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Clueless Doctor new
      #126583 - 12/01/04 10:07 AM

Reged: 06/13/03
Posts: 12
Loc: VA

I posted a question on fennel and soy before but I guess no one has an answer? Anyway, I went to a new doctor the other day, I am new to this city, and he told me that I should go on the atkins diet. I explained to him about the IBS diet and told him that it not only controlled my symptoms but that I had gone down two sizes. Well, he was outraged because he says that we were made to eat read meat and not grains. I told him that if I just ate red meat and salad alone, I would never leave the bathroom and he was disgusted because he says this is not possible. He made me doubt myself for a while, but now I believe he is just clueless...this diet has been great for me. I am just concerned about what I read about soy and fennel. Has anyone ever consulted a doctor about this?

What a jerk!!!!!


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Re: Clueless Doctor new
      #126589 - 12/01/04 10:18 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Yeah, he sounds completey clueless. Do a braod search and you will see we have discussed the whole atkins diet many times with the same conclusions, its just not healthy, especially for people with IBS!

I'm not sure what your concerns are with the soy and fennell? I, personally, prefer rice products most of the time over the soy products, just personal taste preferance.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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That's ridiculous! new
      #126591 - 12/01/04 10:21 AM

Reged: 10/28/04
Posts: 371
Loc: Kansas, USA

My GI doctor has never said anything about the Atkins diet. As for my general doctor, I recently asked her about Heather's diet & she said that there are no studies to actually prove that this type of diet works but it certainly wouldn't hurt.

What a horrible doctor you went to. No sympathy or understanding.

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I bumped your other post maybe someone can help you with that one. new
      #126594 - 12/01/04 10:28 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 157

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Re: Clueless Doctor new
      #126595 - 12/01/04 10:30 AM

Reged: 05/14/04
Posts: 494
Loc: Northern Virginia

I agree the doctor has no clue what he's talking about! I have a few friends on atkins and I see how they eat - Lord would that kill me!!! I'm not sure what you asked before about fennel and soy, but here's my thoughts in general:
Soy: Works great for some as a dairy substitute because it's versitile stuff - you can pretend that soy is almost anything if you try hard enough. But there are also some of us (myself included) who find themselves rather gassy if we eat too much of it! I also hear that soy cheese is good on sandwiches but not too good for melts.
Fennel - If you have a heart condition there are some forms of fennel that may not be good for you because it can be derived from licorice root which is not recommended for people with heart problems. Other than that, I've heard no precautions on it. I use it in teas and in cooking - buy the bulbs or the seeds as fresh as possible. Lots of people say it helps alot with gass and bloating.

good luck with the diet and hope you find a better doctor!

By the way - where are you in Virginia? I live in Arlington but work in Washington, DC. I went to highschool in the Hampton Roads area.


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what an awful doctor... new
      #126610 - 12/01/04 11:05 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

someone should sue him for malpractice.. mine goes around telling people NOT to go on the atkins diet because of how unhealthy they are (not my GI- my GP!).. and told me not to consider any low carb diet because of my stomach issues... what a difference between docs!


Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Total total nonsense!!! new
      #126623 - 12/01/04 12:11 PM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Even if you ignore the whole Atkins-is-terrible-for-IBS-thing, that doctor is talking nonsense and seems to have skipped Biology 101 at med school! Humans are NOT made to just eat red meat. We are omnivores. This is why we have incisor and molar teeth and only TWO canine teeth! Carnivores have mouths full of canine teeth that are designed for ripping meat. We don't!

Jeez, what an idiot. If you were even considering his advice, the above should convince you that this guy does NOT know what he's talking about. Get a new doctor!

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Re: Clueless Doctor new
      #126673 - 12/01/04 01:37 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 2996
Loc: South East Michigan

Sorry your doc is an idiot!! You do what is best for your body!! Don't let someone else tell you have to eat anything you know is going to hurt you!!! BIG HUGS HON!!! I missed the Fennel tea and Soy question Sorry!!!


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Re: Clueless Doctor new
      #126893 - 12/02/04 05:16 AM

Reged: 11/29/04
Posts: 66

To tell the truth (not to make people paranoid about this), I have never had much faith in doctors. When I started having IBS, I had the upper and lower GI barium tests. The doctors never even suggested that it COULD be IBS. The way I found out about IBS was through my mom. When I went to a gastroenterologist, he was quite unprofessional about it. He actually asked me (in this phrasing): "How many times a day do you take a d**p?" I really thought that he should have been more professional about that. Then, after I had the coloscopy, he said something like, "Yeah, it looks like IBS." HOW can it LOOK like IBS?! Doesn't IBS look like NOTHING because it's when they can't find anything else wrong with you? So, he didn't really offer much advice (nothing about food or anything) but he did want to prescribe a wide range of meds. Grrr. I really don't like doctors!
I think the basis of the Atkin's diet is pretty ridiculous. It's not healthy in the long term it's just a quick fix to lose weight.
Sorry about my ranting. I do that sometimes.

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Re: Clueless Doctor new
      #126894 - 12/02/04 05:38 AM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 1176
Loc: Manhattan, New York

what an idiot doctor!!! don't listen to him...

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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Re: Clueless Doctor new
      #127021 - 12/02/04 10:52 AM

Reged: 09/20/04
Posts: 85

I think he was just trying to make himself feel better. He probably has sky high colesteral and he probably just ate a big fat steak that was riddled with fat. Or maybe he has to promote the atkins diet cuz he is a relative of Dr. Atkins.
You know what is best for yourself. If he has any questions on the diet I am sure there are a few people on here that will give him a little knowledge on this diet.

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Re: Clueless Doctor new
      #127158 - 12/02/04 07:02 PM

Reged: 06/13/03
Posts: 12
Loc: VA

Well, I had a colonoscopy last year and the doctor told me that I was fine but I had a lot of spasms. He could see(?) them, which I thought was interesting. The IBS diet is great and Fennel tea is my savior...can't live without it!!!

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Re: Clueless Doctor new
      #127160 - 12/02/04 07:05 PM

Reged: 06/13/03
Posts: 12
Loc: VA

I live in Alexandria and work in Arlington...can you recommend any doctors?:)

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Re: Clueless Doctor new
      #127164 - 12/02/04 07:09 PM

Reged: 06/13/03
Posts: 12
Loc: VA

Thanks for all your advice and understanding. It is nice being to "speak" with people who understand. I love this diet and cannot imagine just eating red meat, yuck!!!!!
My mom is a diabetic and her specialist told her this week to forget artificial sweetners, he told her he would prefer she not eat anything sweet or small amounts of natural sugar. He is disgusted with the whole high protein diet. I think it is disgusting and I agree that it is not healthy. Even if I wanted to do it and gut would not allow it.

Thanks again.

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Re: Clueless Doctor (be your own judge) new
      #127239 - 12/03/04 06:34 AM

Reged: 10/09/04
Posts: 75

We really have to be our own best judge when it comes to diet. Friends have told me for years that white bread and anything white will make you fat. Even my mother would tell me to stay away from white bread. I did what my body told me. White foods such as white bread, rice and pasta have been the best things for me.

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Re: Clueless Doctor new
      #127242 - 12/03/04 06:40 AM

Reged: 10/09/04
Posts: 75

The adkins diet kind of scares me. I just have to wonder how many people who are on that diet will end up with IBS. I would think it could cause problem in some people who are on such a low fiber diet. They just don't know what they could be in for. Scary!!! I tell my daughter all the time....DON'T go on that diet.

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DC area doctors new
      #127293 - 12/03/04 08:47 AM

Reged: 05/14/04
Posts: 494
Loc: Northern Virginia

HI again.
With my insurance coverage I see a doctor within the Kaiser system and I'm not sure if he takes patients that are outside of the Kaiser system, but you could check. He's a very attentive gastroenterologist, and has a good reputation among other doctors in the area. His name is Stanley Drake. I'm also not sure if he is allowed to take non-IBD patients - I have Crohn's and I believe if my colonoscopy had come back normal the system would have switched me to a lower priority doctor weather I like it or not! Annoying that the system won't take us seriously until we get some massive diagnosis! One other suggetion though, a colleague of mine has recommended his brother in the past who works with one of the best GI practices in the city. This doctor is Martin Bashir and he works for Washington Gastroenterology in the city. Good luck and let me know if you're still having no luck finding anyone - I could try to get Dr. Drake to recommend others.


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Re: DC area doctors new
      #127427 - 12/03/04 04:05 PM

Reged: 06/13/03
Posts: 12
Loc: VA

Thank you, I will look into these doctors. I will let you know if I still need help.

Thanks again.

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      #127438 - 12/03/04 05:10 PM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

my mom tells me the same thing and she has Crohns disease... white foods are bad.. well fine- they may be bad, but I feel better for eating them! and I am losing weight as well as inches- I lost noticable inches as soon as I started this diet because most of the bloat went away- I still occasionally bloat, but its a lot less frequently now... and the weight is coming off in a slow healthy manner- because I am exercising and cut back the calories to a reasonable level worked out wiht my doc and cut the fat as well..


Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: what an awful doctor... new
      #127469 - 12/03/04 11:09 PM

Reged: 05/21/03
Posts: 325

some doctors should go back to school again. they just dont know anything when it comes to the adkins diet with ibs people. jasper

ive had ibs for 8 years now. im learning alot on this web board. thanks again everyone

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Re: Rylee- new
      #127475 - 12/04/04 03:19 AM

Reged: 10/09/04
Posts: 75

Thanks-I also lost weight because I cut the fat, milk. ice cream, sodas and candies with HFCS.

Pass the white stuff, please

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Time to switch Doctors! new
      #127673 - 12/04/04 06:56 PM

Reged: 10/16/04
Posts: 407
Loc: Memphis, TN

I know IBS has been under researched, but any decent DR. should be willing to listen to what you have to say. When I told my Dr. about Heahter's diet he was really glad to hear about it and said that he really wanted to know more about what to tell his IBS patients. A good Dr. is always willing to learn new things. If your Dr. won't listen,, try someone new. Good luck.

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Re: Rylee- new
      #127721 - 12/05/04 03:27 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

I had already cut the fat and dairy out.. but I hadn't stopped the hfcs... so its not hard to keep count of my calories- actually the harder one is my doc wants me to have so many in a day and keeping it up there for her!

Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: Thank you all! new
      #128532 - 12/07/04 06:01 PM

Reged: 06/13/03
Posts: 12
Loc: VA

Thank you all for the understanding and feedback.


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