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Things that have helped/not helped your IBS new
      #125670 - 11/27/04 02:25 PM

Reged: 11/20/03
Posts: 677

As we near the end of the year I end up evaluating how things have worked that I have tried. My IBS is pretty stable -- and there are some things that have made all the difference in that -- and there are some things that I thought were going to be miracles that sort of bombed. I thought others could share as well.

On my list of biggest helps -- fiber. I didn't get big results until I started taking big amounts -- I now take 12 grams a day -- but that has made the biggest difference. I also switched from Fiber Choice chewables to Citrucel.

On my list of duds is Reliv. I have one and a half containers of Classic and nearly a whole container of Fiber. I tried the Classic first -- and I can only tolerate it without troubles for 1/2 scoop once a day -- anything more than that and I get really bad gas & bloating. When I added in the fiber I had a full scale attack with D and cramping. I tried the Classic several times at several different doses -- no dice. I can take it at that half scoop once a day -- but that doesn't meet the nutritional needs.... so I'm out over $100 worth of product I can't really use. I think it's the super high doses of vitamin C. Other people have had very good results -- but for me -- it was not my best choice in 2004.

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Re: Things that have helped/not helped your IBS new
      #125685 - 11/27/04 04:00 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 2996
Loc: South East Michigan


I would have to say the two things that have helped me the most other that diet change has been

1) Probiotic
2) Gas X

The Worst thing I ever did to myself was Taking TO MUCH fiber at once and thought I was going to DIE!!! Once I backed down the dose and started again SLOWLY it has been fine!!!!


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Re: kshsmom *DELETED* *DELETED* new
      #125694 - 11/27/04 04:23 PM

Reged: 10/27/04
Posts: 5807
Loc: Illinois

Post deleted by Augie

~ Beth
Constipation, pain prodominent,cramps, spasms and bloat!

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Re: kshsmom new
      #125709 - 11/27/04 07:50 PM

Reged: 11/20/03
Posts: 677

I take the pills. You're right about trying. We need to keep trying and learning. That's how we know what works and what doesn't.

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Re: Things that have helped/not helped your IBS new
      #125718 - 11/27/04 11:12 PM

Reged: 03/21/04
Posts: 1442
Loc: South Texas

First I would have to say the diet itself was the greatest thing I have found. I was so happy to find a way to eat that did not make me SICK !!!

The recipes that everyone shares are wonderful to have access to, when I need a chocolate kick, its the ADB's. MMMMMMMM, goooood.

I also found that Acidophillus (sp?) taken at bedtime, is a great way break up the constipation and get it moving. By the next morning, I am able to go, and I feel so much better getting that poison out of my system. I don't take it everyday, just when I need help moving things along!

Stress is my biggest problem, I can be fine, have an anxiety attack and be so C that I feel like I have cement in my colon. NOT A GOOD THING. My friends here are so willing to be supportive on my bad days. I know I can come here and spill it out and they are there to back me up!
What would I do without this board? I would be in a terribly dark place mentally, and I do not want to go back there ever!!!!!

Love this place !!!

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Re: Things that have helped/not helped your IBS new
      #125728 - 11/28/04 05:21 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

FIBER is # 1
diet is #2
gas x is #3 and it wasn't suggested by the doc,
immodium is #4 but I was already using it occasionally...
and lastly- heat or my hyocyamine.. the sleepy side effect makes it only really helpful at night, but its great then for sleepig...

Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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Re: Things that have helped/not helped your IBS new
      #125759 - 11/28/04 08:38 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

My top 3 helps are:

2. Lexapro (anti-depressant/anti-anxiety)
3. SFS/fiber

I've been lucky in that my mistakes haven't cost me a whole lot of money... mostly just teas I've bought that haven't done diddly-squat for my symptoms. (Like ginger, which tastes nasty in addition to doing absolutely nothing.) My biggest mistake has been my tendency to stop taking my fiber supplement. I get off track, and then I wonder why I feel like crap all the time.

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Re: Things that have helped/not helped your IBS new
      #125765 - 11/28/04 09:07 AM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland

not cheating on diet!

My antispasmodic cost $60 for a month and gave me no relief at all. Still meaning to start SFS and other supplements.


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Re: Things that have helped/not helped your IBS new
      #125766 - 11/28/04 09:07 AM

Reged: 08/05/04
Posts: 3612
Loc: Michigan

so true- some of the other fiber supplements made things worse- like the metamucil and citrucel.. but the big one is just forgetting or going- oh I can have a treat despite my diet.. and paying for it later... btw... onions=major gas even excessively well cooked, but the flavor isok- so Ic an cook them in things and then pull them out or eat around them!

Dietetics Student (anticipating RD exam in Aug 2010)
Dairy Allergic
Fructose and MSG intollerant

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You guys are so right -- I forgot to mention new
      #125785 - 11/28/04 10:34 AM

Reged: 11/20/03
Posts: 677

diet & this board -- but that's because I was thinking about new things this year and both of those were from 2003 & not 2004. They are still the best things I do for my IBS though.

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Re: Things that have helped/not helped your IBS new
      #125791 - 11/28/04 10:44 AM

Reged: 10/08/03
Posts: 3748
Loc: Northern NY

The diet itself is also my biggie... especially giving up dairy and fried foods. Here's to another great New Year, thanks to Heather!

"Anyone can exercise, but this kind of lethargy takes real discipline." -Garfield

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Re: Things that have helped/not helped your IBS new
      #125796 - 11/28/04 10:58 AM

Reged: 02/22/03
Posts: 4508
Loc: ;

My biggest things that ever helped were following the EFI diet, taking fiber supplement, calcium supplement, peppermint caps, exercise, and hypnotherapy.

The one thing I'm really not sure of is probiotics. I take them (when I remember ), but I can't really tell if they're doing anything for me or not.

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Great question new
      #125799 - 11/28/04 11:18 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Good question!

These things have helped: Celexa, astragalus, proper diet and not eating triggers, peppermint, camomile and fennel tea, yoga and meditation.

These things haven't helped: fibre, prescription anti-spasmotics (Modulon and Dicetel), probiotics and peppermint caps.

We're all so different, what may work for some, has not worked for me and vice-versa.

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Awesome idea! My list: new
      #125826 - 11/28/04 12:50 PM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

Things that have helped:

Imodium and main mgmt meds
Ultra low rise jeans
Total temperature control in room and car
Bedroom with bathroom attached

^----- (you wouldn't believe how many stress triggers I avoid by not having to race to another room to use the bathroom. BF asking if I'm ok, guest in the living room, avoiding little or no privacy, or even just the act of running!! I'm so glad I can avoid all of that now!)


Giving up caffeine
Diet in general and adding sushi

^----- (being able to talk intelligently about problems/concerns with intelligent fellow sufferers who have been there is life saving! My quality of life is so much better in the last 5 mos of knowing you guys and feeling free to express and share my feelings in a place I am not judged or burdened with having to try harder to get better for everybody else's sake. You guys are so great, you don't even know!)


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Re: Awesome idea! My list: new
      #125836 - 11/28/04 01:11 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Yes, I want to add Imodium to my list and having an attached bathroom to the bedroom. It is great! We have to bathrooms in our apartment which is such a bonus! I can do anything I want in there for as long as I want and not have to worry about someone needing to use the bathroom!

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End of the year assessment... new
      #125869 - 11/28/04 03:21 PM

Reged: 06/27/04
Posts: 406
Loc: Milwaukee WI

Hm! Great question.
It's hard to separate one factor from all the factors that I've put into play this year, but I'd say that this cocktail:
Reliv vitamin and fiber supplements. (Interestingly, Reliv is high on my list of things that I'm really happy with. I think the vitamin supplement in particular is a big contributor to my improved energy and lessened PMS symptoms.)
IBS 100 hypno tapes. (have completed the entire course)
Peppermint and fennel capsule supplements.
Digestive enzyme supplements.
Food portion control; diet rich in whole grains and fruits and vegs. (I'm C)
Heat on the abdomen when it doesn't feel well.
Lots of liquid intake all day, every day.
With all these things working for me, I've noticed a huge increase in energy, huge decrease in PMS symptoms, better sleep, better attitude.
And at least now when I have a bad gastro-intestinal episode, I pretty much know exactly why, and what to do to make it better.
Great holiday season, everyone- Advent, Christmas, Hanukkah, Rohatsu, Solstice, Kwanzaa- whatever your holiday!

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Re: End of the year assessment... new
      #125882 - 11/28/04 04:09 PM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Hi there, what is the Reliv vitamin? What's in it?


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Re: End of the year assessment... new
      #125907 - 11/28/04 06:01 PM

Reged: 06/27/04
Posts: 406
Loc: Milwaukee WI

It's a whole line of supplement products. The ones I take are "Classic" which is a multivitamin powder supplement (tasteless, so you can mix in whatever beverage you wish)- and "Fibrestore", a fiber supplement.
In case you're interested, here are the complete ingredients of "Classic"- as you can see, it's basically a really comprehensive combination of vitamins & minerals in pretty big doses, plus some herbs and stuff thrown in.
You can do a search on this site to get some more info and discussion.
Like I said, I'm pretty pleased with it as a product; the downside is that it's kinda pricey and it's sold through a pyramid sales system. You can only buy it through a licenced retailer, which is kind of a pain in the butt.
I've been doing a little comparative shopping, and I find that there are a few other products that are really quite similar and less expensive, available at places like the Vitamin Shoppe. When my present can of "Classic" runs out I'm gonna try one of these.

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Re: Things that have helped/not helped your IBS new
      #125932 - 11/28/04 07:51 PM

Reged: 05/31/04
Posts: 1662
Loc: soCal

1. IBS Audio 100 Hypnotherapy--This has done AMAZING things for me.
2. The diet, especially controlling how I take in insoluble fibers.
3. SFS.

These three components have left me feeling (gasp!) normal again! I no longer worry after lunch about whether I'll be running out of class! (knock wood)


Those who can do; those who want it done better teach.

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Re: probiotics--Which ones do you guys use? nt new
      #125949 - 11/28/04 10:50 PM

Reged: 06/30/04
Posts: 109

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Re: probiotics--Which ones do you guys use? new
      #125953 - 11/29/04 01:15 AM

Reged: 11/14/04
Posts: 1530
Loc: Canberra, Australia

Hi! I'm not actually taking them at the moment but have done fairly recently. I use inner health plus as they contain something like 30 000 bacteria and it's live bacteria which means it's a lot more effective. Plus you only have to take one a day where as a lot of the other ones you had to take 4-6. Hope this helps


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Re: Things that have helped/not helped your IBS new
      #125962 - 11/29/04 03:40 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

1. This diet. Heather, I love you!

2. Acacia. It gives me the great effects of a SFS without the horrendous side effects I was getting from Fybogel.

3. Immodium. One a day really helped me to stabilise and it's nice having that to fall back on if I get D.

4. These boards. I've learnt so much and am now totally happy about talking about IBS!

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Re: End of the year assessment... new
      #125968 - 11/29/04 03:53 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

Thanks for the explanation. I don't think I'm interested but that's great that it's helping you.

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Re: Things that have helped/not helped your IBS new
      #125971 - 11/29/04 04:00 AM


Things that helped:

1. The diet definitely (and the books just for knowledge alone)
2. Altoids - I can't leave home without them (seriously-i'm a mess if I do )
3. Immodium - always great when all else fails.

Things that don't help:

1. Tea - I've tried and the one time I drank ginger tea it was the one of the worst attacks ever - ick, but can't say that I didn't try.
2. The jury is still out on my antispasmodic pill - I don't take it all the time now, but I always wonder if it's just a mental thing. Oh well, at least it's not too expensive.

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Re: probiotics--Which ones do you guys use? nt new
      #125983 - 11/29/04 05:04 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 2996
Loc: South East Michigan

Hey I have been wondering where you have been!!!!

I take Acidophilus Probiotic 5. Mine is made by KAL!! I got it at the local Vitiam Store!! Hope this helped!!!

How have you been doing????


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Custom Probiotics, found online - super strong & pure. nt new
      #126021 - 11/29/04 08:22 AM

Reged: 02/23/03
Posts: 1622
Loc: North Carolina

Take care,
...the greatest of these is LOVE. (I Cor 13)

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Re: Things that have helped/not helped your IBS
      #126035 - 11/29/04 08:46 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 1329
Loc: UK - Leeds for uni, Merseyside for home!

Things that have helped...

number 1. Definately Soluble fiber foods, by following heathers diet I have improved so much, thankyou for everything heather!

number 2. Immodium, it is my lifesaver and I couldnt have coped the last 4 years with ibs without it, to whoever invented the stuff I am eternally grateful! Being a student over here means prescriptions are free and so I am so lucky at the moment to get a regular 200 capsules of them...that stress of not having to worry about affording them has alone helped me so much!

number 3. My hot water bottle....this is a slightly new discovery for me but makes me feel so much better when Im feeling poorly(especially after my horrendous attack on sat night!)

number 4. These the way this list isnt really in order cos this should be nearer the every single one of you out there thankyou so much for all your support...Ive made friends for life!!

number 5. Hot French bread is my savour...seriously it is like a medicine for me!

number 6. Anti depressant brownies...who doesnt love them?? If it werent for them I may still be a suffereing chocoholic!!

number 7.Yoga...Me and my flatmate now ahve regular nightly sessions and its not only improved my energy but I am sure it is soothing to my poor insides aswell!

number 8. Calcium...I really think it is helping!

number 9. Acidophilus probiotic supplements...I dont know how much they help but I know I feel better for taking them and thats what matters hey!

number 10. My ensuite in my uni dorm...I think I would die of embarassment if any of my flatmates had to witness what I often go through in the morning...with this every little bit of it stays in my room! Wahoo!

And the bad things for me have been....

number 1. Peppermint...I have discovered that I am practically allergic to the stuff having had three attacks that nearly hospitalised me after drinking peppermint tea, taking chinese peppermint herbal remedies and after taking colpermin peppermint capsules! However a few altoids or peppermint softmints dont hurt me at all...weird I know!

Soya milk...I really cant handle anything that resembles true dairy...i.e fake milk and icecreams...they completely send me straight into an attack...I think the milkyness(have i invented a new word??)just doesnt sit well in my stomach, tho every now and then I can handle a little!

number 3. I am also in the process of trying anti depressants..I dont know if theyre working yet or not..but apart from being tired a lot they havent had too many side effects...every antispasmodic in the land did absolutely nothing for me !


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Re: Things that have helped/not helped your IBS new
      #126049 - 11/29/04 09:08 AM

Reged: 04/02/04
Posts: 1407
Loc: Alabama

Just reading this thread has been helpful! Thanks for posting this wonderful year-end assessment!

1) Acacia! Bloating and gas is gone thanks to this wonderful stuff! I plan to never be without it!!
2) Calcium/Magnesium supplement! I learned about it here, and it has not only helped my IBS, but PMS and sleep are both much better
3) This wonderful site is a wealth of knowledge and wise council! Many wonderful folks here with big hearts and helping hands! A truly unique and friendly gathering place!

Yahoo! and God Bless!

God is Faithful!

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Re: Things that have helped/not helped your IBS new
      #126227 - 11/29/04 06:52 PM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 1176
Loc: Manhattan, New York

My biggest helps:
The rules of this diet (thank you Heather!)
Crystallised ginger and ginger root tea
Rediscovering motilium (domperidone)
Rediscovering my hot water bottle
Peppermint capsules
Yogi tummy tea
Carrs water crackers
Luna Bars (yes yes, I know I originally said I didn't like them but after tasting the lemon and lime and all those zesty ones...well...I'm hooked!!)
THIS BOARD!!! - this has been the best thing about my ten year long suffer with IBS!! Finding others that just GET IT!! Thank you all my wonderful friends...I love you XXX

Not worked:
acacia (still SO upset about this :-()

uhmmm thats it....

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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Re: Things that have helped/not helped your IBS new
      #126466 - 11/30/04 05:22 PM

Reged: 10/09/03
Posts: 515
Loc: MA

1.Avoiding triggering foods(basiclly following the diet)
2.Taking Metamucil everyday brand Colace
4.Zelnorm(not on it currently, but it did help)

Did not work:
1.Acacia(I know, my body is weird!), Citrocel, Benefiber
2.Miralax(gave me attacks)
3.Slippery Elm


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Re: heather 7476--a wee bit long, this post.... new
      #127185 - 12/02/04 08:53 PM

Reged: 06/30/04
Posts: 109

Hey- thanks for caring about me--so appreciate it! Started on iron pills for anemia--bloated up like I was several months into a pregnancy--didn't absorb a thing according to the labs--now I am taking iron IV three times a week for the next several weeks--fun, fun fun!!!! Funny, ibs not too bad these days--who knows? It's a mystery, right? Hope you are doing well...will try to check the boards-but I am moving to West Palm Beach at the end of the month--kinda busy since I am the only one packing!!!!!YIKES!!!
take care.

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Re: Has anyone heard of the Natren brand of Probiotics? nt new
      #127186 - 12/02/04 08:56 PM

Reged: 06/30/04
Posts: 109

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Re: heather 7476--a wee bit long, this post.... new
      #127223 - 12/03/04 04:22 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 2996
Loc: South East Michigan

Good Luck with your move!!! SOOOO Glad to hear your IBS is better!!!! I am kind of doing the same thing right now!! Who knows!!!! Iv's three times a week!!!!! You poor thing!!! BIG HUGS!!!!!! I hope it sorts it self out soon!!!!!! Hope to hear from you soon!!!!!


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Re: Things that have helped/not helped your IBS new
      #127876 - 12/05/04 04:22 PM

Reged: 12/05/04
Posts: 4

the one thing that has helped with my IBS is an all inclusive vitamin, read about it and listed to client stories at


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