 Organic Acacia Soluble Fiber
The prebiotic fiber that relieves both diarrhea and constipation!
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Food & Recipes
Special Letters
Rx News & Research
Ask Heather ~ New Stores!
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Grilled Shrimp Shish Kebabs?
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Heather's IBS Newsletter ~ For Irritable Bowel Syndrome
March 7, 2006
Help for Three Years of IBS Bloating
Hello to everyone -
Our special reader letter this week shares the story of how one woman finally found help for her IBS bloating and pain - after spending over $12,000 in medical bills. Though prescription and over-the-counter drugs didn't help her, one very simple thing did. If you've been struggling with IBS and feel like you've tried everything to no avail, her story will truly resonate with you.
As always, we've got the latest IBS news and research, including a wide range of especially fascinating findings this week, from drugs to chewing gum. We're also announcing a number of new doctors and stores carrying the Tummy Care products. Enjoy!
Best Wishes,
Heather Van Vorous
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Strawberry Daiquiris
These ruby-red drinks are smooth, rich, and lusciously sweet with strawberry goodness! They're a terrific way to safely incorporate fresh fruit, and a good deal of insoluble fiber, into your diet. Blending the berries mechanically breaks down their insoluble fiber, making it much easier on your gut without sacrificing any of the nutrition.
If you have a problem with icy cold drinks on an empty stomach, make sure and have these as a delicious accompaniment to a meal. They're a summery treat that can be enjoyed year-round thanks to their use of frozen berries, so make them as often as you like.
Makes 4 Servings
1/2 cup bottled Rose's Lime Juice (available at grocery stores)
1/4 - 1/3 cup granulated sugar
juice of half an orange
4 cups frozen fresh whole strawberries, very slightly thawed
Combine all ingredients except the strawberries in a blender and blend well. Slowly add the strawberries a few at a time and blend well after each addition. Pour into glasses and serve immediately with a meal.
Strawberry daiquiries are especially delicious as an accompaniment to last week's recipe for Grilled Shrimp Shish Kebabs with Spanish Saffron Sauce.
Are you just learning how to eat for IBS? A little intimidated at the thought of special IBS recipes? Not quite sure just what makes these recipes special in the first place? Don't worry! Come see the IBS Diet pages, and find the answers to all your questions.
~ Heather's Tummy Tamers ~For the Dietary Management of Abdominal Pain &, Bloating

Peppermint Oil Caps with Fennel and Ginger Are Amazing!
Because our Peppermint Oil Caps have the added benefits of fennel and ginger oils, they are truly unbeatable for preventing abdominal pain, gas, and bloating!
Fennel Tea Helps End Three Years of Bloating
Dear Heather,
I wanted to tell you about my last 3 years with IBS. I'll make it short. Until I found your web site and the use of Fennel Tummy Tea, my life had been terrible to say the least. I had surgery on my hiatal hernia 3 years ago, called a Nessin Fundulplication. Six months after the surgery I developed what doctors called IBS.
I lost 24 pounds in 4 months. I was so weak from losing so much nutrition that I spent most of my time in my house in bed. I made myself eat but had to be very careful, as you know. I paid doctors over $12,000.00 in deductibles over the past 3 years. I was so bloated with gas and extreme discomfort in my stomach.
I found out finally that the type of surgery I had can cause a lot of intestinal agony. I would spend hours on the internet looking for any relief. I tried all kinds of over-the-counter drugs and prescription drugs from the doctors. Nothing gave me relief from the spastic colon, all the bloating and the pain, and so much diarrhea.
I started on the Fennel Tummy Tea over a month ago. In just 2 days I lost all the bloating and gas and the pain in my upper stomach. I was apprehensive about these results but kept drinking the tea three times a day. Most of my problems are gone. I just can't believe that such a simple little cup of tea has done so much for me. I can't say enough about this wonderful natural seed. AND I want to thank you for all your years of investigation leading to your website and all the help you have given to so many people.
I don't have to take anymore drugs, not even Immodium. I want you to know that I wrote a letter to my gastro doctor and asked her to tell her patients about your website. Again, thanks to your help I have my life back!!!!!! I have gained six pounds back in four weeks and have a lot more energy.
Keep up the good work!
Deborah Naert
Des Moines, Iowa
Thank you SO much, Deborah! I really hope your wonderful letter gives hope and help to others. ~ Heather
Did you miss the last reader letter? Find it here...
Fennel & Peppermint Tummy Teas - High Volatile Oil Content Now in New Jumbo Organic Teabags!
Fennel is terrific for bloating & gas, Peppermint is great for IBS pain & spasms.
Gum Chewing Stimulates Bowel Activity
A recent study in Archives of Surgery found that gum chewing stimulates bowel motility to such an extent that it may be used after elective open colon resection to decrease the duration of postoperative ileus.The study followed thirty-four patients undergoing elective open sigmoid resections for recurrent diverticulitis or cancer. The study concluded that gum chewing speeds recovery after elective open sigmoid resection by stimulating bowel motility. Gum chewing is an inexpensive and helpful adjunct to postoperative care after colectomy.
Go here for more information about this study...
Abdominal Fat Doubles Women's Chances of Gallstone Surgery
A recent study in Gut found that a bulging midriff almost doubles a woman's chances of developing gallstones and the need for surgery to remove them. After taking into account total body fat distribution as well as other risk factors for gallstone disease, women with waists of 36 inches or more were almost twice as likely to require surgery to remove gallstones as those whose waists measured 26 inches or less. These results held true even if a woman was not generally overweight, as determined by body mass index.
The authors suggest that there are plausible biological explanations for a link between gallstones and the midriff bulge. The type of fat around the waist is more metabolically active than fat elsewhere on the body. Previous research has also linked gallstones with the metabolic syndrome, a feature of which is excess abdominal fat.
Go here for more information about this study...
Novel Drug May Help Crohn's Disease
A recent study in The Lancet found that one aspect of the weak response-sluggish blood flow in reaction to bacterial invaders seen in Crohn's disease patients may be improved by a novel drug. Compared with 13 healthy controls, 13 patients with Crohn's disease produced abnormally low levels of neutrophils and the inflammatory cytokine interleukin 8 in response to experimental wounds and abrasions (with sandpaper) the researchers made at various sites on the body. To assess response to the presence of bacteria, the researchers injected heat-killed Escherichia coli under the skin of study participants. Healthy controls showed a vigorous inflammatory response, characterized by redness, swelling, and increased blood flow.
While superficially similar, the responses of Crohn's patients were characterized by sluggish increases in blood flow.
Oral administration of the drug to Crohn's patients after the bacterial injection markedly increased blood flow, bringing it up to normal or near-normal in half of the individuals within 30 minutes, the investigators said.
Go here for more information about this study...
Psychological Factors Predict Treatment Response to Heartburn
A pooled analysis in a recent Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, using data from three prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical studies, was undertaken to determine the relationship between well-being and subsequent clinical response to acid suppressant therapy in adult patients with reflux symptoms. The study found that the likelihood of achieving complete heartburn relief was impaired by high baseline levels of anxiety or a low total well-being score. High levels of depression and low vitality scores affected treatment response adversely. Furthermore, age and body mass index showed an association with treatment outcome. Gender seemed to have no prognostic value on treatment outcome.
Go here for more information about this study...
Looking for more IBS research and news? Check the IBS Research Library!
~ Heather's Tummy Fiber ~
For the Dietary Management of Abdominal Pain, Diarrhea, &, Constipation

Organic Acacia ~ Pure Soluble Fiber
The prebiotic fiber that relieves both diarrhea and constipation!
Tummy Care Products in Stores?
"I would really like to find the Acacia Tummy Fiber and your other products locally. How do I know if a doctor or store near me carries these items? Can I ask them to?"
Since March 2005, all of the Heather's Tummy Care products have been available to doctors, dietitians, pharmacies, and health food stores across America. We're exhibiting at the Natural Products West Expo March 24-26, and we hope to dramatically extend our reach nationwide as a result of the Expo. We will also be expanding into the UK and Ireland in the next few months and we'll announce those locations when we have full details.
You can always find the complete list of locations for Heather's Tummy Care products on our website's store finder page here. If you don't see anyone on the list near you, and you'd like a medical practitioner or store in your area to carry any of the Heather's Tummy Care products, all you have to do is ask them!
There is a one-page handout that you can download and print here, and give to them. The handout gives them all the information they need to start carrying any or all of the Heather's Tummy Care products. If they're attending the Expo as well, they're welcome to stop by Booth 1325 and ask us any questions they have about how to help people with IBS.
You can also let your local store or practitioner know about Heather's Tummy Care products by completing this survey. With the survey, we can show vendors at the Expo that there are customers in their area who are looking for the Tummy Care products.
As always, we have a very special rebate offer for people who buy Tummy Care products at their local stores, and we have new store announcements this week as well.
Dr. Bruce Ham
850 Central Avenue Suite 305
Naples, FL 34102
Please call for hours and availability
J & J Health Enterprises
363 South Cleveland Ave Suite 200
Hagerstown, MD 21740-2603
Healthier Me Too
25 Public Square
Stockton, MO 65785
North Carolina
Carolina Family Health Care
1932 Weddington Road
Weddington, NC 28104
Please call for hours and availability
Rhode Island
Dr. Leon Harris and Nancy Harris, R.D.
32 Stillwater Road
Charlestown, RI 02813
Please call for hours and availability
Black River Falls Clinic Pharmacy
610 West Adams Street
Black River Falls, WI 54615
If you don't have a store in your area carrying Tummy Care products yet, please give them this flyer to ask them.
~ Heather
Did you miss the last "Ask Heather" and the IBS Recipe Round-Up? Find it here...

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The only store that's just for IBS - so we only carry the very best
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Heather's Tummy Care
80 S. Washington St, #304
Seattle, WA 98104 USA
© 2006 Heather Van Vorous, Heather's Tummy Care. All rights reserved.
USA Copyright Office Registration Number TXU 1-270-858 and others
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