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Question for HanSolo(and anyone else who can help)...
      #136 - 01/30/03 07:45 AM

Reged: 01/29/03
Posts: 41

I noticed in your last reply that you were down to only chicken and potatoes...Well I'm in this same boat at this moment. That's basically my diet and I'm trying to get the nerve up to re-introduce some fiber into my diet. Trouble is, I am not sure of what would be the easiest to digest, as far as fiber goes. If you would be so very kind as to share with me the exact foods that you started out with, this would be of so much help to me.

I can only eat tiny, tiny amounts of fiber foods, and I always have uncomfortable symptoms. This is why I always fail at the fiber thing. But I'm ready to really do this and was wondering how long it takes for the tummy to get toughened up to all this change and fiber?

Thanks so much...

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Re: Question for HanSolo(and anyone else who can help)... new
      #138 - 01/30/03 08:10 AM

Reged: 01/30/03
Posts: 2

Hello there...i have a question...Has anyone ever had medications for I.B.S. .I had Zelnorme, and it works great only it is short term? Sorry if this post is in the romg place as i am a newbee to this sight..Thanks

Edited by donna (01/30/03 08:13 AM)

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Re: Question for HanSolo(and anyone else who can help)... new
      #188 - 01/30/03 03:47 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

I hear you! I totally know what it's like to be there. Read Heather's response to IBS constipation and pain (from today.) There are different groups of foods. Once you understand this, it will be easier. If you haven't already, read the section on this website for Eating for IBS chapter reviews which explains some of this.
The short of it is, once I got things stabilized with soluble fiber, I found sweet potatoes, VERY well cooked carrots, and bananas great starts. Have you tried soy milk? Once you get used to the taste, it's yummy. Remember, the more mashable a food is, the easier it is to digest. Great rule of thumb. Ie. cooked carrot vs. raw carrot. I can't tolerate whole wheat in any amounts at all for some reason. It will take a bit of trial an error. Be brave and careful. If I can be of any more help, let me know. Take care of yourself. PS have you tried Peppermint tea? Ginger? Fennel? They can reduce some of the discomforts. You may even feel better in a few days. Let me know how you are doing. Han.

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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Re: About the fiber... new
      #191 - 01/30/03 04:15 PM

Reged: 12/09/02
Posts: 7799
Loc: Seattle, WA

Hi Meg - I'm going to send you to a page with really detailed information about soluble and insoluble fiber, which should answer a lot of questions for you. The page is http://www.firstyearibs.com/day3learn.html

You're actually already eating fiber from your potatoes - it's soluble fiber, and that's the key to stabilizing IBS. You shouldn't have toughen up your system at all to increase soluble fiber - it's very soothing and normalizes bowel function, so it will help and not hurt. This is true for soluble fiber foods and supplements both.

Increase your soluble fiber slowly, and drink lots of water with it. You should see a huge improvement very soon.


Heather is the Administrator of the IBS Message Boards. She is the author of Eating for IBS and The First Year: IBS, and the CEO of Heather's Tummy Care. Join her IBS Newsletter. Meet Heather on Facebook!

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THANK YOU HanSolo and Heather:) new
      #197 - 01/30/03 05:35 PM

Reged: 01/29/03
Posts: 41

I surely thank both of you for your helpful information and support!

I've already began trying to do some lite fiber foods, easy does it for sure. But I am completely bound up and in pain tonight. I believe that once things get moving along, if you will, then I'll be able to do the fiber thing full force.

It's just so great to come here and find support and such helpful information, you're all a special blessing from God.

Thanks again,

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