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New to the group
      #14424 - 07/19/03 03:32 PM

Reged: 07/19/03
Posts: 9

Hi there,

This is a long post, but I'm hoping there are more people out there that can help me with some questions I have at the end as well as educate others on this *annoying* condition. I just hope I'm not the only one with these dilemmas!

A little bit about myself first. I'm 28 and was diagnosed with C-IBS a few months ago after a year of abdominal pain, having to go to the bathroom all the time and constipation which really started in the second half of the year. It was a long process before they finally diagnosed it which I'm sure many of you know! :'

First MANY visits to my GP who kept diagnosing me with UTI. I get the meds and I'm fine only to have it return a few days later. After 4 times something just doesn't seem right...

Then to a urologist since the pains seemed to be by the bladder and kidneys who didn't find anything except a slightly misplaced ureter on my right kidney. I underwent a bladder scan and kidney test and everything worked fine in that department so I was referred to a GI. (My urologist told me that problems in the colon can mimic many bladder problems which I find interesting and true since it seems like when I get a little constipated now I have to go more). Weird!

With the GI, I was put on MiraLax which made everything worse. Citrucel also worsened my symptoms. I found out later that orange juice also wasn't friendly to me either- no wonder I had problems with the Citrucel!! Talk about a puzzled GI! :) Eat plenty of fruits was the next agenda which also didn't help believe it or not! By then I was at my wits end as you can imagine... Colonoscopy was the next step. Everything showed up fine- clean colon (I'm not surprised with that Prep the night before! :) as well as a very healthy colon which was good news. So, what now?!

Colon Transmit Study- Bingo! A week after ingesting those pellets the xrays showed them still at the beginning of my large intestine all in a row. I was placed on Zelnorm which I have taken for a few months now. They seem to help since I'm going every 1-4 days at the most instead of 1.5-2 weeks...

Now my questions:

1>I had a scary episode a few days after my bladder and kidney tests. I was hurting on and off most of the day, so I just associated it to the condition I had only I didn't know what it was at the time. All of a sudden, I got the worst pain I ever felt in my life in the back right side under my ribcage. I could barely walk or breathe since it hurt that bad. I went to the ER where they did an MRI and saw that my kidney and ureter was spasming as far as they could tell, but they couldn't find anything otherwise. I had no clots or anything else signalling complications from the bladder and kidney tests so after 5 hours I was sent home pain free after 2 bags of the saline solution. My GI is convinced that I had an slight intestinal blockage and that my colon was "panicking" at the time to try to move that obstruction. I was wondering of anyone else has had that experience? I'm scared to death that it could happen again, but I have no idea how to prevent it since I still am not sure what triggered it in the first place. For now, I'm hoping the Zelnorm will keep that from happening again...

2>About the Zelnorm. It seems to help me alot, but I get "constipated diarrihea". Anyone else have this?

3>Also about Zelnorm- I had diarrihea in the beginning with Zelnorm which went away for a few weeks and then returned. I had to cut the dose to 1/2! a tablet about 2 months ago. It was fine for awhile and now I have pretty bad diarrihea and am wondering what's up? I was thinking about it and realized that I haven't been eating a lot the last few days. Is it possible that I get all this buildup of water
which has nothing to pass so to speak so I get the Niagara Falls effect? ;) BTW: Why can't you have diarrihea with Zelnorm- I mean after all you want to get all the stuff out right? I've been drinking a lot of water because of the heat too which I'm sure isn't helping either..

4>Here are some foods I seem to have trouble with:
-Applesauce-Maybe the fiber in it?!
-Milk-Reg and Non-Lactose. Now using low fat 2% which *seems* OK, but am now wondering of that could actually be worsening the diarrhea?
-Subway sandwiches/Deli breads- Too much/wrong dough?
-Restaurant Pizzas- Again wrong dough? I have been eating small regular pizzas which I buy in the store and that seems fine (1/2 a day).

As you can imagine I'm almost afraid to eat anything since one minute it's fine and the next minute it isn't. I'm wondering of there is a "liquid diet" of sorts. It seems like everything I really like I can't have anymore... The only thing that seem fine is:

Fruit Loops :)
The small pizza you buy in stores
Store brand bread- not deli
Cold cuts

Hope this was an enlightenment as well as informative.

Again, sorry for the long post, but I hope I helped someone out there!


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Re: New to the group new
      #14427 - 07/19/03 04:04 PM

Reged: 07/08/03
Posts: 36
Loc: Albany, NY and Hartford, CT

Hi fellow great dane lover (I want to get one next year sometime!) Though I do not have specific advice for your questions, I do recommend both of Heather's books in terms of what you can and cannot eat (and why!). I just recently found this site and these books and they help immensely! (And quickly- I read both books cover to cover in one night because I was so excited) I have similar problems that you described and I also have the constipated diarrhea. Feels like you gotta go *right now* and when you sit down nothing happens? I found that doing yoga moves things along since I began (check out the yoga board too!)I also found that drinking peppermint tea and taking a lot of soluble fiber helps keeps me going more often.

There are a lot of people on this site with similar problems- I am just a rookie and I am still learning and being tested for it all. In the past week I've been with this board- I've felt better.

Good luck!

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Re: New to the group new
      #14451 - 07/20/03 12:36 PM

Reged: 07/19/03
Posts: 9


Great another potential Dane owner! I think you'll have lots of fun with them. I wanted to send you a private msg but it doesn't look like I can in this forum. Please email me at:

I can give you some tips on Danes.

I forgot to mention in my post that I have trouble with tea as well which causes a lot of burning so that's out the window too I think. I want to try it again, but I'm hesitant to do so. I drank tea for awhile and really started liking it before all this stuff happened especially chamomille. It sure beats plain water!

I can't have any fiber at all. No fruits or applesauce for that matter. It seems like my body is all of a sudden rejecting all the healthy foods!

I'm planning on getting the book you mentioned since I want to eat and not worry about what I'm eating!


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Re: New to the group new
      #14460 - 07/20/03 04:28 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

Welcome to the board! I think a lot of your questions will be answered by searching through this website. There is TONS of helpful info that will not only explain what foods are "safe" also WHY. Here are a couple of links to get you started:
web page web page web page

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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Re: New to the group new
      #14522 - 07/21/03 11:25 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

Hi there! Welcome!

The fruits have tons of INsoluble fiber.....the fiber supplements have SOLUBLE fiber. Read up on soluble fiber on Heather's faqs.

Bananas are good to eat...they have loads of soluble fiber. PLAIN french bread is also good (ingredients: water, flour, yeast). Pretzels are good too. Try to keep your diet low fat--no fried foods--and elimnate dairy and red meat. Chicken and fish are wonderful for IBS! (Some tuna cans contain casein, a dairy ingredient, so you may want to avoid those cans. Some IBS folks have probs with casein, some don't).

If you have a problem with rice, pasta, bread, etc. you may have something called celiac. Were you tested for this? You may want to speak to your doc about it.

What happens to you when you drink tea? Do you get heartburn?

I hope this helps start you off in the right direction, and I hope you get to feeling better soon!

Take care!



Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: New to the group new
      #14561 - 07/22/03 05:03 AM

Reged: 07/19/03
Posts: 9


Thanks for your email!

For some reason I have lots of trouble with bananas. I love them, but they plug me up big time. I've had trouble with italian bread, but I haven't tried French bread. Funny thing is that I don't have trouble with "store brand breads". I can eat a lot of that.

I found that out the hard way with fried foods... :' Like with potatoes- fried are a pain, but boiled is a charm.
I just elimated diary this week and noticed some improvement. I'm now eating cereal with water which seems to help a lot!
Not that tasty, but I need cereal in the morning and at night.

I've had fish from Long John Silver's and they caused problem, but I haven't had home cooked fish in awhile. I'll have to try that. Tuna seems OK though.

I think Celiac was ruled out in my case since I thought he mentioned that I didn't have celiac or Chrohn's. How do they test for it?

When I drink tea, I get lots of burning in my bladder and kidneys.

Just an interesting note for you and everyone else. Like I said, I started having bad diarrihea and decided to stop taking the Zelnorm pills for awhile and see what would happen since I had taken them for a few months anyway. (I stopped it Saturday). We had some bad storms Sunday night with tornadoes close by which scared me you know the word... And now what happens? I've been going for the last 2 days on my own without too much trouble! 2-3 times a day too! I just went this morning, so it is really strange for me since I've never gone every day regularly even with the Zelnorm... I don't know how long this will last, but I'm hoping that my colon just kicked in and started doing what it's supposed to do and will continue this trend. I have to chuckle at the thought that the threat of tornadoes did it if that's the case....

What weird advice... Take Zelnorm for a few months and then move to a tornado prone area! I can see my GI shaking his head with this!


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Re: New to the group new
      #14607 - 07/22/03 01:15 PM

Reged: 05/07/03
Posts: 5
Loc: Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Try to eat your cereal with soymilk, there are a some different flavours in it, better than water probably. There is a wonderfull recipe in Heather's book with oatmeal, maybe you like that and is it helpfull. I think, as said before, you can find a lot of helpfull info on this board and in Heather's books. Good luck and hope you feel better soon!

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Re: New to the group new
      #14610 - 07/22/03 01:17 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

You can try soy, rice, almond milk in your cereal. It hides the taste and may be better than just plain old water.

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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Re: New to the group new
      #14626 - 07/22/03 03:12 PM

Reged: 07/19/03
Posts: 9


I can't have soy or rice, but almond milk sounds good. Do I have to get that in a nutrition store or could I get it at Walmart?

Let me know,

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Re: New to the group new
      #14627 - 07/22/03 03:14 PM

Reged: 07/19/03
Posts: 9


I can't have soy, but someone else suggested almond milk which I will try.


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New symptoms?? new
      #14758 - 07/24/03 06:02 AM

Reged: 07/19/03
Posts: 9


As you know I have stopped Zelnorm since Saturday and have some strange symptoms since. I have extreme nausea-before and after eating, extreme hunger-can't seem to eat enough and more foods look less appealing, headaches, backaches-sore colon?, chills and "hot flashes"? I went to the GI yesterday and the nurse told me that the nausea could be a withdrawal symptom from the Zelnorm and said not to go back on it. She said to give it a week to see of the symptoms improve and I guess by then the Zelnorm is out of my system.

I'm only 28 so I doubt it's hot flashes, but the symptoms seem similar- get hot and cold with normal temp and face gets red. I feel like I'm 50 at times with all this!

On the other hand, I seem to be going regularly 2-3 times a day so it looks like my system is starting to work on it's own which is nice, but does anyone have any advice on how to ease the nausea foremost as well as these other symptoms that are starting to annoy me? I've also tried ginger for the nausea which works for a little bit, but then I really get sick to my stomach.

I read on the internet that the extreme hunger could be from lack of calcium and it dawned on me that I recently stopped dairy altogether so I'm taking Tums and it helps a little but not much. If I'm correct, the headaches and backaches are common IBS symptoms which seemed to have been masked by the Zelnorm when I took that. Now that I'm off the Zelnorm all heck seems to break loose!

I'm starting to try other things like bananas, rice cakes, lots of toast and jelly and crackers with lots of water even those items have caused me trouble in the past, but they seem to be OK now. A terrible diet for someone's who's already skinny! I have to eat frequent small meals- not easy for someone who's starving as I'm sure you can imagine...

Thanks for any advice for a tired, hungry, and miserable person! :'


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Starch and Fiber? new
      #14983 - 07/25/03 08:05 PM

Reged: 07/19/03
Posts: 9


Well I'm back on the Zelnorm once again, but will only take it as needed instead of every day and 1/4 of a tablet instead of 1/2. I made a mistake of trying a banana again... I've discovered that bananas seem to be a big problem for me and I'm wondering of anyone else has that because it seems like bananas are supposed to be OK to eat because they are easily digestible,etc. I read up on bananas and discovered they have starch in them. I also have trouble with any type of potatoes, but boiled so is there such a thing as starch intolerance? I also found out that bananas have soluble fiber like Citricel has and I had lots of trouble with Citricel too. Is there anyone out there that also has problems with starch or soluble fiber? Most of the stuff in the forum show lots of promises for soluble fiber so am I the only one that has trouble with fiber?! I can't have any fruits either- even a little applesauce gets me but I'm not sure of the high fructose corn syrup or fiber gets me there.

I'm learning a lot as the days go on! We would all make good scientists going through this...


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Re: Starch and Fiber? new
      #15184 - 07/28/03 09:02 AM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA

I can't eat bananas either without having an attack.

- Jennifer

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Re: Starch and Fiber? new
      #15205 - 07/28/03 10:51 AM

Reged: 02/04/03
Posts: 117
Loc: Jackson, Mississippi

I found that Fiber Choice tablets work better for me than Citracel, especially with the Zelnorm. Bananas aggravate C from my understanding so I would stay away from them. I am ok with potatos though, usually baked is just fine.

Screen Name: Nan275

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Re: Starch and Fiber? new
      #15213 - 07/28/03 11:48 AM

Reged: 07/19/03
Posts: 9


Thanks for your input. I'll keep the Fiber Choice in mind. It just seems like I get just one *ounce* of fiber and I'm in trouble. I'm going to try raisins though to see how they work. One a day...

So bananas are not always good. I'm glad to hear that since I thought I was the one having the most pickiest digestive system out there!

I miss them already! That banana/strawberry milkshake looks so good in Heather's book...


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