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When will the pain end??
      #110216 - 10/04/04 08:29 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

I'm at my witts end! I have cried so much in the last month. I have had IBS since I was 15, I'm 34 now. I'm mostly C but take miralax to keep things moving. Most everyday I have some problems, like bloating or gas but I have learned to live with it over the years. My IBS seems to be very stress related. This summer has been difficult for me, I have had 2 miscarriages since May. Through all of that, my tummy hasn't been too terrible, nothing I'm not used to.

However, just over a month ago, I got a really bad attack. A bad attack for me is SEVERE pain, bloating, gas and alternating C and D. The pressure gets so bad, I can't wear regular pants or my bra and the nausea is just awful. I have been to the dr's twice in the last few weeks. I already take Zoloft (anti-depressant) and miralax. When I get this bad, I'll switch between Miralax and Zelnorm. The zelnorm sometimes helps but I build up a tolerance very quickly. In addition to that, I'm also taking Xanax, Vicodin and Donnatol. I use Heathers Acacia every day and have been eating peppermint capsules like candy! I sleep with the heating pad every night and now have burns on my tummy. I'm so depressed from the constant pain, all I do is cry. Its never been this bad for this long. Its going on 5 weeks now and I've only had a couple of half days where I felt even somewhat human. I just don't know how much more of this I can take! It's causing issues at home with my husband and my friends don't even call anymore because I never want to do anything because my tummy hurts so bad!

I have had every scope, scan, probe and x-ray done known to man. I have been tested for celiac and many other things. The dr's keep saying "its JUST ibs." I have been on Heathers diet for about a year and half now. I drink a ton of water. I haven't been able to exercise as much as I used too lately because I'm in so much pain. What else can I do?????

I'm sorry this is so long and whinny, I thank you if you have made it this far. I guess I'm just looking for a sympathetic ear, someone who understands. I'm just in a vicious circle right now. The more it hurts, the more I get depressed and the more I get depressed the more it hurts. I'm wondering if maybe I should ask my dr to increase my zoloft from 50mg to 100? Since I am still trying to get pregnant, I wanted to take the least amount possible but I'm wondering if I need more. I know a several of you out there are on zoloft, did any of you see any improvement when you increased your doses??

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: When will the pain end?? new
      #110222 - 10/04/04 09:11 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 2996
Loc: South East Michigan

<<<<<<<<<<BIG HUGS>>>>>>>>>>>>
I've been wondering how you were doing. I am so sorry that you are still in pain. I know what it is like and cycle of pain and depresion can be so hard at times. I didn't noticee any differance when I uped my does to 100mg but everybody is differant. 100mg is just as safe as 50mg during pregnancy my doctor said. It is worth a try. I wish I could help you more. If you need anything give me call. I'll email you my number in alittle while. We are only about 45min apart so if I can help let me know!!!! Or if you just want to talk CALL!!!! I have a feeling that alot of this is from the hormones your taking. I am not a doctor but that is the only thing you have changed. I realy don't talk to my friends very much anymore either, I think they are sick of me always being sick. It will get better hon.
Hang in there!!!!


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Re: When will the pain end?? new
      #110231 - 10/04/04 09:23 AM

Reged: 09/03/04
Posts: 65
Loc: Fort Worth, Texas

I'm so sorry to hear how much pain you are in. I just wanted to let you know that we all understand and vent anytime you need too! Have you ever tried the Thermacare menstral heating pads? They are disposable and work for 8 hours straight. I use them when the pain and bloating get too bad and I have things to do. They are a lifesaver, and they don't burn you. Good luck and know that I'm thinking of you.

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Re: When will the pain end?? new
      #110242 - 10/04/04 10:18 AM

Reged: 04/19/04
Posts: 1731
Loc: New Jersey

I don't have any good advice, sorry...
just wanted to say that it is really awful that you have to go through all of this and that I wish you a speedy recovery.
I also hope that things turn out for you and that you wind up with a healthy beautiful boy or girl one day. you deserve it.
just remember, things do get better, as hard as it is to see it sometimes.
I apologize for not being very good at being encouraging!


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Re: When will the pain end?? new
      #110253 - 10/04/04 10:54 AM

Reged: 03/15/04
Posts: 290
Loc: Orange County CA


I am truly sorry you have been feeling so poorly. It sounds like you are doing things right though. Maybe just take small walks to get out in the fresh air and get a bit of exercise but no over-doing it.

Since the diet has worked in the past I would stick with it. My guess is that it's the stress your body has been under with the miscarriages that has triggered this. I personally haven't tried the hypno therapy tapes but many attest to their wonders - it might be worth a try.

Please know I will keep you in my prayers. I am so sorry about your second loss - I wasn't aware of that. May God embrace you and keep you and give you peace!



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*hugs* for Michele new
      #110254 - 10/04/04 10:54 AM
Snow for Sarala

Reged: 03/12/03
Posts: 5430
Loc: West Coast, USA

MICHELE! *hugs*

When I was kid I would throw up my IBS pain got so you're not alone (I wish that would somehow make it better...but just know you're not alone this).

Gosh I wish I had some advice! It sounds like you're doing all the right things!

do you know what prompted the attack? Are you exercisingf...getting enough water...enough sleep?

I hope you feel better REALLY soon! and if you ever want to chat, my e-mail is I've been CRAWLING on the floor in pain from my tummy I will understand where you're coming from in the pain department. i'm also IBS C.

If there's anything Ic an do let me he meantime, pamper yourself with a bath or whatever!

Oh, have you tried hypno Just a though4!

Feel better soon!


Formerly known as Ruchie

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Re: The pain - A suggestion. new
      #110266 - 10/04/04 11:12 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 157

Have you asked your Dr. how to break the pain cycle? It does seem like too long to deal with that kind of pain. It IS so hard for you, it is real, and it hurts. It sounds like you need a break. Once you get that pain medicine then you can start over again with your diet. Strip it down to bread and water if you have to and start over.

My brother-in-law is a Dr. and he talks about the cycle of pain. That if you can break that cycle it makes all the difference.

I think I remember reading in One of Heather's books that she takes something a very few times a year when pain gets out of control. I believe I also remember that she said it could be hard get a Dr. to agree to get you the pain meds.

Does anyone else remember reading this?

Also, on page 29 in her cookbook in the first full paragraph she talks about what to do when you are - where you now are, in your IBS cycle. Do you have that? If not I can try to retype it for you.

I am sorry that your hurting.


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Re: When will the pain end?? new
      #110267 - 10/04/04 11:13 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

Thanks girls. I have done the hypno tapes. I still listen to them at night to try and help me sleep. I just don't know what else to do. I feel hopeless. I know, this too shall pass, but I just feel like its been one thing after another lately. I'm sorry I sound so negative. I usually try real hard to stay positive. I'm sure things will get better soon.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: Thanks Lefty1 new
      #110272 - 10/04/04 11:17 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

I do know about the pain cycle. Usually, if I can break that, I do start to feel better. In the past a few vicodin have done that but not this time. I have been eating vicodin, donnatol and Xanax like crazy and its just not helping. I don't even know what else to try. To top it off, I'm scheduled for jury duty tomorrow! ICK! Once I know what my schedule will be like, I'll call my dr back and see if there is anything else she can do. I have already seen her twice in the last couple of weeks.

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: When will the pain end?? new
      #110276 - 10/04/04 11:23 AM

Reged: 07/31/04
Posts: 453

Sorry to hear about your pain. I have IBS-D, and the grass always seems greener on the other side, eh?

My gastro-guy prescribs Elavyl, an antidepressant, for IBS. It cuts down on pain signals. Perhaps you could talk to your doc about switching form Zoloft.

I took Zoloft for depression and it was great until I started having horrible night sweats. I didn't have IBS at that time, so I don't know if it works for that.

My boyfriend has constipation and the only thing that gets him going is lots of water and oat bran with his cereal. I'm not sure if oat bran will be a trigger for you; maybe ask Heather on that.

Good luck!

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Re: When will the pain end?? new
      #110338 - 10/04/04 02:19 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Michele, oh, that's awful! I'm so sorry, honey. I would definitely talk to the doctor about increasing the Zoloft. You don't want to get pregnant when you're already in pain! One thing at a time. Get yourself healthy and happy, then go for it! I know you're doing everything right and it's so not fair that you're in so much pain.

Do you keep a pain diary? If you rate your pain on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst, where are you today? Where were you yesterday? What's the worst you've ever felt, IBS or otherwise? Try tracking the pain rating, the weather, what you eat, where you are in your cycle, and your mood or stress level. Then read back over it every few days to see if you can spot a pattern of any sort.

The only other thing I can suggest is from an article on pain and breaking the pain cycle that I just read. You'll think it's silly, but it said that when all else fails, distract yourself. Play computer games, watch TV, read a trashy novel, whatever. Just distracting yourself like that was shown in a study to actually help the overall pain experience. (I have a 98% winning rate in Freecell!!)

Feel better hon.

Keep it simple!

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Re: When will the pain end?? new
      #110344 - 10/04/04 02:29 PM

Reged: 04/22/04
Posts: 2435
Loc: Texas

Hi Michele,

I'm so sorry you are having such a tough time. I wish there was some good advice I could give you, but I don't know what to tell you. Just a couple of things. Did you know Vicodin can cause "C". Also, what strength Xanax are you taking?...maybe you need to increase usually does help with the anxiety, don't know why it's not helping you. Darn. Is there a different pain med you could try?

Sorry I couldn't be more help.



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Michele new
      #110348 - 10/04/04 02:42 PM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

I'm sorry you are having such a problem. I knew you were having the fertility problems, but I didn't realize your IBS was causing you such discomfort too.

In reading your post, one thing I did notice was you said you are taking Vicodin. I've never taken that, but I seem to remember reading that it causes C. Could that be causing your C to be much worse?

As for the Zoloft, 50 mg. is a very low dose, so maybe you do want to talk to the doctor about increasing it a little. When I was going through asevere depression (with panic attacks), I took up to 200 mg. of it. Everyone is different.

I was at my wit's end several months ago too. Everyday I had terrible pain, bloating, and C. I decided that things could not be worse than they were, so I quit the soluble fiber supplement. Just quit taking it COLD TURKEY. Within a few days, my bloating, gas, and pain was gone=---and I was having normal BM's---and I have ever since. I rarely have a problem now. Some people just cannot tolerate the soluble fiber supplements. You might want to back off of them to see if your tummy feels better without it. It's worth a try, isn't it?

I still practice "safe eating" (kind of like "safe sex"), and that has helped me the most. For instance, I can eat salad, but not unless I eat some bread first.

I think I'm rambling here, but I wanted to offer you some suggestions and support. You know we are here for you anytime you want to vent. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

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Re: Michele YOU GOT MAIL!! new
      #110350 - 10/04/04 02:45 PM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 2996
Loc: South East Michigan

I emailed you my number!!
Hope your feeling better!!!


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Re: When will the pain end?? new
      #110467 - 10/04/04 08:29 PM

Reged: 05/31/04
Posts: 1662
Loc: soCal


I think we all occasionally face walls like that. If you're anything like me, you'll start to feel a bit better again soon.

I am really learning that stress management is beyond crucial to me. It's a life-saver!

Some people can just go and go and then hop into bed and fall asleep. I can't. The TV and computer get turned off around 8:30, and then I "wind down" for about 45 minutes (stretching, reading something unstimulating, etc.). At 9:15 I start my hypnotherapy, and most nights I fall asleep within 30 minutes. HOWEVER, I've had a couple of bad stretches where only drugs (OTC or my beloved Sonata) would put me to sleep.

Changing my routine to help myself de-stress and get sufficient sleep has really helped me. Maybe give it a shot!



Those who can do; those who want it done better teach.

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Re: Thanks everyone new
      #110507 - 10/05/04 08:52 AM

Reged: 06/02/03
Posts: 6886
Loc: southeastern michigan

I do know that Vicodin causes C. Unfortunately, its one of the few pain killers that don't upset my tummy more. I up my dose of miralax to counteract the C effect of the vicodin. The pain isn't from C. If I go more than 2 days without a BM, I'll take a Zelnorm and that will give me D and clean me out! Eww, sorry, tmi!

Anyway, thats the frustrating part, WHAT is CAUSING so much pain??? I still do the diet, usually I can tolerate a lot of insolubles but when I get bad like this, I stick to basics. The bloating is terrible. I struggle most everyday with a least a little bloating but this is ridiculus!! My tummy is physicaaly bloated THREE and a HALF inches. Now that may not sound like a lot and it actually feels more like twelve and a half inches! My clothes are killing me and I don't wear tight clothes to begin with. Even my "fat" pants feel tight!

Right now, I use one spoon of Acacia in the morning mixed with my Miralax. I have been taking some sort of fiber supplement for about 8 years now. Last night I was so fed up I really took a lot of pills trying to break this darned pain cycle. I had taken a Xanax in the morning and a Vicodin about 10am. I had taken 3 donnatal's during the day. When I got home at 6:30 last night I took two vicodin and a donnatal. At 8pm I took two Xanax. Boy, I slept well!! I haven't taken any of the Xanax or Vicodin yet today but did take a donnatal. My tummy is a little better than it has been but I'm still sitting at work with my pants unbuttoned! And it still hurts. I think I'm going to call the dr and make another appoitment. I'm going to ask her about increasing the zoloft and I need a refill on the Donnatal. I'll see if she has any other idea's on what to try. I know it will get better eventually but I'm going on almost 6 weeks no and enough is enough!

Taking it one day at a time.....

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Re: When will the pain end?? new
      #110514 - 10/05/04 09:21 AM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 503
Loc: California

I am sorry you are going through such agony at present. Do the best you can. This storm will pass.


God never promised life would be easy, but he did promise to provide a way out!

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Re: When will the pain end?? new
      #110516 - 10/05/04 09:41 AM
AmandaPanda, J.D.

Reged: 04/26/04
Posts: 1490
Loc: New York, New York

Sorry you're feeling so awful, Michele. I guess we all know that the root of all of your pain lately has to be the emotional things you've been dealing with -- even though it didn't hit you until a couple of months after the miscarriages. You must be so frustrated that your body has not been cooperating with your wishes. Maybe you need a distraction, like a new low-maintenance pet (maybe a kitten?) or a project you can do that doesn't take too much physical effort. Sometimes when we have an obligation or a commitment, our bodies cooperate because they just HAVE to. I'll fail out of law school if I miss class, and on my worst days I just tell myself I don't have a choice, and I force myself to go. A few hours later, I always realize that I've been so distracted that the pain is gone. Maybe you can do something small like make halloween costumes for you and hubby, so you can look almost as cute as the goblins who ring your doorbell. And if you've never done anything like that before, then it will require that much more mental focus.
Obviously nobody has the answers here, but we're all trying to help, so I hope someone's suggestions work for you.
PS -- Not trying to be a bible thumper here, but are you religious at all? Sometimes the message of hope I get when I go to church is enough for me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. So if it's been a while since you've gone to a religious service, maybe that would be a calm, peaceful way for you to get out of the house, be around people, but have the freedom to sit there and not talk to anyone. Think about it!
I hope you start feeling better soon,


I live in the Big Apple, but I don't eat the skin

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