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I give up......!!!!!
      #113538 - 10/17/04 09:21 AM

Reged: 02/06/04
Posts: 170
Loc: Tucson, AZ

I just want to give up and just not eat anymore. I really don't know how I made it almost a month with no attack. In the last three weeks I have had four attacks. I had another one last night. I ate tacos which is something that I have done before. I use turkey meat and have used the taco seasoning before so I don't know what it was. I am just so tired of this not being able to eat the way everyone else does. I am tired of having to watch what I eat and am I going to have an attack because I ate that certain thing. I can't even participate in the potlucks at work because the last time I did I ended up having an attack.

So I have just decided to eat chicken, toast, eggs and cereal most of the time as I know that I can eat those without having any problems.

I so just wanted to cry so much last night because I thought I was doing good and then it hits again. I HATE IT!! so much. I know everyone does but I am so so sick and tired of being sick and tired most of the time. My family can go out and eat whatever they want and I can't it just not fair what did I do to deserve this horrible diease? I just want to know. I want to go back to my 20's when I didn't have any problems and could eat whatever I wanted and I felt great. Now I have so many medical problems its unbeliveable.

Ok I guess enough of my ranting and raving. I just needed to get this off of my chest and I know that I can do that here. Thanks for listening.


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Re: I give up......!!!!! new
      #113540 - 10/17/04 09:30 AM

Reged: 05/21/03
Posts: 325

mitch your not the only one who feels bad with ibs. all i can say is just dont give up ibs has to be beat. will there ever be a cure for it no. but theres always hope for us ibs people. hope your feeling good soon. jasper

ive had ibs for 8 years now. im learning alot on this web board. thanks again everyone

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Re: I give up......!!!!! new
      #113544 - 10/17/04 10:08 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Vent away... we know how you feel. I *definitely* know how you feel, all too well. I spent a couple months eating nothing but chicken, pasta, broth, and saltines, because those were the only things that never seemed to trigger attacks. I spent so many mealtimes crying on my boyfriend's shoulder, telling him that this is no way to live and that I was just not going to eat anymore, and let myself starve to death.

Needless to say, I didn't starve to death... things did get better... it just took a long, long time. I still have bad days, but not nearly as many as I used to.

Hang in there! If you can, try to look back over the last few weeks and see any improvements, no matter how small. You were able to be stable for almost a month? Don't lose hope because you're not stable now; keep reminding yourself that you did it once and you WILL do it again! Sometimes these stupid attacks are so random... it could have nothing to do with anything you ate at all. Just hang in there - things will get better!

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Re: I give up......!!!!! new
      #113546 - 10/17/04 10:18 AM

Reged: 08/16/04
Posts: 236
Loc: Ontario, Canada

You did nothing to deserve IBS. Bad things happen to good people all the time. Just look at Christopher Reeve. Life isn't fair, that's for sure, and there's not much we can do about that. You are not being punished by a vengeful god, I am sure of that. You just got the bad luck of the draw.

This disease is triggered by much more than food. I can be sooo bad and not have an attack and be very good and have an attack. The diet is just one component in a very complex disease.

Have you tried antidepressants? They have really helped a lot of people on these boards.

I know it's hard but try to accept what you cannot change and to change what you can. Have realistic expectations so you don't get disappointed.

Hang in there!!!!!!!! This too shall pass!!!!!!


Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: I give up......!!!!! new
      #113550 - 10/17/04 10:39 AM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 1176
Loc: Manhattan, New York

We alllll get days like that...esp when we have been stable for a while and then get lots of attacks...its such disappointment, hopes are dashed and it hurts. It happened to me 3 nights ago and I just sobbed. But you will feel positive again. Its horrible, nasty, mean and cruel but sometimes it happens no matter how good you have been. Hard to accept, I know, believe me. But we are all here and we all understand so vent away. Its so hard to feel socially out of it while everybody enjoys eating whatever they like....but we don't have a choice, do we? This is out lot and we have to make the best out of it...and the way to do that is to persevere with trying to minimise please don't give up for good XXXXXX

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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Re: I give up......!!!!! new
      #113566 - 10/17/04 12:36 PM

Reged: 10/25/03
Posts: 1716
Loc: Maryland

We are all here to listen and sympathize with you. After all, who understands better than those who are going through the same things that you are.

A a while ago I was feeling the exactly same things that you are now. I was angry and upset that I have to deal with IBS. I also rebelled and was eating anything I wanted and feeling terrible. One morning I woke up and was tired of feeling sick and went back on Heather's diet and am following it strickly. I am feeling so much better both mentally and physically.

Hang in there, these feeling will pass and I think most of us experience these same feelings from time to time. We are all here for you anytime you need to vent.


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Re: I give up......!!!!! new
      #113568 - 10/17/04 12:49 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 2996
Loc: South East Michigan

You didn't do anything to deserve this!! None of us did!! I understand how you feel though!! We all have days like this! Trust ME!! I have had plenty!!! YOU CAN'T GIVE UP!!! If you give up it wins!!!! I nkow how frustrated you are and I know how mad you are!!! It will get better!!! Everyone has off days!! Maybe is not the foods. It could be stress or lack of sleep or just your tummy being a real jerk!!! Just don't give up!!! I hope you feel better soon!!!
Good Luck


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Re: I give up......!!!!! new
      #113618 - 10/17/04 03:24 PM

Reged: 02/06/04
Posts: 170
Loc: Tucson, AZ

Thank you everyone for you replies. I won't give up but am still frustrated. Yes I am taking AD's and have been for awhile. They do help but I don't know if it is stress or the food. I try not to let the stress get to me but you know sometimes life does that to you. I will look back and remember that yes I almost made it a month I can do it again but when you have four attacks in three weeks thats hard to do. I will just start over again and hope to achieve the goal of a month.

It would be nice though if they could just make a pill or a drink that would make this all go away. But I know that will never happen. I am still pretty new to this as it has only been 2 years for me since being diagnosed and just within the last year have been following Heathers diet. I will just go from the beginning and work really hard.

Thank you so much for letting me vent I am soooo glad that I have this place to come to that understands everything that I go through.

Hugs to everyone and thanks again. I love you all your the best!!!



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Re: I give up......!!!!! new
      #113621 - 10/17/04 03:50 PM

Reged: 08/25/04
Posts: 39
Loc: Northeast, USA

I know how you feel, this is a very frustrating predicament to be in. I strongly identify with most everything you said. When I visit my folks, they initiate a back and forth about what I can eat and where we can go & even if we're eating at their house, they get antsy about what to make. For weeks, all I felt comfortable eating was pretzels, oatmeal, applesauce, angel food cake and honeycombs. I've been lucky (been following the diet 2 1/2 months and been feeling pretty decent, a couple of days of feeling a little off.) All I can say is 'you are not alone & hang in there'! I don't know if you take any medications or not. I'm not a big believer in taking medication everyday, but I have been taking low dose antidepressants the whole time I've been following the diet & I don't know how much it helps, but I can say that I'm the nervous type & I do feel that helps take away some of my gitters.
Hang in there... it will get better!

take it one day at a time.

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Hey Mitch new
      #113683 - 10/18/04 01:30 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Are you taking a SFS? V. important. Also, are you A, C or D. Sorry - I have the worst memory! Everyone has to keep on telling me stuff.

It's very annoying I know, especially when you've been good on the diet. But you have to remember that IBS triggers can have a cumulative effect - and these triggers include stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, weather conditions... So if you're stressed, foods that would normally be okay can not be. And if you've eaten something bad, foods that would normally be okay can also not be. It's cumulative - there's a build up effect. Hence why, if you cheat once and don't pay, don't push your luck!

So if you know that you're stressed or tired, be EXTRA good and stick to SF foods that day. Hopefully that way, you can avoid attacks.

Good luck!

PS. You're the second person on here that I thought was a guy and have recently found out was a girl! V. confusing!

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Re: I give up......!!!!! new
      #113693 - 10/18/04 04:28 AM

Reged: 06/02/04
Posts: 76
Loc: Upstate New York

Hang in there Mitch. I know how hard it is and how bad you feel. You had an attack-free month and as long as you keep trying, you'll have another one soon and before you know it you'll be like Laura Sue and have several attack-free months!

Keep the faith Mitch and I hope you feel better soon!!


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Michelle... new
      #113714 - 10/18/04 07:07 AM

Reged: 03/20/04
Posts: 1844

I know exactly how you feel. I got so depressed thinking about everyone who could go out to eat with no problems, go to pot lucks, go to barbeques, go away for the weekend and not worry about what they are going to eat for every meal...etc. I'm taking Zoloft now and it's helping, but I know it is very hard. I love these boards because it makes me realize I'm not alone. Too bad we all don't live closer together!
Anyways, do you take immodium when you get attacks?? I try not to take it too often, but last week I had an attack every morning for 3 days, so finally I took 1/2 a dose of immodium. Then I was C for 2 days (that always happens after I take it - but I actually love those 2 days of C, not worrying about where the bathroom is). Then I was fine the next day - regular BM!
I take it before I go anywhere if I'll be eating anything.

Good luck!


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Re: Michelle... new
      #113724 - 10/18/04 07:46 AM

Reged: 02/06/04
Posts: 170
Loc: Tucson, AZ

Yes I have recently started taking Immodium when I start having the attacks. When I first start having the attack I forget I have the immodium but then remember about the second time around on the toilet.

Yes I hate worrying about when I go out to eat if I am going to be able to eat it or if it is going to give me an attack. This weekend is going to be hard because I am going with my mom to Hometown Buffet for a high school reunion thing. I am pretty nervous about that. I might just eat some bread before I go that way I am a little full and won't eat to much when I get there.

Yes I do love these boards as well because you can just talk away here and everyone knows what you are going through. Because your family doesn't really understand and neither do your friends.


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Re: Hey Mitch new
      #113726 - 10/18/04 07:51 AM

Reged: 02/06/04
Posts: 170
Loc: Tucson, AZ

I am sorry about confusing you with my username. I have been called Mitch all my life. Its just a nickname my family picked for me and I just decided to use it here.

To answer your questions yes I take Citracel every day. I am taking about four a day now but I need to increase it to more. I am an A. Yes I know that stress can cause it and I know that the food I prepared wasn't bad but who knows something in there could have been and that is what could have trigged it. So I am on to trying for another month I will do it I just have to keep telling myself that. I know it can't be lack of sleep because trust me I get alot of sleep at least try to.

Thanks for your response I reall appreciate everything you say and all your suggestions.


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Mitch new
      #113755 - 10/18/04 09:11 AM

Reged: 04/19/04
Posts: 1731
Loc: New Jersey


Your last post you said somthing about taking "four Citrcuel a day", do you mean four tablets? cause I have heard that alot of the fiber tablets are bad for us, they contain the artificial sweetener Sorbitol, which can be a trigger. I am not sure of the Citrucel ,since I have never taken it, but I am pretty sure that the tabs have sorbitol. The powder is ok though. I myself use acacia and love it.
If you need to use tablets, maybe you can try fibercon (it is IBS safe)?
Or maybe you are not on enough fiber, I know that if I take only fibercon for the day that I have to take something like 12 or so to equal my normal two acacia doses. that is why I switched to powder.
Hope that this helpes, and I hope that you are feeling better.
Also, I know you said you have turkey tacos, some ground turkey can be too high in fat for us. Even thoug hyou got away with it other times, maybe your tummy finally rejected it. It is so hard figuring this stuff out sometimes!


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Re: I give up......!!!!! new
      #113777 - 10/18/04 11:06 AM

Reged: 02/19/04
Posts: 39
Loc: West Texas

Hey Mitch,
I had a week like your's last week. And believe me I wanted to give up. But I made it . Missed 2 days of work &
I about week on bread & water. But this is a new day & I made it thru another spell(that what I call my attacks) I'm
D . Anyway I miss getting to go eat & do everything everyone else does. But I have learn to eat to live ,Not live to eat!!!! Hang in there!!!

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Re: Mitch new
      #113778 - 10/18/04 11:09 AM

Reged: 02/06/04
Posts: 170
Loc: Tucson, AZ

The Citracel doesn't have sorbitol in in as far as I know. I know if it did then it would really be bothering me every day.

Yes I am feeling better but watching what I eat. You are right about the turkey meat. But I don't think that was it. Who knows. You are right it is so hard trying to figure out this wonderful diet.


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Re: I give up......!!!!! new
      #113798 - 10/18/04 12:25 PM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 503
Loc: California

Aw Mitch. I am so sorry to hear that you are not doing well right now.

We all go through this you know. I hate IBS and probably everyone on this board does as well.

You did it once and you can do it again, just hang in there. I know it gets hard sometimes when everyone is eating foods that we can no longer eat, but we are eating to survive not surviving to eat. You will have many months of stability. Remember LauraSue, she has been stable for 9 months! Can you imagine 9 months free of D, C, bloating and gas!

That's where I have set my goals, to be stable. Then we can incorporate small amounts of other foods that we like.

I know you can do it, the board knows that you can do it, you know that you can do it; so come on - do it! We are all behind you 100 percent.

I think I can, I think I can and the little engine did!


God never promised life would be easy, but he did promise to provide a way out!

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Re: Mitch new
      #113807 - 10/18/04 12:57 PM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 503
Loc: California

I take six Citrucel caplets per day ( 2 caplets 3x per day). It helped me get stable for four months. I was having a bm everyday. Now I am on the powder and am C. I know it will take time for my body to adjust to the new supplement, but Citrucel was a life safer to me and if this powder does not work in the next 5 days, I will be going back to my capsules.

Everyone is different though. Some of us can take things that others can't and vice versa.

Hang in there, you will find what's right for you.


God never promised life would be easy, but he did promise to provide a way out!

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