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I finally had my appt. with the GI doctor...long post
      #100843 - 08/24/04 08:36 AM

Reged: 02/04/04
Posts: 5508

All I can say is that the doctor is a complete pompous assh*le. I hated him. He had ZERO sympathy and compassion. I guess he's been doing this for way too long.

So this is what he said. He doesn't think that I have IBS because my symptoms aren't typical of IBS. Because I have 'd' every day, the pain is in my right side, I have mostly cramping pain and I have lost weight. He thinks I might have Chrohns which was basically my WORSE NIGHTMARE!

I asked about the medication I was one (Dicetel & Modulon) and he laughed. He said he hasn't prescribed those meds in over a decade because they just don't work AT ALL. And if patients think they do it's just a placebo effect. I asked about other meds for IBS and he said that it's just a waste as nothing really works. He said taking as much as I can handle of a fibre supplement is my best bet.

I asked about anti-depressants and he said I didn't seem depressed so why bother. I told him that very low doses can help with the pain and he agreed but that's all he said. Then he got a phone call from another doctor and talked for 10 mins about how he was getting too many patients and he can't handle the work load, etc.. Ya, real professional buddy! He apologized but it was too late.

So he tells me that there's a chance I have IBS but he's not sure and doesn't feel comfortable diagnosing me with that until I have testing. OH GOD! He tells me I need a colonscopy to rule out inflammatory bowel disease which it looks like I could be developing. He tells me that the test is extremely painful especially for someone with IBS or IBD and takes about 20 mins. Oh ya, there's also a chance that the tube that's inserted in my colon can rupture the colon and I'd need immediate surgery. But he says that only happens in 1 out of every 1000 patients. (Those aren't good odds). Not very reassuring.

He told me having the test is completely my decision as it's quite terrible but is the only test that can rule out Chrohns or Colitis. The fun just begins. He also said that left untreated IBD can get way worse and needs specific meds such as steroids or something.

What do you guys think? I am overwhelmed and pretty upset. I had to come in to work after my appt. and am still fighting back tears.

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Re: I finally had my appt. with the GI doctor...long post new
      #100848 - 08/24/04 08:47 AM

Reged: 01/14/04
Posts: 4812
Loc: New York City

Oh, sweetie, that's too bad. I think every doctor on the planet should be stricken with IBS or something similar and see how THEY like it!

He did make some sense in certain ways though, despite his pomposity (I think they teach that at med school and obviously he took the Advanced Pomposity course!).

At least he recommended a fiber supplement. That's better than the "eat bran" suggestion most older doctors give! And he's being thorough about ruling out other things, which is especially important because your symptoms are not typical. And don't let him scare you with the silly warning about a rupture. He's required to say that so you're fully informed and actually a 0.01% chance is pretty low in my book. Lots of people here have gotten colonoscopies and survived. Bevrs even said the drugs they gave her were GREAT!! (Trust Bev, right??!!)

Now, you're way too upset today to make a decision. You need to put it aside and not think about it for 24 hours or you'll just worry yourself sick. So go do an online search for funny things, jokes, pictures, etc, and get your mind off it, okay?? That's LauraSue's prescription for you today.

Also, a wise old woman once said that after a shock you need something hot and something sweet. So make yourself a cup of peppermint tea and have a cookie or two.

Feel better, hon. Turn your worries over to the angels and be very very gentle with yourself today. Okay??

Keep it simple!

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Sorry to hear about the unpleasant doctor's visit... new
      #100849 - 08/24/04 08:48 AM
Miss Pepper

Reged: 12/23/03
Posts: 156
Loc: Delaware

I don't know very much about Crohn's or IBD, nor do I know anything about the meds you are on. I haven't even had a colonoscopy yet - BUT - I am under the impression from what my doctor told me (I'm having mine done in September) and from other things I've read and from people I know who have had them done - that you're sedated pretty heavily during the procedure and most people wake up not remembering a thing about it. I've also heard that the worst part is the prep for the test. But there's a post on the Crohn's Message Board taken from Jill Sklar's book about prep for the colonoscopy Colonoscopy Prep Post I'm planning on following her suggestions when I have to go through this next month.

I probably wasn't much help, but I wanted to share what I've heard about the procedure and offer some support. I am also very apprehensive about getting this test done - in fact this is the third time I've re-scheduled it Hang in there and good luck. I hope other people have some more informative advice to give you

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Re: Oh Honey!!! new
      #100851 - 08/24/04 08:51 AM

Reged: 08/09/04
Posts: 2996
Loc: South East Michigan

What a jacka** First of all you realy should have the colonscopy but from what I have been told by Many peolpe is it is just not that bad. The prep is the worst part you may feel some discomfort but most Doc's knock you out now days.

Who the hell is he to say if your depressed or not. Oh I am so mad for you right now I could spit. Taking a phone call in the middle of your visit is so wrong.

Find another Doc that you are comfortable with. Scaring the crap out of you was so not nesscary. Oh honey I know you were hoping for better results. If I could hug you right now I would. If it does trun out to IBD hey we'll handle it. Your a strong women and you'll get through it and we are all here for you.
Good Luck Honey


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Re: I finally had my appt. with the GI doctor...long post new
      #100869 - 08/24/04 09:08 AM

Reged: 03/31/03
Posts: 133

What a horrible doctor. I have IBD (Crohn's) and IBS. I've had a colonoscopy every 6 months for the last two years. It should not hurt. The worst part is the prep, but if you follow Jill's advice about eating lightly a couple of days before it will help. I used to pig out before it figuring it was going to be cleaned out anyway, but I do think it makes the prep worse if you have more stuff inside. The drugs they give you are pretty good, I usually drift in and out. I've had a little cramping afterwards when they take biopsies, but it's nothing serious.
My GI has said the same thing about the meds for IBS, although in a nicer way. He has prescribed them for me but I have found that the peppermint capsules and the tea helps a lot more and without any side effects.
If you do have IBD, don't despair. Unlike IBS, meds do help IBD. It's not a fun disease by any means. It comes and goes unpredictably, it's chronic so you will have to deal with it for the rest of your life, but you can begin to feel some control over it in time.
So I hope you get the tests. He is right, left untreated IBD can cause major problems. Good luck and take care!

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Re: I finally had my appt. with the GI doctor...long post new
      #100873 - 08/24/04 09:12 AM

Reged: 02/24/04
Posts: 1955
Loc: Ontario, Canada

Hey Sara,

Sorry that the doctor was so rude to you, don't you hate that? I know you're in Canada so let me guess, you probably had to wait ages for this appointment too right? You gotta love that, you wait months to finally see someone, and then they're a complete jerk.

First of all, with regards to the Dicetel and the Modulon, I think the most important thing is whether it's helping you. It's true they're older drugs (especially the Modulon) but that doesn't mean they won't work. Now I personally found the Dicetel didn't do anything, but the Modulon did help *a little*. I stress a little because it didn't help with the D at all but I found it did help with the pain a little. Plus, my pharmacist here told me that although it's a really old drug, it's still one of the best (in their opinion) and badly underprescribed. So if you think it's working for you at all, I'd keep at it.

As for the anti-depressants, the GI clearly doesn't know what he's talking about because it's becoming fairly commonplace for doctors to give anti-Ds to people who aren't clinicially depressed to help with stomach problems...maybe you're GP could prescribe some for you?

Finally, the colonoscopy...please don't be scared or worried about that. He shouldn't have made you feel like it was such a big deal. He may have been trying to discourage you, or see how serious you are about getting to the bottom of things, because you know how a lot of docs think it's "all in our heads." The only important thing is to make sure that they use sedation. I thought it was standard for that procedure but apparently some docs do it without it, and you don't want that! But, if you have the proper sedation, it's really not a difficult test at all...honest, I'm a huge suck and I got through it.

I know that the wait times in Ontario are terrible, but if you're going to have the colonoscopy and are uncomfortable with this guy then you may want to see about getting another referall. You certainly don't want a doc doing the test who won't give you more pain meds or sedation if you need it

Take care and try not to worry,

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Ugh. new
      #100878 - 08/24/04 09:21 AM
atomic rose

Reged: 06/01/04
Posts: 7013
Loc: Maine (IBS-A stable since July '05!)

What an ass. While he does have some valid points about needing a colonoscopy, he could have a MUCH better bedside manner. Will you be trying to find another doctor, or will you put up with this tool? And kudos to you for actually going to work after an experience like that... I would have gone straight home & called in sick.

I'm curious, though - and anyone can answer this - what about your symptoms aren't typical of IBS? Is it because of the symptoms themselves, or because they aren't responding to the diet and medications? Because I *used* to have D every day, I still have cramping pain, and I've lost weight... but my doctor says my symptoms sound like IBS to her, not anything more serious. (This doesn't mean not having a colonoscopy, by the way... I'm just curious.)

I still can't believe what a jerk that guy was. Grrrr.

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Re: I finally had my appt. with the GI doctor...long post new
      #100892 - 08/24/04 09:43 AM

Reged: 04/15/04
Posts: 503
Loc: California

I am so sorry to hear of your ghastly ordeal with some one who took an oath to "help" people not "scare" people.

I live in San Francisco and had the Colonoscopy done. The preparation for the colonoscopy was the worst experience of the whole procedure. I drank two bottles of Phospho Soda the night before the procedure which will send you to the bathroom. But that was it! I went in the following day and had the Colonoscopy done. They did not knock me out or anthing, but administered anesthesia as the instrument was inserted into the colon. It was not a nightmare.

You will pass a lot of air afterwards, but it has no smell to it. Actually my tummy has not been flat since that experience!

I would get another GI though. Yours seem somewhat unconcerned and appears to upset you more than help you.

Some doctors are real assho*es, but there are some pretty good ones out there. Granted, none of them know anything about IBS but at least my doc gave me some Lexapro (an antidepressant) for pain and Miralax to help me go until the fiber kicked in.

My first appointment with the GI doc was somewhat like yours, but not as bad. He gave me an educated guess that I had IBS without doing any tests! When I showed him the list that I had printed out from Heather, he simply said, "oh you don't have any of these things there is no need to have any tests done". I found another GI the same day and he began ordering tests without my having to ask.

Don't give up on the docs quite yet, but don't "settle" for just anything either.

I hope you can let this go and move on to another GI doc who will be more considerate of your feelings. Remember, we are always here for you if you need to vent, have a question or anything at all.

Again, I am so sorry for your experience and I wish you all the luck that God gives freely everyday!

Take care.


God never promised life would be easy, but he did promise to provide a way out!

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Got your back, SS new
      #100897 - 08/24/04 09:57 AM

Reged: 08/06/04
Posts: 4381
Loc: Within stray mortar fire of DC

I'm going to go kick his butt for you. Bet he screams like a little girl. I might even take a call while I'm kicking him in his gut, distractedly kicking and chatting at the same time. "yak yak yak" *kick*

Bad doctors have no sense of their patients' dignity. They just don't get it. You're a strong, capable, proactive, smart girl, and you're taking the necessary steps to figure out what you have so you can treat it.

Be strong, take a deep breath, and take a warm shower or bath. I'm sending you a big mental bouquet of fresh, beautiful flowers as congratulations for taking this important step.

You can do it!!!!!!!!! You're a star!!!


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Re: I finally had my appt. with the GI doctor...long post new
      #100917 - 08/24/04 10:17 AM

Reged: 04/22/04
Posts: 2435
Loc: Texas

Oh, I am so sorry about your doc appt. I am at work so I have to be brief.

I think you should change docs. You need a more compassionate one. You don't need to put up with that kind of treatmeant.

I guess we are just going to have to go over there and kick his butt.

Take it easy today and I'm sending you hugs to feel better.



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