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      #137988 - 01/13/05 08:23 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

I've been having persistent hiccups for the past few days. I have not had any soda or eaten anything different.

I did a google search on the cause of hiccups and it said it could be caused by a gastrointesinal disorder, abdominal distention, gastritis, or stomach cancer. Those were the leading causes for persistant hiccups. I checked out a couple internet sights and they all said the same thing.

So now I'm worried that something is going on inside my body. That somehow the IBS has led to something else. Or do you guys just think it's nothing to be concerned about and that it is just a nuisance like burping or gas?

Has anyone else experienced this symptom? I'm really scared about this as it is new and I have had the other IBS symptoms for years. I just don't want to go backwards or develop something on top of this.

What is gastritis anyhow?

Thanks. I'm really scared I'm not only feeling worse, but something inside me is getting worse and I don't think emotionally I can deal with anything more. I'm at my breaking point.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: hiccups-alarmed! new
      #138036 - 01/13/05 10:28 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I don't think you have anything to worry about. I get hiccups pretty often and always have.

Then again, I *did* have gastritis. The good news is that it's not serious, so don't panic! It's basically an irritation or inflamation of the stomach lining. I was treated with Pepcid (yep, the OTC stuff), and I have no idea if it ever went away or not, but the doctor who diagnosed me back then said it was *not* a big deal at all. It's not as bad as an ulcer, for example.

PS - I will answer your email! I swear!

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Re: hiccups-alarmed! new
      #138045 - 01/13/05 10:53 AM

Reged: 12/21/04
Posts: 92
Loc: Arroyo City Texas USA

I agree that there's probably nothing to worry about. A young man here in Utah was on the news a while back because he had hiccups for 2 years straight. There's nothing wrong with him he just hiccups.



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Re: hiccups-alarmed! new
      #138053 - 01/13/05 11:14 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Thanks for reassuring me, but the reason I am scared is because I already have GI symptoms so these causes of hiccups may be more applicable to me.

The man who had them for so long probably didn't have other health problems.

And since my IBS is flaring up big time with symptoms these past 2 months, I thought that the hiccups were a warning or rather a side effect of the other "thing" that may also be causing the icreased IBS symptoms. It's just weird that they are occuring at the same time the IBS is at it's worst. Coincidence? I'm doubting that, but I hope so.

Does that make sense? I'm still scared guys.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Casey new
      #138055 - 01/13/05 11:18 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

I never had them before! That's why I am alarmed now.

Also, do you need to still take pepcid? Is that something you take forever or off an on?

I posted a response to princesspea too about all this.

Don't worry about the email timing. I don't email you cause I expect an immediate answer. I email you cuz I like ya!

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Beth new
      #138062 - 01/13/05 11:31 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I figured that... if you were expecting an immediate response, you'd have stopped emailing my lazy self a long time ago.

I read your response to princesspea, too. I still wouldn't worry much about it, but I can understand why you're concerned. You might want to call your doctor, just to see what he says - maybe he can ease your mind a little, or call you in for more tests.

By the way, do you know what "abdominal distension" is? Stomach bloating. Don't you have problems with bloating as one of your main symptoms right now? And IBS qualifies as a "gastrointestinal disorder". So in other words, it's absolutely within the realm of possibility that hiccuping could be a symptom, even if you've never had it before.

Oh - the pepcid - nope, I don't take it at all anymore. Eating lots of bready non-acidic foods has pretty much kept the gastritis (if I even still have it) under control for a while now. My main symptom with gastritis, by the way, was heartburn.

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Casy new
      #138065 - 01/13/05 11:41 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Yes, bloating is a major problem with me. I also thought maybe since the C is so bad I may be blocked up causing more distention! From poop!

Calling my doc is probably what I'll do, but he always tells me not to worry and to wait it out, in other words, no help. I think he thinks I am a hypochondriac and if I told him I got the causes from the dear I say "internet" that would turn him away ASAP from even taking it seriously.

You know, he really hasn't offered any help with any of my symptoms, so why do I even keep seeing him. Just an "out loud" thought I had.

Are fruits and veggies considered acidic? Not the obvious ones like oranges and tomatoes, but the other ones I eat, you know what they are since you suggested them!

Boy, don't know if I can afford yet another OTC, this IBS is expensive. But if that's all it takes, I'll be happy.

BTW, didn't realize gastitis could be a temporary thing.


~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Oh yeah... new
      #138088 - 01/13/05 12:48 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I imagine gastritis can be healed the same way ulcers can be healed. You're not necessarily stuck with it forever.

And by "acidic" I meant lots of citrus and tomatoes, and for me, fruit juices were always a killer. Not that we're supposed to drink most fruit juices, but I thought I'd mention it. By the way, I can totally eat citrus and tomatoes now that I'm cushioning it with lots of bread!

By the way, I'm NOT saying you have gastritis and I'm definitely NOT saying you should run out and start taking pepcid, so don't do it! I'm just reassuring you that if a doctor should happen to diagnose you with something like gastritis, it's really not a big deal... definitely not nearly as complicated and annoying as IBS is.

And if your doctor isn't doin' it for ya, it might be time for a second opinion!

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Re: Oh yeah... new
      #138097 - 01/13/05 01:28 PM
Jennifer Rose

Reged: 04/02/03
Posts: 3566
Loc: Fremont, CA

I actually have the hiccoups right now. My boss is laughing at me because they're kind of loud.

The pain in the butt is that whenever I get the hiccoups, I'll usually have them 2-3 more times the same day. Just another annoyance.

- Jennifer

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Re: hiccups-alarmed! new
      #138098 - 01/13/05 01:29 PM

Reged: 03/20/04
Posts: 1844

Aww - don't be scared!! I get hiccups a lot too...this is weird - but EVERYTIME I eat french bread I get hiccups right away! I don't get it, but I'm just used to it.
I wouldn't worry about it!! Are you drinking water upside down to try and get rid of them?? Or hold your breath for a really long time!


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