insurance cover mental health? I've found these groups very helpful.

Try to take a break from the obsessing by taking a walk or somehow getting a "bigger perspective" (being outdoors does that for me). It wouldn't hurt to tell your doctor about your concerns as well.

This might sound corny, but I think if you can soothe your spirit somehow, the body will follow.

Good luck!

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Re: Thanks for the suggestions new
      #147002 - 02/05/05 02:12 PM

Reged: 12/13/04
Posts: 4490
Loc: West Orange, NJ (IBS-D)

Maybe you can tuck the Mayo Clinic in the back of your mind for when your financial and work situations are better. And the UNC Clinic is a good idea, too - I've run across at least one article from them on the Web.

I was actually in the middle of composing a reply to your "Getting the diagnosis" post when I logged in to look for something and found your reply.

Sorry about the hypnotherapist URL - you're right, I had too many http's in it. I think there was one there and I pasted one in, too. Try this instead .

Just in case that doesn't work, here's the actual address so you can copy and paste it into your browser:

Hope this does it.

[Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate. - Sandra Boynton]

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