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Still no diagnosis, still sick and getting worse -- help! (long post) new
      #133824 - 12/30/04 11:27 AM

Reged: 07/14/03
Posts: 157
Loc: California

I've been posting to this forum occasionally for about a year and a half. I really appreciate the positive approach and the supportive environment here. I'm pretty frustrated at this point, and I could use some feedback.

For the past 18 months, I have had chronic D. Prior to that time, I was mildly C, with occasional bouts of D that would last a couple of weeks, then go away. Usually during these times I'd go on a version of Heather's diet - without knowing at the time that's what I was doing!

I should also mention that I am gluten intolerant, and sometimes I'd have a flare-up due to some hidden gluten that had crept into my diet. I have been thoroughly tested for celiac disease, and results have all been negative. I am very careful about gluten nonetheless.

In the summer of 2003 (I can remember the exact day!), I started having D everyday. Dietary changes made no difference. I discovered Heather's book at that time, and I started following it carefully. It made a lot of sense to me since I'd done a version of it during previous flares, and it worked. I couldn't then (and still can't) tolerate fiber supplements, but I added soluble fiber foods to my diet, and avoided all the triggers. Nothing helped.

I found out a few months after this attack started that I had b. hominis, a protozoa that's common and not considered to be a big problem. I was treated for it and apparently got rid of it. I felt better after taking the antibiotics--for a couple of weeks. Then I got sick again. I have had chronic D ever since--except for when I've been on antibiotics.

When this started, I would have an occasional "normal" day, but I have gotten much worse. I am now sick every single day. I have been on the diet for more than a year, and it doesn't seem to make a difference.

I had never been diagnosed definitively with IBS. My GI doc had me go through several tests over the past year, because he suspected Crohn's. I just got the final test results, and he has completely ruled out Crohn's. I am truly thankful for that! But the downside is that I remain undiagnosed. The GI doc says that at this point he can't give any diagnosis other than IBS, although even he feels my symptoms aren't completely IBS-like (because diet doesn't help, fiber supplements don't help, the length of this "flare-up" is unusual, I feel better when I'm on antibiotics, I feel better when I don't eat much, etc.).

My homeopathic MD has also had me tested for various things, and I'm still waiting on a few results for such things as food allergies, dysbiosis, parasites, pancreatic insufficiency, etc. He feels I could have bacterial overgrowth and possible candida problems.

I've been researching and considering the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, because it addresses the problem of bacterial overgrowth; however, it is in complete opposition to the IBS diet, so I'm still a little skeptical. I am also considering an anti-candida diet, but it also removes most of the common soluble fiber foods that I eat.

I'm interested to know from others:
- Have you been mostly C then suddenly changed to D?
- Have you had a D attack that has lasted more than a year?
- What has worked for you in getting the D under control--in addition to the IBS diet?
- Is it possible that I had mild IBS for years, and then it suddenly got worse?

And anything else that might be helpful. I'm really at my wits' end with this. I don't feel that medical doctors are very helpful when they can't find an exact diagnosis. I've tried to continue my life as usual, but it's really been draining. The quality of life is affected by the constant sick feeling and never knowing if I'm going to feel well enough to participate in planned activities.

Thanks for any and all help. I appreciate your time.


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Re: Still no diagnosis, still sick and getting worse -- help! (long post) new
      #133890 - 12/30/04 07:31 PM
Yoda (formerly Hans)

Reged: 01/22/03
Posts: 3682
Loc: Canada

Wow. I feel so bad for you! You've been through a terrible time and it doesn't seem you're anywhere near a diagnosis. Have you had everything else outruled? Colitis? Endomitriosis? even certain cancers can give IBS like symptoms. I would go back to your family Doc and ask for more tests. I agree with you when you say that your symptoms are not really IBS like.
For example, I know no one who has found Heather's diet to be at least helpful in a small way. If you followed the diet carefully as you did, you should be feeling better. Also, your inability to take fiber supplements is puzzling. For most IBS folks, they're a tremendous help - once you get on the right one. Sometimes it takes a few tries to see which one is the best.
I really don't have any advice to give you. It really sounds like the Doctors need to get their butts in gear and find out what's going on. I really hope you feel better soon and they get to the bottom of all this.

Formerly HanSolo. IBS, OCD, Bipolar, PTSD times 3.

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Re: Still no diagnosis, still sick and getting worse -- help! (long post) new
      #133921 - 12/31/04 03:09 AM

Reged: 12/14/04
Posts: 35
Loc: Camano Island, WA

I can definitely simpathize with you. I have had IBS-C for most of my adult life. About six months ago I started having IBS-D with nausea, increased pain and gas. I have done everything in the course of this syndrome and because it is normal for me to have some sort of difficulties did not go to an MD. I finally did go the other day and had another abd ultrasound to rule out gallstones. I am guessing it will be negative and once again I will be told that everything is normal. Have you ever wanted to be diagnosed with something just so you could fix it? So I have just purchased the hypnosis CDs and the books and have already started the diet. I do have to say that since switching from a low carb(not to lose weight) diet back to a more varied diet has helped. I cut out carbs to assist my husband who did want to lose some weight about six months ago. So I guess for me that might be a clue. I am sorry I don't really have an answer to any of this. I just wanted to let you know that someone else out there was going through the same thing.

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Me too, please help-long post new
      #133928 - 12/31/04 05:53 AM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

I too can only sympathize with you. As you might remember, I too am following a GF diet even though my results came back "inconclusive" meaning 1/2 the tests were positive for gulten intolerance, but the one most specific for celiac came back negative. So the doc said to follow a GF diet because I may have gluten intolerance but not celiac.

I too have not had any improvement with the IBS diet as of yet. In fact, my constipation is ten times worse, despite trying to get in insolubles at every meal. I am having a difficult time with the SFS I have tried, not giving me BM's but only bloating and gas. I am miserable. Totally stopped up despite zelnorm, magnesium, citrucel, triphala (herb for constipation). UGH.

I also have been tested for my gallbladder which is not functioning very well, they say. But my GI doc refuses to remove it because he says the side effect could be permanent D! Right now I could use the D. But what is he gonna do about the nonfunctioning GB? NOTHING!

I have also had a gastric emptying test done and that also showed delayed emptying. Again, the doc is doing nothing for that. So why did I pay to get the stupid tests done!

I am also considering the SCD diet. But as you said, it is so different from Heather's and that scares me. Plus, it is a very difficult diet to follow--I cannot find the dry curd cheese anywhere and would have to learn to make it. Plus making the yogurt takes like 24 hours or more. The machines are very expensive and making it in the oven is complicated. Plus the diet is very very restrictive. If you go on it gives all the nonos and they are abundant.

I am staying with Heathers diet for now. Because I don't think I could do the SCD. I am stress, depressed, feeling hopeless, and scared. I just want to feel better. My doctor is no help, offers nothing in way of meds to help with this painful C. I wish he could have IBS for a while. Maybe he would empathize a little.

Well, I have vented enough. I am just as frustrated as you my dear. I wish someone on the board could offer us some guarentee that sticking with the IBS diet will eventually pay off. I could bare the pain now if I knew there would be relief in the end.

Does anyone have some advice for Judith and I? Were any of you at the point of wanting to quit, but stuck with it and it paid off eventually?

Anyone else had slow gastric emptying or slow GB tests and how have you found relief?

Thanks for listening to me vent.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: Me too, please help-long post new
      #134650 - 01/03/05 11:23 AM

Reged: 07/14/03
Posts: 157
Loc: California

Hi, again -- I just posted to you on another message about GF foods!

Thanks for your sympathy. As I mentioned in my previous posts, I did pretty well on the GF diet for a long time. I'd have occasional flare-ups, but they were managable. So this lengthy problem I'm having now has really gotten me down.

I am currently trying my own version of the SCD diet. I have found some folks out there who are not so hard line about the diet, and understand the need to modify it to meet individual needs. For me, the dairy products are problematic, so I decided not to use them (cheese, dry curd cottage cheese, yogurt). I am primarily eliminating all grains as well as sugar (other than a little raw honey and some fruit). I feel I can still get the soluble fiber that the IBS diet requires through foods like winter squash, applesauce, etc. I'm also taking probiotics in fairly large quantities as well as digestive enzymes (as there is some possibility that I have pancreatic insufficiency).

This is just an experiment, but I'll let you know how it goes.

It's certainly true that doctors are not very helpful unless they can pinpoint a specific disease such as colitis or Crohn's or celiac. I am going to an alternative doctor as well as a GI doc, so that I can get more than one perspective on the problem. The alternative doctor is more supportive of using diet to heal than medications, and that makes more sense to me.

We are a pair--hope we can both find some help soon! I am really tired of feeling crummy all the time!!


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Re: Still no diagnosis, still sick and getting worse -- help! (long post) new
      #134660 - 01/03/05 11:34 AM

Reged: 07/14/03
Posts: 157
Loc: California

Hi, Kate--Boy, do I hear you when you say you'd like some kind of diagnosis so you could find a way to fix the problem. I get frustrated when every test comes back "normal" and yet it just can't be normal to suddenly start having diarrhea every single day for months and months on end. I've even had difficulty with the diagnosis of IBS (which has not been definitive in my case as yet), because my symptoms are not completely like IBS, and because the diet hasn't brought about long term changes.

I did realize recently while waiting for some test results to come back that I was actually hoping (for once) that everything would be normal. I was being tested for cancer in the small intestine as well as Crohn's disease. After reading about Crohn's, I knew I didn't want to have that to deal with; and, of course, I didn't want cancer. So I had kind of a turning point--okay, so doctors can't diagnose me. Does that mean I'm crazy or a hypochondriac? Or does it mean that medical science is just not advanced enough to understand our complex digestive system? I think it's the latter.

Anyway, those tests came back normal, and now I'm waiting on tests that have to do with bacterial infections, parasites, food allergies, etc. Those are all things that I can deal with. And if everything comes back negative again, I'm just going to have to keep experimenting on my own to see what works. We're all pretty unique, and what works for one may not work for someone else, right?

I really appreciate your sympathy, and I hope for both of us that we can figure out how to deal with the problem. Thanks for your post.


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Re: Still no diagnosis, still sick and getting worse -- help! (long post) new
      #134663 - 01/03/05 11:37 AM

Reged: 07/14/03
Posts: 157
Loc: California

Thanks, Han. I think I'm running out of tests to do. I've had all kinds of blood tests, stool tests, and various scopes. It's all very puzzling to me.

I think I mentioned that following a version of the IBS diet had helped me in the past. I think I probably have IBS, but I don't think it is the IBS that is causing my current problems. If it were that, I think that sticking to the diet would have gotten me stabilized.

Anyway, I'm going to try experimenting with diet and probiotics, and see what happens with that. I'm also waiting on a final bunch of tests to see if that gives any clues.

Thanks for your support.


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Judithg new
      #134693 - 01/03/05 12:32 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

What the heck do you eat for B,L,D and snacks without grains? Give me some examples of a daily meal plan!

How do you eat your fruits and veggies without the soluble base of rice or bread?

How long have you been doing this and how are you feeling?

Are you doing any SFS?

Please keep in touch. You don't have an email posted, so I hope you check in on the boards soon!

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: Still no diagnosis, still sick and getting worse -- help! (long post) new
      #134699 - 01/03/05 12:35 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Who does the food allergy testing?

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: Still no diagnosis, still sick and getting worse -- help! (long post) new
      #134760 - 01/03/05 06:03 PM

Reged: 10/24/04
Posts: 10

Lots of interesting info you have shared. I did want to share I had a slow functioning GB and my doc did want me to have it out. He did NOT tell me I'd have probs with D though! I've also had every test known to man re cancers, celiac, Crohn's, etc. I still mainly alternate between C&D although lean more toward D. I do feel better in some ways. I have struggled with chronic debilitating nausea that no doc has found a "cure" for or "diagnosis" for. Talk about good news, eh? Anyway, I feel lousy a LOT, but do have to say that I feel better on the IBS diet than not. I do avoid dairy as much as possible and that seems to be helpful. Any fats can set me off (especially with no GB). I sure don't have answers for you, but can sympathize a lot as I struggle daily with feeling lousy. Hang in there!

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Re: Still no diagnosis, still sick and getting worse -- help! (long post) new
      #134765 - 01/03/05 06:17 PM

Reged: 06/22/04
Posts: 2018
Loc: USA

Hi Judith. Has any of your doctors did a c-diff toxin? The reason I asked is because in your post you state that you feel better on antibiotics. What antibiotic is it that you are taking that makes you feel better?

I had c-diff a few years back. It is caused from actually taking too many antibiotics and the only thing that rids the c-diff is Vancomycin. I was sick for a few months with constant D and pains. The D is unforgettable as it is the worse smelling D you've ever experienced.

I'm sure they've tested for it but if not, you might want to mention it. Hope this helped.


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Debbie57-questions on your GB removal new
      #134772 - 01/03/05 06:58 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Were you C before the GB came out?

I too have a nonfunctioning slow GB and I am severly C. I am begging my doc to take it out. He says no because D can be a permanent side effect. The surgeon is willing to take it out for me though. So, I can get it out if I want and I am very tempted as I think the C is caused by the bad GB, although my GI insists C is not symptom of a nonfunctioning GB. I have read otherwise, though.

So, was wondering if you were a C before the GB was removed. Are you sorry you had it taken out? What would have happened if you had left it in? How do you treat a nonfunctioning GB other than taking it out? See, I think you did the right thing. But you sound regretful.

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: Still no diagnosis, still sick and getting worse -- help! (long post) new
      #135006 - 01/04/05 02:34 PM

Reged: 07/14/03
Posts: 157
Loc: California

Thanks, Lisa--I recently had a bunch of tests done and one of the things I'm being tested for is C. Diff. I haven't gotten the results yet. My alt doc thinks that this type of infection or one of the many other protozoan/bacterial/amebic infections is a real possibility, since I often feel better on antibiotics. Problem is, I feel better initially on the antibiotics, then I get worse--I think the antibiotics cause other problems, like candida. It's a vicious cycle!

I'm anxious to see what the tests show. Thanks for your post!


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Re: Judithg
      #135009 - 01/04/05 02:51 PM

Reged: 07/14/03
Posts: 157
Loc: California

I just started the no grain thing this week, and breakfast is a challenge. Previously I would eat GF cereals. My favorite thing so far: My grocery store sells frozen pureed winter squash. I heat that up and can get a couple of breakfasts out of it. I eat it with a little bit of honey. It's reminiscent of a hot breakfast cereal like malt o'meal or quinoa. I also like warm applesauce for breakfast. I may eventually try to add eggs, but I'm skeptical about them right now. I also have some recipes for muffins that are made with nut flour. I may try them eventually when I feel better.

I'm trying to find veggies that are high in soluble fiber. Last night I pureed cooked cauliflower so it was kind of like mashed potatoes. It was okay--not great--but it seemed like a pretty good soluble fiber base to go with my other veggies and protein. Winter squashes are good. I made a really good carrot soup that is pureed. Heather lists these non-grain foods as soluble fiber sources: carrots, squash, pumpkin, avocados, bananas, applesauce. I'm also cooking almost everything at this point to make it more digestible.

I've been doing this 3 days now, and I actually feel better today for the first time in months. No D for a change. But only time will tell.

You mentioned in another post that you had trouble identifying your triggers. That has been a problem for me too. I was keeping extensive food & symptom diaries, plus I did an elimination diet where I stopped eating everything I normally ate more than twice a week. At the the same time I eliminated all common triggers and allergens (soy, wheat, corn, eggs, dairy, etc.). I felt better immediately. Then I started adding foods in one at a time. I would record my reaction. If I had a bad reaction, or thought I did, I would take the food out of my diet, then add it back in at a later date. I kept finding that I was seemingly having reactions to foods at one point, and tolerating them fine later. Eventually after months of messing with this, I realized that FOOD seemed to be the problem. I can't figure anything else out. It's truly frustrating.

I'll let you know how the no-grain thing works out. And if you (or anyone) has more suggestions on no-grain soluble fiber, I'd love to hear them too.

Oh, and BTW, I am not taking SFS right now. I have never been able to tolerate them, although I have tried psyllium, cellulose, Equilactin, Acacia all for extended periods--they make the stomach pain and bloating way worse. Some people think that if gut flora is out of whack, some the bad bacteria feed off the SFS. So maybe that's the problem.

Or, I'm just a delicate flower!


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Re: Still no diagnosis, still sick and getting worse -- help! (long post) new
      #135010 - 01/04/05 02:56 PM

Reged: 07/14/03
Posts: 157
Loc: California

I had blood tests done several years ago (can't remember the lab), and that first showed the gluten intolerance, among other things. Actually on a list of 99 foods tested, I had some sensitivity to all but one! Again promoting my theory that I'm allergic to everything.

Blood tests aren't the most reliable, however. My latest tests are through a company called Diagnostechs:

Many people swear by the testing done by Enterolab ( ), especially for gluten and dairy allergy. I am interested in having that test as well, depending on what Diagnostechs shows. The doc recommended going with Diagnostechs first, as they are particularly good with various bacterial/parasitic problems.

You'll notice with Enterolab that you can do the tests without a doctor's order, though a doctor's order may help you get insurance reimbursement.

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Re: Still no diagnosis, still sick and getting worse -- help! (long post) new
      #135013 - 01/04/05 03:00 PM

Reged: 07/14/03
Posts: 157
Loc: California

Thanks for the info. I've been curious about the gall bladder connection. I've seen several posts where people mention GB as the reason for their IBS symptoms. What kind of testing is done to see how the GB is functioning? I would think that would be a pretty routine test, but I'm not sure if I've had that one done or not.

Did you have your GB removed? If so, did it make a difference? Do you have to take enzymes or something after removal?

I have also read that pancreatic insufficiency can cause D and that it's not always found in testing.

Quite the riddle, aren't we?


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Gall bladder new
      #135015 - 01/04/05 03:05 PM

Reged: 07/14/03
Posts: 157
Loc: California

Sorry to keep posting--I keep reading more posts from you!

If GB removal results in chronic D, I would avoid it. I'm not sure how severe your C is, but I was C for years, and now I long for those days. Not that it's any fun, but I have found the chronic D to be much more debilitating.

I'm wondering if there are any alternative methods for dealing with a slow GB. I'll do a little research on that. Maybe there are supplements or enzymes or something that can help. Any alternatives to surgery?? That's just so final! Although I totally understand the desire to go for it when nothing else seems to be working!!

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Re: Judith...please let me know new
      #135062 - 01/04/05 06:01 PM

Reged: 06/22/04
Posts: 2018
Loc: USA

if it is c-diff. I have a lot of information on it and a great c-diff support group to refer to you. C-diff is known to have a false negative so you may have to test a couple of times. Lucky for me I tested positive right away. I hope for your sake it isn't it. It's just nasty!

When I was on Flagyl that gave me terrible thrush in my mouth. That's a side effect of Flagyl so I know what it's like to take an antibiotic and then get a side effect from it.

Were you on any large amounts of antibiotics? Or did you take a strong one recently? Did you travel to another country? Have you lost a lot of weight in a short period of time? I'm sure the docs have asked you all this already.

Hope you are feeling better real soon and you get some kind of answer. I feel for you. Being sick in the pits!

Take care of yourself.


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Re: Debbie57-questions on your GB removal-bump-nt new
      #135489 - 01/05/05 05:05 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Judith-about that elimination diet..... new
      #135553 - 01/06/05 02:18 AM

Reged: 11/14/04
Posts: 1530
Loc: Canberra, Australia

Hi Judith. I can totally sympathise. I'm not currently on Heather's diet as I had gone on so many diets trying to correct my overactive bowel that I was bordering on having malnutrician (sp?)! Now I'm on a regular low fat diet and still having dairy just not too much and still avoiding whole wheat. My doc. explained to me that there are certain types of things in food that can cause problems and we have a tolerance level for them. For example we might be sensitive to fructose (the natural sugar in fruit). So maybe we might eat an orange one day and be fine, we might have another one the next day and still be fine but on the third day we might introduce kiwi fruit and have pain or d or both, so we blame the kiwi fruit right? Well no cause it's not actually the kiwi fruit that did it. It's the fructose in the kiwi fruit and we over exceeded our tolerence threshold by eating it. But anything with fructose at that point would have made us sick. So that's why elimination diets can be tricky. I thought it was interesting and explained a whole heap about some of the foods I thought I couldn't eat. We have to learn what our threshold is for certain foods. I hope this helps. Good luck with getting better. I understand the frustration. All my tests bar an iron level test have come back as normal, but I feel anything but every day. My whole life revolves around toilets, pain and whether or not I'll ever live a somewhat "normal" life.


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Re: Still no diagnosis, still sick and getting worse -- help! (long post) new
      #135557 - 01/06/05 03:05 AM

Reged: 12/14/04
Posts: 35
Loc: Camano Island, WA

Thanks for your reply. I am now waiting for a result of a gallbladder ultrasound and not real concerned about it just due to the fact that I have been through this sooo many times. I think in my opinion and as an individual working in the medical field that there has not been enough research done to understand this disorder or syndrome. I feel like everytime myself or others I know have gone to a doc with IBS symptoms that after a few test and weak advice they just throw up their hands. So once again I am hoping that maybe something will fix this but I am realistic and also doing the diet and hypno CDs. So far the diet has seemed to help the pain but still have the D. So keep hanging in there.

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Re: Still no diagnosis, still sick and getting worse -- help! (long post) new
      #135600 - 01/06/05 08:04 AM
The Cat Whisperer

Reged: 01/04/05
Posts: 16
Loc: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

I was diagnosed with D-IBS a about 3 1/2 years ago, I was on imodium (3/day) for about 2 & 1/2 years with paxil to relieve stress. I actually started out only needing 1 immodium a day but the D got worse ove the next 6 months so that i required 3, i've never requirted more than that, and was stable at 3 for the next couple of years. I eventually went off Paxil, completly freeing myself from it in october, but in late november my IBS seemd to subside for a few weeks & then came back with a vengence. I was recently (today actually) put on Celexa, and have reduced the imodium intake by a half by taking the fiber supplements which seem to be working most of the time (except ofcorse last night ).

I have never felt quite satisfied with my diagnoses of IBS, my symptoms DO match for the most part as i understnd them:
- Chronic D (controlled by imodium & fiber)
- mild pain in abdomen, relieved entirely by evacuation.
- gassiness, mucus in stool at times.
But I only had a few tests done (blood/urine/FOB & Barium X-Ray (lower)). My stupid brain won't let that be enough to make me be sure it IS ibs & only ibs... My doc won't schedule anything else unless other symptoms show that conflict with the IBS diagnoses, not that I blame him, I certainly do not want to take up time on a machine or from a lab that someone else may need more, but I do want peace of mind.

My doc thinking that I have IBS, just isn't enough.. I get frustraited about not knowing for sure, not knowing if it MIGHT be Crohn's or something else, though the X-ray came back fine (3 years ago). Add on top of this that I have a General Anxiety disorder which just makes me worry all the time (hence the paxil/celexa)...

I know others out there suffer like i do & worse, and my heart goes out to them. I hope someday there will be a miracle drug/therapy to make us all better... Until then, this site & the information & people that contribute to it have been an anchor that helps me get through the days. Thank you.


Christien Lomax (TheCatWhisperer)

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Re: Judith-about that elimination diet..... new
      #135732 - 01/06/05 11:16 AM

Reged: 07/14/03
Posts: 157
Loc: California

Wow--that is interesting. Does kind of explain why the elimination program was so frustrating. Too bad this is all so complex and tricky.

I was on a rotation diet for a while at one point, and that was helpful. It might kind of fit in with what you're saying about thresholds. Foods are grouped into 4 categories (as I recall, they are food families with related chemical structure). You eat from group 1 on day 1, then group 2 on day 2, etc. You just continue to rotate the food families. The idea is that you don't overload your system with any one thing. This is often advised for people with a lot of food allergies. It seemed helpful, but it was very complex to figure out what to eat all the time. At the time I was on it, I traveled a lot for business, and I just couldn't keep up with the diet.

I know what you mean about practically getting malnutrition. My digestive problems have, I think, created a sort of eating disorder. There have been times when I just couldn't figure out what to eat, so I didn't eat at all. Now I try to eat as healthfully as possible, avoiding foods I feel may be triggers, and just accepting that I will probably have D no matter what.

I too feel like life sometimes revolves around what to eat, where the nearest bathroom is, and how comfortable or uncomfortable I am. I am trying to go ahead with a "normal" life as much as possible; I don't want to miss out on all the good stuff just because my gut is so problematic! But it is hard to always have this overriding feeling of not being well, not being in control of my physical being, and not knowing when I'll have to give up a planned activity or responsibility because I'm too sick.

I appreciate your insights and encouragement.


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Re: Debbie57-questions on your GB removal new
      #137909 - 01/12/05 09:56 PM

Reged: 10/24/04
Posts: 10

I don't regret having my GB out. Actually I have always been an IBS-A....and that hasn't changed. One thing that did improve drastically was the nausea. Used to be incredibly bad, barely functioning at was awful. That has improved somewhat, so in that way, yes, I'm glad I had it out. Does that help at all? Debbie

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