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Nausea and my sanity (ranting) new
      #103056 - 09/01/04 08:08 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Observation: 9 times out of 10, I wake up in the morning feeling FANTASTIC. I mean, seriously. I literally bounce out of bed, get a drink, and for the first hour I'm awake, I'm fantastic. I even get hungry. Then I eat breakfast, and the rest of my day is downhill from there. I felt spectacular this morning - gorgeous day, bright and sunshiney mood, actually hungry - then I ate toast and fruit, same thing I eat every morning, and WHAM - I'm nauseous, shaky, and I feel horrible.

WHY am I getting so freaking nauseous all the time?? It was suggested that it's because my stomach is empty, but I eat and I feel WORSE. I thought maybe it was gas, caused by eating too fast, so I forced myself to slow down, and that made no difference. I get really nauseous before I have a BM, and I'm so nauseous for the entire day AFTER I have one that I typically don't eat, because I just can't bring myself to do it.

I used to think that the D was my biggest problem, and that if I could control that, I'd be happy and get my life back. Wrong! I haven't had D since the middle of July... but the nausea won't go away, and in fact, it seems like it's getting worse. I'm afraid to add anything new to my diet, and I'm scared half to death to even take any of the medications my doctor has given me, because all of them have nausea as a side effect. That's all I need - to make my worst problem even worse.

I can't live like this. If this is what the rest of my life is going to be like, I don't even want to be alive anymore. I realize there are people even right here on this board who have worse problems than I do, but I'm just sick of fighting. I've been dealing with this nausea since I was 7 - my other symptoms didn't kick in till later - and I've never had any relief. Oh wait, yes I did. When I was an alcoholic and a drug addict, I felt perfectly fine. Argh.

Maybe it's stress, I don't know. I'm under an extreme amount of stress right now - I don't think about it consciously, but maybe my body has just gone haywire because of it. It's just really frustrating. Heather's diet/plan/advice has been a godsend in a lot of ways - I NEVER thought I'd be able to eat and not worry about D! - but I feel like I'm never going to really be well again, you know? I will ALWAYS have stress, and if this is how my body reacts to it, then I'm ALWAYS going to feel like this. That's really depressing.

PS - I wish ginger worked on me, but it doesn't. Phooey.

Oh yeah... and I know I still have some tests to be done on me, and maybe that will show up something, but I have to wait at least another month for that. Argh.

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Re: Nausea and my sanity (ranting) new
      #103063 - 09/01/04 08:23 AM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 503
Loc: California

Oh Casey, I am so sorry you are feeling this way. You always have such good, sound advice for me and I don't know what to say to make you feel better except the usual, it will be okay just give it time.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care; vent it out of your system on this board where you have friends that care about you and the way you feel. I wish I had a magic wand that could make everything go away for you and all of us, but I don't.

Just hang in there and fight! Maybe your doc will be able to give you something for the nausea.



God never promised life would be easy, but he did promise to provide a way out!

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Lene... new
      #103064 - 09/01/04 08:26 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

You're such a sweetheart... I'm glad you're here with us, ya know? Hugs back to you! Hope you're having a good-insides day.

My doctor actually did give me something for the nausea, but... *gets really embarassed*... I'm afraid to take it, because it has NAUSEA as a side effect! I laughed at the ridiculousness of that, but days like today, it just makes me afraid to take it at all, you know?

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Re: Nausea and my sanity (ranting) new
      #103070 - 09/01/04 08:36 AM

Reged: 08/20/04
Posts: 22
Loc: PA

Oh your post was so bleak today. I do sympathize with you and understand your outlook but from another point of view. I have been operated on 15 times. My problems stemmed from accidents. Lots of time spent healing alone waiting to get better. Looking back thinking of ending it all and wondering why do we live? But one day the bones healed and I got off my prescription painkillers like morphine and tylox. It was really the happiest time of the whole period (using). Drifting off to sleep. When I had my scope a couple weeks ago it was a flashback to surgery years earlier. The sedative went in my veins I closed my eyes and drifted off.

Adding new food that's creating fear and most of all fear of having a BM cause panic in my life. I like you will skip meals and then eat and then my colon goes into spasms that make me feel worse. I took my new levison last week and it made me dizzy and I really should not have driven. I sometimes wonder why does this happen to me?

A reformed drug and alcohol addict? Feeling fine when you used it? Funny isn't it? We use these items and feel fine until we stop using them. My wife has fear of me becoming an alcoholic since it runs in my family. I can make any mixed drink in the world without leaving my kitchen. I guess I just have all the stuff so I can prove to her that I can have it and not become an alcoholic. It is tempting. I do drink wine a couple glasses a week. My tryglicerites are to low.

Stress: I once read that a person under continuous stress is doing more damage to their body than a person who smokes a pack a day.

Depression: Did you ever go see a Physiologist? I always wanted one like the Lady in the Sopranos on HBO. Just to be able to spill my guts out to her. I could never have a male shrink.

I remember being very young 5 or 6 lying on a pillow because my stomach hurt so bad.

I am sorry that this letter may not make you feel better but you should feel better knowing someone reads your great posts.

Ranting on and on. Derek

IBS -D since about 1984. Its stress not food that kills me!

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Re: Nausea and my sanity (ranting) new
      #103072 - 09/01/04 08:36 AM

Reged: 12/30/03
Posts: 1023
Loc: Chicago, IL, USA

You poor thing! I've had nausea on and off my entire life, but it is small potatoes compared to what you're dealing with.

For a while in high school, I was nauseated every morning without fail. I found that it was more bearable if I had candy in my mouth - I particularly liked the tropical fruit Lifesavers because I didn't know which flavor would be next in the roll.

In the end, it was really fixed when they started teaching aerobics in gym (which I had late morning). I'm a total exercise wimp, but it was gentle enough to get me sweating without getting winded or requiring loads of coordination. Magically, after half an hour, my nausea was gone for the day. After a couple of weeks, it was pretty much gone from my teenage life (and I started doing Jane Fonda's tape at home with my mom).

Casey, I know you've had some problems with exercise leading to a very unhappy colon, but maybe it might work for you too. The secret for me, I think, was that it allowed me to be busy and sweaty without getting stressed or hurt.

On a totally unrelated note, there's meds that work for nausea for people going thru chemo - I had friends that used them and they ended up with very happy tummies throughout that process. A doc should be able to come up with one for you that would not make your nausea worse!


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Re: Nausea and my sanity (ranting) new
      #103076 - 09/01/04 08:42 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 2996
Loc: South East Michigan

Casey I am so sorry your feeling bad. You have been such a huge help to me and I don't know what to tell you. I am sending BIG HUGS hon and will send up a prayer. I hope your Doc can figure it out. I also hope you feel better soon.
Just hang in there casey were all here for you.


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Oh my!!! new
      #103080 - 09/01/04 08:48 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

I though I was having a bad day, week, month, year...

I would take the med that your doc gave you for nausea. Could it be worse than how you already feel? Probably not.

As for your statement "I can't live like this. If this is what the rest of my life is going to be like, I don't even want to be alive anymore." I HEAR YA!

I feel like that too but it always passes. You're just having a very rough time (so am I X 100) but it can't last forever. There has to be some kind of treatment to make things better.

Are you on an anti-depressant? I'm not but am going to ask my doc about that tomorow. If you're not, maybe you should look into it too. All this digestive sickness nearly every day is so much too handle.

CHEER UP CASEY! Just put on some comfy clothes and do whatever it takes for you to feel a bit better. That's what I'm doing today. Tell your boyfriend to give you a big smooch and maybe that will help.

Feel better soon, tattoo lady!

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Re: Casey - long post new
      #103083 - 09/01/04 09:02 AM

Reged: 05/25/04
Posts: 373
Loc: Cambridge, UK

Casey - aarrggh I don't know what I can say to help. I know we are all different - but for me the nausea has gone practically completely. I was the same as you - fine until I ate then really ill afterwards. A good day was only feeling slightly sick rather than 'oh god I'm about to vomit'. For me cutting out wheat helped. Also I can only stomach a banana first thing in the morning - I know you can't have this, but would rice be OK, or just too disgusting at that time! Secondly the anti-depressants have REALLY helped. I can't stress how much. Don't be afraid of the side effects. My first lot made me feel really sick and my second lot gave me the shakes - but after about a week the side effects DO GO - and you feel so much better (whats a little nausea, you are obviously used to dealing with it). I remember you once said that someone called you nails, because you are hard as nails - well now is the time to remember that person, take the medication and know that whatever happens, however sick you feel it is only temporary and at least you are in control and trying to do something about it. You must be pretty tough to have kicked the drink and drug habit, so you can do this.

Also, please remember that moving house is one of the most stressful things ever - added to to the problems you are having with your eviction AND the therapy AND the new meds. Seriously, if you wrote down all the stressful things that you have been through in the past and that you are going through at the moment you shouldn't be surprised that you are feeling ill - even superwomen would have difficulty dealing with all that!!

Also, to put things in perspective, remember a few months ago when you were so sick you weren't eating anything. I've seen your posts on the Vegas board, and you've come a million miles since then.

This won't be forever, once you get settled in your new house I'm sure you'll feel much better. This also won't be the way you deal with stress forever. A lot of people my parents know who have had nervous breakdowns etc say that once they get better (which can take years) it forces them to re-prioritise their life so that they learn coping strategies and how to spot the warning signs to stop it before it gets too bad.

I know what you mean though - life generally sucks when you feel this ill.

However remember, you have -

A beautiful house that you are going to move into
A boyfriend that I presume you are very happy with (hope I'm right)
The chance to go freelance and take control of your working life
TONS of friends on this board
Lots of kick ass tatoos!!!!

Take care of yourself - try a little pampering to cheer yourself and repeat after me - I WILL GET BETTER at least 20 times a day!


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Re: Nausea and my sanity (ranting) new
      #103089 - 09/01/04 09:11 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Oh, my darling, darling girl.

I'm so upset that you're so upset. God, I wish I had the power to take you in my arms and heal you, make you whole and healthy and happy again. I'm glad you told us how unhappy you are. Troubles shared are troubles halved and joys shared are joys doubled. There is definitely something going on with your body. I hope they find it soon.

As far as the antinausea prescription, do what I do, test drive it! Pick a day when you won't be too busy and take one tablet. If it makes the nausea worse then you can report that to the doctor. And if a miracle occurs and it makes the nausea better - WHOO HOO, wouldn't that be grand!!

Now, picture yourself surrounded by, wrapped by pink cotton wool, you know the fluffy stuff, with angels watching over you. Go have a good cry, then a good nap, then meditate for a while. You're allowed to be upset, this darn disease we have is incredibly frustrating. But you are one strong lady. You licked your substance problems, you got the D under control, you can get through this too.

Now, how about just a little tiny smile for your friend Laura Sue? Okey doke?

Love ya!

Keep it simple!

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Cath, you rock new
      #103095 - 09/01/04 09:17 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I laughed out loud when I got to the "kick ass tattoos" part. Hah!

I'm feeling a little better now... I think ranting and then having a good cry helped.

You'll be pleased to know that I finally just buckled down and took my first Lexapro about an hour ago. I can't believe what a wimp I've turned into. You're right - what happened to the chick my ex used to call "nails"?! Sheesh. Anyway, the first pill's down, it hasn't killed me (LOL), and I have a feeling things are going to get better from here.

Wanna hear something funny? The last really bad D attack I had was on plain rice. Since then, I can't even stand to LOOK at the stuff, much less eat it. I nibbled on some the other night, and it sat in my stomach like a rock. Wheat products don't *always* bother me - a good example is that last night, I was feeling especially crappy, I ate some pasta, and I felt *better*. Once I can eat rice and potatoes again, though, I might try cutting out wheat... can't hurt, might help. I did go almost a year eating NO refined wheat products (white flour) when I did the low-carb thing, so maybe my body is still having a hard time figuring out what to do with the stuff.

Thank you. Truly. I have nothing on my agenda for today, so although I really can't afford or justify it, I'm going to the yarn store and treating myself to something fun to knit with. That'll keep my brain out of overdrive for the rest of the day, I'm sure.

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Re: Oh my!!! new
      #103101 - 09/01/04 09:24 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

No... you ARE having a bad day/week/month/etc. I feel so bad that you're still feeling so badly... it makes me feel like a whiner for getting frustrated on days like today! I hope they get to the bottom of your situation soon (and I really hope it turns out to not be Crohn's).

I just started my Lexapro for anxiety/depression today. I've had the prescrip for a week and a half and I've been too afraid to take it. Like I said to Cath, I can't believe I've turned into such a wimp... I used to kick a$$. Ah well. I'm not a "pill person"; I've never been on a prescription medication other than painkillers in my entire life. But the first pill's in me, and that was the biggest hurdle.

I'm going to take your advice, and go on a teeny tiny shopping trip today. If that doesn't cheer me up, I don't know what on earth will.

Thank you!!

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Dammit, Laura new
      #103103 - 09/01/04 09:29 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

You made me teary. Stop that! *big hugs*

You're right about the meds, of course. I've just turned into a huge wimp. But like I just mentioned to Cath, I finally buckled down and started taking my Lexapro. I have a feeling that most of the nausea problem is anxiety, and I've just been stubbornly refusing to be medicated for it up till now, but... well, we'll see. Here's hoping.

Honestly, I feel a lot better just for having bitched about it. I'm such a girl sometimes.

I can do better than a teeny tiny smile... I can even do a great big one. Thank you, Laura. You rock, ya know that?

Love ya too!

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Re: Nausea and my sanity (ranting) new
      #103105 - 09/01/04 09:30 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 1171
Loc: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Awww....I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling so terrible today. I know what you mean about the nausea...I was getting it everyday for a while and then it just started to go away....I can't think of anything I did that would make it go just kinda did. I still get nausea sometimes but not half as much as I used to.

Take a warm bath, get into some cozy pj's and read a good book (or knit!!) ....I always watch reruns of Sex and the City and before I know it I'm not even thinking about my tummy....but instead I'm pondering "do all women truly have a man inside them" ??!!!

Hope you feel better soon *HUGS*

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Re: Nausea and my sanity (ranting) new
      #103115 - 09/01/04 09:41 AM

Reged: 08/31/04
Posts: 69
Loc: North Carolina

I, too, feel fine in the morning until I eat. It gets so frustrating. I'm waiting to see a GI specialist (turns out I won't be able to get an appointment for over a month from now). The last doc I went to gave me Bentyl for my stomach pains but it made me much, much more bloated and constipated than before; I felt worse! I'm eating close to nothing, so I don't feel too bad today. Anyway, I'm just ranting on, don't have any advise for you, just wanted to empathize. I wish you luck.

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Don't cry, my pukey pal!! new
      #103116 - 09/01/04 09:42 AM

Reged: 03/10/04
Posts: 2696
Loc: Vancouver, Canada

Hey you,
I am in a bit of a hurry to do my bit as 'domestic goddess' for the day (well.. cooking dinner and tidying..) but I had to log in and send you some love after I read your post!
I am so sorry you are feeling so low right now, I think we all get like that but there isn't really anything to prevent it or do a lot about it once it hits.. I think when we feel unwell for so long it is just bound to get the best of us... Well, obviously 'cause look at you ('nails', was it??)! I always said that nausea was the hardest tummy thing to deal with... When I was little and nauseous I used to tell my mom I felt like I was stuck on a boat! I hate boats to this day... Anyway!
Whoever else said something about trying out an anti-depressant might be a good idea... it might help even out the times you get low AND the one I am an (amitriptyline) is supposed to help with nausea.
Good for you for taking the plunge and taking your meds.. You feel so sh-- now, I really can't see a nausea medication making you feel worse... not that I blame you, as I still haven't got around to starting a multi-vitamin! The good thing about side effects is also that sometimes they just wear off OR you can just stop taking them, and the side effect goes away... One of the best times I ever felt was when I went off the meds my doc had given me for reflux, that was causing my D, and it just stopped. It was awesome. Anyway, I say give 'em all a go and see what happens.. you don't have to go out a lot, do you? So don't make any commitments and let yourself have some comfy days and try 'em out.
You're so lovely, I hate to see you so sad... You are always so supportive and brilliant to everyone else on the board, you definitely don't deserve to be sick all the time!
The other thing is, I know a month seems like a long time but once you get some tests done you might find out what's causing the nausea and the shakiness... it just doesn't seem right that it happens every day for no particular reason! Like... umm.... maybe you're pregnant... you know, since you were 7... Ahem, okay, so maybe you should leave the guess work to the doctors. I just remember that a few months ago, _every_ morning I woke up I was so nauseous I couldn't even stand and I kept thinking I was pregnant which would be the absolute worst timing for me EVER and I think I was so happy not to be pregnant the nausea didn't bug me as much!! I still get nauseous most mornings, though.. dunno why that is.. Oh my god, maybe I'm pregnant!!! <-- just wanted to give you a taste of what it's like in my head.. completely irrational..
Hope you're feeling better!

~~I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell-I know right now you can't tell~~Matchbox 20

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Re: Dammit, Laura new
      #103117 - 09/01/04 09:42 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

That's my girl!! Have fun shopping!!

Keep it simple!

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Re: Cath, you rock new
      #103124 - 09/01/04 09:59 AM

Reged: 05/25/04
Posts: 373
Loc: Cambridge, UK

Glad you are feeling a bit better and that you have started taking your meds. I hope they work - although they might take a month.

After going through feeling more depressed and weepy plus the leg pain thing, for the last three days I have woken up feeling really happy, and pretty much stayed that way all day. My partner has really noticed the difference. I've got all my fingers and toes crossed that they work as well for you.

LauraSue gave me some great advice - take things day by day, don't feel guilty about doing nothing and remember it's like brain flu. We are NOT going mad!!! Well, maybe I am a little mad - quirky is a better word!

Enjoy your knitting and keep me posted on what you are making.

Take care,

Catherine :-)

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Re: Oh my!!! new
      #103126 - 09/01/04 10:05 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

See there's always something worse. In my case it might be Crohn's. Sigh.

Have fun shopping! It usually cheers me up too!

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Feel better soon Casey!
      #103127 - 09/01/04 10:05 AM

Reged: 02/24/04
Posts: 1955
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Hey Casey,

Sorry to hear you're having such a rough time...I'm sending a big hug you're way Try and hang in there and feel better soon!

You mentioned you think some of the nauseau might be caused by stress/anxiety, have you ever tried an anti-anxiety medicine just to see if it makes a difference (like Ativan, Xanax?). I get nauseous a lot too, and it's a real pain because the doctors are so down my throat about eating, and eating is the last thing you want to do when nauseous, but I find that sometimes taking an anti-anxiety pill and laying down for a half hour really helps. When my mom had cancer, they gave her Ativan (along with other drugs) to help treat the nauseau from the chemotherapy, so maybe there's something to that.

Other than that, I don't really have any helpful suggestions (sorry!) but I really hope you feel better soon!

Take care,

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Re: Nausea and my sanity (ranting) new
      #103150 - 09/01/04 10:56 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Hi AC!

Thank you for the really good suggestion! It actually didn't exactly occur to me that exercise might help... even though I almost always get up and walk around the apartment for a little bit after I eat something. It seems to help me "digest" - really, it's working a little of the anxiety off. Hmm. I think it's time for me to bust out that yoga workout again... I've been a little more active lately, doing a lot more walking than I used to, maybe it won't hit me so hard and trigger an attack this time.


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What A Bummer, Casey! new
      #103168 - 09/01/04 11:43 AM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 212
Loc: Northwest Montana

Will it never end???? It seems like if we get a handle of one thing (your d, for instance) then something else springs up (your nausea) I keep hoping one morning I'll wake up and be totally normal again; that's my hope. however, when I get down, I feel like you--why keep trying....the key is to keep putting one foot in front of the other, NO MATTER WHAT! You are truly in my thoughts and prayers. You're not alone in this. I know you said you can't do ginger. I hate tea of any kind, but about a month ago got desperate and bought some and decided to take just as if it was a medicine. I have lots of nausea in the mornings and so drink a cup of ginger tea with my acacia and it really does help! No, I still hate the stuff, but if it helps.......

Plus, the suggestion to exercise is a good one. Every weekday I get up at 5:15 and do my weight/aerobic tapes. Sometimes, its interrupted by bathroom trips and some times, I get to nauseated to finish the tape. But every morning I get up and try again. Plus, in the evenings after work, I either walk outside or walk on my treadmill. I swear by exercise; it helps my outlook and I really believe helps my insides...

Don't give up Casey; you've come a long way, baby! Lots of hugs to you!

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Casey new
      #103169 - 09/01/04 11:45 AM

Reged: 06/01/03
Posts: 3522

I can't even begin to imagine how frustrating that must be to feel nauseous after eating! Maybe there's something wrong with your blood sugar. Hopefully, the doctor can figure out what's causing this when you have the tests run.

I'm sorry you are feeling so bad. Please don't say you don't want to live like this. I know you don't, but we are hear to listen to you and give you support.

Hang in there---and you can rant about this anytime. That's what we're here for!

Hugs to you () () () from me---and my 2 beagles!

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Steph new
      #103171 - 09/01/04 11:47 AM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 212
Loc: Northwest Montana

Hi Steph,
Noticed you are on amitriptyline (Elavil). My GI just put me on 10mg of it/day. I'm supposed to take it every night before bed in hopes of having a normal tummy in themornings. I'm a d and my problems occur within the first couple hrs of getting up. Have a spastic colon and it just seems like it doens't want to wake up in the mornings. Has the amitriptyline helped you at all? How much are you on and did you get any side affects?

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Re: Dammit, Laura new
      #103183 - 09/01/04 12:10 PM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Casey, just a followup thought. I was feeling dizzy for no apparent reason just now then remembered that meclazine (Dramamine II) helps my dizziness. When I went to take one, the word antiemetic jumped off the label at me. Has that been mentioned before? Have you tried it?

Dizzy Miss Laura

Keep it simple!

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Re: Nausea and my sanity (ranting) new
      #103215 - 09/01/04 01:03 PM

Reged: 02/06/04
Posts: 170
Loc: Tucson, AZ

I am so sorry to hear you are feeling bad. I wish there was something I could do to help. I understand how at times you just don't want to live like this anymore. I feel that way sometimes also. I was like you once a time ago about taking pills but now I am on so many of them I am use to them.

Like everyone else says take some time for yourself and just relax read a good book or knit.

I haven't had the nausea problem to bad just have attacks which I am trying to get under control. You will get better and the doctors will find out what is going on and don't worry about venting like that its what we are here for. I am so glad I found this website everyone who writes is so great and very understanding.

Take care and I do hope you feel better soon.


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Re: Nausea and my sanity (ranting) new
      #103226 - 09/01/04 01:20 PM

Reged: 07/10/04
Posts: 1176
Loc: Manhattan, New York

I SOOOO relate
nausea was my first ever is always an indication to me that something isn't right...did i eat too much? too little? am i hungry? do i need to poo? is it diarrhea nausea or constipated nausea? shall i eat? drink tea? arrggggghhhh
I HATE it, I HATE is the worst symptom and it gets so strong sometimes and I find myself chewing my tongue to pieces trying to distract my mouth from the choking. I have never thrown up from it (am puke phobic too)...but its awful
ginger root in boiled water does help me and i have this drug that is illegal in the us now (because it increased lactation in breast feeding women, so was being used illegally but it is totally safe for nausea)...called motilium and is a godsend...esp for nausea caused by bloat, stuck poo etc because it promotes gastric emptying. you can order it from mexico i think.
I so understand about the nausea and you can always moan to me.

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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Ridiculous side effects! new
      #103229 - 09/01/04 01:25 PM

Reged: 08/12/04
Posts: 3563
Loc: Dublin, Ireland


I'm afraid to take it, because it has NAUSEA as a side effect!

Isn't this just mad? My antidepressants list "suicidal thoughts" as a side effect!! (I did take it though..ANYTHING to stop the pain)

Don't any of the pharmaceutical companies THINK about what the drugs are supposed to HEAL? (or are we the only people who READ the leaflet that comes with our drugs?)

Hope you are feeling better Casey, you are such a ray of sunshine and support to everyone else on the boards, the least we can do is send HUGS back.

WHAT is going on with me and BLOCK CAPS at the moment??


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Re: Nausea and my sanity (ranting) new
      #103236 - 09/01/04 01:44 PM

Reged: 07/13/04
Posts: 782
Loc: NY

I am sorry to hear that you have been feeling this way. It is not fun, living that way as well as, modifying your diet and not having any relief from the nausea!

I get nausous when I eat turkey breast at times and it is my favorite food! It drives me nuts! Maybe there is some over the counter stuff that can help you when you feel this way. I have read that peppermint helps relieve nausea, you might want to start drinking a cup of peppermint tea, before or after breakfast and throughout the day, if you aren't already. I hope this helps you. Feel better soon!

Ibs-d and fructose sensitive.

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Darn, that stinkin NAUSEA..... new
      #103252 - 09/01/04 02:39 PM

Reged: 04/22/04
Posts: 2435
Loc: Texas

Hey Casey,

Nausea is evil and I hate it. So sorry you are having to go through this. Just some ideas to kick around.

Could it possibly be an inner ear problem (balance)...that causes nausea?
Could it be stomach acid? I took Pepcid a while back when I had nausea everyday and it helped.
Pepto Bismol helps me some. I know YUCK!
AND, don't forget STRESS....causes nausea big least for me.

BTW, if it helps any, I am nauseous today, too, so we can suffer together! OH BOY, what fun!!! Lets through a "nausea" party!!!

Sending bunches of hugs your way


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Thanks, everyone! new
      #103253 - 09/01/04 02:56 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I was going to reply to everyone individually, but now I just don't have the energy... sorry about that.

I never made it out on my "retail therapy", which I guess is good in some respects, haha. The Lexapro suddenly kicked in and I didn't feel like doing much of anything. I ended up sleeping most of the afternoon, and when I woke up, I was hungry, which I found really encouraging. But then I tried to eat and I got insanely nauseous again. I give up!

Is anyone familiar with Meclazine? (I think I spelled that right.) We don't have any dramamine, but my boyfriend was given that for vertigo a few months ago... maybe I'll try one of those.

Anyway, thanks for all the support! You guys are the absolute best! *hugs all around*

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Info for Casey new
      #103258 - 09/01/04 03:49 PM

Reged: 04/22/04
Posts: 2435
Loc: Texas

Hi Casey,

Sorry you still don't feel well. Here is some info on's like dramamine. Hope it helps.

Feel better soon


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Important to address anxiety new
      #103262 - 09/01/04 04:12 PM

Reged: 08/16/04
Posts: 236
Loc: Ontario, Canada

I don't know if this is common knowledge but 60% of people with IBS also have an anxiety disorder of some kind. I am willing to bet that many people with IBS are undertreated for the anxiety component.


Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Important to address anxiety new
      #103263 - 09/01/04 04:14 PM

Reged: 09/01/04
Posts: 10
Loc: New Jersey

I agree. I was diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and told to lessen my stress. I was prescribed a med. but it gave me bad D so they told me to stop taking it. Now I'm just trying to reduce stress and calm down on my own.

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Re: Important to address anxiety new
      #103271 - 09/01/04 05:04 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

I'm inclined to agree. I've been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder, I see a therapist weekly, and I just started Lexapro. I'm hoping that sooner or later, addressing the anxiety component will at least lessen - if not completely alleviate - what's left of my IBS symptoms.

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Thanks Barbie! new
      #103272 - 09/01/04 05:05 PM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

Heh... one of the brand names is Dramamine II... the same stuff LauraSue mentioned.

I'm a little concerned that it causes constipation, since I'm C right now, but I might give it a try in a little bit. Thanks for the info!

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Re: Feel better soon Casey! new
      #103273 - 09/01/04 05:37 PM

Reged: 08/29/04
Posts: 40
Loc: Colorado

Hey Casey, sorry to hear you are having a rough time. I just ended 3 full days of nausea. I feel better today minus some lingering pain. Dealing with anxiety is an important thing to do. Our emotional health is strongly tied to our physical health. Given your history of substance abuse I would be very careful about anti-anxiety medications like Xanax. They are addictive and could create a bigger problem then they solve. If you decide medication for anxiety would be helpful please work with your doctor to find anti-anxeity medications that are not addictive.

I know that life feels hopeless sometimes. If you are feeling suicidal please get help immediately. When I first logged on to the message boards you were one of the first people who provided me support. Your ability to reach out to others is a great reason for living. I hope that your therapist is giving you a lot of skills to better deal with anxiety and stress. Behavioral techniques can be really powerful.

Hang in there and I hope you start feeling better.


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Re: Casey, Casey, Casey new
      #103276 - 09/01/04 05:51 PM

Reged: 06/22/04
Posts: 2018
Loc: USA

Ughhhh, everyone is right WE can't stand to see you down like this. YOU are such an inspiration for everyone. You always have answers and even if you don't you still have your little way about you that makes someone feel welcomed. Please feel better soon Tomorrow is another day!

P.S. I was diagnosed with "generalized anxiety disorder" too. Went to a psychologist for some time who managed it with stress management techniques. I was only 21 around the time but I still to this day can talk myself out of an anxiety attack by relaxation and breathing.


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Re: Nausea and my sanity (ranting) new
      #103286 - 09/01/04 06:38 PM

Reged: 05/31/04
Posts: 1662
Loc: soCal

I'm coming into this pretty late, but i just want to send you {{{{{{{{{{hugs!}}}}}}}}}}

Also, a little humor as I don't think anyone else mentioned it. Maybe you can get yourself some medical MJ and sit around the house tokin'! Suddenly all the housing worries won't seem like anything at all, and your appetite will be a doozy.

Just kiddin'. We all love ya and hope you feel better soon.


Those who can do; those who want it done better teach.

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Re: Important to address anxiety new
      #103305 - 09/01/04 07:31 PM

Reged: 01/30/03
Posts: 21

Hey, I just want to write that I wrote earlier about the Zoloft antidepressant and nervous about it. It is partially prescibed for my anxiety in public places due to the IBS. I'll let you know how it goes. Any other info on Zoloft for this would be appreciated!! Thanks to everyone for all of their support!!!

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Re: Sweet Casey new
      #103337 - 09/01/04 09:44 PM

Reged: 03/21/04
Posts: 1442
Loc: South Texas

Oh my, you are having a crappy day. And thats ok, we all have them some are just worse than others. We just get to that breaking point and ask ourselves, why do I continue to live like this? Do I have to continue to live like this, an d Casey, I have been in remission several times in my life, some for long periods one was about 6 years. And we know you have been in some very difficult places and extremely trying times, and hey, you made it through all of them, and you will continue to do so. When you do get to have those tests, maybe they will find out what the problem is, I hope so, and I will be praying for you that they do.

You are always so uplifting to everyone and so kind and compassionate, what would I do without seeing your pretty face every day? Your posts mean so much to me, you are always so helpful.

I know that you are having a difficult time dealing with your body's reaction to things right now, it is going to get better. I went through a period of suffering nausea myself, every day, it would just not go away. I can't tell you what helped me, (there is a reason why, just a very long story) I just know that I worked through it.

Love ya Casey, you've just got to stick with it and what would I do not being able to hear about your vintage clothing that I do love so dearly too!!!

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Same thing used to happen to me..... new
      #103341 - 09/01/04 10:04 PM

Reged: 07/19/04
Posts: 35
Loc: Minneapolis, MN

I felt great when I'd wake up thinking "maybe today will be different". Then after breakfast I would start to get nausea, brain fog, and feel very sleepy.

I started taking Effexor and now I feel like a new more nausea, brain fog, or sleepyness!!! I'm a firm believer in brain chemicals effecting 90% of how you feel. I've always had problems with my brain chemicals.....comes with the territory of having extremely low cholesterol. By chance is your cholesterol low?

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Re: Nausea and my sanity (ranting) new
      #103353 - 09/02/04 02:54 AM

Reged: 09/01/03
Posts: 8242
Loc: England

Oh you poor honey! Nausea is so horrible. {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}

Someone else might have mentioned this, but have you tried homeopathic remedies for nausea? They're not miracle workers, but they definitely help and maybe they could let you deal with one new drug at a time? There's a few that work for nausea...maybe ask at your health food store?

Another thing that might help is the wristbands you get for motion sickness - they work on a pressure point in your wrist.

Or have you tried OTC motion sickness stuff?

When you're happy on the Lexapro, get some kick-ass drugs! Something like dramamine, maybe? There are loads of options out there so something will work on you.

Stress and anxiety def. causes nausea in me and you've been going through a HELL of a lot lately, what with the house and your landlord. You are NOT going to have mega stress all your life, so don't be despondent. Just think about how nice it will be to move into your gorgeous house with your partner and your cats! Life will be easier.


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Re: Same thing used to happen to me..... new
      #103387 - 09/02/04 06:30 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

My cholesterol is normal. My blood pressure, however, is really low. Not dangerously low, not gotta-be-medicated-for-it low, but low enough that if it got any lower, that would probably be the case. Wonder if that has anything to do with it...

I'm hoping the Lexapro will be my miracle. For a short while yesterday, after taking it, I felt fantastic and it gave me a little hope. Then I went right back to not being able to eat. But it was only my first day... I know I have to give it time.

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Re: Same thing used to happen to me..... new
      #103396 - 09/02/04 07:14 AM

Reged: 12/30/03
Posts: 1023
Loc: Chicago, IL, USA


My cholesterol is normal. My blood pressure, however, is really low. Not dangerously low, not gotta-be-medicated-for-it low, but low enough that if it got any lower, that would probably be the case. Wonder if that has anything to do with it...

I'm hoping the Lexapro will be my miracle. For a short while yesterday, after taking it, I felt fantastic and it gave me a little hope. Then I went right back to not being able to eat. But it was only my first day... I know I have to give it time.

Oooh, me too! I have pretty darn low blood pressure, and I *know* it was lower when I was battling nausea on a daily basis ('cause I would faint a lot more). Are you getting enough salt, sweetie? Salt can be a great help - if you're drinking lots of liquids and have low BP, you really need it. Also, little salty snacks like pretzels tend to settle the tummy.

Just keep on keeping on. The stress will end, and so will the nausea if anyone on this board has anything to say about it!


p.s. I'll be crossing my fingers that the yoga helps too! If all the intense torso muscle work bugs you, just try to bike or walk or something where it's just your legs working. I find that sort of exercise to be the easiest to do when I'm feeling pukey.

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Re: Important to address anxiety new
      #103521 - 09/02/04 05:19 PM

Reged: 08/16/04
Posts: 236
Loc: Ontario, Canada

I hope the zoloft works for you. I have been on Effexor for 3 years and they'll have to pry it from my cold hands to get it away from me. While I still have major anxiety problems, I am at least able to function.


Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Nausea and my sanity (ranting) new
      #103550 - 09/02/04 06:43 PM

Reged: 06/30/04
Posts: 109

Casey, I so wish I could offer up some magic--if love and care could heal the nausea, you would be feeling fantastic by now--isn't it great to be so loved and appreciated by so many of those da Best, Lady!! This too shall pass...

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Re: Nausea and my sanity (ranting) new
      #103556 - 09/02/04 07:08 PM

Reged: 04/19/04
Posts: 1731
Loc: New Jersey

Awwww...Hope you are feeling better, I missed this post before.
Sorry I don't have any advice, I am not too experienced with nausea.
Just wanted to wish you luck and hope that you feel better.
And please, Casey, don't lose hope.
I am confident that you will be ALOT better one day.


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Re: Ridiculous side effects! new
      #103557 - 09/02/04 07:21 PM

Reged: 08/18/04
Posts: 5
Loc: Missouri, USA

dear everyone ~

i can't even begin to tell you what encouragement this website and all the posts have been in my life! i always thought i was just "paranoid" or nutso to be scared of my tummy, scared to eat, and so stressed out over everything. it feels good to not be alone.

casey ~ i am so worried about you! *hug* i think everyone on here would honestly say we've had moments where we just don't want to be alive while we're experiencing an attack (of any sort!) as my best friend fellow ibs sufferer says, "can't i just rip my tummy out and go on with my life?!"

i'm excited to hear people share their positive experiences with effexor ~ my dctr prescribed it to me yest, b/c the wellbutrin wasn't working. for me, my nausea and anxiety correlates directly with my ibs attacks (that stat that says 60% of ibs sufferers are diagnosed with depression or an anxiety disorder makes SO much sense). i have generalized anxiety disorder with depression, and have found that my weekly counseling and yoga are helping immensely. hopefully the effexor will help too.

i get worried about the affect all my probs are having on my easy-going-never-have-a-pain-care-or-worry husband. (how did he fall in love with me???!!!) i feel so bad trying to explain my seemingly baseless fears of throwing up, having a heart attack, or passing out. any thoughts? he is so supportive, and i hate the idea of my issues affecting him negatively, b/c sometimes i know i'm hard to live with!

btw, i SOOO feel the crazy side affects thing! i think my doctor said it best yesterday, "OK jen, rule #1 - when i give you this medicine, you are NOT, i repeat NOT, to read the side affects, because if you DO, you WILL get them. just do not read them. do NOT!" lol. it is SO true. i know that legally they have to put EVERY SINGLE side affect on those little pamphlets for legal purposes, and i figure that for those meds that treat nausea, and for some peeps caused nausea, it just didn't work for those peeps, and wasn't necessarily the CAUSE. does this make sense?

anyway, sorry so long winded. love to all my ibs guys and gals...

~ jen

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Re: Same thing used to happen to me..... new
      #104386 - 09/07/04 08:39 PM

Reged: 07/19/04
Posts: 35
Loc: Minneapolis, MN

Interesting. I have extremely low blood pressure too! I wonder if that's what gives us unexplained Nausea?

One of the side effects of Effexor is it can raise one's blood pressure. I noticed my blood pressure went up to the normal range since taking it, hence no more brain fog and nausea! Hmmm.....

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